ICHOM FHIR Implementation Guide: Breast Cancer
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the ICHOM FHIR Implementation Guide: Breast Cancer (v1.0.0-ballot: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: Bundle of the patient response during post-treatment follow-up

Bundle DebugBundlePatient-02-Follow-Up of type transaction

Entry 1


PUT CodeSystem/AgreementResponseCodeSystem

Resource CodeSystem:

This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ichom-breast-cancer/CodeSystem/AgreementResponseCodeSystem defines the following codes:

no Not at all
little A little
quite Quite a bit
very Very much

Entry 2


PUT ValueSet/AgreementResponseVS

Resource ValueSet:

Entry 3


PUT CodeSystem/SatisfactionResponseCodeSystem

Resource CodeSystem:

This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ichom-breast-cancer/CodeSystem/SatisfactionResponseCodeSystem defines the following codes:

very-dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
somewhat-dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied
somewhat-satisfied Somewhat satisfied
very-satisfied Very satisfied

Entry 4


PUT ValueSet/SatisfactionResponseVS

Resource ValueSet:

Entry 5


PUT Questionnaire/PatientReportedFollowUp

Resource Questionnaire:


LinkIdTextCardinalityTypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. PatientReportedFollowUpQuestionnairehttp://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ichom-breast-cancer/Questionnaire/PatientReportedFollowUp
... General-Information-ClinicalGeneral information1..1group
.... NA-ClinicalWhat is the patient's medical record number?1..1string
.... LastName-ClinicalWhat is the patient's last name?1..1string
... Degree-of-Health-EORTC-QLQDegree of Health - EORTC-QLQ0..1group
.... EORTCQLQ-Question01-05We are interested in some things about you and your health. Please answer all of the questions yourself by selecting the answer that best applies to you. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers. The information that you provide will remain strictly confidential.0..1group
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q01Do you have any trouble doing strenuous activities, like carrying a heavy shopping bag or a suitcase?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q02Do you have any trouble taking a long walk?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q03Do you have any trouble taking a short walk outside of the house?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q04Do you need to stay in bed or a chair during the day?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q05Do you need help with eating, dressing, washing yourself or using the toilet?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
.... EORTCQLQ-Question06-28During the past week:0..1group
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q06Were you limited in doing either your work or other daily activities?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q07Were you limited in pursuing your hobbies or other leisure time activities?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q08Were you short of breath?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q09Have you had pain?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q10Did you need to rest?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q11Have you had trouble sleeping?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q12Have you felt weak?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q13Have you lacked appetite?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q14Have you felt nauseated?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q15Have you vomited?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q16Have you been constipated?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q17Have you had diarrhea?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q18Were you tired?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q19Did pain interfere with your daily activities?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q20Have you had difficulty in concentrating on things, like reading a newspaper or watching television?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q21Did you feel tense?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q22Did you worry?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q23Did you feel irritable?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q24Did you feel depressed?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q25Have you had difficulty remembering things?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q26Has your physical condition or medical treatment interfered with your family life?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q27Has your physical condition or medical treatment interfered with your social activities?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q28Has your physical condition or medical treatment caused you financial difficulties?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
.... EORTCQLQ-Question29-30For the following questions please select the number between 1 and 7 that best applies to you, with 1 = Very poor and 7 = Excellent.0..1group
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q29How would you rate your overall health during the past week?1..1choiceOptions: 7 options
..... EORTCQLQC30_Q30How would you rate your overall quality of life during the past week?1..1choiceOptions: 7 options
.... EORTCQLQ-Question31-43Patients sometimes report that they have the following symptoms or problems. Please indicate the extent to which you have experienced these symptoms or problems during the past week. Please answer by selecting the answer that best applies to you. During the past week:0..1group
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q31Have you had dry mouth?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q32Have food and drink tasted different than usual?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q33Have your eyes been painful, irritated or watery?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q34Have you lost any hair?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q35Have you been upset by the loss of your hair?0..1choiceEnable When: EORTCQLQBR23_Q34 != Not at all (Agreement response CodeSystem#no)
Value Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q36Have you felt ill or unwell?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q37Have you had hot flushes?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q38Have you had headaches?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q39Have you felt physically less attractive as a result of your disease or treatment?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q40Have you felt less feminine as a result of your disease or treatment?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q41Have you had problems looking at yourself naked?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q42Have you been dissatisfied with your body?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q43Have you worried about your health in the future?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
.... EORTCQLQ-Question44-46During the past four weeks:0..1group
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q44Have you been sexually active? (with or without intercourse)1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q45To what extent were you sexually active? (with or without intercourse)1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q46Has sex been enjoyable for you?0..1choiceEnable When: EORTCQLQBR23_Q45 != Not at all (Agreement response CodeSystem#no)
Value Set: Agreement response ValueSet
.... EORTCQLQ-Question47-69During the past week:0..1group
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q48Have you had a swollen arm or hand?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q49Have you had problems raising your arm or moving it sideways?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q50Have you had any pain in the area of your affected breast?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q51Has the area of your affected breast been swollen?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q52Has the area of your affected breast been oversensitive?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR23_Q53Have you had skin problems on or in the area of your affected breast (e.g., itchy, dry, flaky)?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q54Have you sweated excessively?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q55Have you had mood swings?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q56Have you been dizzy?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q57Have you had soreness in your mouth?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q58Have you had any reddening in your mouth?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q59Have you had pain in your hands or feet?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q60Have you had any redenning on your hands or feet?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q61Have you had tingling in your fingers or toes?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q62Have you had numbness in your fingers or toes?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q63Have you had problems with your joints?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q64Have you had stiffness in your joints?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q65Have you had pain in your joints?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q66Have you had aches or pains in your bones?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q67Have you had aches or pains in your muscles?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q68Have you gained weight?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q69Has weight gain been a problem for you?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
.... EORTCQLQ-Question70-71During the past four weeks:0..1group
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q70Have you had a dry vagina?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q71Have you had discomfort in your vagina?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
.... EORTCQLQ-Question72-73Please answer the following two questions only if you have been sexually active:0..1group
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q72Have you had pain in your vagina during sexual activity?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q73Have you experienced a dry vagina during sexual activity?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
.... EORTCQLQ-Question74-75During the past week:0..1group
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q74Have you been satisfied with the cosmetic result of the surgery?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
..... EORTCQLQBR45_Q75Have you been satisfied with the appearance of the skin of your affected breast (thoracic area)?1..1choiceValue Set: Agreement response ValueSet
... Degree-of-Health-BreastQDegree of Health BreastQ0..1group
.... BreastQ_SurgeryWhich type of surgery did you receive?1..1choiceValue Set: Types of breast surgery ValueSet
.... MastectomyFollowUpWith your breast area in mind, in the past 2 weeks, how satisfied or dissatisfied have you been with:0..1groupEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy without immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-without-immediate-reconstruction)
..... BREASTQMASTP_Q01How you look in the mirror clothed?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy without immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-without-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQMASTP_Q02How comfortably your bras fit?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy without immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-without-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQMASTP_Q03Being able to wear clothing that is more fitted?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy without immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-without-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQMASTP_Q04How you look in the mirror unclothed?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy without immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-without-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
.... BreastConservingTherapyFollowUpThe following questions are about your breasts and your breast cancer treatment (by treatment, we mean lumpectomy with or without radiation). If you have had a lumpectomy and radiation of both breasts, answer these questions thinking of the breast you are least satisfied with. With your breasts in mind, in the past week, how satisfied or dissatisfied have you been with:0..1groupEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q01How you look in the mirror clothed?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q02The shape of your lumpectomy breast when you are wearing a bra?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q03How normal you feel in your clothes?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q04Being able to wear clothing that is more fitted?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q05How your lumpectomy breast sits/hangs?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q06How smoothly shaped your lumpectomy breast looks?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q07The contour (outline) of your lumpectomy breast?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q08How equal in size your breasts are to each other?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q09How normal your lumpectomy breast looks?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q10How much your breast look the same?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQBCTP_Q11How you look in the mirror unclothed?0..1choiceEnable When:
  • BreastQ_Surgery = Breast conserving surgery (BCS) (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs)
  • BreastQ_Surgery = BCS with mammoplasty (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#bcs-with-mammoplasty)

Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
.... ReconstructionFollowUpIf you have had a mastectomy and reconstruction of both breasts, answer these questions thinking of the breast you are least satisfied with. With your breasts in mind ,in the past week, how satisfied or dissatisfied have you been with:0..1groupEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
..... BREASTQRECP_Q01How you look in the mirror clothed?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q02The shape of your reconstructed breast(s) when you are wearing a bra?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q03How normal you feel in your clothes?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q04The size of your reconstructed breast(s)?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q05Being able to wear clothing that is more fitted?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q06How your breasts are lined up in relation to each other?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q07How comfortably your bras fit?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q08The softness of your reconstructed breast(s)?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q09How equal in size your breasts are to each other?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q10How natural your reconstructed breast(s) looks?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q11How naturally your reconstructed breast(s) sits/hangs?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q12How your reconstructed breast(s) feel to touch?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q13How much your reconstructed breast(s) feels like a natural part of your body?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q14How closely matched (similar) your breasts are to each other?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q15How your reconstructed breast(s) look now compared to before you had any breast surgery?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet
..... BREASTQRECP_Q16How you look in the mirror unclothed?0..1choiceEnable When: BreastQ_Surgery = Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Breast surgery types CodeSystem#mastectomy-with-immediate-reconstruction)
Value Set: Satisfaction response ValueSet

doco Documentation for this format

Option Sets

Answer options for EORTCQLQC30_Q29

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

Answer options for EORTCQLQC30_Q30

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7