Pharmaceutical Quality (Industry)
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Pharmaceutical Quality (Industry) (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Analytical Procedures

FHIR artifacts that provide details about test methods used to analyze drug substances and drug products including compendial and non-compendial testing.

Profile: Bundle - Analytical Procedure

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.5 Control of Drug Product, subsection 3.2.P.5.2 Analytical Procedures and section 3.2.S.4 Control of Drug Substance, subsection 3.2.S.4.2 Analytical Procedures.

Example: Bundle – Analytical Procedure, product

Example of Bundle – Analytical Procedure for drug product.

Example: Bundle – Analytical Procedure, substance

Example of Bundle – Analytical Procedure for drug substance.

Batch Analysis

FHIR artifacts that provide details about drug substance and drug product batch release testing and results.

Profile: Bundle - Batch Analysis

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.5 Control of Drug Product, subsection 3.2.P.5.4 Batch Analyses and CTD section 3.2.S.4 Control of Drug Substance, subsection 3.2.S.4.4 Batch Analyses.

Example: Bundle – Batch Analysis, product

Example of Bundle – Batch Analysis for drug product.

Example: Bundle – Batch Analysis, substance

Example of Bundle – Batch Analysis for drug substance.

Batch Formula

FHIR artifacts that provide details about drug substance and drug product master batch properties and formula.

Profile: Bundle - Batch Formula

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.3 Manufacture, subsection 3.2.P.3.2 Batch Formula.

Example: Bundle - Batch Formula

Example of Bundle - Batch Formula for drug product.

Batch or Lot Information

FHIR artifacts that provide details about batch(es) of the drug substance and drug product with identifiers.

Profile: Bundle - Product Batch Information

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.5 Control of Drug Product, subsection 3.2.P.5.4 Batch Analyses.

Profile: Bundle - Substance Batch Information

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.S.4 Control of Drug Substance, subsection 3.2.S.4.4 Batch Analyses.

Example: Bundle – Product Batch Information

Example of Bundle – Product Batch Information.

Example: Bundle – Substance Batch Information

Example of Bundle – Substance Batch Information.


FHIR artifacts that provide details about compatibility studies and results.

Profile: Bundle - Product Compatibility

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.2 Pharmaceutical Development, subsection 3.2.P.2.6 Compatibility.

Example: Bundle – Product Compatibility

Example of Bundle – Product Compatibility.


FHIR artifacts that provide details about drug substance and drug product components, materials, and Quality reference standards.

Profile: Bundle - Product Composition

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.1 Description and Composition of the Drug Product.

Profile: Bundle - Reference Standards

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD sections 3.2.P.6 Reference Standards or Materials and 3.2.S.5 Reference Standards or Materials.

Example: Bundle – Product Composition

Example of Bundle – Product Composition.

Example: Bundle – Reference Standards, substance

Example of Bundle – Reference Standards for drug substance.

Container Closure System

FHIR artifacts that provide details about primary and secondary packaging components for drug substance and drug product.

Profile: Bundle - Container Closure System

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD sections 3.2.P.7 Container Closure System and 3.2.S.6 Container Closure System.

Example: Bundle - Container Closure System, product

Example of Bundle - Container Closure System for drug product.

Example: Bundle - Container Closure System, substance

Example of Bundle - Container Closure System for drug substance.

Drug Specification

FHIR artifacts that provide details about drug substance or drug product release and stability specification (tests, acceptance criteria).

Profile: Bundle - Product Specification

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.5 Control of Drug Product, subsection 3.2.P.5.1 Specification(s).

Profile: Bundle - Substance Specification

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.S.4 Control of Drug Substance, subsection 3.2.S.4.1 Specification.

Example: Bundle – Product Specification

Example of Bundle – Product Specification.

Example: Bundle – Substance Specification

Example of Bundle – Substance Specification.


FHIR artifacts that provide details about the drug substance and drug product nomenclature; structure; physicochemical properties; and manufacture.

Profile: Bundle - Drug Product

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.2 Pharmaceutical Development, subsection 3.2.P.2.2 Drug Product.

Profile: Bundle - Product Microbiological Attributes

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.2 Pharmaceutical Development, subsection 3.2.P.2.5 Microbiological Attributes.

Profile: Bundle - Product Excipients

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.4 Control of Excipients, subsections 3.2.P.4.5 Excipients of Human or Animal Origin and 3.2.P.4.6 Novel Excipients.

Profile: Bundle - Substance General Properties

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.S.1 General Information, subsection 3.2.S.1.3 General Properties.

Profile: Bundle - Substance Characterization

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.S.3 Characterisation, subsection 3.2.S.3.1 – Elucidation of Structure and Other Characteristics.

