CodeX Radiation Therapy
2.0.0-ballot - Ballot United States of America flag

This page is part of the CodeX™ Radiation Therapy (v2.0.0-ballot: STU 2 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Capability Statements

Capability Statements

CodeX RT Server CapabilityStatement

CodeX RT Server CapabilityStatement

Course Level Profiles

Course Level Profiles

Radiotherapy Course Prescription

A Radiotherapy Course Prescription is a high-level request for a complete course of radiotherapy, which may be fulfilled by one or more phases.

Radiotherapy Course Summary

A summary of the treatment progress in a radiotherapy course. Whenever new contributions in the scope of the same course are delivered, this resource is updated (no new resource created).

Radiotherapy Planned Course

A Radiotherapy Planned Course covers all radiotherapy plans to deliver a complete course.

Phase Level Profiles

Phase Level Profiles

Radiotherapy Phase Prescription

A Radiotherapy Phase Prescription is a request for one series of fractionated treatments using radiotherapy. It can define treatment parameters such as modality or technique, and prescribe dose to multiple targets.

Radiotherapy Planned Phase

A Radiotherapy Planned Phase is the summary over all radiotherapy plans to deliver a single phase of radiotherapy treatment.

Radiotherapy Treated Phase

A summary of a phase of radiotherapy treatment that has been delivered. A phase consists of a set of identical fractions. In this context, identical means that each fraction uses the same modality, technique, dose per fraction, and is applied to the same treatment volume or volumes. Because of their spatial relationship or the technique used, all treatment volumes do not necessarily receive the same total dose during a phase.

Plan Level Profiles

Plan Level Profiles

Radiotherapy Plan Prescription

A Radiotherapy Plan Prescription is a request for radiotherapy treatment with a single treatment plan.

Radiotherapy Treated Plan

A summary of radiotherapy treatment delivered with a single treatment plan.

Radiotherapy Treatment Plan

A Radiotherapy Treatment Plan resource describes the radiotherapy treatment that is planned to be delivered with a single treatment plan.

Fraction Level Profiles

Fraction Level Profiles

Radiotherapy Treated Fraction

The treatment of a single fraction of a radiotherapy treatment plan.

Radiotherapy Treatment Session

A radiotherapy treatment session with the patient.

Profiles Referenced from All Levels

Profiles referenced from all levels and throughout the radiotherapy workflow.

Radiotherapy Adverse Event

A Radiotherapy Adverse Event is an adverse event resulting from radiation toxicity. This profile is based on the work of the Vulcan project. Future versions of this IG should reference adverse event profiles from Vulcan, once they are published. The current profile is inspired by the work of Vulcan and Common Terminology Criteria (CTC) Adverse Event (CTCAE).

Radiotherapy Disease Status

Disease Status Reported by Radiation Oncologist

Radiotherapy Seed Device

A device that represents implanted seeds for brachytherapy. The device is specified by the type of radioactive seed (at a minimum).

Radiotherapy Treatment Device

The device used to deliver radiotherapy. For example, a LINAC (external beam) or an afterloader (brachytherapy). The device is specified by at least its manufacturer and model name.

Radiotherapy Volume

A volume of the body used in radiotherapy planning or treatment delivery. This corresponds to the Conceptual Volume in DICOM.


Extensions used by radiotherapy profiles. See for a description of where these are included.

Course Involves Reirradiation

This flag is true if the radiotherapy course of treatment involves reirradiation of targets or organs at risk that were already irradiated in previous courses.

Dose Planned to Volume

Dose parameters planned for one radiotherapy volume.

Dose Prescribed to Volume

Dose parameters prescribed for one radiotherapy volume.

Energy or Isotope

The radiation energy used for radiotherapy. The energy spectrum is characterized by the maximum energy, the maximum accelaration voltage, or the used isotope.

Fraction Number in Phase

The number of the fraction in a radiotherapy treatment phase.

