Point-of-Care Device Implementation Guide
0.3.0 - STU 1 Ballot

This page is part of the Point-of-care Device FHIR IG (v0.3.0: STU 1 Ballot 3) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: VMD Device profile

Defining URL:http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/VmdDevice
Title:VMD Device profile
Status:Draft as of 2021-07-24

StructureDefinition for Device resources that represent Virtual Medical Devices (VMD). These are medical-related subsystems in the hierarchical model of a Point-of-Care device.

Publisher:HL7 International - Devices Work Group
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

The official URL for this profile is:


Scope and Usage

This profile sets minimum expectations for the Device resource that represents a Virtual Medical Device (VMD). This is a medical-related subsystem in the hierarchical model of a Point-of-Care device.

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Device


The profile defines the following rules:

  • Device.type shall be present and have a coding from the ISO/IEEE 11073 MDC Device nomenclature if there is an appropriate code available.
  • Device.patient and Device.location references must not be present.
  • Device.parent shall be pesent and refer to the MDS Device resource.
  • If multiple instances of the same VMD type exist, the Instance extension allows a squence to be defined.
  • Extensions allow approved jurisdictions, operating hours, and operating cycles to be added.

Mandatory: 2 elements
Must-Support: 17 elements
Prohibited: 2 elements


This structure refers to these other structures:


This structure refers to these extensions:

This structure is derived from Device

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Device 0..*DeviceItem used in healthcare
... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... device-instance S0..1(Complex)Instance number or label
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/device-instance
.... extension:number 0..1ExtensionInstance number
..... valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntValue of extension
.... extension:label 0..1ExtensionInstance label
..... valueString 1..1stringValue of extension
... approved-jurisdictions S0..*CodeableConceptApproved jurisdictions
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/approved-jurisdictions
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (extensible): Codes for country, country subdivision and region

.... valueCodeableConcept 1..1CodeableConceptApproved Jurisdictions
..... coding 0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
...... system 0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
...... code 0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
.... valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntOperating hours
... operating-cycles S0..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-cycles
.... valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
... identifier S0..*IdentifierInstance identifier
.... system 0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
.... value 0..1stringThe value that is unique
... udiCarrier S0..*BackboneElementUnique Device Identifier (UDI) Barcode string
.... deviceIdentifier 0..1stringMandatory fixed portion of UDI
.... issuer 0..1uriUDI Issuing Organization
.... jurisdiction 0..1uriRegional UDI authority
.... carrierHRF 0..1stringUDI Human Readable Barcode String
... status S0..1codeactive | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown
... statusReason S0..*CodeableConceptonline | paused | standby | offline | not-ready | transduc-discon | hw-discon | off
... manufacturer S0..1stringName of device manufacturer
... manufactureDate 0..1dateTimeDate when the device was made
... expirationDate 0..1dateTimeDate and time of expiry of this device (if applicable)
... lotNumber 0..1stringLot number of manufacture
... serialNumber S0..1stringSerial number assigned by the manufacturer
... deviceName S0..*BackboneElementThe name of the device as given by the manufacturer
... modelNumber S0..1stringThe model number for the device
... partNumber S0..1stringThe part number of the device
... type S1..1CodeableConceptThe kind or type of device
Binding: MDC Object infrastructure and Device nomenclature (extensible)
.... coding 0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... system 0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
..... version 0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
..... code 0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
.... text 0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
... version S0..*BackboneElementThe actual design of the device or software version running on the device
.... type 0..1CodeableConceptThe type of the device version
..... coding 0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
...... system 0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
...... version 0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
...... code 0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
.... component 0..1IdentifierA single component of the device version
.... value 1..1stringThe version text
... patient 0..0
... location 0..0
... safety S0..*CodeableConceptSafety Characteristics of Device
.... coding 0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... system 0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
..... code 0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Binding: Safety (required): Safety classification

... parent S1..1Reference(MDS Device profile)The parent device

doco Documentation for this format
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Device 0..*DeviceItem used in healthcare
... id Σ0..1stringLogical id of this artifact
... meta Σ0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... language 0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred)
Max Binding: AllLanguages: A human language.

