Pharmaceutical Quality (Industry)
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Pharmaceutical Quality (Industry) (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Analytical Procedures: CMC synthetic data rendering - drug product

The HTML rendering below shows a synthetic Quality data example for Common Technical Document (CTD) Module 3: Quality, section 3.2.P.5 Control of Drug Product, subsection 3.2.P.5.2 Analytical Procedures.

This is the same data as in the example files here in xml and in json, presented for easier viewing. Hovering on words below will show the corresponding sections of the underlying data.

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Bundle [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: bundle-analytical-procedure-pq-ex1-prod
Type: collection
Product [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: medicinalproductdefinition-drug-product-dxpq-ex1
fullUrl: urn:uuid:a0694a7a-aafa-4cbe-8135-c788a9a4d3d5
- Name: Stelbat Tablets, 20mg
Name type: Proprietary [Proprietary] (
Strength name part: 20mg
Route of Administration: Oral use [20053000] (
Dose Form (combination of all parts): Gastro-resistant tablet [10225000] (
arrow indicates that this PlanDefinition resource points back to the parent MedicinalProductDefinition, instead of being linked forwards from it - via PlanDefinition.subjectReference
Plan [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: analyticalProcedure
fullUrl: urn:uuid:2038e4c7-22b8-4c56-2d28-6c077648763f
url (canonical):
Title: Analytical Procedure
Type: Workflow Definition [workflow-definition] (, Analytical Procedure [analytical-procedure] (
Status: active
Action - Preparation and Analysis of Drug Product Samples
Title: Preparation and Analysis of Drug Product Samples
Role: Diluent [diluent] (
Display: Diluent
Found a parent (PlanDefinition/valueReference, id: analyticalProcedure fullUrl: urn:uuid:2038e4c7-22b8-4c56-2d28-6c077648763furl (canonical):
which is linked to this by
Substance - 0.05 % trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in 50:50 acetonitrile: water (v/v) [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: diluent
fullUrl: urn:uuid:9f69ec9c-5fd1-30d2-0790-9e8035565f81
Name: 0.05 % trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in 50:50 acetonitrile: water (v/v)
Role: Resulting Material [ResultingMaterial] (
Display: Resulting material
Found a parent (PlanDefinition/valueReference, id: analyticalProcedure fullUrl: urn:uuid:2038e4c7-22b8-4c56-2d28-6c077648763furl (canonical):
which is linked to this by
Substance - Stelbat in Diluent (approximately 0.36 mg/mL) [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: resultingMaterial
fullUrl: urn:uuid:9f69ec9c-5fd1-30d2-0790-9e8035565f82
Name: Stelbat in Diluent (approximately 0.36 mg/mL)
Action - Sample Preparation
Title: Sample Preparation
Action - Instructions
Title: Instructions
Description: Transfer 5 tablets into a volumetric flask. Add a portion of the diluent and shake on mechanical shaker until tablets are completely disintegrated. Dilute to volume with diluent. Do not exceed 2 mg/mL in the initial dilution. Filter or centrifuge.
Action - Sample Analysis
Title: Sample Analysis
Action - Test
Code: Test
Found a parent (PlanDefinition/action, id: analyticalProcedure fullUrl: urn:uuid:2038e4c7-22b8-4c56-2d28-6c077648763furl (canonical):
which is linked to this by
Observation Definition -
(Data Absent Reason: unsupported)
[documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: SampleAnalysis
fullUrl: urn:uuid:12e7e672-40a6-4136-3c1f-b8ba6a7d046e
url (canonical):
Title: Sample Analysis
Status: active
(Data Absent Reason: unsupported)
Description: Number of Injections: 1 of each preparation
Specimen Definition
[documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: specimendefinition
fullUrl: urn:uuid:3a0cde98-4a73-6d67-1dfc-08e3fc9646a2
url (canonical):
Status: active
Description: Number of Preparations: 2 (only 1 is required for identity)
Preference: preferred
Max Duration: 4 days
Instruction: at ambient or refrigerated conditions protected from light (may be extended with supporting data)
Found a parent (ObservationDefinition/hasMember, id: SampleAnalysis fullUrl: urn:uuid:12e7e672-40a6-4136-3c1f-b8ba6a7d046eurl (canonical):
which is linked to this by
Observation Definition - Assay [ASSAY] ( - Text: Assay (w/w%) [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: Assay
fullUrl: urn:uuid:12e7e672-40a6-4036-3c1f-b8ba6a7d045e
url (canonical):
Status: additional

Determine the amount of Stelbat in each sample replicate as follows:



A SPL      =  Area of Stelbat in the sample

ANSR   =  Average normalized standard response factor of standard injections

DF     =  Overall sample dilution factor

N      = Number of tablets in sample preparation

Determine the % label claim of the sample as follows:



LC       =          Label claim (mg/tablet) of tested sample

Title: Assay (w/w%)
Status: active
Code: Assay [ASSAY] ( - Text: Assay (w/w%)
Acceptable Value
Text: The %RSD between the two assay results must be ≤ 1.5%
Found a parent (ObservationDefinition/hasMember, id: SampleAnalysis fullUrl: urn:uuid:12e7e672-40a6-4136-3c1f-b8ba6a7d046eurl (canonical):
which is linked to this by
Observation Definition - Identification [IDT] ( - Text: Identity [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: Identity
fullUrl: urn:uuid:12e7e672-40a6-4036-3c1f-b8ba6a7d046e
url (canonical):
Title: Identity
Status: active
Code: Identification [IDT] ( - Text: Identity
Acceptable Value
Text: 1. The retention time ratio of the sample peak to standard peak is within 0.95 to 1.05.
Text: 2. The UV spectrum of the sample peak compares favorably to the UV spectrum of the standard peak from 210 nm to 400 nm.