Fraction Number in Plan

The number of the fraction in a radiotherapy treatment plan.

Free-Breathing Motion Management Technique

Technique to manage respiratory motion with free-breathing.

Image Guided Radiotherapy Modality

The modality and associated energy used for imaging in Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT)

Intrafraction Verification

Verification of the patient or target position during a treatment fraction.

Number of Delivered Fractions

The total number of fractions (treatment divisions) actually delivered for this volume.

Number of Planned Fractions

The number of planned fractions in this scope. This extension SHALL only be present if the treatment is structured as countable fractions, for example in a Radiotherapy Planned Phase or in a Radiotherapy Treatment Plan.

Number of Prescribed Fractions

The number of prescribed fractions in this scope. This extension SHALL only be present if the treatment is structured as countable fractions, for example in a Radiotherapy Phase Prescription.

Point Dose

This flag is true if the dose is determined at a single point. Point doses are often used to check dose at a specific point in a calculated 3D dose distribution. Since point doses mostly have a technical role, high-level summaries may decide to exclude them from displays.

Primary Plan Dose

This flag is true if the dose is the primary plan dose in a radiotherapy treatment plan. For a single treatment plan, the primary plan dose serves as the main dose value for tracking delivered dose vs. planned dose. In summaries over multiple treatment plans, the flag indicates that the dose is a primary plan dose in any of the summarized plans.

Radiobiologic Metric

Extension providing radiobiologic dose metric using a regular expression: BED, CGE, RBE, RBE(factor = \<decimal\>), EQD2Gy, EQD2Gy(a/b = \<decimal\>).

Radiotherapy Adverse Event Grade

The grade associated with the severity of an adverse event, using CTCAE criteria. The code ‘0’ representing no adverse event may be used to provide positive confirmation that the clinician assessed or considered this particular AE, although the absence of an adverse event is generally not reportable. See

Radiotherapy Disease Progression Qualifier

Radiotherapy Disease Progression Qualifier

Radiotherapy Volume Extension

Extension providing a reference to a RadiotherapyVolume

Reason for Revision or Adaptation

The reason a planned or prescribed radiotherapy treatment was revised, superceded, or adapted.

Reference to DICOM SOP Instance

A reference to a DICOM SOP Instance.

Respiratory Motion Management

Method applied to manage respiratory motion.

Session Number

The number of the session a radiotherapy treatment course.

Treatment Applicator Type

Radiotherapy Treatment Applicator Type.

Uniform Fractionation

This flag is true if the fractionation was uniform (i.e., treated with same modality and dose per fraction) and false if the fractionation was mixed. Treatment technique may vary in uniform fractionation. If the fractionation was uniform, then the correspondence between the physical and biologically effective dose can be determined at the course level. If the fractionation was not uniform, then the correspondence between the physical and biologically effective dose has to be determined per the phase level. The flag was introduced to support determination of whether fractionation was uniform when viewing the Radiotherapy Course Summary (without first checking the details of each treatment phase). This is important in registry use cases to efficiently assess whether checking phase level information is needed.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Adverse Event Severity or Grade Value Set

CTCAE Grades 0 through 5. The grade of the adverse event, determined by CTCAE criteria, where 0 represents confirmation that the given adverse event did NOT occur, and 5 represents death. Note that grade 0 events are generally not reportable, but may be created to give positive confirmation that the clinician assessed or considered a particular AE.

Adverse Event Terms Value Set

The NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) is utilized for Adverse Event (AE) reporting. The codes are drawn from the NCI Thesaurus. Each CTCAE term is a MedDRA LLT (Lowest Level Term) with corresponding codes that can be used in place of the NCI code. The value set is CTCAE 5.0 and corresponds to MedDRA version 20.1. See

Use of ‘Other, specify’: In the event a suitable CTCAE term cannot be found, the appropriate verbatim term SHALL be captured via the ‘Other, specify’ mechanism. In this case, the verbatim term is populated into the event.text field, the NCIT code for the body system into the event.coding.code field, and the display string corresponding to the code into the event.coding.display field. For example, if reporting the unusual adverse event ‘Vulcan-green blood’ it will be reported as: event.text of ‘Vulcan-green blood’, event.coding.display of ‘Blood and lymphatic system disorders - Other, specify’, and event.coding.code of NCIT code C143323.

