Terminology Change Set Exchange
1.0.0-ballot - STU1 Ballot International flag

This page is part of the Terminology Change Set Exchange (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Protobuf Native Representation

Page standards status: Informative

What is Protobuf?

Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) stands as a robust and efficient data serialization framework crafted by Google. Protocol Buffers Documentation ( https://protobuf.dev/). At its core, Protobuf aims to provide language-agnostic and platform-agnostic means of encoding structured data. This is achieved through the definition of data structures using a straightforward and human-readable schema language. The resulting serialization process produces compact binary data, facilitating seamless transmission between diverse systems and programming languages. One of Protobuf's key strengths lies in its extensibility, allowing developers to modify data structures over time while maintaining backward compatibility. The framework's efficiency, both in terms of space utilization and processing speed, coupled with its support for multiple programming languages, positions Protobuf as a compelling solution for applications where rapid and interoperable data exchange is a critical consideration. Further insights into Protobuf's features, applications, and advantages can be explored in the official documentation, accessible at ( https://protobuf.dev/overview/).

Why Protobuf?

Gaps in FHIR Representation for Tinkar Serialization Data: The need for an effective serialization mechanism for Tinkar data arose due to limitations in the FHIR representation. Recognizing these gaps, alternative solutions were explored to enhance serialization efficiency and overcome specific challenges.

Exploring Options: In response to the gaps identified in FHIR representation, a search for suitable solutions led to the evaluation of various options. The goal was to find a serialization method that could effectively address the shortcomings and seamlessly integrate with Tinkar serialization data.

Protobuf as a Data Transfer Object Code Generator: Protobuf emerged as a compelling choice, serving as a Data Transfer Object (DTO) code generator capable of creating classes for the serialization of data to/from disk, network, or other serial mediums. Its versatility and efficiency in handling structured data aligned well with the requirements of Tinkar serialization.

Key Advantages of Protobuf:

Wide Language Support: Protobuf is well-documented, supported by Google, and open source. It seamlessly integrates with Java and Visual Studio development environments, generating output classes in numerous languages.

Code Generation Efficiency: Protobuf rapidly generates code from a simple DTO description language, allowing developers to quickly implement serialization for Tinkar data.

Extensive Testing and Documentation: The framework has undergone thorough testing, resulting in a robust and well-documented solution with known issues addressed.

Performance: While not equivalent to handcrafted solutions, Protobuf offers reasonable speed and efficiency in data serialization processes.

Considerations and Limitations:

Memory Footprint and Allocations: Protobuf implemented classes may have a larger memory footprint (approximately 20% larger) and require more distinct memory allocations compared to handcrafted classes.

Hierarchical Relationships: Protobuf classes lack support for clean hierarchical parent-child class relationships, which may impact the representation of certain data structures.

Tinkar Protobuf Format

Tinkar's Protobuf format schema can be found below Protobuf Code. Data is sent and received by means of Protobuf Messages. The main components and types of Tinkar Protobuf Messages are defined below.


A TinkarMsg is the main way Tinkar's Protobuf sends and receives data. It acts like a container and for one of four different types of messages. A TinkarMsg can be either a StampChronology, ConceptChronology, PatternChronology, or a SemanticChronology


A StampChronology is Tinkar's way of referencing a Tinkar STAMP Coordinate. It contains a unique public_id to signify this unique coordinate and one or two StampVersion.


A StampVersion is assigning the unique STAMP Coordinate Properties. It has a status_public_id, author_public_id, module_public_id, path_public_id all associated to the relevant STAMP component parts as well as a Google Protobuf Timestamp for the time component.


A ConceptChronology is a type of message which gives a unique public_id associated to a concept one or more possible ConceptVersion


A ConceptVersion is a public_id of a StampChronology


A PatternChronology is message defining a Tinkar Pattern. It has a unique public_id associated to the pattern and one or more PatternVersion


A PatternVersion is a message containg a StampChronology, a public_id of the pattern's referenced purpose concept, a public_id of the pattern's referenced meaning concept, and one or more FieldDefinition


A FieldDefinition is message containing a public_id of the field's meaning concept, a public_id of the field's data type concept, a public_id of the field's meaning concept, and an integer for the index/order of the field associated to the pattern.


