Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Recommendation Justification Code System (Experimental)

Official URL: https://fevir.net/resources/CodeSystem/27834 Version: 1.0.0-ballot
Active as of 2022-02-16 Computable Name: CodeSystemRecommendationJustification
Other Identifiers: FEvIR Object Identifier: 27834

Copyright/Legal: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

This resource (this entire set of content) is being used for active development of a code system to support a RecommendationJustification Profile of ArtifactAssessment Resource. This code system is not yet released for expected use and may not be stable. This resource may be used for the continuous development of the code system, and published versions of the code system (when ready) may be published as separate resources with stable identifiers.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

commentstringComment for application
editorsstringTerm/Definition Editors
approvalstringExpert Working Group Agreement
negative-votestringExpert Working Group Disagreement
expert-commentsstringExpert Working Group Comments
change-for-votestringProposed Change for Future Vote
multiple-parentsstringHas more than one parent term (IS-A relationship)
deprecatedstringRemoved from to-be-published versions of the code system


This case-insensitive code system https://fevir.net/resources/CodeSystem/27834 defines the following codes in a Grouped By heirarchy:

1RJCS-Domain1 DomainThis is a group of terms to define the concept being rated or classified
2  RJCS-1001 Certainty of EvidenceCertainty of Evidence
2  RJCS-1002 Competing InterestsCompeting Interests
2  RJCS-1003 Problem ImportanceProblem Importance
2  RJCS-1004 Desirable EffectsDesirable Effects
2  RJCS-1005 Undesirable EffectsUndesirable Effects
2  RJCS-1006 Values/PreferencesValues/Preferences
2  RJCS-1007 Net EffectNet Effect
2  RJCS-1008 Resources/CostsResources/Costs
2  RJCS-1009 Cost-effectivenessCost-effectiveness
2  RJCS-1010 EquityEquity
2  RJCS-1011 AcceptabilityAcceptability
2  RJCS-1012 FeasibilityFeasibility
2  RJCS-1000 Strength of RecommendationStrength of Recommendation
2  RJCS-1013 JustificationJustification
2  RJCS-1014 Direction of RecommendationDirection of Recommendation
2  RJCS-1015 PopulationPopulation
2  RJCS-1016 ActionAction
2  RJCS-1017 Opposite ActionOpposite Action
2  RJCS-1018 Application DetailApplication Detail
2  RJCS-1019 Subgroup ConsiderationsSubgroup Considerations
2  RJCS-1020 Implementation ConsiderationsImplementation Considerations
2  RJCS-1021 Monitoring ConsiderationsMonitoring Considerations
2  RJCS-1022 Research PrioritiesResearch Priorities
2  RJCS-content0 Recommendation SpecificationRecommendation Specification as content.type
2  RJCS-content1 EvidenceEvidence as content.type
2  RJCS-content2old JustificationJustification as content.type
2  RJCS-content3 ConsiderationsConsiderations as content.type
2  RJCS-content2 JudgmentsJudgments as content.type
1RJCS-Domain2 RatingThis is a group of terms to define qualities (ratings, classifier values) of the concept being rated or classified
2  RJCS-2001 Strong expectationStrong expectation for strength of recommendation
2  RJCS-2002 Weak expectationWeak expectation for strength of recommendation
2  RJCS-2003 High certaintyHigh certainty or quality of or confidence in the evidence for
2  RJCS-2004 Moderate certaintyModerate certainty or quality of or confidence in the evidence for
2  RJCS-2005 Low certaintyLow certainty or quality of or confidence in the evidence for
2  RJCS-2006 Very low certaintyVery low certainty or quality of or confidence in the evidence for
2  RJCS-2007 YesYes
2  RJCS-2008 Probably yesProbably yes
2  RJCS-2009 Probably noProbably no
2  RJCS-2010 NoNo
2  RJCS-2011 VariesVaries
2  RJCS-2012 UnknownUnknown
2  RJCS-2013 Large sizeLarge size
2  RJCS-2014 Moderate sizeModerate size
2  RJCS-2015 Small sizeSmall size
2  RJCS-2016 Trivial sizeTrivial size
2  RJCS-2006.0 No evidenceNo evidence
2  RJCS-2017 Important uncertainty or variabilityImportant uncertainty or variability
2  RJCS-2018 Possibly important uncertainty or variabilityPossibly important uncertainty or variability
2  RJCS-2019 Possibly no important uncertainty or variabilityPossibly no important uncertainty or variability
2  RJCS-2020 No important uncertainty or variabilityNo important uncertainty or variability
2  RJCS-2021 Favors interventionFavors intervention
2  RJCS-2022 Possibly favors interventionPossibly favors intervention
2  RJCS-2023 Does not favor intervention or comparisonDoes not favor intervention or comparison
2  RJCS-2024 Possibly favors comparisonPossibly favors comparison
2  RJCS-2025 Favors comparisonFavors comparison
2  RJCS-2026 Large costsLarge costs
2  RJCS-2027 Moderate costsModerate costs
2  RJCS-2028 Negligible costs or savingsNegligible costs or savings
2  RJCS-2029 Moderate savingsModerate savings
2  RJCS-2030 Large savingsLarge savings