Pharmaceutical Quality (Industry)
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Pharmaceutical Quality (Industry) (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Container Closure System: CMC synthetic data rendering - drug substance

The HTML rendering below shows a synthetic Quality data example for Common Technical Document (CTD) Module 3: Quality, section 3.2.S.6 Container Closure System.

This is the same data as in the example files here in xml and in json, presented for easier viewing. Hovering on words below will show the corresponding sections of the underlying data.

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Bundle [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: bundle-container-closure-system-pq-ex2-sub
Type: collection
Found a parent (Ingredient/code, id: ingredient1 fullUrl: urn:uuid:f26b997a-3ab9-7552-a6cc-fd771d1f1863)
which is linked to this by
Substance - Stelbatolol [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: substance1
fullUrl: urn:uuid:878c2849-792c-6469-21a2-c2b920930962
Name: Stelbatolol
Used as
[documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: ingredient1
fullUrl: urn:uuid:f26b997a-3ab9-7552-a6cc-fd771d1f1863
Status: active
Substance: Stelbatolol (SubstanceDefinition) id: substance1
Found a parent (PackagedProductDefinition/item, id: packageDefinition fullUrl: urn:uuid:b107a2ba-32d8-0124-7855-4096057c52a9)
which is linked to this by
Found a parent (PackagedProductDefinition/item, id: packageDefinition2 fullUrl: urn:uuid:b107a2ba-32d8-0124-7855-4096057c52b9)
which is linked to this by
Found a parent (Ingredient/for, id: ingredient1 fullUrl: urn:uuid:f26b997a-3ab9-7552-a6cc-fd771d1f1863)
which is linked to this by
Manufactured Item [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: manufactureditemdefinition-drug-pq-ex1
fullUrl: urn:uuid:1531c777-50c3-047d-2798-de3d001d2c44
Status: active
Packaged in
Packaging - Bag [100000073493] (
Type: Bag [100000073493] (
Material: Low Density PolyEthylene [200000003216] (
Type: Quality Specification [Quality Specification] (
Value: Complies with FDA 21 CFR 177.1520 (c) 2.2 (olefin polymers)
Type: Quality Specification [Quality Specification] (
Value: Complies with Commission Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 including its amendments EU 321/2011, EU 1282/2011, EU 1183/2012, EU 202/2014 and EU 2015/174 Complies with Ph. Eur. 3.2.2
Packaging - Bottle [100000073497] (
Type: Bottle [100000073497] (
Material: High Density PolyEthylene [200000003215] (

Table 1: Container Specification

AttributeAnalytical ProcedureAcceptance Criteria
Container Type Visual Inspection Corresponds
Material Identification Infrared Spectroscopy Corresponds with reference
Material Conformity Supplier Certificate of Analysis Corresponds

Plan [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: packagingSpecification-unlinked
fullUrl: urn:uuid:2138e4c7-22b8-4c56-2d28-6c077648763f
url (canonical):
Title: Specification and Analytical Procedures
Description: Packaging components are sampled, tested, and examined for conformance with written specifications. The specification for the primary packaging component are provided in Table 1.
Type: Workflow Definition [workflow-definition] (, Container Specification [container-specification] (
Status: active
Subject: Packaged Product Definition (PackagedProductDefinition) id: packageDefinition
Action - Container Specification - Container Specification [Container Specification] ( - Text: Container Specification
Title: Container Specification
Code: Container Specification [Container Specification] ( - Text: Container Specification
Action - Test
Code: Test
Description: Container Type
Found a parent (PlanDefinition/action, id: packagingSpecification-unlinked fullUrl: urn:uuid:2138e4c7-22b8-4c56-2d28-6c077648763furl (canonical):
which is linked to this by
Observation Definition - VisualInspection [VisualInspection] ( [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: VisualInspection
fullUrl: urn:uuid:64525b3c-5134-448a-9d19-939ce1958524
url (canonical):
Title: Visual Inspection
Status: active
Code: VisualInspection [VisualInspection] (
Acceptable Value
Text: Corresponds
Action - Test
Code: Test
Description: Material Identification
Found a parent (PlanDefinition/action, id: packagingSpecification-unlinked fullUrl: urn:uuid:2138e4c7-22b8-4c56-2d28-6c077648763furl (canonical):
which is linked to this by
Observation Definition - InfraredSpectroscopy [InfraredSpectroscopy] ( [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: InfraredSpectroscopy
fullUrl: urn:uuid:64525b3c-5134-448a-9d19-939ce1958525
url (canonical):
Title: Infrared Spectroscopy
Status: active
Code: InfraredSpectroscopy [InfraredSpectroscopy] (
Acceptable Value
Text: Corresponds with reference
Action - Test
Code: Test
Description: Material Conformity
Found a parent (PlanDefinition/action, id: packagingSpecification-unlinked fullUrl: urn:uuid:2138e4c7-22b8-4c56-2d28-6c077648763furl (canonical):
which is linked to this by
Observation Definition - SupplierCertificateofAnalysis [SupplierCertificateofAnalysis] ( [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: SupplierCertificateofAnalysis
fullUrl: urn:uuid:64525b3c-5134-448a-9d19-939ce1958535
url (canonical):
Title: Supplier Certificate of Analysis
Status: active
Code: SupplierCertificateofAnalysis [SupplierCertificateofAnalysis] (
Acceptable Value
Text: Corresponds