Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Introduction
... 2 Evidence Profiles
... 3 EvidenceVariable Profiles
... 4 Group Profiles
... 5 Citation Profiles
... 6 ArtifactAssessment Profiles
... 7 Composition Profiles
... 8 Other Profiles
... 9 Profiles
... 10 Extensions
... 11 Terminologies
... 12 Examples
... 14 Artifacts Summary
.... 14.1 Adaptation
.... 14.2 BaselineMeasureEvidence
.... 14.3 BookCitation
.... 14.4 BookPartCitation
.... 14.5 CertaintyOfEvidence
.... 14.6 Classification
.... 14.7 CohortDefinition
.... 14.8 Comment
.... 14.9 ComparativeBaselineMeasureEvidence
.... 14.10 ComparativeEvidence
.... 14.11 ComparativeEvidenceReport
.... 14.12 ComparativeEvidenceReportSubject
.... 14.13 ComparativeParticipantFlow
.... 14.14 ComparatorDefinition
.... 14.15 ComparatorGroup
.... 14.16 ComparatorOnlyEvidence
.... 14.17 Comparison
.... 14.18 CompositeRating
.... 14.19 DatabaseCitation
.... 14.20 DatabaseEntryCitation
.... 14.21 DataDictionary
.... 14.22 DatasetCitation
.... 14.23 DateAsRating
.... 14.24 EndpointAnalysisPlan
.... 14.25 EvidenceList
.... 14.26 EvidenceMap
.... 14.27 EvidenceR6
.... 14.28 EvidenceReport
.... 14.29 EvidenceReportSubject
.... 14.30 EvidenceSynthesisEvidence
.... 14.31 ExposureDefinition
.... 14.32 ExposureGroup
.... 14.33 GroupAssignment
.... 14.34 GroupR6
.... 14.35 Guideline
.... 14.36 InterventionOnlyEvidence
.... 14.37 JournalArticleCitation
.... 14.38 M11Report
.... 14.39 MetaanalysisEligibilityCriteria
.... 14.40 MetaanalysisOutcomeDefinition
.... 14.41 MetaanalysisStudyGroup
.... 14.42 NetEffectContribution
.... 14.43 NetEffectContributionList
.... 14.44 NetEffectContributions
.... 14.45 NetEffectEstimate
.... 14.46 NonComparativeEvidence
.... 14.47 OutcomeDefinition
.... 14.48 OutcomeImportance
.... 14.49 OutcomeList
.... 14.50 ParticipantFlow
.... 14.51 ParticipantFlowMeasure
.... 14.52 PreprintCitation
.... 14.53 Rating
.... 14.54 Recommendation
.... 14.55 RecommendationAction
.... 14.56 RecommendationEligibilityCriteria
.... 14.57 RecommendationJustification
.... 14.58 RecommendationPlan
.... 14.59 RiskOfBias
.... 14.60 SearchResults
.... 14.61 SearchStrategy
.... 14.62 SingleStudyEvidence
.... 14.63 SoaPlanDefinition
.... 14.64 SoftwareCitation
.... 14.65 StudyEligibilityCriteria
.... 14.66 StudyGroup
.... 14.67 SummaryOfFindings
.... 14.68 SummaryOfNetEffect
.... 14.69 SystematicReviewEligibilityCriteria
.... 14.70 SystematicReviewExcludedStudies
.... 14.71 SystematicReviewIncludedStudies
.... 14.72 VariableDefinition
.... 14.73 WebPageCitation
.... 14.74 ArtifactApprovalDate
.... 14.75 ArtifactAssessmentCompared
.... 14.76 ArtifactAssessmentDateAsRating
.... 14.77 ArtifactEffectivePeriod
.... 14.78 ArtifactLastReviewDate
.... 14.79 CharacteristicDescription
.... 14.80 CharacteristicDeterminedByExpression
.... 14.81 CharacteristicDeterminedByReference
.... 14.82 CharacteristicDurationDuration
.... 14.83 CharacteristicDurationRange
.... 14.84 CharacteristicInstancesQuantity
.... 14.85 CharacteristicInstancesRange
.... 14.86 CharacteristicMethod
.... 14.87 CharacteristicOffset
.... 14.88 CharacteristicTiming
.... 14.89 CharacteristicValueExpression
.... 14.90 CharacteristicValueUri
.... 14.91 CombinationMethod
.... 14.92 CombinationThreshold
.... 14.93 EvidenceVariableCategoryValueReference
.... 14.94 EvidenceVariableDefinition
.... 14.95 StatisticModelApplied
.... 14.96 StatisticModelExpression
.... 14.97 StatisticModelIncludeIf
.... 14.98 StatisticModelIntended
.... 14.99 StatisticModelValueCodeableConcept
.... 14.100 StatisticModelValueQuantity
.... 14.101 StatisticModelValueRange
.... 14.102 VariableDefinitionComparatorCategory
.... 14.103 VariableDefinitionRoleSubtype
.... 14.104 VariableDefinitionVariableRoleCode
.... 14.105 Evidence Variable Role Subtype Value Set
.... 14.106 Recommendation Justification Classifier Codes Value Set
.... 14.107 14-day mortality remdesivir vs placebo meta-analysis (ACTT-1, Wang et al, WHO SOLIDARITY)
.... 14.108 14706014 Chemohormonal therapy as primary treatment for metastatic prostate cancer: a randomized study of estramustine phosphate plus luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist versus flutamide plus luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist.