A SemanticChronology is a message assigning values to a pattern's one or more Fields associated to a concept. It contains a unique public_id associated to the semantic, a public_id associated to the concept, a public_id associated to the pattern, and one or more SemanticVersion


A SemanticVersion assigns the values of a pattern to a STAMP coordinate. It contains a public_id assocaited to the StampChronology and one or more Fields (Fields are the DataTypes and can be found in the Protobuf Format) based on how many FieldDefinition's are in the pattern.

Protobuf Code

syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "dev.ikm.tinkar.schema";
option java_outer_classname = "TinkarSchema";

option csharp_namespace = "Dev.IKM.Tinkar.Schema";

package dev.ikm.tinkar.schema;

// Vertex UUID message.
message VertexUUID {
    // Unique vertex UUID.
    string uuid = 1;

// Public id message.
// A public id is the base unique id for Tinkar concepts, semantics, and other publicly
// identifiable Tinkar items.
message PublicId {
    // Unique Public id.
    repeated string uuids = 1 ;

// Public id list message.
// A list of public ids.
message PublicIdList {
  repeated PublicId public_ids = 1 ;

// Field message.
// Fields are used in Vertex and SemanticVersion objects to store
// that can have varying types.
// Each message contains one field item and the data type of that field item.
message Field {
    // Field value. This is one of the types defined in the protobuf message.

    oneof Value {
        // String value.
        string string_value = 1;

        // Boolean value.
        bool boolean_value = 2;

        // Int32 value.
        sint32 int_value = 3;

        // Single precision floating point value.
        float float_value = 4;

        // Byte string value.
        bytes bytes_value = 5;

        // Time value.
        int64 time_value = 6;

        // Tinkar Public id value.
        PublicId public_id = 21;

        // Tinkar Vertex uuid value.
        VertexUUID vertex_uuid = 22;

        // Tinkar Public id list value.
        PublicIdList public_ids = 23;

        // Tinkar Directed graph value.
        DiGraph di_graph = 30;

        // Tinkar Directed tree value.
        DiTree di_tree = 31;

        // Tinkar Graph value.
        Graph graph = 32;

        // Tinkar Vertex value.
        Vertex vertex = 33;

        // Tinkar Planar Point value
        PlanarPoint planar_point = 40;

        // Tinkar Spatial Point value
        SpatialPoint spatial_point = 41;

        // Tinkar Int to Int Map
        IntToIntMap int_to_int_map = 50;

        // Tinkar Int to Multiple Int Map
        IntToMultipleIntMap int_to_multiple_int_map = 51;

        // TODO: Consider future use of a Tinkar Object array.

// Planar point value.
// Float point on a 2 dimensional plane.
message PlanarPoint {
    // X position of point.
    float x = 1;
    // Y position of point.
    float y = 2;

// Spatial point value.
// Float point in a 3 dimensional space.
message SpatialPoint {
    // X position of point.
    float x = 1;
    // Y position of point.
    float y = 2;
    // Z position of point.
    float z = 3;

// Integer to Integer Map.
// Maps one integer value to another integer value.
message IntToIntMap {
    // Source value.
    int32 source = 1;
    // Target value.
    int32 target = 2;

// Integer to Multiple Integer Map.
// Maps one integer value to multiple other integer values.
message IntToMultipleIntMap {
    // Source value.
    int32 source = 1;

    // Target values.
    repeated int32 targets = 2;

// Directed Tree message.
// A directed tree is a tree with a single root. Each vertex in the Tree
// except the root contains a single predecessor, and may contain zero to many
// successors.
message DiTree {
    // List of all vertices in this DiTree. Each vertex contains a
    // VertexIndex which must match that vertex's index in this map.
    repeated Vertex vertices = 1;