... text 0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... device-instance S0..1(Complex)Instance number or label
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/device-instance
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... extension:number 0..1ExtensionInstance number
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... url 1..1uriidentifies the meaning of the extension
...... value[x] 0..1Value of extension
....... valueBase64Binarybase64Binary
....... valueBooleanboolean
....... valueCanonicalcanonical(Any)
....... valueCodecode
....... valueDatedate
....... valueDateTimedateTime
....... valueDecimaldecimal
....... valueIdid
....... valueInstantinstant
....... valueIntegerinteger
....... valueMarkdownmarkdown
....... valueOidoid
....... valuePositiveIntpositiveInt
....... valueStringstring
....... valueTimetime
....... valueUnsignedIntunsignedInt
....... valueUriuri
....... valueUrlurl
....... valueUuiduuid
....... valueAddressAddress
....... valueAgeAge
....... valueAnnotationAnnotation
....... valueAttachmentAttachment
....... valueCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
....... valueCodingCoding
....... valueContactPointContactPoint
....... valueCountCount
....... valueDistanceDistance
....... valueDurationDuration
....... valueHumanNameHumanName
....... valueIdentifierIdentifier
....... valueMoneyMoney
....... valuePeriodPeriod
....... valueQuantityQuantity
....... valueRangeRange
....... valueRatioRatio
....... valueReferenceReference(Any)
....... valueSampledDataSampledData
....... valueSignatureSignature
....... valueTimingTiming
....... valueContactDetailContactDetail
....... valueContributorContributor
....... valueDataRequirementDataRequirement
....... valueExpressionExpression
....... valueParameterDefinitionParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifactRelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinitionTriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContextUsageContext
....... valueDosageDosage
....... valueMetaMeta
..... url 1..1uri"number"
..... Slices for value[x] 1..1unsignedIntValue of extension
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
...... value[x]:valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntValue of extension
.... extension:label 0..1ExtensionInstance label
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... url 1..1uriidentifies the meaning of the extension
...... value[x] 0..1Value of extension
....... valueBase64Binarybase64Binary
....... valueBooleanboolean
....... valueCanonicalcanonical(Any)
....... valueCodecode
....... valueDatedate
....... valueDateTimedateTime
....... valueDecimaldecimal
....... valueIdid
....... valueInstantinstant
....... valueIntegerinteger
....... valueMarkdownmarkdown
....... valueOidoid
....... valuePositiveIntpositiveInt
....... valueStringstring
....... valueTimetime
....... valueUnsignedIntunsignedInt
....... valueUriuri
....... valueUrlurl
....... valueUuiduuid
....... valueAddressAddress
....... valueAgeAge
....... valueAnnotationAnnotation
....... valueAttachmentAttachment
....... valueCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
....... valueCodingCoding
....... valueContactPointContactPoint
....... valueCountCount
....... valueDistanceDistance
....... valueDurationDuration
....... valueHumanNameHumanName
....... valueIdentifierIdentifier
....... valueMoneyMoney
....... valuePeriodPeriod
....... valueQuantityQuantity
....... valueRangeRange
....... valueRatioRatio
....... valueReferenceReference(Any)
....... valueSampledDataSampledData
....... valueSignatureSignature
....... valueTimingTiming
....... valueContactDetailContactDetail
....... valueContributorContributor
....... valueDataRequirementDataRequirement
....... valueExpressionExpression
....... valueParameterDefinitionParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifactRelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinitionTriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContextUsageContext
....... valueDosageDosage
....... valueMetaMeta
..... url 1..1uri"label"
..... Slices for value[x] 1..1stringValue of extension
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
...... value[x]:valueString 1..1stringValue of extension
.... url 1..1uri"http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/device-instance"
... approved-jurisdictions S0..*CodeableConceptApproved jurisdictions
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/approved-jurisdictions
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (extensible): Codes for country, country subdivision and region

.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri"http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/approved-jurisdictions"
.... Slices for value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
..... value[x]:valueCodeableConcept 1..1CodeableConceptApproved Jurisdictions
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (extensible): Codes for country, country subdivision and region