.... 14.109 179899
.... 14.110 18160893 Wonder woman. Like my childhood heroine, Mrs. Betty also had amazing powers.
.... 14.111 18508207 A Phase 3 placebo-controlled, double-blind, multi-site trial of the alpha-2-adrenergic agonist, lofexidine, for opioid withdrawal.
.... 14.112 19029421 Phase III trial of androgen ablation with or without three cycles of systemic chemotherapy for advanced prostate cancer.
.... 14.113 19091394 Endocrine treatment, with or without radiotherapy, in locally advanced prostate cancer (SPCG-7/SFUO-3): an open randomised phase III trial.
.... 14.114 19967827 Wonder woman was Argentine and her real name was Evita.
.... 14.115 22056152 Combined androgen deprivation therapy and radiation therapy for locally advanced prostate cancer: a randomised, phase 3 trial.
.... 14.116 22502942 Addition of radiotherapy to long-term androgen deprivation in locally advanced prostate cancer: an open randomised phase 3 trial.
.... 14.117 23306100 Androgen-deprivation therapy alone or with docetaxel in non-castrate metastatic prostate cancer (GETUG-AFU 15): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial.
.... 14.118 23452809 Long-term follow-up of a phase II trial of chemotherapy plus hormone therapy for biochemical relapse after definitive local therapy for prostate cancer.
.... 14.119 23604530 A phase II trial of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) plus chemotherapy as initial treatment for local failures or advanced prostate cancer.
.... 14.120 24598155 Long-term results of a phase II study with neoadjuvant docetaxel chemotherapy and complete androgen blockade in locally advanced and high-risk prostate cancer.
.... 14.121 25301760 Survival with Newly Diagnosed Metastatic Prostate Cancer in the "Docetaxel Era": Data from 917 Patients in the Control Arm of the STAMPEDE Trial (MRC PR08, CRUK/06/019).
.... 14.122 26002607 Should docetaxel be standard of care for patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer? Pro and contra.
.... 14.123 26028518 Androgen deprivation therapy plus docetaxel and estramustine versus androgen deprivation therapy alone for high-risk localised prostate cancer (GETUG 12): a phase 3 randomised controlled trial.
.... 14.124 26092557 Feasibility study of a randomized controlled trial comparing docetaxel chemotherapy and androgen deprivation therapy with sequential prostatic biopsies from patients with advanced non-castration-resistant prostate cancer.
.... 14.125 26244877 Chemohormonal Therapy in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer.
.... 14.126 27222544 Metabolic Surgery in the Treatment Algorithm for Type 2 Diabetes: A Joint Statement by International Diabetes Organizations.
.... 14.127 27308831 Efficacy and Safety of Combined Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) and Docetaxel Compared with ADT Alone for Metastatic Hormone-Naive Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
.... 14.128 29114761 Web Exclusives. Annals Story Slam - How Wonder Woman Became My Alter Ego.
.... 14.129 29114762 Web Exclusives. Annals Story Slam - Wonder Woman Is a Cartoon Character.