    // Root vertex.
    int32 root = 2;

    // Maps each vertex with a predecessor to its predecessor.
    repeated IntToIntMap predecessor_map = 3;

    // Maps each vertex with successors to its successors.
    repeated IntToMultipleIntMap successor_map = 4;

// Directed Graph message.
// A directed graph is a graph with a multiple roots. Each vertex in the graph
// may contain zero to many successors and predecessors.
message DiGraph {
    // List of all vertices in this DiTree. Each vertex contains a
    // VertexIndex which must match that vertex's index in this map.
    repeated Vertex vertices = 1;

    // List of all root vertices.
    repeated int32 roots = 2;

    // Maps each vertex to its predecessors.
    repeated IntToMultipleIntMap successor_map = 3;

    // Maps each vertex to its successors.
    repeated IntToMultipleIntMap predecessor_map = 4;

// Graph message.
message Graph {
    // List of all vertices in this graph. Each vertex contains a
    // VertexIndex which must match that vertex's index in this map
    repeated Vertex vertices = 1;

    // Maps each vertex to its successors.
    repeated IntToMultipleIntMap successor_map = 2;

    // List of all root vertices.
    repeated int32 roots = 3;

// Vertex message.
message Vertex {
    // Vertex property message
    message Property {
        // Concept identifying this property.
        PublicId public_id = 1;

        // Value of this property.
        Field field = 2;

    // Unique uuid for this vertex.
    VertexUUID vertex_uuid = 1;

    // Vertex index if containers vertex map.
    int32 index = 2;

    // Meaning of this vertex.
    PublicId meaning_public_id = 3;

    // Properties for this vertex.
    repeated Property properties = 4;

// Stamp Chronology message
// This contains a list of stamp versions (a chronology)
message StampChronology {
    // Unique public id for this STAMP.
    PublicId public_id = 1;

    // The stamp version.
    StampVersion first_stamp_version = 2;

    // Second stamp version.
    optional StampVersion second_stamp_version = 3;

// Stamp Version message
// This contains the info for a single version of a STAMP, sans the STAMP public id.
message StampVersion {
    // Status of the item this STAMP references.
    PublicId status_public_id = 1;

    // Status of the item this STAMP references.
    PublicId author_public_id = 2;

    // Module of the item this STAMP references.
    PublicId module_public_id = 3;

    // Path of the item this STAMP references.
    PublicId path_public_id = 4;

    // Creation time of the item this STAMP references.
    int64 time = 5;

// Concept Chronology message.
// This contains a chronology (multiple versions) of a single concept.
message ConceptChronology {
    // Unique Public id of this concept.
    PublicId public_id = 1;

    // List of concept versions.
    repeated ConceptVersion concept_versions = 2;

// Concept Version message.
// This contains a version of a single concept.
message ConceptVersion {
    // STAMP chronology public ID for this version.
    PublicId stamp_chronology_public_id = 1;

// Field definition message.
// Defines the information for a field in a pattern.
message FieldDefinition {
    // Meaning of the field.    
    PublicId meaning_public_id = 1;

    // Data type of the field.
    PublicId data_type_public_id = 2;

    // Purpose of the field.
    PublicId purpose_public_id = 3;

    //Index of a given pattern.
    int32 index = 4;

// Pattern chronology
// Contains multiple versions of pattern item.
message PatternChronology {
    // Unique Public id of this pattern chronology.
    PublicId public_id = 1;

    // Versions of pattern.
    repeated PatternVersion pattern_versions = 2;

// Pattern Version
// Single version of pattern item.
message PatternVersion {

    // STAMP chronology public ID for this version.
    PublicId stamp_chronology_public_id = 1;

    // Purpose of the Semantic that this pattern references.
    PublicId referenced_component_purpose_public_id = 2;

    // Meaning of the Semantic that this pattern references.
    PublicId referenced_component_meaning_public_id = 3;

