Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Group: EGFR_45_59

Generated Narrative: Group

Resource Group "179897" Version "6" Updated "2023-12-04 14:58:17+0000"

Profiles: CohortDefinition, GroupR6

Artifact related artifact:

Artifact Title: CohortDefinition: Estimated glomerular filtration rate 45-59

Artifact URL: https://fevir.net/resources/Group/179897

Artifact Publisher: Computable Publishing LLC

Artifact Copyright: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

Artifact Contact: support@computablepublishing.com

Artifact Author: Brian S. Alper:


identifier: FEvIR Object Identifier: 179897

type: animal

membership: definitional

name: EGFR_45_59

description: A characteristic of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of 45-59 mL/min/1.73m2 is shown here. LOINC Code guidance states 'If transitioning to the new 2021 calculations, note there are separate equations for male and female patients that need to be implemented. The same LOINC code is applied regardless of which sex-based equation is used to generate the result. Laboratories need to build each male and female equation within their LIS and validate per their accreditation requirements.' and 'While LOINC does not have a specific code for reporting the exact equation used to calculate eGFR, it may be appropriate for labs to transmit this information as part of the information contained in the result comment field. The individual laboratory should determine whether it is better to include the equation, or the author(s) of the equation, to identify the method used to perform the eGFR calculation.' This example uses Group.characteristic.determinedByExpression to show where the exact equation may be reported.


*, Glomerular filtration rate/1.73 sq M.predicted [Volume Rate/Area] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Creatinine-based formula (CKD-EPI 2021) (LOINC#98979-8)45-59false