This page is part of the Situational Awareness for Novel Epidemic Response (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This section describes the PUSH-TX of this guide. This transaction is used by the Measure Source and Measure Consumer actors.
The Produce Measure transaction allows an Measure Source to periodically report on availability of resources to a Measure Consumer.
This transaction defines the create and update operations that a MeasureConsumer and MeasureSource actor shall support.
Figure 2.2-1: Produce Measure Use Case Diagram
Actor | Role |
Measure Source | Periodically generates data for a Measure Consumer. |
Measure Consumer | Collects data for reporting |
Standard | Name |
FHIR-R4 | HL7 FHIR Release 4.0 |
RFC-7230 | Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1 |
NDJSON | Newline Delimited JSON |
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Figure 2.2-2: Produce Measure Interactions
The current reporting period has elapsed, or the operation is triggered by automation (e.g. for manual testing, diagnostics or error recovery).
See the Reporting Period extension.
A MeasureReport is created or updated by the MeasureSource on the MeasureConsumer.
The MeasureReport sends a MeasureReport to the MeasureConsumer using the FHIR create or update interactions. A MeasureSource supporting the CSV option sends the CSV file to the MeasureConsumer using the $report-csv operation.
The Measure Source creates resources and sends them to a Measure Consumer
The Measure Source performs the FHIR create operation on the MeasureReport resource at a Measure Consumer.
The Measure Consumer reports success using 200 OK, 201 Created, or 204 No Content to indicate a successful update.
See the following CapabilityStatement resources for conformance requirements: