This page is part of the Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Active as of 2022-09-19 |
Resource Evidence "104155" Version "11" Updated "2023-12-06 00:52:24+0000"
Profiles: ComparativeEvidence, SingleStudyEvidence
StructureDefinition Work Group: cds
identifier: FEvIR Object Identifier: 104155
version: 1.0.0-ballot
name: ComparativeEvidence_Bypass_surgery_effects_on_New_onset_depression_in_JAMA_2018_Norwegian_cohort_study
title: ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on New onset depression in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study
status: active
date: 2022-09-19 21:16:07+0000
publisher: HL7 International / Clinical Decision Support
contact: HL7 International / Clinical Decision Support:
author: Brian S. Alper:
Code | Value[x] |
Evidence Communication (Details: code evidence-communication = 'Evidence Communication', stated as 'Evidence Communication') | ComparativeEvidence (Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide Code System#ComparativeEvidence) |
Evidence Communication (Details: code evidence-communication = 'Evidence Communication', stated as 'Evidence Communication') | SingleStudyEvidence (Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide Code System#SingleStudyEvidence) |
type: derived-from
type: cite-as
citation: ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on New onset depression in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study [Evidence]. Contributors: Brian S. Alper [Authors/Creators]. In: Fast Evidence Interoperability Resources (FEvIR) Platform, FOI 104155. Revised 2022-09-19. Available at: Computable resource at:
description: greater risk of new-onset depression: AR, 8.9% vs 6.5%; RD, 2.4% [95% CI, 1.3%-3.5%], RR, 1.5 [95% CI, 1.4-1.7]
assertion: Compared with specialized medical treatment, bariatric surgery may slightly increase the incidence of depression.
VariableDefinitionVariableRoleCode: population
description: Cohort study with baseline data of exposures from November 2005 through July 2010 and follow-up data from 2006 until death or through December 2015 at a tertiary care outpatient center, Vestfold Hospital Trust, Norway. Consecutive treatment-seeking adult patients (n = 2109) with severe obesity assessed (221 patients excluded and 1888 patients included).
note: population
variableRole: Use extension:variableRoleCode instead. (EvidenceVariableRole#population "population")
observed: Group/178427: StudyGroup: Severely Obese Adults 2018 Norwegian Cohort "Severely_Obese_Adults_2018_Norwegian_Cohort"
VariableDefinitionVariableRoleCode: exposure
VariableDefinitionComparatorCategory: no bariatric surgery
description: bariatric surgery vs. specialized medical treatment without bariatric surgery
note: exposure
variableRole: Use extension:variableRoleCode instead. (EvidenceVariableRole#exposure "exposure")
observed: EvidenceVariable/172427: GroupAssignment: Bariatric Surgery vs. no bariatric surgery "GroupAssignment_Bariatric_Surgery_vs_no_bariatric_surgery"
VariableDefinitionVariableRoleCode: outcome
description: New onset depression
note: outcome
variableRole: Use extension:variableRoleCode instead. (EvidenceVariableRole#measuredVariable "measured variable")
observed: EvidenceVariable/104118: OutcomeVariable: New onset depression "OutcomeVariable_New_onset_depression"
synthesisType: not applicable (StatisticSynthesisType#NotApplicable)
studyDesign: Observational research (Study Design#SEVCO:01002), Parallel cohort design (Study Design#SEVCO:01011), Longitudinal data collection (Study Design#SEVCO:01028)
description: Relative risk 1.5; 95% CI 1.4 to 1.7
note: Result observed without bariatric surgery was 6.5%, result observed with bariatric surgery was 8.9%
statisticType: Relative Risk (StatisticStatisticType#C93152)
quantity: 1.5
NumberOfStudies NumberOfParticipants KnownDataCount 1 1888 1888 AttributeEstimates
Description Type Level Range 95% CI 1.4 to 1.7 Confidence interval (StatisticAttribute Estimate Type#C53324) 0.95 1.4-1.7
Description | Type | Rating |
rated down 2 levels due to observational study | Overall certainty (Evidence Certainty Type#Overall) | Low quality (StatisticCertaintyRating#low) |