VhDir Implementation Guide CI Build: STU2 Ballot

This page is part of the Validated Healthcare Directory FHIR IG (v0.2.0: STU 1 Ballot 2) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v3.5.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Defining URL:http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/vhdir/ValueSet/valueset-attestationmethod

This value set includes a codes that describe the relationship between the list of standards defining digital certificates.

Publisher:HL7 International
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

This value set is not used

VhDir Attestation Method

This value set includes a codes that describe the relationship between the list of standards defining digital certificates.

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

  • Include these codes as defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/vhdir/CodeSystem/codesystem-validation
    ownerOwnerIndicates the element or resource was attested to by the individual who owned the data.
    authrepAuthorized representativeIndicates the element or resource was attested to by an individual who was designated to attest by the owner of the data.
    authintAuthorized intermediaryIndicates the element or resource was attested to by a system (intermediary) that was designated to attest by the owner of the data.
    non-auth-srcNon-authorized sourceIndicates the element or resource was attested to by an individual or system that was not designated to attest by the owner of the data.


This value set contains 4 concepts

Expansion based on http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/vhdir/CodeSystem/codesystem-validation version 0.2.0

All codes from system http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/vhdir/CodeSystem/codesystem-validation

ownerOwnerIndicates the element or resource was attested to by the individual who owned the data.
authrepAuthorized representativeIndicates the element or resource was attested to by an individual who was designated to attest by the owner of the data.
authintAuthorized intermediaryIndicates the element or resource was attested to by a system (intermediary) that was designated to attest by the owner of the data.
non-auth-srcNon-authorized sourceIndicates the element or resource was attested to by an individual or system that was not designated to attest by the owner of the data.