    // Definitions for each field in the Semantic that this pattern references.
    repeated FieldDefinition field_definitions = 4;

// Semantic Chronology.
// Contains list of Semantic versions.
message SemanticChronology {
    // Unique Public id of this semantic chronology.
    PublicId public_id = 1;

    // ID of Concept that this semantic references.
    PublicId referenced_component_public_id = 2;

    // ID of Pattern that defines the allowable fields in this semantic.
    PublicId pattern_for_semantic_public_id = 3;

    // List of versions of this semantic.
    repeated SemanticVersion semantic_versions = 4;

// Semantic Version.
// Single Semantic versions.
message SemanticVersion {
    // STAMP chronology public ID for this version.
    PublicId stamp_chronology_public_id = 1;

    // Fields for this semantic. Each field defined is defined by
    // a matching entry in the pattern field definition list.
    repeated Field fields = 2;

// Tinkar Message. This is a wrapper around the Tinkar messages that may be serialized out to a persistent
// storage. This wrapper allows any of the indicated message types to be stored and when deserialized the type
// of the message can be determined.
message TinkarMsg {
    // Value of the message. This can be one and only one 
    // of the indicated types as defined in the protobuf description.
    oneof Value {
        // Re-evaluate to see if one-of value can be changed, to help with change-sets and represent more of a "commit-style"
        // One STAMP_chronology, One or more of the other types of chronologies (concept, pattern, or semantic)

        // Message contains a Concept Chronology.
        ConceptChronology concept_chronology = 10;

        // Message contains a Semantic Chronology.
        SemanticChronology semantic_chronology = 20;

        // Message contains a Pattern Chronology.
        PatternChronology pattern_chronology = 30;

        // Message contains a Stamp Chronology.
        StampChronology stamp_chronology = 40;

Export Protobuf Messages

To Export Protobuf Messages into Tinkar Data it's important to get the associated public_id's correct. It can cause issues if you are sending a message referencing a public_id for a FieldDefinition's data type component but end up referencing a public_id associated to a StampChronology. There needs to be a way to correlate public_id's from the sending and receiving systems.

We should export STAMPChornology messages first, ConceptChronology messages second, PatternChronology messages third, and SemanticChronology messages last. We should be exporting/importing in this order to make sure we are not missing any data.

Use Case 1: Changing a SNOMED Concept's Semantic Value

In this case we want to simulate a change for a SNOMED Concept's value. As SNOMED is updated with new versions, new rules and Axiom Definitions are assigned to concepts. In this use case we will simulate an update to Chronic Lung Disease on the United Stated Edition from the 2020-09-01 version to the 2021-03-01 version.

Figure 1: The 2020-09-01 Version of Chronic Lung Disease

2020 Chronic Lung Disease

Figure 2: The 2021-03-01 Version of Chronic Lung Disease

2021 Chronic Lung Disease

Message 1: Creating a new Tinkar STAMP Coordinate

This message model create a new STAMP Coordinate and assigns the values to the Public ID's and the protobuf timestamp. An issue could occur if the receiver of the message doesn't have the necessary concepts and public ID's that the message is sending. For example, a recipient might not have the unique Author Public ID in certain cases. If this is the case the specific author coordinate would have to be sent as a TinkarMsg with Primordial Modules + Paths first.

message TinkarMsg { 
  StampChronology { 
    PublicId public_id = "NEW STAMP CHRONOLOGY Public ID"; 

    // The stamp version. 
    StampVersion first_stamp_version =  StampVersion { 
      // Status of the item this STAMP references.
      PublicId status_public_id = "Active Status Public ID"; 

      // Author of the item this STAMP references. 
      PublicId author_public_id = "SNOMED CT Author Public ID"; 

      // Module of the item this STAMP references. 
      PublicId module_public_id = "SNOMED CT US EDITION Public ID"; 

      // Path of the item this STAMP references. 
      PublicId path_public_id = "Development Path Public ID"; 