Example: Bundle – Drug Product

Example of Bundle – Drug Product.

Example: Bundle – Product Microbiological Attributes

Example of Bundle – Product Microbiological Attributes.

Example: Bundle – Product Excipients

Example of Bundle – Product Excipients.

Example: Bundle – Substance General Properties

Example of Bundle – Substance General Properties.

Example: Bundle – Substance Characterization

Example of Bundle – Substance Characterization.


FHIR artifacts that provide details about impurity identification and characterization.

Profile: Bundle - Impurities

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.5 Control of Drug Product, subsection 3.2.P.5.5 Characterisation of Impurities and CTD section 3.2.S.3 Characterisation, subsection 3.2.S.3.2 Impurities.

Example: Bundle - Impurities, product

Example of Bundle - Impurities for drug product.

Example: Bundle - Impurities, substance

Example of Bundle - Impurities for drug substance.

Manufacturing Process

FHIR artifacts that provide a manufacturing process description and details about unit operations, process parameters, and in-process controls.

Profile: Bundle - Manufacturing

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.3 Manufacture, subsection 3.2.P.3.3 Description of Manufacturing Process and Process Controls and CTD section 3.2.S.2 Manufacture, subsection 3.2.S.2.2 Description of Manufacturing Process and Process Controls.

Example: Bundle - Manufacturing, product

Example of Bundle - Manufacturing for drug product.

Example: Bundle - Manufacturing, substance

Example of Bundle - Manufacturing for drug substance.


FHIR artifacts that provide details about each facility or legal entity involved in the manufacture of the medicinal product. This includes but is not limited to: name, identifier, and location address, for marketing authorization holders, sponsors, regulatory authorities, manufacturers, supplier, test site, packaging site.

Profile: Bundle - Organizations

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.3 Manufacture, subsection 3.2.P.3.1 Manufacturer(s) and CTD section 3.2.S.2 Manufacture, subsection 3.2.S.2.1 Manufacturer(s).

Example: Bundle - Organizations

Example of Bundle - Organizations for either drug product or drug substance.

Process Validation

FHIR artifacts that provide details about manufacturing process validation protocols and results.

Profile: Bundle - Process Validation

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.3 Manufacture, subsection 3.2.P.3.5 Process Validation and/or Evaluation and CTD section 3.2.S.2 Manufacture, subsection 3.2.S.2.5 Process Validation and/or Evaluation.

Example: Bundle - Process Validation, product

Example of Bundle - Process Validation for drug product.

Example: Bundle - Process Validation, biologic product

Example of Bundle - Process Validation for biologic drug product.

Example: Bundle - Process Validation, substance

Example of Bundle - Process Validation for drug substance.

Stability Study

FHIR artifacts that provide details about a stability study including stability study design (tests and acceptance criteria), drug substance or drug product batches involved, test results, and conclusion.

Profile: Bundle - Stability

This Bundle profile represents the structured data in CTD section 3.2.P.8 Stability, subsection 3.2.P.8.3 Stability Data, and CTD section 3.2.S.7 Stability, subsection 3.2.S.7.3 Stability Data.

Example: Bundle – Stability, product

Example of Bundle – Stability for drug product.

Example: Bundle – Stability, substance

Example of Bundle – Stability for drug substance.

Component Building Block Profiles

FHIR artifacts used across many PQ domains.

ActivityDefinition - Test

This ActivityDefinition profile represents a set of tests and their acceptance criteria through the contained ObservationDefinition resources.

Composition - Drug

This Composition profile represents narrative text necessary for pharmaceutical quality (PQ) data exchange.

DeviceDefinition - Drug

This DeviceDefinition profile represents information about devices and equipment used in pharmaceutical quality (PQ) data gathering.

DiagnosticReport - Drug Analysis

This DiagnosticReport profile represents results from a batch analysis, stability study, characterization study, impurities analysis, manufacturing process validation study, etc.

DocumentReference - Drug

This DocumentReference profile references a document of any kind, including a diagram or image, that is necessary for pharmaceutical quality (PQ) data exchange.

Ingredient - Drug

This Ingredient profile represents the active ingredient(s) of a drug substance or product. It references one SubstanceDefinition resource and can include the strength or concentration of that substance.

ManufacturedItemDefinition - Drug

This ManufacturedItemDefinition profile represents information about the physical packaged medication item, such as a tablet or capsule.

Medication - Batch Information

This Medication profile represents information about the batches that underwent testing or analysis.

MedicinalProductDefinition - Drug Product

This MedicinalProductDefinition profile represents information that identifies the drug product.