...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
... operating-hours S0..1unsignedIntOperating hours
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-hours
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri"http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-hours"
.... Slices for value[x] 1..1unsignedIntOperating hours
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
..... value[x]:valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntOperating hours
... operating-cycles S0..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-cycles
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri"http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-cycles"
.... Slices for value[x] 1..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
..... value[x]:valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier S0..*IdentifierInstance identifier
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

.... type Σ0..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

.... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General: http://www.acme.com/identifiers/patient
.... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
.... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
.... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
... definition 0..1Reference(DeviceDefinition)The reference to the definition for the device
... udiCarrier SΣ0..*BackboneElementUnique Device Identifier (UDI) Barcode string
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... deviceIdentifier Σ0..1stringMandatory fixed portion of UDI
.... issuer 0..1uriUDI Issuing Organization
.... jurisdiction 0..1uriRegional UDI authority
.... carrierAIDC Σ0..1base64BinaryUDI Machine Readable Barcode String
.... carrierHRF Σ0..1stringUDI Human Readable Barcode String
.... entryType 0..1codebarcode | rfid | manual +
Binding: UDIEntryType (required): Codes to identify how UDI data was entered.

... status ?!SΣ0..1codeactive | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown
Binding: FHIRDeviceStatus (required): The availability status of the device.

... statusReason S0..*CodeableConceptonline | paused | standby | offline | not-ready | transduc-discon | hw-discon | off
Binding: FHIRDeviceStatusReason (extensible): The availability status reason of the device.

... distinctIdentifier 0..1stringThe distinct identification string
... manufacturer S0..1stringName of device manufacturer
... manufactureDate 0..1dateTimeDate when the device was made
... expirationDate 0..1dateTimeDate and time of expiry of this device (if applicable)
... lotNumber 0..1stringLot number of manufacture
... serialNumber S0..1stringSerial number assigned by the manufacturer
... deviceName S0..*BackboneElementThe name of the device as given by the manufacturer
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... name 1..1stringThe name of the device
.... type 1..1codeudi-label-name | user-friendly-name | patient-reported-name | manufacturer-name | model-name | other
Binding: DeviceNameType (required): The type of name the device is referred by.

... modelNumber S0..1stringThe model number for the device
... partNumber S0..1stringThe part number of the device
... type S1..1CodeableConceptThe kind or type of device
Binding: MDC Object infrastructure and Device nomenclature (extensible)
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
..... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
..... code Σ0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
..... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
..... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
.... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
... specialization 0..*BackboneElementThe capabilities supported on a device, the standards to which the device conforms for a particular purpose, and used for the communication
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... systemType 1..1CodeableConceptThe standard that is used to operate and communicate
.... version 0..1stringThe version of the standard that is used to operate and communicate
... version S0..*BackboneElementThe actual design of the device or software version running on the device
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... type 0..1CodeableConceptThe type of the device version
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
...... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
...... code Σ0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
...... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
...... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
..... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
.... component 0..1IdentifierA single component of the device version
.... value 1..1stringThe version text
... property 0..*BackboneElementThe actual configuration settings of a device as it actually operates, e.g., regulation status, time properties
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... type 1..1CodeableConceptCode that specifies the property DeviceDefinitionPropetyCode (Extensible)
.... valueQuantity 0..*QuantityProperty value as a quantity
.... valueCode 0..*CodeableConceptProperty value as a code, e.g., NTP4 (synced to NTP)
... owner 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization responsible for device
... contact 0..*ContactPointDetails for human/organization for support
... url 0..1uriNetwork address to contact device
... note 0..*AnnotationDevice notes and comments
... safety SΣ0..*CodeableConceptSafety Characteristics of Device
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
..... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
..... code Σ0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Binding: Safety (required): Safety classification

..... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
..... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
.... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
... parent S1..1Reference(MDS Device profile)The parent device

doco Documentation for this format
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Device 0..*DeviceItem used in healthcare
... device-instance 0..1(Complex)Instance number or label
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/device-instance
... approved-jurisdictions 0..*CodeableConceptApproved jurisdictions
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/approved-jurisdictions
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (extensible): Codes for country, country subdivision and region

... operating-hours 0..1unsignedIntOperating hours
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-hours
... identifier 0..*IdentifierInstance identifier
... udiCarrier Σ0..*BackboneElementUnique Device Identifier (UDI) Barcode string
... status ?!Σ0..1codeactive | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown
Binding: FHIRDeviceStatus (required): The availability status of the device.