Brachytherapy Applicator Type Value Set

Applicator type used in brachytherapy

Brachytherapy Device Type Value Set

The type of radioactive seed used in brachytherapy

Disease Progression Qualifier Value Set

Qualifier that describes disease progression and/or disease recurrence

Image Guided Radiotherapy Energy Unit Value Set

Unit to characterize the energy spectrum used for imaging in Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT). For photons, the maximum acceleration voltage is given in MV or kV, although those are not units of energy.

Image Guided Radiotherapy Modality Value Set

Modality used for imaging in Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT)

Intrafraction Verification Procedure Qualifier Value Set

Qualifiers for procedures used for verification of the patient position during a treatment fraction.

Intrafraction Verification Procedure Value Set

The procedure used for verification of the patient position during a treatment fraction.

Radiotherapy Category Code Max Value Set

Category value set required to support backward compatibility by including an inactive SNOMED code

Radiotherapy Energy Unit Value Set

Unit to characterize the energy spectrum used in radiotherapy. For electrons, the maximum energy is given in MeV. For photons, the maximum acceleration voltage is given in MV or kV, although those are not units of energy.

Radiotherapy Free-Breathing Motion Management Technique Value Set

Technique to manage respiratory motion with free-breathing.

Radiotherapy Isotope Value Set

Isotope used in radiotherapy

Radiotherapy Reason for Revision or Adaptation Value Set

The reason a planned or prescribed radiotherapy treatment was revised, superceded, or adapted.

Radiotherapy Respiratory Motion Management Value Set

Method applied to manage respiratory motion.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Requested SNOMED Codes Code System

Codes requested from SNOMED by CodeX RT, to be issued at a later date. Where numeric codes are given, these correspond to the expected SNOMED-CT codes. Terms beginning with ‘USCRS-‘ (for United States Content Request Service) represent requests in April 2023 with no SNOMED code yet approved or assigned.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

Example Adverse Event from Radiotherapy

Adverse Event, Nausea following course of treatment.

Example Diagnosis 1

An example diagnosis for a breast case.

Example Diagnosis 101 Breast

An example diagnosis for a breast case for Patient-101.

Example Diagnosis 2

An example diagnosis for a prostate case.

Example Female Patient 101

An example female patient to relate radiotherapy resources to.

Example Female Patient 5

An example female patient to relate radiotherapy resources to.

Example Male Patient 6

An example male patient to relate radiotherapy resources to.

Example Practitioner

An example practitioner to relate radiotherapy resources to.

Example XRTS Patient 1

An example patient, test case XRTS-01.

Example XRTS Patient 2

An example patient, test case XRTS-02.

Example XRTS Patient 3

An example patient, test case XRTS-03.

Example XRTS Patient 4

An example patient, test case XRTS-04.

Example XRTS Patient 5

An example patient, test case XRTS-05.

Example XRTS Patient 6

An example patient, test case XRTS-06.

Example XRTS Patient 7

An example patient, test case XRTS-07.

Radiotherapy Treatment Session 2

An example radiotherapy treatment session.


Radiotherapy CoursePrescription with elements of IHE-RO XRTS profile for a prostate example.


Radiotherapy Course Prescription example from Codex RTTD collection.


Treatment Summary over Radiotherapy Course with all elements expected in XRTS.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex RTTD collection, ‘Bilateral Breast’.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-01 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-01 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-02 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-02 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-03 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-03 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example, test case XRTS-05, Course 1 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example, test case XRTS-05, Course 1 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example, test case XRTS-05, Course 2 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-06 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-06 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Course Summary example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-07 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Phase Prescription to cover IHE-RO XRTS profile for a Prostate example, phase 1.