      // Creation time of the item this STAMP references. 
      google.protobuf.Timestamp time = "Current Date/Time";// Or if we wanted to simulate the update this would be the 2021-03-01 Timestamp 
Message 2: Assigning the new SNOMED CT Axiom Definition

Next we need to assign values and semantics to the newly created concept. In this example protobuf message we assign a new example Axiom Definition using the Axiom Definition Pattern. Axiom Definition Pattern has one FieldDefinition, string_public_id (String of Axiom Definition)

message TinkarMsg { 
  SemanticChronology { 
    // Unique Public id of this semantic chronology. 
    PublicId public_id = "New Axiom Definition Semantic Chronology Public ID"; 

    // ID of Concept that this semantic references. 
    PublicId referenced_component_public_id = "Chronic Lung Disease Public ID"; 

    // ID of Pattern that defines the allowable fields in this semantic. 
    PublicId pattern_for_semantic_public_id = "Axiom Definition Pattern Public ID"; 

    // List of versions of this semantic. 
    repeated SemanticVersion semantic_versions = [ 
      // Thew New Semantic version 
      SemanticVersion { 
        // STAMP chronology public ID for this version. (Message 1) 
        PublicId stamp_chronology_public_id = "NEW STAMP CHRONOLOGY Public ID"; 

        // Fields for this semantic. Each field defined is defined by 
        // a matching entry in the pattern field definition list. 
        repeated Field fields = [ 
          Field { 
            string string_value = " EquivalentClasses( 
              :413839001 |Chronic lung disease (disorder)| 
                :64572001 |Disease (disorder)| 
                  :609096000 |Role group (attribute)| 
                    :263502005 |Clinical course (attribute)| 
                    :90734009 |Chronic (qualifier value)| 
                  :609096000 |Role group (attribute)| 
                    :363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| 
                    :39607008 |Lung structure (body structure)| 
            ) "; 

      // Then you can re-use all previously assigned version values since the version is repeatable 
      SemanticVersion { 
        // STAMP chronology public ID for this OLDER version. 
        PublicId stamp_chronology_public_id = "OLDER STAMP CHRONOLOGY Public ID"; 

        // Fields for this semantic. Each field defined is defined by
        // a matching entry in the pattern field definition list. 
        repeated Field fields = [ 
          Field { 
            string string_value = " SubClassOf( 
              :413839001 |Chronic lung disease (disorder)| 
                :17097001 |Chronic disease of respiratory system (disorder)| 
                  :609096000 |Role group (attribute)| 
                    :363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| 
                    :39607008 |Lung structure (body structure)| 
            ) "; 

Use Case 2: Creating a new LOINC Concept for a newly created Test

In this use case a new lab company, “ABC-Labs”, created a new test that detects a certain compound “XYZ” in serum.

If you want to make an extension for LOINC it would have multiple TinkarMsg's sent through Protobuf to include all the information.

Message 1: Creating a new Tinkar STAMP Coordinate

This message model create a new STAMP Coordinate and assigns the values to the Public ID's and the protobuf timestamp. An issue could occur if the receiver of the message doesn't have the necessary concepts and public ID's that the message is sending. For example, a recipient might not have the unique Author Public ID in certain cases. If this is the case the specific author coordinate would have to be sent as a TinkarMsg with Primordial Modules + Paths first.

message TinkarMsg { 
  StampChronology { 
    PublicId public_id = "NEW STAMP CHRONOLOGY Public ID"; 

    // The stamp version. 
    StampVersion first_stamp_version =  StampVersion { 
        // Status of the item this STAMP references. 
        PublicId status_public_id = "Active Status Public ID"; 

        // Author of the item this STAMP references. 
        PublicId author_public_id = "ABC-Labs Public ID"; 

        // Module of the item this STAMP references. 
        PublicId module_public_id = "LOINC Module Public ID"; 

        // Path of the item this STAMP references. 
        PublicId path_public_id = "Development Path Public ID"; 