Observation - Test Result

This Observation profile represents the result of a specific test defined by an ObservationDefinition resource.

ObservationDefinition - Test Method

This ObservationDefinition profile represents information about pharmaceutical quality (PQ) tests and acceptance criteria.

Organization - Drug

This Organization profile represents information about a pharmaceutical company or site that performed drug testing or manufacturing.

PackagedProductDefinition - Drug

This PackagedProductDefinition profile represents information about the packaging for a drug product or drug substance.

PlanDefinition - Drug

This PlanDefinition profile represents a protocol, analytical procedure, manufacturing process, or other workflow definition used in pharmaceutical quality (PQ) data gathering.

Procedure - Drug

This Procedure profile represents the actual performance of a manufacturing step, so that measurements can be recorded (via Observations), such as the actual “hold time” used, or the “bioburden” at the beginning or end of the step. The Procedure may record which device was used in the performance of a manufacturing step.

Specimen - Drug

This Specimen profile represents identifying information about an individual specimen (an instance).

SpecimenDefinition - Drug

This SpecimenDefinition profile represents information about the treatment of a specimen, such as storage conditions and test duration.

Substance - Drug

This Substance profile represents identifying information about an actual batch of aubstance (an instance).

SubstanceDefinition - Component Drug

This SubstanceDefinition profile represents the chemical or biological details about a substance associated with an active ingredient (molecular weight, molecular formula, stereochemistry, protein or nucleic acid subunits).

Component Building Block Examples

ActivityDefinition - Test - example 1

Example of ActivityDefinition - Test for test set: Long-term - 25°C/60% RH - XYZ.

ActivityDefinition - Test - example 2

Example of ActivityDefinition - Test for Lyophilization.

Composition - Drug - example, formulation

Example of Composition - Drug for formulation.

Composition - Drug - example, risk

Example of Composition - Drug for risk.

DeviceDefinition - Drug - example

Example of DeviceDefinition - Drug for a Rotating Impeller with 1.5mm screen.

DiagnosticReport - Drug Analysis - example, stability

Example of DiagnosticReport - Drug Analysis for stability study results report on a drug product.

DocumentReference - Drug - example

Example of DocumentReference - Drug for process flow diagram.

Ingredient - Drug - example

Example of Ingredient - Drug containung one substance.

ManufacturedItemDefinition - Drug - example 1

Example of ManufacturedItemDefinition - Drug for an item contained by a closure system.

ManufacturedItemDefinition - Drug - example 2

Example of ManufacturedItemDefinition - Drug for Stelbatolol 5mg tablet.

Medication - Batch Information - example

Example of Medication - Batch Information for actual batch with lot number 33445.

MedicinalProductDefinition - Drug Product - example

Example of MedicinalProductDefinition - Drug Product for Stelbat Tablets, 20mg.

Observation - Test Result - example 1

Example of Observation - Test Result of Degradation Product ‘Impurity 1’ description from longTerm25X test.

Observation - Test Result - example 2

Example of Observation - Test Result of Degradation Product ‘Impurity 1’ qualtity from longTerm25X test.

ObservationDefinition - Test Method - example 1, longTerm25X

Example of ObservationDefinition - Test Method for longTerm25X test for stability.

ObservationDefinition - Test Method - example 2, Water

Example of ObservationDefinition - Test Method for Water Content test method.

Organization - Drug - example

Example of Organization - Drug.

PackagedProductDefinition - Drug - example

Example of PackagedProductDefinition - Drug.

PlanDefinition - Drug - example, validation protocol

Example of PlanDefinition - Drug for validation protocol.

PlanDefinition - Drug - example, manufacturing plan

Example of PlanDefinition - Drug for manufacturing plan

PlanDefinition - Drug - example, drug specification

Example of PlanDefinition - Drug for drug specification.

PlanDefinition - Drug - example, manufacturing process

Example of PlanDefinition - Drug for manufacturing process.

PlanDefinition - Drug - example, stability study protocol

Example of PlanDefinition - Drug for stability study protocol.

Procedure - Drug - example 1

Example of Procedure - Drug for Media Challenge, Run 1.

Procedure - Drug - example 2

Example of Procedure - Drug for Lyophilization Homogeneneity.

Specimen - Drug - example

Example of Specimen - Drug with collection date/time and processing descriptions.

SpecimenDefinition - Drug - example 1

Example of SpecimenDefinition - Drug for specimen stored at 25°C.

SpecimenDefinition - Drug - example 2

Example of SpecimenDefinition - Drug for specimen stored at 30°C.

SpecimenDefinition - Drug - example 3

Example of SpecimenDefinition - Drug for specimen stored at 40°C.