... statusReason 0..*CodeableConceptonline | paused | standby | offline | not-ready | transduc-discon | hw-discon | off
Binding: FHIRDeviceStatusReason (extensible): The availability status reason of the device.

... manufacturer 0..1stringName of device manufacturer
... serialNumber 0..1stringSerial number assigned by the manufacturer
... deviceName 0..*BackboneElementThe name of the device as given by the manufacturer
... modelNumber 0..1stringThe model number for the device
... partNumber 0..1stringThe part number of the device
... type 1..1CodeableConceptThe kind or type of device
Binding: MDC Object infrastructure and Device nomenclature (extensible)
... version 0..*BackboneElementThe actual design of the device or software version running on the device
... safety Σ0..*CodeableConceptSafety Characteristics of Device
... parent 1..1Reference(MDS Device profile)The parent device

doco Documentation for this format

This structure is derived from Device


The profile defines the following rules:

  • Device.type shall be present and have a coding from the ISO/IEEE 11073 MDC Device nomenclature if there is an appropriate code available.
  • Device.patient and Device.location references must not be present.
  • Device.parent shall be pesent and refer to the MDS Device resource.
  • If multiple instances of the same VMD type exist, the Instance extension allows a squence to be defined.
  • Extensions allow approved jurisdictions, operating hours, and operating cycles to be added.

Mandatory: 2 elements
Must-Support: 17 elements
Prohibited: 2 elements


This structure refers to these other structures:


This structure refers to these extensions:

Differential View

This structure is derived from Device

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Device 0..*DeviceItem used in healthcare
... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... device-instance S0..1(Complex)Instance number or label
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/device-instance
.... extension:number 0..1ExtensionInstance number
..... valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntValue of extension
.... extension:label 0..1ExtensionInstance label
..... valueString 1..1stringValue of extension
... approved-jurisdictions S0..*CodeableConceptApproved jurisdictions
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/approved-jurisdictions
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (extensible): Codes for country, country subdivision and region

.... valueCodeableConcept 1..1CodeableConceptApproved Jurisdictions
..... coding 0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
...... system 0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
...... code 0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
.... valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntOperating hours
... operating-cycles S0..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-cycles
.... valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
... identifier S0..*IdentifierInstance identifier
.... system 0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
.... value 0..1stringThe value that is unique
... udiCarrier S0..*BackboneElementUnique Device Identifier (UDI) Barcode string
.... deviceIdentifier 0..1stringMandatory fixed portion of UDI
.... issuer 0..1uriUDI Issuing Organization
.... jurisdiction 0..1uriRegional UDI authority
.... carrierHRF 0..1stringUDI Human Readable Barcode String
... status S0..1codeactive | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown
... statusReason S0..*CodeableConceptonline | paused | standby | offline | not-ready | transduc-discon | hw-discon | off
... manufacturer S0..1stringName of device manufacturer
... manufactureDate 0..1dateTimeDate when the device was made
... expirationDate 0..1dateTimeDate and time of expiry of this device (if applicable)
... lotNumber 0..1stringLot number of manufacture
... serialNumber S0..1stringSerial number assigned by the manufacturer
... deviceName S0..*BackboneElementThe name of the device as given by the manufacturer
... modelNumber S0..1stringThe model number for the device
... partNumber S0..1stringThe part number of the device
... type S1..1CodeableConceptThe kind or type of device
Binding: MDC Object infrastructure and Device nomenclature (extensible)
.... coding 0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... system 0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
..... version 0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
..... code 0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
.... text 0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
... version S0..*BackboneElementThe actual design of the device or software version running on the device
.... type 0..1CodeableConceptThe type of the device version
..... coding 0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
...... system 0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
...... version 0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
...... code 0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
.... component 0..1IdentifierA single component of the device version
.... value 1..1stringThe version text
... patient 0..0
... location 0..0
... safety S0..*CodeableConceptSafety Characteristics of Device
.... coding 0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... system 0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
..... code 0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Binding: Safety (required): Safety classification

... parent S1..1Reference(MDS Device profile)The parent device

doco Documentation for this format

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Device 0..*DeviceItem used in healthcare
... id Σ0..1stringLogical id of this artifact
... meta Σ0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... language 0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred)
Max Binding: AllLanguages: A human language.