.... 14.130 29202628 "I Kinda Feel Like Wonder Woman": An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Pole Fitness and Positive Body Image.
.... 14.131 29357271 Using Hawkeye from the Avengers to communicate on the eye.
.... 14.132 29694275 A regressive formula of perversity: Wertham and the women of comics.
.... 14.133 29694302 Introduction: "Suffering Sappho!": Lesbian content and queer female characters in comics.
.... 14.134 30467172 Finding my inner Wonder Woman.
.... 14.135 33395
.... 14.136 34871555 What Can Wonder Woman Teach Radiologists?
.... 14.137 35243488 Bariatric surgery and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
.... 14.138 36491989 Another Georgia Wonder Woman: She Does More Astounding Tricks Than Did Lula Hurst.
.... 14.139 6907780 Career guide: to change what needs changing...doesn't take Wonder Woman.
.... 14.140 ADAS-Cog(11) EndpointAnalysisPlan from PHUSE Lilly Redacted Protocol - EBMonFHIR IG Version
.... 14.141 Anticoagulation for COVID-19 Combined RCTs in NEJM
.... 14.142 Bariatric_Surgery_Eligibility_Group_ADA_Recommendation_8_16
.... 14.143 Bariatric_Surgery_Eligibility_Group_ADA_Recommendation_8_17
.... 14.144 Bariatric_Surgery_RYGB_VSG_LAGB_BPD
.... 14.145 BaselineMeasureEvidence: Age in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Medical Group
.... 14.146 BaselineMeasureEvidence: Age in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group
.... 14.147 BaselineMeasureEvidence: BMI in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Medical Group
.... 14.148 BaselineMeasureEvidence: BMI in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group
.... 14.149 BookCitation: Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century
.... 14.150 BookPartCitation: Chapter 3 of Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century
.... 14.151 BookPartCitation: Chapter 3 of Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century - without baseCitation
.... 14.152 Certainty of Evidence Rating of 14-day mortality remdesivir vs placebo meta-analysis (ACTT-1, Wang et al, WHO SOLIDARITY)
.... 14.153 CIBIC+ EndpointAnalysisPlan from PHUSE Lilly Redacted Protocol - EBMonFHIR IG Version
.... 14.154 Citation for FEvIR Evidence 55: 14-day mortality remdesivir vs placebo meta-analysis (ACTT-1, Wang et al, WHO SOLIDARITY)
.... 14.155 Citation for FEvIR Evidence 7637: Critically appraised summary of primary outcome of multi-platform RCT of anticoagulation for non-critically ill COVID-19
.... 14.156 Classification: Study Design for Association of Bariatric Surgery with Complications and Comorbidities JAMA 2018 Norwegian Cohort
.... 14.157 CohortDefinition_At_least_2_risk_factors_for_stroke
.... 14.158 CohortDefinition_BMI_27_5_32_4_in_Asian_Americans_who_do_not_achieve_durable_weight_loss_and_improvement_in_comorbidities_without_surgery
.... 14.159 CohortDefinition_BMI_30_34_9_in_persons_who_do_not_achieve_durable_weight_loss_and_improvement_in_comorbidities_without_surgery
.... 14.160 CohortDefinition_BMI_32_5_37_4_in_Asian_Americans_who_do_not_achieve_durable_weight_loss_and_improvement_in_comorbidities_without_surgery
.... 14.161 CohortDefinition_BMI_35_39_9_in_persons_who_do_not_achieve_durable_weight_loss_and_improvement_in_comorbidities_without_surgery
.... 14.162 CohortDefinition_BMI_35_and_at_least_1_obesity_related_comorbidity
.... 14.163 CohortDefinition_BMI_37_5_kg_m2_in_Asian_Americans
.... 14.164 CohortDefinition_BMI_criteria_for_ADA_surgery_recommendation
.... 14.165 CohortDefinition_Cancer_of_any_kind_except_basal_cell_skin_cancer_or_cancer_in_situ_unless_documented_to_be_disease_free_for_five_years
.... 14.166 CohortDefinition_Cardiovascular_event
.... 14.167 CohortDefinition_Heart_failure_based_on_Phenotypes
.... 14.168 CohortDefinition_Lower_BMI_criteria_for_ADA_surgery_consideration
.... 14.169 CohortDefinition_Nonfatal_myocardial_infarction
.... 14.170 CohortDefinition_Nonfatal_stroke
.... 14.171 CohortDefinition_Oxygen_saturation_96_on_Boots_Finger_Pulse_Oximeter
.... 14.172 CohortDefinition_Oxygen_saturation_96_on_Boots_Finger_Pulse_Oximeter_with_Ranges
