Point-of-Care Device Implementation Guide
0.3.0 - STU 1 Ballot

This page is part of the Point-of-care Device FHIR IG (v0.3.0: STU 1 Ballot 3) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

..0 Table of Contents
...1 Home
...2 Overview
...3 Abbreviations and Definitions
...4 Technical Implementation Guidance
....4.1 HL7 V2 Mapping
....4.2 Mapping from IEEE 11073-10201 DIM to FHIR
....4.3 Mapping from IEEE 11073-10207 SDC to FHIR
....4.4 RESTful Transfer
...5 Profiles
...6 Terminology
...7 Artifact List
....7.1 Server CapabilityStatement
....7.2 MDS Device profile
....7.3 VMD Device profile
....7.4 Channel Device profile
....7.5 Numeric DeviceMetric profile
....7.6 Enumeration DeviceMetric profile
....7.7 Sample Array DeviceMetric profile
....7.8 Numeric Observation profile
....7.9 Compound Numeric Observation profile
....7.10 Enumeration Observation profile
....7.11 Sample Array Observation profile
....7.12 Patient profile
....7.13 Practitioner profile
....7.14 Observation profile
....7.15 Device Instance extension
....7.16 Approved Jurisdictions extension
....7.17 Operator extension
....7.18 Operating hours extension
....7.19 Operating cycles extension
....7.20 Operating mode extension
....7.21 Relation extension
....7.22 Metric availability extension
....7.23 Technical range extension
....7.24 Resolution extension
....7.25 Sweep Speed extension
....7.26 Visual Grid extension
....7.27 MDC Object infrastructure and Device nomenclature
....7.28 MDC Metric nomenclature
....7.29 MDC Unit of Measurement
....7.30 Operating mode value set
....7.31 Safety classification value set
....7.32 Kind of relation value set
....7.33 Metric availability value set
....7.34 Observation interpretation codes
....7.35 Operating mode code system
....7.36 Safety classification code system
....7.37 Kind of relation code system
....7.38 Metric availability code system
....7.39 Measurement status codes
....7.40 Patient Monitor MDS example
....7.41 ECG VMD example
....7.42 ECG Channel example
....7.43 ECG Sample Array metric example
....7.44 ECG Sample Array observation example
....7.45 Rhythm Status Enumeration metric example
....7.46 Rhythm Status Enumeration observation example
....7.47 Heart Rate Channel example
....7.48 Heart Rate Numeric metric example
....7.49 Heart Rate Numeric observation example
....7.50 Blood Pressure VMD example
....7.51 Blood Pressure Channel example
....7.52 CVP Sample Array metric example
....7.53 CVP Sample Array observation example
....7.54 NBP VMD example
....7.55 NBP Channel example
....7.56 NBP Numeric metric example
....7.57 NBP Numeric observation example
....7.58 Some Patient example
....7.59 Some Practitioner example
....7.60 Some Location example
...9 Change Log