... text 0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... device-instance S0..1(Complex)Instance number or label
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/device-instance
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... extension:number 0..1ExtensionInstance number
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... url 1..1uriidentifies the meaning of the extension
...... value[x] 0..1Value of extension
....... valueBase64Binarybase64Binary
....... valueBooleanboolean
....... valueCanonicalcanonical(Any)
....... valueCodecode
....... valueDatedate
....... valueDateTimedateTime
....... valueDecimaldecimal
....... valueIdid
....... valueInstantinstant
....... valueIntegerinteger
....... valueMarkdownmarkdown
....... valueOidoid
....... valuePositiveIntpositiveInt
....... valueStringstring
....... valueTimetime
....... valueUnsignedIntunsignedInt
....... valueUriuri
....... valueUrlurl
....... valueUuiduuid
....... valueAddressAddress
....... valueAgeAge
....... valueAnnotationAnnotation
....... valueAttachmentAttachment
....... valueCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
....... valueCodingCoding
....... valueContactPointContactPoint
....... valueCountCount
....... valueDistanceDistance
....... valueDurationDuration
....... valueHumanNameHumanName
....... valueIdentifierIdentifier
....... valueMoneyMoney
....... valuePeriodPeriod
....... valueQuantityQuantity
....... valueRangeRange
....... valueRatioRatio
....... valueReferenceReference(Any)
....... valueSampledDataSampledData
....... valueSignatureSignature
....... valueTimingTiming
....... valueContactDetailContactDetail
....... valueContributorContributor
....... valueDataRequirementDataRequirement
....... valueExpressionExpression
....... valueParameterDefinitionParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifactRelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinitionTriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContextUsageContext
....... valueDosageDosage
....... valueMetaMeta
..... url 1..1uri"number"
..... Slices for value[x] 1..1unsignedIntValue of extension
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
...... value[x]:valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntValue of extension
.... extension:label 0..1ExtensionInstance label
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... url 1..1uriidentifies the meaning of the extension
...... value[x] 0..1Value of extension
....... valueBase64Binarybase64Binary
....... valueBooleanboolean
....... valueCanonicalcanonical(Any)
....... valueCodecode
....... valueDatedate
....... valueDateTimedateTime
....... valueDecimaldecimal
....... valueIdid
....... valueInstantinstant
....... valueIntegerinteger
....... valueMarkdownmarkdown
....... valueOidoid
....... valuePositiveIntpositiveInt
....... valueStringstring
....... valueTimetime
....... valueUnsignedIntunsignedInt
....... valueUriuri
....... valueUrlurl
....... valueUuiduuid
....... valueAddressAddress
....... valueAgeAge
....... valueAnnotationAnnotation
....... valueAttachmentAttachment
....... valueCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
....... valueCodingCoding
....... valueContactPointContactPoint
....... valueCountCount
....... valueDistanceDistance
....... valueDurationDuration
....... valueHumanNameHumanName
....... valueIdentifierIdentifier
....... valueMoneyMoney
....... valuePeriodPeriod
....... valueQuantityQuantity
....... valueRangeRange
....... valueRatioRatio
....... valueReferenceReference(Any)
....... valueSampledDataSampledData
....... valueSignatureSignature
....... valueTimingTiming
....... valueContactDetailContactDetail
....... valueContributorContributor
....... valueDataRequirementDataRequirement
....... valueExpressionExpression
....... valueParameterDefinitionParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifactRelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinitionTriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContextUsageContext
....... valueDosageDosage
....... valueMetaMeta
..... url 1..1uri"label"
..... Slices for value[x] 1..1stringValue of extension
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
...... value[x]:valueString 1..1stringValue of extension
.... url 1..1uri"http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/device-instance"
... approved-jurisdictions S0..*CodeableConceptApproved jurisdictions
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/approved-jurisdictions
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (extensible): Codes for country, country subdivision and region

.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri"http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/approved-jurisdictions"
.... Slices for value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
..... value[x]:valueCodeableConcept 1..1CodeableConceptApproved Jurisdictions
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (extensible): Codes for country, country subdivision and region

