This page is part of the Clinical Guidelines (v2.0.0-ballot: STU2 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page lists examples of various clinical guidelines expressed as computable content conforming to this implementation guide:
The following sections provide listings of resources defined in these examples, indexed by resource type.
Measure body weight
Record body weight change
Cardiology consultation as part of a congestive heart failure care pathway
Monitor Creatinine
Measure eGFR
Measure jugular venous pressure
Activity definition to administer LASIX IV as part of a congestive heart failure pathway
Activity definition to administer LASIX PO as part of a congestive heart failure pathway
Measure net intake/output
Monitor Oxygen Saturation
Monitor Potassium
Record body weight metric
Record body weight change metric
Record urine output metric
Measure urine output
Patient education: Managing Your High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Patient education: Managing Your High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Patient education: Renal diet
Lab: Creatinine, Urine Random, Once
Lab: Creatinine, Urine Random, Once
Lab: Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Once
Lab: Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Once
Referral: Dietitian; History: chronic kidney disease; Question: [add reason for referral]
Referral: Dietitian; History: chronic kidney disease; Question: [add reason for referral]
Referral: Nephrology; History: [add diagnosis, symptom(s)]; Question: [add reason for referral]
Referral: Nephrology; History: [add diagnosis, symptom(s)]; Question: [add reason for referral]
Ultrasound, Renal; History: [add diagnosis, symptom(s)]; Question: [add reason for exam]
Ultrasound, Renal; History: [add diagnosis, symptom(s)]; Question: [add reason for exam]
Create ServiceRequest to order Referral for nephrology.
Create ServiceRequest to order Renal lab panel.
CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline Recommendation #7 - Risk Assessment ProcedureRequest
As part of the workflow for recommendation 7, it is recommended that a risk assessment be conducted if the inclusion criteria is met.
Activity Example Administer Medication
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to administer a medication
Activity Example Collect Information
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to collect information
Activity Example Dispense Medication
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to dispense a medication
Activity Example Document Medication
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to document a medication
Activity Example Do Not Collect Information
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation not to collect information
Activity Example Do Not Send Message
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation not to send a message
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to enroll a patient in a pathway
Activity Example Generate Report
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to generate a report
Activity Example Order Medication
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to order a medication
Activity Example Order Service
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to order a service
Activity Example Propose Diagnosis
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to propose a diagnosis
Activity Example Recommend Immunization
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to provide an immunization
Activity Example Record Detected Issue
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to record a detected issue
Activity Example Record Inference
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to record an inference
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to report a flag
Example Activity Definition for a recommendation to send a message
Care Pathway for treatment of congestive heart failure
Codes used to identify the reason for an antenatal care visit
Codes used in the congestive heart failure pathway. Ideally these shouldn’t exist, but where I couldn’t find an appropriate code in a standard terminology, I defined codes here.
Definition of the case plan summary document for a congestive heart failure pathway
Definition of the case summary document for a congestive heart failure pathway
Congestive Heart Failure Care Pathway
Request to measure oxygen saturation as part of a congestive heart failure pathway
Logic for an example congestive heart failure pathway
Asset collection of artifacts in the Administer Medication activity example
Logic for an example recommendation to administer a medication
Logic for an example recommendation to collect information
Logic for an example recommendation to dispense a medication
Logic for an example recommendation to document a medication
Logic for an example recommendation not to collect information
Logic for an example recommendation not to send a message
Logic for an example recommendation to enroll a patient in a pathway
Logic for an example recommendation to generate a report
Logic for an example recommendation to order a medication
Logic for an example recommendation to order a service
Logic for an example recommendation to propose a diagnosis
Logic for an example recommendation to recommend an immunization
Logic for an example recommendation to record a detected issue
Logic for an example recommendation to record an inference
Logic for an example recommendation to record an inference
Logic for an example recommendation to send a message
Example measure for the activity example to generate a report
Body weight change metric as a feature of a congestive heart failure pathway
Body weight metric as a feature of a congestive heart failure pathway
Urine output metric as a feature of a congestive heart failure pathway
Measure body weight daily
Measure body weight change daily
Cardiology consultation within 24 hrs
Monitor creatinine
Daily management strategy as part of a care pathway for patients with admitting diagnosis of congestive heart failure
Monitor eGFR
Hypervolemia strategy as part of a care pathway for patients with admitting diagnosis of congestive heart failure
Measure jugular venous pressure
Administer LASIX IV, transition to PO as appropriate
Measure net intake/output daily
Monitor oxygen saturation
Congestive Heart Failure Care Pathway
Treatment and management care pathway for patients with admitting diagnosis of congestive heart failure
Monitor potassium
Measure urine output daily
Chronic Kidney Disease - Ambulatory
Chronic Kidney Disease - Ambulatory
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) risk screening
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) risk screening
VA CKD Protocol
VA CKD Recommendations
Immunization Forecasting of Hepatitis B Vaccine for Adults >= 18 Years of Age
If an adult patient has not been immunized for Hep B and is indicated for a Hep B vaccine, providers should administer according to this forecast.
CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline Recommendation #5
When opioids are started, providers should prescribe the lowest effective dosage.
Activity Example Administer Medication
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to administer a medication
Activity Example Collect Information
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to collect information
Activity Example Dispense Medication
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to dispense a medication
Activity Example Document Medication
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to document a medication
Activity Example Do Not Collect Information
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation not to collect information
Activity Example Do Not Send Message
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation not to send a message
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to enroll a patient
Activity Example Generate Report
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to generate a report
Activity Example Order Medication
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to order a medication
Activity Example Order Service
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to order a service
Example Pathway for activity examples
Activity Example Propose Diagnosis
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to propose a diagnosis
Activity Example Recommend Immunization
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to provide an immunization
Activity Example Record Detected Issue
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to record a detected issue
Activity Example Record Inference
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to record an inference
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to report a flat
Example Plan Definition for a recommendation to send a message
CHF Body Weight (in kg) Profile
CHF Body Weight Change (in kg) Profile
Documents a procedure as an activity within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline
CHF Cardiology Consult Request
Request for a cardiology consultation as part of a congestive heart failure pathway
CHF Creatinine (in mg/dL) Profile
CHF Jugular Venous Pressure (in cmH2O) Profile
CHF Jugular Venous Pressure Request
Request to measure jugular venous pressure as part of a congestive heart failure pathway
Documents the administration of LASIX IV as a pathway event within a congestive heart failure pathway
Request to administer LASIX IV as part of a congestive heart failure pathway
Documents the administration of LASIX PO as a pathway event within a congestive heart failure pathway
Request to administer LASIX PO as part of a congestive heart failure pathway
CHF Net Intake/Output (in L/day) Profile
CHF Oxygen Saturation (%) Profile
Request to measure oxygen saturation as part of a congestive heart failure pathway
CHF Potassium (in meq/L) Profile
CHF Urine Output (in L/day) Profile
CHF EGFR (in mol/mm/m2) Profile
Activity Example Collect Information Questionnaire
Example Questionnaire for use in collect information activity examples
Codes that identify the reason for an antenatal care visit
Chronic renal disease finding
Creatinine Lab Results
Diabetes Finding Codes
eGFR Lab Results
UACR Lab Results
Opioids with Ambulatory Abuse Potential
ValueSet containing an example subset of opioid medication formulations used in ambulatory settings that have the potential for misuse or abuse. Includes opioid drugs not restricted to surgical use that can be used in ambulatory setting. Excludes formulations with dose form Topical Cream(RXCUI 316982) or Topical Solution(RXCUI 316986) and ingredients available in surgery. NOTE: This is a deliberately reduced value set for example purposes.