Substance - Drug - example

Example of Substance - Drug.

SubstanceDefinition - Component Drug - example 1

Example of SubstanceDefinition - Component Drug, Stelbatolol.

SubstanceDefinition - Component Drug - example 2

Example of SubstanceDefinition - Component Drug, Stelbatolol Aqueous Solution.

SubstanceDefinition - Component Drug - example 3

Example of SubstanceDefinition - Component Drug, Stelbatolol Granules.


Extension - Actual Yield

The actual weight of a batch

Extension - Actual Yield Unfiltered

The actual weight of a batch, before filtering

Extension - Batch Derived From

A reference to another batch that this batch is derived from

Extension - Batch Designation

A batch’s type in terms of its general size

Extension - Batch Number of Full Shelves

The count of full shelves from which batches are selected for testing

Extension - Batch Number of Partial Shelves

The number of partially filled shelves from which batches are selected for testing

Extension - Batch Number of Vials

The count of vials selected for testing

Extension - Batch Release Date

The date when a batch was made available

Extension - Batch Retest Date

The date that a batch is due to be tested again

Extension - Batch Storage Duration

The length of time for which a batch is stored, before being tested

Extension - Batch Substance Batch

A reference to a substance that this batch consists of

Extension - Container Orientation

The spatial orientaton of the container when tested, for instance horizontal or vertical

Extension - Formulation Number

An identifying number for the particular substance formulation in the batch

Extension - History of Process

An textual description of the previous versions, decisions and development of this process

Extension - Impurity Origin

Extension - Impurity Origin

Extension - Manufacturing Participant

A reference to a substance that takes part in a process step

Extension - Manufacturing Process

A reference to the process of manufacture of this batch (PlanDefinition)

Extension - Medication Definition

The MedicinalProductDefinition that corresponds to a medication

Extension - Novel Excipient

Whether or not an excipient (inactive ingredient) in a product is considered ‘novel’

Extension - Package Definition

A reference to the packaging for a medication (PackagedProductDefinition)

Extension - Packaging Date

The date when the batch was packaged

Extension - Packaging Site

The organization that packaged this batch (reference to an Organization)

Extension - Plan Document Reference

A link to a doucment, or image, that describes the process of this plan

Extension - Process Parameters

A property value or setting that this process step must use e.g. a certain temperature or duration

Extension - Process Step Scale

A scale size description that applies to a process step, such as ‘production’ or ‘laboratory’

Extension - Qualified Value Criticality

A measure of how important the control value of this process step is

Extension - Qualified Value Display

A displayable version of a qualified value, formatted for showing to a user

Extension - Qualified Value Target

A target, desired, amount for a qualified value, from within the allowable range

Extension - Qualified Value Text

A string based acceptable range description

Extension - Site Utilization

The role that the site performs, in the overall context of manufacturing

Extension - Statistical Model

Information about the statistical model utilized to interpret results

Extension - Substance Property Parameter

A parameter to a substance property, such as the concentration or pH at which the property value applies

Extension - Substance Property Range

Allows a characteristic or property to use a range datatype, instead of a single value

Extension - Suitability For Use

Whether an excipient is considered suitable for use in this product or item

Extension - Target Fill Weight

The desired amount of substance in each item to be made from the batch (e.g. a vial)

Extension - Test Comment

A textual comment that further describes an aspect of a test requirement

Extension - Time Point Description

A code that further describes a time point, such as ‘delayed start’

Additional ObservationDefinition Examples


ObservationDefinition - accelerated40X


ObservationDefinition - accelerated40Y


ObservationDefinition - accelerated40Z


ObservationDefinition - longTerm25Y


ObservationDefinition - longTerm25Z


ObservationDefinition - longTerm30X


ObservationDefinition - longTerm30Y


ObservationDefinition - Assay


ObservationDefinition - Degradation


ObservationDefinition - Description


ObservationDefinition - Identification


ObservationDefinition - Impurities


ObservationDefinition - Microbiological


ObservationDefinition - Uniformity

Additional Observation Examples

















Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Closure Type Terminology

Terminology used to qualify the information pertaining to closure types in the framework of the Pharmaceutical Quality/Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls documents.