.... 14.173 CohortDefinition_Proxy_criteria_for_surgical_candidates
.... 14.174 CohortDefinition_Severe_obesity
.... 14.175 Comment on Guideline: ADA 2021 Standards of Medical Care 8. Obesity Management for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes by Joanne Dehnbostel 2023-11-28T15:19:01.266Z
.... 14.176 ComparativeBaselineMeasureEvidence: Age in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group vs. Medical Group
.... 14.177 ComparativeBaselineMeasureEvidence: BMI in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group vs. Medical Group
.... 14.178 ComparativeEvidence: All-cause mortality effect of bariatric surgery in 2022 meta-analysis
.... 14.179 ComparativeEvidence: Bariatric Surgery effect for ADA triple outcome at 5 years (Diabetes Surgery Study)
.... 14.180 ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on Additional GI surgical procedure in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.181 ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on Myocardial infarction or stroke in Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study
.... 14.182 ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on New onset depression in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.183 ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on Remission of diabetes in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.184 ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on Treatment with opioids in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.185 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Courcoulas 2014
.... 14.186 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Courcoulas 2015
.... 14.187 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Cummings 2016
.... 14.188 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Ding 2015
.... 14.189 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Dixon 2008
.... 14.190 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Halperin 2014
.... 14.191 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Ikramuddin 2013
.... 14.192 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Ikramuddin 2015
.... 14.193 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Liang 2013
.... 14.194 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Mingrone 2012 (DIBASY) trial
.... 14.195 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Mingrone 2015 (DIBASY) trial
.... 14.196 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Parikh 2014
.... 14.197 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Schauer 2012 (STAMPEDE) trial
.... 14.198 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Schauer 2014 (STAMPEDE) trial
.... 14.199 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups in Wentworth 2014
.... 14.200 ComparativeEvidence: Mean difference in HbA1c effect of bariatric surgery in 2016 meta-analysis
.... 14.201 ComparativeEvidenceReport: Association of Bariatric Surgery vs Medical Obesity Treatment With Long-term Medical Complications and Obesity-Related Comorbidities (2018 Norwegian Cohort)
.... 14.202 ComparativeEvidenceReportSubject_Association_of_Bariatric_Surgery_vs_Medical_Obesity_Treatment_With_Long_term_Medical_Complications_and_Obesity_Related_Comorbidities_2018_Norwegian_Cohort
.... 14.203 ComparativeParticipantFlow: Dropout due to stopping intervention Lofexidine vs. Placebo in opioid detoxification trial
.... 14.204 ComparatorDefinition_NOT_Bariatric_Surgery_RYGB_VSG_LAGB_BPD
.... 14.205 ComparatorDefinition_Usual_care_pharmacologic_thromboprophylaxis
.... 14.206 ComparatorGroup_JAMA_2018_Norwegian_cohort_study_Control_cohort
.... 14.207 ComparatorGroup_Obese_patients_18_years_old_without_bariatric_surgery
.... 14.208 ComparatorOnlyEvidence: Additional GI surgical procedure without bariatric surgery (Control Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.209 ComparatorOnlyEvidence: All-cause mortality without bariatric surgery in 2022 meta-analysis