        // Creation time of the item this STAMP references. 
        google.protobuf.Timestamp time = "Current Date/Time"; 
Message 2: Creating a new Concept

This message allows for the creation of a new concept by assigning a new public_id and associates it with one or more concept versions which is just a reference to Stamp Chronology Public ID's or in this case the ID from Message 1.

message TinkarMsg {
  ConceptChronology {
    PublicId public_id = "New Concept Chronology Public ID";

    repeated ConceptVersion concept_versions = [
      ConceptVersion {
        // STAMP chronology public ID for this version. ID from Message 1
        PublicId stamp_chronology_public_id = "NEW STAMP CHRONOLOGY Public ID";
Message 3: Assigning LOINC-ID Semantic to the new Concept

Next we need to assign values and semantics to the newly created concept. In this example protobuf message we assign a new example LOINC ID using the Identifier Pattern Semantic. Identifier Pattern has two FieldDefinition's; component_field_public_id (Loinc Identifier Concept), and string_public_id (String of Loinc-ID Number).

message TinkarMsg { 
  SemanticChronology { 
    // Unique Public id of this semantic chronology. 
    PublicId public_id = "New Identifier Semantic Chronology Public ID"; 

    // ID of Concept that this semantic references. (Message 2) 
    PublicId referenced_component_public_id = "New Concept Chronology Public ID"; 

    // ID of Pattern that defines the allowable fields in this semantic. 
    PublicId pattern_for_semantic_public_id = "Identifier Pattern Public ID"; 

    // List of versions of this semantic. 
    repeated SemanticVersion semantic_versions = [ 
      SemanticVersion { 
        // STAMP chronology public ID for this version. (Message 1) 
        PublicId stamp_chronology_public_id = "NEW STAMP CHRONOLOGY Public ID"; 

        // Fields for this semantic. Each field defined is defined by 
        // a matching entry in the pattern field definition list. 
        repeated Field fields = [
          Field { 
            PublicId public_id = "LOINC ID Concept Public ID"; 
          Field { 
            string string_value = "e.g. 12345-6"; 
Message 4: Assigning LOINC Long Name Description Semantic to the new Concept

Next, if we want to add a Description Semantic giving the concept a LOINC Long name, we send another SemanticChronology message for the Description Pattern the concept. A Description Pattern has four FieldDefinition's: component_field_public_id (Language for Description Concept), string_public_id (String of the Long Name), component _field_public_id (Description case significance), and component _field_public_id (Description Type)

message TinkarMsg { 
  SemanticChronology { 
    // Unique Public id of this semantic chronology. 
    PublicId public_id = "New Description Semantic Chronology Public ID"; 

    // ID of Concept that this semantic references. (Message 2) 
    PublicId referenced_component_public_id = "New Concept Chronology Public ID"; 

    // ID of Pattern that defines the allowable fields in this semantic. 
    PublicId pattern_for_semantic_public_id = "Description Pattern Public ID"; 

    // List of versions of this semantic. 
    repeated SemanticVersion semantic_versions = [ 
      SemanticVersion { 
        // STAMP chronology public ID for this version. (Message 1) 
        PublicId stamp_chronology_public_id = "NEW STAMP CHRONOLOGY Public ID"; 

        // Fields for this semantic. Each field defined is defined by 
        // a matching entry in the pattern field definition list. 
        repeated Field fields = [ 
          Field { 
            PublicId public_id = "English Language Concept Public ID"; 
          Field { 
            string string_value = "XYZ [presence] in Serum"; 
          Field { 
            PublicId public_id = "Case Insensitive Concept Public ID"; 
          Field { 
            PublicId public_id = "LOINC Long Name Concept Public ID"; 
Message 5: Assigning Axiom Definition Semantic to the Concept

Finally, if we want to assign an Axiom Definition to the newly created LOINC Concept, we create a new semantic for the concept with the Axiom Definition Pattern. In this example there is the property “Component” which we've given default values of :######## |XYZ (substance) when it should properly be filled out based on the actual values.