Radiotherapy Phase Prescription to cover IHE-RO XRTS profile for a Prostate example, phase 2.


Radiotherapy Phase Prescription example from Codex RTTD collection.


Radiotherapy Phase Prescription example from Codex RTTD collection.


Radiotherapy Phase Prescription example from Codex RTTD collection.


Radiotherapy Plan Prescription to cover IHE-RO XRTS profile for a Prostate example, phase 1, plan 1.


Radiotherapy Plan Prescription to cover IHE-RO XRTS profile for a Prostate example, phase 2, plan 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Course example.


Radiotherapy Planned Course example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-01.


Radiotherapy Planned Course example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-02.


Radiotherapy Planned Course example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-03.


Radiotherapy Planned Course example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04.


Radiotherapy Planned Course example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-05, Course 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Course example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-05, Course 2.


Radiotherapy Planned Course example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-06.


Radiotherapy Planned Course example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-07.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase, Prostate example, phase 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase, Prostate example, phase 2.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-01, Phase 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-02, Phase 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-02, Phase 2.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-03, Phase 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04, Phase 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04, Phase 2.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04, Phase 3.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-05, Course 1, Phase 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-05, Course 2, Phase 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-06, Phase 1.


Radiotherapy Planned Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-07, Phase 1.


Mesh of brachytherapy seeds.


Treatment of one fraction in the first treamtment plan of the first phase


Treatment Summary for first phase


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex RTTD collection.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex RTTD collection.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex RTTDcollection.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-01, Phase 1 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-01, Phase 1 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-02, Phase 1 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-02, Phase 1 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-02, Phase 2 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-03, Phase 1 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-03, Phase 1 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04, Phase 1 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04, Phase 1 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04, Phase 2 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-04, Phase 3 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-05, Course 1, Phase 1 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-05, Course 1, Phase 1 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-05, Course 2, Phase 1 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-06, Phase 1 completely treated.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-06, Phase 1 after 1 fraction.


Radiotherapy Treated Phase example from Codex XRTS collection, test case XRTS-07, Phase 1 after 1 fraction.


Treatment Summary for treamtment plan in the first phase


ACMETurbo3000 Afterloader Device


Radiotherapy Treatment Plan to cover IHE-RO XRTS profile for a Prostate example, phase 1, plan 1.


Radiotherapy Treatment Plan, Prostate example, phase 2, plan 1.


Example target volume ‘PTV50’.


Example target volume ‘PTV64’.


Example target volume ‘Prostate’.


Example target volume ‘Pelvic Nodes’.


Example target volume ‘Seminal Vesicles’.


Example target volume ‘Left Breast’.


Example target volume ‘Left Breast Boost’.


Example target volume ‘Right Breast’.


Example target volume XRTS-01 ‘Prostate’.


Example target volume XRTS-02 ‘Prostate’.


Example target volume XRTS-03 ‘Prostate’.


Example target volume XRTS-03 ‘Pelvic Lymph Nodes’.


Example target volume XRTS-03 ‘Seminal Vesicles’.


Example target volume XRTS-04 ‘Left Breast’.


Example target volume XRTS-04 ‘Left Breast Boost’.


Example target volume XRTS-04 ‘Right Breast’.


Example target volume XRTS-05 ‘Brain Mets’ Course 1.


Example target volume XRTS-05 ‘Brain Mets’ Course 2. Same label as Brain Mets in first course, but conceptually a different volume. Dose is not added up.


Example target volume XRTS-06 ‘Cervix Uteri’.


Example target volume XRTS-07 ‘Cervix Uteri’.

Treatment Location 1

An example treatment location.


Extended example: example showing disease status (patient’s condition regression)