...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
... operating-hours S0..1unsignedIntOperating hours
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-hours
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri"http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-hours"
.... Slices for value[x] 1..1unsignedIntOperating hours
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
..... value[x]:valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntOperating hours
... operating-cycles S0..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-cycles
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri"http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/pocd/StructureDefinition/operating-cycles"
.... Slices for value[x] 1..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
..... value[x]:valueUnsignedInt 1..1unsignedIntOperating cycles
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier S0..*IdentifierInstance identifier
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

.... type Σ0..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

.... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General: http://www.acme.com/identifiers/patient
.... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
.... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
.... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
... definition 0..1Reference(DeviceDefinition)The reference to the definition for the device
... udiCarrier SΣ0..*BackboneElementUnique Device Identifier (UDI) Barcode string
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... deviceIdentifier Σ0..1stringMandatory fixed portion of UDI
.... issuer 0..1uriUDI Issuing Organization
.... jurisdiction 0..1uriRegional UDI authority
.... carrierAIDC Σ0..1base64BinaryUDI Machine Readable Barcode String
.... carrierHRF Σ0..1stringUDI Human Readable Barcode String
.... entryType 0..1codebarcode | rfid | manual +
Binding: UDIEntryType (required): Codes to identify how UDI data was entered.

... status ?!SΣ0..1codeactive | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown
Binding: FHIRDeviceStatus (required): The availability status of the device.

... statusReason S0..*CodeableConceptonline | paused | standby | offline | not-ready | transduc-discon | hw-discon | off
Binding: FHIRDeviceStatusReason (extensible): The availability status reason of the device.

... distinctIdentifier 0..1stringThe distinct identification string
... manufacturer S0..1stringName of device manufacturer
... manufactureDate 0..1dateTimeDate when the device was made
... expirationDate 0..1dateTimeDate and time of expiry of this device (if applicable)
... lotNumber 0..1stringLot number of manufacture
... serialNumber S0..1stringSerial number assigned by the manufacturer
... deviceName S0..*BackboneElementThe name of the device as given by the manufacturer
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... name 1..1stringThe name of the device
.... type 1..1codeudi-label-name | user-friendly-name | patient-reported-name | manufacturer-name | model-name | other
Binding: DeviceNameType (required): The type of name the device is referred by.

... modelNumber S0..1stringThe model number for the device
... partNumber S0..1stringThe part number of the device
... type S1..1CodeableConceptThe kind or type of device
Binding: MDC Object infrastructure and Device nomenclature (extensible)
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
..... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
..... code Σ0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
..... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
..... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
.... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
... specialization 0..*BackboneElementThe capabilities supported on a device, the standards to which the device conforms for a particular purpose, and used for the communication
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... systemType 1..1CodeableConceptThe standard that is used to operate and communicate
.... version 0..1stringThe version of the standard that is used to operate and communicate
... version S0..*BackboneElementThe actual design of the device or software version running on the device
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... type 0..1CodeableConceptThe type of the device version
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
...... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
...... code Σ0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
...... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
...... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
..... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
.... component 0..1IdentifierA single component of the device version
.... value 1..1stringThe version text
... property 0..*BackboneElementThe actual configuration settings of a device as it actually operates, e.g., regulation status, time properties
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... type 1..1CodeableConceptCode that specifies the property DeviceDefinitionPropetyCode (Extensible)
.... valueQuantity 0..*QuantityProperty value as a quantity
.... valueCode 0..*CodeableConceptProperty value as a code, e.g., NTP4 (synced to NTP)
... owner 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization responsible for device
... contact 0..*ContactPointDetails for human/organization for support
... url 0..1uriNetwork address to contact device
... note 0..*AnnotationDevice notes and comments
... safety SΣ0..*CodeableConceptSafety Characteristics of Device
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
..... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
..... code Σ0..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Binding: Safety (required): Safety classification

..... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
..... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
.... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
... parent S1..1Reference(MDS Device profile)The parent device

doco Documentation for this format


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron

Terminology Bindings

Max Binding: AllLanguages
Device.extension:approvedJurisdictions.value[x]:valueCodeableConceptextensibleJurisdiction ValueSet
Device.identifier.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes