ICHOM FHIR Implementation Guide: Breast Cancer
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the ICHOM FHIR Implementation Guide: Breast Cancer (v1.0.0-ballot: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

...0 Table of Contents
...1 Introduction
...2 FHIR basics
...3 Use Cases
...4 ICHOM Set
...5 Security
....7 Artifacts Summary
....7.1 ClinicalResponseAnnualUpdate
....7.2 ClinicalResponseBaseline
....7.3 ClinicalResponseSixMonths
....7.4 PatientReportedBaseline
....7.5 PatientReportedFollowUp
....7.6 Axilla surgery
....7.7 Axillary clearance
....7.8 Best supportive care
....7.9 Body height
....7.10 Body weight
....7.11 Breast cancer patient
....7.12 Cancer Stage Group
....7.13 Breast cancer surgery
....7.14 Chemotherapy
....7.15 Complication
....7.16 Death attributable to breast cancer
....7.17 Estrogen receptor status
....7.18 Endopredict score
....7.19 Germline mutation
....7.20 HER2 receptor status
....7.21 Histological type of the tumor
....7.22 Hormonal therapy
....7.23 Immunotherapy
....7.24 Invasion grade
....7.25 Lymph nodes involved
....7.26 Resected lymph nodes
....7.27 Mammaprint score
....7.28 Menopausal status
....7.29 Oncotype Score
....7.30 Progesterone receptor status
....7.31 Primary Breast Cancer Condition
....7.32 Radiotherapy
....7.33 Reconstruction surgery
....7.34 Recurrence Method
....7.35 Re-operation surgery
....7.36 Secondary Breast Cancer Condition
....7.37 TNM Distant Metastases
....7.38 TNM Primary Tumor Stage
....7.39 TNM Regional Nodal Stage
....7.40 Targeted therapy
....7.41 Treatment recommended by a multidisciplinary team
....7.42 Real Treatment Plan Followed
....7.43 Treatment Plan Not Followed
....7.44 Tumor grade
....7.45 Size of invasive tumor
....7.46 Education Level Extension
....7.47 Ethnicity Extension
....7.48 Race Extension
....7.49 Agreement response ValueSet
....7.50 Axilla surgery ValueSet
....7.51 Units of patient's body weight ValueSet
....7.52 Types of breast surgery ValueSet
....7.53 Type of chemotherapy ValueSet
....7.54 Impact of complication ValueSet
....7.55 Type of complication ValueSet
....7.56 Education level of patient ValueSet
....7.57 Estrogen receptor status ValueSet
....7.58 Germline Mutation ValueSet
....7.59 Grading of tumor ValueSet
....7.60 HER2 receptor status ValueSet
....7.61 Histological type of the tumor ValueSet
....7.62 Type of hormonal therapy ValueSet
....7.63 Location of the implant ValueSet
....7.64 Re-operation due to involved margins ValueSet
....7.65 Laterality of new cancer ValueSet
....7.66 Laterality of breast cancer ValueSet
....7.67 The location of radiotherapy ValueSet
....7.68 Menopausal status of patient ValueSet
....7.69 Molecular profiling
....7.70 Yes, No and Unknown Valueset
....7.71 Patient Treatment Education ValueSet
....7.72 Patient treatment preference ValueSet
....7.73 Progesterone receptor status ValueSet
....7.74 Recommended treatment types ValueSet
....7.75 Type of reconstruction surgery ValueSet
....7.76 Recurrence method ValueSet
....7.77 Recurrence of neoplasm ValueSet
....7.78 Relationship status of patient ValueSet
....7.79 Reasoncode of the re-operation
....7.80 Type of re-operation
....7.81 SACQ Patient's comorbidity history ValueSet
....7.82 Satisfaction response ValueSet
....7.83 TNM Distant Metastases ValueSet
....7.84 TNM Primary Tumor ValueSet
....7.85 TNM Regional Nodes ValueSet
....7.86 Staging Type for Stage Group ValueSet
....7.87 Targeted axilla surgery ValueSet
....7.88 Type of targeted therapy ValueSet
....7.89 Intent of therapy ValueSet
....7.90 Observation identifiers for treatment plan non-compliance reason ValueSet
....7.91 Real Treatment Plan Followed ValueSet
....7.92 Treatment Plan Not Followed ValueSet
....7.93 Type of treatments ValueSet
....7.94 Agreement response CodeSystem
....7.95 Breast surgery types CodeSystem
....7.96 Impact of complication CodeSystem
....7.97 Type of complication CodeSystem
....7.98 Location of the implant CodeSystem
....7.99 Molecular Profiling CodeSystem
....7.100 Patient Treatment Education Codesystem
....7.101 Patient treatment preference CodeSystem
....7.102 Type of reconstruction surgery CodeSystem
....7.103 Recurrence of neoplasm CodeSystem
....7.104 Recurrence method CodeSystem
....7.105 Satisfaction response CodeSystem
....7.106 Observation identifiers for treatment plan non-compliance reason CodeSystem
....7.107 Real Treatment Plan Followed CodeSystem
....7.108 Real Treatment Plan Not Followed CodeSystem
....7.109 Treatment variables CodeSytem
....7.110 AxillaSurgeryPatient147
....7.111 AxillaryClearancePatient147
....7.112 BestSupportiveCarePatient147
....7.113 BodyHeightPatient147
....7.114 BodyWeightPatient147
....7.115 Example of Breast Cancer Patient Cornetet
....7.116 Example of Breast Cancer Patient Mortera
....7.117 Example of Breast Cancer Patient Letsche
....7.118 BreastCancerSurgeryPatient147
....7.119 ChemotherapyPatient147
....7.120 ClinicalMetastasesPatient147
....7.121 ClinicalNodalStagePatient147
....7.122 ClinicalTNMStagePatient147
....7.123 ClinicalTumorStagePatient147
....7.124 ComplicationPatient147
....7.125 DeathAttributableBCPatient147
....7.126 Bundle the clinical response at baseline
....7.127 Bundle of the clinical response at 6 months follow-up
....7.128 Bundle of the clinical response at annual follow-up
....7.129 Bundle of the patient response at baseline
....7.130 Bundle of the patient response during post-treatment follow-up
....7.131 ERStatusPatient147
....7.132 EndopredictonPatient147
....7.133 GermlineMutationPatient147
....7.134 HERStatusPatient147
....7.135 HistotypePatient147
....7.136 HormonaltherapyPatient147
....7.137 ImmunotherapyPatient147
....7.138 InvasionGradePatient147
....7.139 LymphNodesInvolvedPatient147
....7.140 LymphNodesResectedPatient147
....7.141 MammaprintPatient147
....7.142 Example of menopausal status
....7.143 OncotypePatient147
....7.144 PRStatusPatient147
....7.145 PathologicalMetastasesPatient147
....7.146 PathologicalNodalStagePatient147
....7.147 PathologicalTNMStagePatient147
....7.148 PathologicalTumorStagePatient147
....7.149 PrimaryBreastCancerPatient147
....7.150 RadiotherapyPatient147
....7.151 ReconstructionSurgeryPatient147
....7.152 RecurrenceMethodPatient147
....7.153 ReoperationSurgeryPatient147
....7.154 SecondaryBreastCancerPatient147
....7.155 Example of Targeted therapy
....7.156 Example Real Treatment Plan Followed
....7.157 Example Treatment Plan Not Followed
....7.158 TreatmentPlanPatient147
....7.159 TumorGradePatient147
....7.160 TumorSizePatient147