.... 14.210 ComparatorOnlyEvidence: Myocardial infarction or stroke without bariatric surgery (Control Group) in Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study
.... 14.211 ComparatorOnlyEvidence: New onset depression without bariatric surgery (Control Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.212 ComparatorOnlyEvidence: Remission of diabetes without bariatric surgery (Control Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.213 ComparatorOnlyEvidence: Treatment with opioids without bariatric surgery (Control Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.214 Comparison: Original and Adapted Recommendation: ADA Obesity Management Recommendation 8.16
.... 14.215 Composite Rating of FOI 153881 for Project FOI 112280
.... 14.216 Computable_Publishing_LLC
.... 14.217 COVID_19PneumoniaHospitalizedAdult
.... 14.218 Critically appraised summary of primary outcome of multi-platform RCT of anticoagulation for non-critically ill patients with COVID-19
.... 14.219 DatabaseCitation: Citation for FEvIR Platform
.... 14.220 DatabaseEntryCitation: ComparativeEvidenceReport: Association of Bariatric Surgery vs Medical Obesity Treatment With Long-term Medical Complications and Obesity-Related Comorbidities (2018 Norwegian Cohort)
.... 14.221 DataDictionary: Measuring the Rate of Scientific Knowledge Transfer
.... 14.222 DataDictionary: phs003190
.... 14.223 DatasetCitation: Extrachromosomal DNA Amplification Contributes to Small Cell Lung Cancer Heterogeneity and is Associated with Worse Outcomes
.... 14.224 DateOfFirstPublication Classification of FOI 153881 by Rachel Couban
.... 14.225 Delany-Moretlwe 2022 clinical trial
.... 14.226 EBMImplementationGuideProfile Value Set
.... 14.227 EGFR_45_59
.... 14.228 Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide Code System
.... 14.229 EvidenceList: Effect estimates for meta-analysis (Biegel 2020, Wang 2020, SOLIDARITY)
.... 14.230 EvidenceList: Study results included in Mean difference in HbA1c effect of bariatric surgery in 2016 meta-analysis
.... 14.231 EvidenceMap: Bariatric Surgery Summary of Findings Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.232 EvidenceReportSectionCode Value Set
.... 14.233 EvidenceReportSubject_Clinical_Outcomes_for_Effects_of_Bariatric_Surgery
.... 14.234 EvidenceVariableRoleSubtype Value Set
.... 14.235 Example EndpointAnalysisPlan from PHUSE Lilly Redacted Protocol - EBMonFHIR IG Version
.... 14.236 ExposureDefinition_Therapeutic_dose_anticoagulation_with_heparin
.... 14.237 ExposureGroup_JAMA_2018_Norwegian_cohort_study_Surgery_cohort
.... 14.238 ExposureVariable: Age (as continuous variable)
.... 14.239 ExposureVariable: Body Mass Index (as continuous variable)
.... 14.240 ExposureVariable: pht013093.v1.p1 Age at diagnosis
.... 14.241 ExposureVariable: pht013093.v1.p1 RACE
.... 14.242 ExposureVariable: pht013093.v1.p1 SEX
.... 14.243 ExposureVariable: pht013093.v1.p1 SUBJECT_ID
.... 14.244 ExposureVariable: pht013094.v1.p1 ANALYTE_TYPE
.... 14.245 ExposureVariable: pht013094.v1.p1 BODY_SITE
.... 14.246 ExposureVariable: pht013094.v1.p1 IS_TUMOR
.... 14.247 ExposureVariable: pht013094.v1.p1 SAMPLE_ID
.... 14.248 ExposureVariable: pht013094.v1.p1 SAMPLE_USE
.... 14.249 ExposureVariable: pht013094.v1.p1 Source_Type
.... 14.250 GroupAssignment: Bariatric Surgery vs. no bariatric surgery
.... 14.251 GroupAssignment: high dose xanomeline vs. low dose xanomeline vs. placebo
.... 14.252 GroupAssignment: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or Biliopancreatic Diversion vs. medical treatment
.... 14.253 GroupAssignment: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery vs. Lifestyle-intensive medical management intervention alone
.... 14.254 GroupAssignment: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass vs. medical treatment
.... 14.255 GroupAssignment: Therapeutic-dose anticoagulation with heparin vs. Usual-care pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis
.... 14.256 Guideline: ADA 2021 Standards of Medical Care 8. Obesity Management for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
.... 14.257 InterventionDefinition: Bariatric Surgery (RYGB, VSG, LAGB, BPD)
.... 14.258 InterventionDefinition: NOT Bariatric Surgery (RYGB, VSG, LAGB, BPD)
.... 14.259 InterventionOnlyEvidence: Additional GI surgical procedure with bariatric surgery (Intervention Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.260 InterventionOnlyEvidence: New onset depression with bariatric surgery (Intervention Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.261 InterventionOnlyEvidence: Remission of diabetes with bariatric surgery (Intervention Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.262 InterventionOnlyEvidence: Treatment with opioids with bariatric surgery (Intervention Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
.... 14.263 Investigator
.... 14.264 Investigator-by-treatment interaction for ADAS-Cog(11) ANCOVA
.... 14.265 IV remdesivir 200 mg then 100 mg/day for 9 days
.... 14.266 Joanne Dehnbostel's Adaptation Report of Recommendation: ADA Obesity Management Recommendation 8.16
.... 14.267 JournalArticleCitation: ADA 2021 Standards of Medical Care 8. Obesity Management for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
.... 14.268 JournalArticleCitation: Association of Bariatric Surgery with Complications and Comorbidities JAMA 2018 Norwegian Cohort
.... 14.269 Justification for Recommendation: ADA Obesity Management Recommendation 8.16
.... 14.270 Justification for Recommendation: ADA Obesity Management Recommendation 8.17
.... 14.271 M11 Report Template Instructions
.... 14.272 MetaanalysisEligibilityCriteria_Mean_difference_in_HbA1c_effect_of_bariatric_surgery_in_type_2_diabetes_and_elevated_BMI_in_2016_meta_analysis
.... 14.273 MetaanalysisOutcomeDefinition_Mean_difference_in_HbA1c_between_Surgery_and_Medical_Lifestyle_groups_at_end_of_follow_up
.... 14.274 MetaanalysisStudyGroup_Effect_Estimates_for_Mortality_at_14_days_from_COVID19_Remdesivir_vs_Placebo_RCTs
.... 14.275 Mortality at 14 days
.... 14.276 NetEffectContribution: Additional GI surgical procedure for Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.277 NetEffectContribution: All-cause mortality for Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.278 NetEffectContribution: New onset depression for Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.279 NetEffectContribution: Nonfatal myocardial infarction or stroke for Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.280 NetEffectContribution: Remission of diabetes for Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.281 NetEffectContribution: Treatment with opioids for Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.282 NetEffectContributionList: Bariatric Surgery Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.283 NetEffectContributions_Bariatric_Surgery_Example_for_GIN_2022
.... 14.284 NetEffectEstimate: Bariatric Surgery Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.285 Organ support-free days
.... 14.286 Outcome Importance Rating 100 of All-cause mortality
.... 14.287 Outcome Importance Rating 30 of Nonfatal myocardial infarction or stroke
.... 14.288 Outcome Importance Rating 5 of New onset depression
.... 14.289 Outcome Importance Rating 5 of Remission of diabetes
.... 14.290 Outcome Importance Rating 5 of Treatment with opioids
.... 14.291 Outcome Importance Rating 8 of Additional GI surgical procedure
.... 14.292 OutcomeDefinition_American_Diabetes_Association_composite_triple_end_point_for_metabolic_control
.... 14.293 OutcomeDefinition_Diabetes_in_remission
.... 14.294 OutcomeDefinition_HbA1c_at_12_months
.... 14.295 OutcomeDefinition_HbA1c_at_24_months
.... 14.296 OutcomeDefinition_HbA1c_at_36_months
.... 14.297 OutcomeDefinition_HbA1c_at_60_months
.... 14.298 OutcomeDefinition_HbA1c_at_6_months
.... 14.299 OutcomeDefinition_New_onset_depression
.... 14.300 OutcomeDefinition_Nonfatal_myocardial_infarction_or_stroke
.... 14.301 OutcomeList: Clinical Outcomes for Effects of Bariatric Surgery
.... 14.302 OutcomeVariable: American Diabetes Association composite triple end point for metabolic control at 5 years
.... 14.303 OutcomeVariable: HbA1c at 12 months