message TinkarMsg { 
  SemanticChronology { 
    // Unique Public id of this semantic chronology. 
    PublicId public_id = "New Axiom Definition Semantic Chronology Public ID"; 

    // ID of Concept that this semantic references. (Message 2) 
    PublicId referenced_component_public_id = "New Concept Chronology Public ID"; 

    // ID of Pattern that defines the allowable fields in this semantic. 
    PublicId pattern_for_semantic_public_id = "Axiom Definition Pattern Public ID"; 

    // List of versions of this semantic. 
    repeated SemanticVersion semantic_versions = [ 
      // Thew New Semantic version 
      SemanticVersion { 
        // STAMP chronology public ID for this version. (Message 1) 
        PublicId stamp_chronology_public_id = "NEW STAMP CHRONOLOGY Public ID"; 

        // Fields for this semantic. Each field defined is defined by 
        // a matching entry in the pattern field definition list. 
        repeated Field fields = [ 
          Field { 
            string string_value = " EquivalentClasses( 
                :363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| 
                  :609096000 |Role group (attribute)| 
                    :246093002 |Component (attribute)| 
                    :######## |XYZ (substance)| 
                  :609096000 |Role group (attribute)| 
                    :370130000 |Property (attribute)| 
                    :705057003 |Presence (property) (qualifier value)|			) 
                  :609096000 |Role group (attribute)| 
                    :370132008 |Scale type (attribute)| 
                    :117363000 |Ordinal value (qualifier value)|			) 
                  :609096000 |Role group (attribute)| 
                    :370134009 |Time aspect (attribute)| 
                    :123029007 |Single point in time (qualifier value)| 
                  :609096000 |Role group (attribute)| 
                    :704327008 |Direct site (attribute)| 
                    :119297000 |Blood specimen (specimen)| 

Import Protobuf Messages

When importing protobuf messages we need to go through a series of checks to validate the incoming data and ensure we aren't missing data. We should import STAMPChornology messages first, ConceptChronology messages second, PatternChronology messages third, and SemanticChronology messages last. We should be exporting/importing in this order to make sure we aren't missing any data.

Receiving a STAMP Chronology Message

When receiving a STAMP Chronology message we can check the public_id to see if we already have that specific STAMP Coordinate. If we do not have that public_id we then need to validate the 4 public_id's inside of the STAMP Version. We do this by checking for the status, author, module, and path public_id's in our system. If we do not have them we need to request them from the receiving system so we have full context and aren't missing any data. This includes receiving the specific Concept, and all related Semantics for those concept's that we are missing. This problem could cascade to when we validate the additional Concept Chronology, and SemanticChronology data for the concepts we requested.

Receiving a Concept Chronology Message

When receiving a Concept Chronology Message, we only need to validate the public_id of the STAMP Coordinate inside of the Concept Version. If we do not have the public_id we need to request it from the sender.

Receiving a Pattern Chronology Message

In a Pattern Chronology Message we need to validate the STAMPChronology public_id, purpose concept public_id, and meaning concept public_id for any Pattern_Version. In addition, for each Field Definition in a pattern version, we need to validate the purpose concept public_id, meaning concept public_id, data type concept public_id. For every Field Definition, there also needs to be a validation for the field orders. Each Field Definition should have a unique integer that no other Field Definition has, and they should be consecutive starting from 1 where no numbers are missed. If we are missing any public_id's we can request them from the sender. If there is an issue with the Field Definition Order numbers, then there is a fundamental issue with the way the pattern was created, and it needs to be fixed in order to even be exported.

Receiving a Semantic Chronology Message

In a Semantic Chronology Message we need to validate the public_id for the concept and the public_id for the pattern. For each Semantic Version inside the message, we need to validate the STAMPChronology public_id and all the Fields. For the pattern being referenced in the Semantic, Each Semantic Version should have the same number of Fields as the Pattern does Field Definitions. The Field Order value for every Field should also align with a corresponding Field Order value for the Field Definition of the Pattern.