This page is part of the CodeX™ Radiation Therapy (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Change Log
CodeX Radiation Therapy STU 1 Publication Version
These are the changes that were made during ballot reconciliation.
Narrative Changes
Profile Additions
Profile Changes
- The relationship between the profiles have been implemented with open, profile-based slicing of the basedOn and replaces fields of the profiles. (FHIR-38231)
- Treatment devices are represented as proper references to [RadiotherapyTreatmentDevice], rather than using an extension. (FHIR-38220 and FHIR-38114)
- Radioactive Seeds are represented with new references to [RadiotherapySeedDevice]
- Device references have been moved out of extensions into the built-in fields with the ServiceRequest and Procedure resources (FHIR-38220 and FHIR-38114)
- A new RadiotherapyDiseaseStatus profile was added based on mCODE’s CancerDiseaseStatus profile with an additional qualifier for disease progression).(FHIR-37922)
- The mCODE DoseDeliveredToVolume extension has been extended with
a boolean uniformFractionation flag when incorporated into the RadiotherapyCourseSummary profile. (FHIR-37976)
- The extensions DosePlannedToVolume and DoseDeliveredToVolume were extended in all profiles in which they were used, i.e. RadiotherapyPlannedCourse, RadiotherapyPlannedPhase, RadiotherapyTreatmentPlan, RadiotherapyCourseSummary, RadiotherapyTreatedPhase, and RadiotherapyTreatedPlan, with the following boolean flags.
- Primary Plan Dose flag, which indicates whether the dose is the primary plan dose in a radiotherapy treatment plan.
- Point Dose flag, which indicates whether the dose is determined at at a single point.
- An extension with a codeable concept for reason for revision and adaptiation was added to all Plan and Phase profiles. (FHIR-38231)
- An extension with a Reference to DICOM SOP Instance was added to RadiotherapyTreatmentPlan and RadiotherapyTreatedPlan profiles.
- An extension with a boolean for course involves reirradiation was added to the 3 course-level profiles.
- An extension supporting Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) was added everywhere Therapeutic Modality and Technique was present. This is supported by a ValueSet of IGRT modalities and energies.
- Extensions Respiratory Motion Management and Free-Breathing Motion Management Technique were added everywhere Therapeutic Modality and Technique was present. Those are supported by the ValueSets Motion Management and Free Breathing Motion Management Technique.
Valueset Changes
- The Brachytherapy Applicator Types ValueSet has been reworked using new codes requested from SNOMEDCT.
- New SNOMEDCT codes requested by the authors have replaced local codes as they have been issued.
Codesystem Changes
- New SNOMEDCT codes requested by the authors have replaced local codes as they have been issued.
Capability Statement Changes
Added Data Dictionary