MedicinalProduct Characteristic Type

Example codes for MedicinalProduct.characteristic.type

Medicine Dose Form EDQM

EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare) Dose Form codes. This Value Set includes all the EDQM Standard Terms having:
[Concept Status] = ‘Current’ AND
[Concept Class] IN (‘PDF’, ‘CMT’, ‘CDF’, ‘PFT’) AND
[Domain] = ‘Human and Veterinary’

PDF = ‘Pharmaceutical dose form’; CMT = ‘Combined terms’; CDF = ‘Combined pharmaceutical dose form’; PFT = ‘Patient Friendly’

Medicine Route of Administration EDQM

EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare) Route of Administration codes. This Value Set includes all the EDQM Standard Terms having:
[Concept Status] = ‘Current’ AND
[Concept Class] = ‘ROA’ AND
[Domain] = ‘Human and Veterinary’

ROA = ‘Route of administration’

ValueSet - Batch Designation

This value set contains example codes for batch designation in PQ.

ValueSet - Container Orientation

This value set contains example codes for container orientation in PQ.

ValueSet - Device Property

This value set contains example codes for device property in PQ.

ValueSet - Device Type

This valueset contains example codes for device type in PQ.

ValueSet - Impurity Origin

This value set contains example codes for impurity origin in PQ.

ValueSet - Ingredient Function

This value set contains example codes for ingredient function in PQ.

ValueSet - Manufactured Item Property

This value set contains example codes for manufactured item property in PQ.

ValueSet - Manufacturing Step

This value set contains example codes for manufacturing step in PQ.

ValueSet - Manufacturing Step Scale

This value set contains example codes for manufacturing step scale in PQ.

ValueSet - Package Property

This value set contains example codes for package property in PQ.

ValueSet - Plan Type

This value set contains example codes for plan type in PQ.

ValueSet - Process Validation Procedure

This value set contains example process validation procedure codes for use in PQ.

ValueSet - Product Site Utilization

This value set contains example codes for product site utilization type in PQ.

ValueSet - Qualified Value Criticality

This value set contains example codes for qualified value criticality in PQ.

ValueSet - Test Method

This value set contains example codes for test methods in PQ.

ValueSet - Time Point Description

This value set contains example codes for time point description in PQ.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

CodeSystem - Batch Designation

This code system contains example codes for batch designation in PQ.

CodeSystem - Characterization Step

This code system contains example codes for characterization step in PQ.

CodeSystem - Closure Types

This code system contains example codes for closure types in PQ.

CodeSystem - Color

This code system contains example codes for color in PQ.

CodeSystem - Container Orientation

This code system contains example codes for container orientation in PQ.

CodeSystem - Control Criticality

This code system contains example codes for control criticality in PQ.

CodeSystem - Device Property

This code system contains example codes for device property in PQ.

CodeSystem - Device Type

This code system contains example codes for device type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Diagram Type

This code system contains example codes for diagram type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Equipment Class

This code system contains example codes for equipment class in PQ.

CodeSystem - Example Local Codes - Drug

This code system contains temporary example codes for use in PQ.

CodeSystem - Goal Priority

This code system contains example codes for goal priority in PQ.

CodeSystem - Grade

This code system contains example codes for grade in PQ.

CodeSystem - ICH M7 Classification

This code system contains example codes for ICH M7 classification in PQ.

CodeSystem - Impurity Origin

This code system contains example codes for impurity origin in PQ.

CodeSystem - Impurity Type

This code system contains example codes for impurity type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Ingredient Function

This code system contains example codes for ingredient function in PQ.

CodeSystem - Manufactured Item Property

This code system contains example codes for manufactured item property in PQ.

CodeSystem - Manufacturing Participant Role

This code system contains example codes for manufacturing participant role in PQ.

CodeSystem - Manufacturing Step

This code system contains example codes for manufacturing step in PQ.

CodeSystem - Manufacturing Step Scale

This code system contains example codes for manufacturing step scale in PQ.

CodeSystem - Mutagenicity

This code system contains example codes for mutagenicity in PQ.

CodeSystem - Mutagenicity Classification Type

This code system contains example codes for mutagenicity classification type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Package Property

This code system contains example codes for package property in PQ.

CodeSystem - Plan Type

This code system contains example codes for plan type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Process Parameter

This code system contains example codes for process parameter in PQ.

CodeSystem - Product Name Type

This code system contains example codes for product name type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Product Site Utilization Type

This code system contains example codes for product site utilization type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Qualified Value Criticality

This code system contains example codes for qualified value criticality in PQ.

CodeSystem - Report Type

This code system contains example codes for report type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Specification Type

This code system contains example codes for specification type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Substance Property

This code system contains example codes for substance property in PQ.

CodeSystem - Substance Property Solubility

This code system contains example codes for substance property solubility in PQ.

CodeSystem - Substance Property Type

This code system contains example codes for substance property type in PQ.

CodeSystem - Test Category

This code system contains example codes for test category in PQ.

CodeSystem - Time Point Description

This code system contains example codes for time point description in PQ.