.... 14.304 OutcomeVariable: HbA1c at 24 months
.... 14.305 OutcomeVariable: HbA1c at 36 months
.... 14.306 OutcomeVariable: HbA1c at 6 months
.... 14.307 OutcomeVariable: HbA1c at 60 months
.... 14.308 OutcomeVariable: Mean difference in HbA1c between Surgery and Medical/Lifestyle groups at end of follow-up
.... 14.309 OutcomeVariable: New onset depression
.... 14.310 OutcomeVariable: Nonfatal myocardial infarction or stroke
.... 14.311 OutcomeVariable: Remission of diabetes
.... 14.312 OutcomeVariable_Additional_GI_surgical_procedure
.... 14.313 OutcomeVariable_All_cause_mortality
.... 14.314 OutcomeVariable_Treatment_with_opioids
.... 14.315 ParticipantFlow: 2018 Norwegian Cohort Excluded from Analysis
.... 14.316 ParticipantFlow: 2018 Norwegian Cohort Included in Analysis
.... 14.317 ParticipantFlow: 2018 Norwegian Cohort Medical Group Included in Analysis
.... 14.318 ParticipantFlow: 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group Included in Analysis
.... 14.319 ParticipantFlowMeasure: Dropout due to stopping intervention
.... 14.320 ParticipantFlowMeasure: Exclusion from analysis
.... 14.321 ParticipantFlowMeasure: Inclusion in analysis
.... 14.322 Participants_in_Anticoagulation_for_COVID_19_Combined_ATTACC_ACTIV_4a_and_REMAP_CAP_RCT_hospitalized_not_critically_ill
.... 14.323 Patients_who_are_hospitalized_for_COVID_19_and_who_are_not_critically_ill
.... 14.324 Placebo
.... 14.325 PlanDefinition for Recommendation: ADA Obesity Management Recommendation 8.16
.... 14.326 PlanDefinition for Recommendation: ADA Obesity Management Recommendation 8.17
.... 14.327 PreprintCitation: Nigella Sativa for COVID-19 OSF Preprint
.... 14.328 Recommendation Justification Code System
.... 14.329 Recommendation: ADA Obesity Management Recommendation 8.16
.... 14.330 Recommendation: ADA Obesity Management Recommendation 8.16-adapted
.... 14.331 Recommendation: ADA Obesity Management Recommendation 8.17
.... 14.332 Remdesivir
.... 14.333 Remdesivir_IV_200_mg_once_then_100_mg_once_daily_for_9_days
.... 14.334 Risk of Bias Assessment of Critically appraised summary of primary outcome of multi-platform RCT of anticoagulation for non-critically ill patients with COVID-19
.... 14.335 Risk Of Bias Type Value Set
.... 14.336 Scientific Evidence Code System (SEVCO) -- EXAMPLE VERSION for EBMonFHIR Implementation Guide
.... 14.337 SearchResults: PubMed search for Wonder Woman
.... 14.338 SearchStrategy_PubMed_and_Embase_search_for_van_Veldhuisen_2022_systematic_review
.... 14.339 SearchStrategy_PubMed_search_for_Wonder_Woman
.... 14.340 Severely_Obese_Adults_2018_Norwegian_Cohort
.... 14.341 SoaPlanDefinition: Follow-up assessment 3 months after study start
.... 14.342 SoftwareCitation: Computable Publishing®: ClinicalTrials.gov-to-FEvIR Converter
.... 14.343 StudyCitation: 2022 Systematic Review of bariatric surgery mortality effect 35243488
.... 14.344 StudyEligibilityCriteria_Eligibility_Criteria_for_Bariatric_Surgery_Randomized_Trial_Diabetes_Surgery_Study
.... 14.345 StudyEligibilityCriteria_Eligibility_Criteria_for_DIBASY_Trial
.... 14.346 StudyEligibilityCriteria_Obese_patients_18_years_old
.... 14.347 StudyGroup_Bariatric_Surgery_Trial_Enrollment_Group
.... 14.348 StudyGroup_DIBASY_Trial_Enrollment_Group
.... 14.349 SummaryOfFindings: Bariatric Surgery Summary of Findings Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.350 SummaryOfNetEffect: Bariatric Surgery Summary of Net Effect Contributions Example for GIN 2022
.... 14.351 SystematicReviewEligibilityCriteria_ADT_and_Docetaxel_vs_ADT_alone_for_metastatic_hormone_naive_prostate_cancer
.... 14.352 SystematicReviewExcludedStudies: ADT and Docetaxel vs. ADT alone for metastatic hormone-naive prostate cancer - Brian S. Alper
.... 14.353 SystematicReviewIncludedStudies: ADT and Docetaxel vs. ADT alone for metastatic hormone-naive prostate cancer
.... 14.354 Therapeutic-dose anticoagulation with heparin
.... 14.355 Type_2_diabetes_and_elevated_BMI_in_2016_meta_analysis
.... 14.356 WebPageCitation: A HEvKA Update Summary