This page is part of the Validated Healthcare Directory FHIR IG (v0.2.0: STU 1 Ballot 2) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v3.5.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
JSON Format: PractitionerRole-practitionerrole1
Raw json
{ "resourceType" : "PractitionerRole", "id" : "practitionerrole1", "meta" : { "profile" : [ "" ] }, "text" : { "status" : "generated", "div" : "<div xmlns=""><p><b>Generated Narrative with Details</b></p><p><b>id</b>: practitionerrole1</p><p><b>meta</b>: </p><p><b>identifier</b>: Hospital ID = provider276 (SECONDARY)</p><p><b>active</b>: true</p><p><b>period</b>: 22/02/2016 --> (ongoing)</p><p><b>practitioner</b>: <a href="Practitioner-practitioner1.html">Geroge Washington. Generated Summary: id: practitioner1; NPI = 1234567893 (OFFICIAL); active; George Washington(OFFICIAL); ph: 202-123-4567(MOBILE),; gender: male; birthDate: 22/02/1932; <span title="Codes: {urn:ietf:bcp:47 en-US}">English</span></a></p><p><b>organization</b>: <a href="Organization-foundingfathers.html">Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital. Generated Summary: id: foundingfathers; NPI = 1345678910 (OFFICIAL); active; <span title="Codes: { prov}">Hospital</span>; name: Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital; alias: DC Memorial Hospital; ph: 202-101-0123</a></p><p><b>code</b>: Doctor <span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow">(Details : { code 'doctor' = 'Doctor', given as 'Doctor'})</span></p><p><b>specialty</b>: Cardiology <span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow">(Details : {SNOMED CT code '394579002' = 'Cardiology (qualifier value)', given as 'Cardiology'})</span></p><p><b>location</b>: <a href="Location-loc-ffmh-hvi.html">Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital, Heart and Vascular Institute. Generated Summary: id: loc-ffmh-hvi; main campus (SECONDARY); status: active; name: Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital Heart and Vascular Institute; description: Heart and Vascular Institute Specialty Wing; <span title="Codes: { HOSP}">Hospital</span>; ph: 202-101-0123(WORK); <span title="Codes: { si}">Site</span>; availabilityExceptions: visiting hours from 6:00 am - 10:00 pm</a></p><p><b>healthcareService</b>: <a href="HealthcareService-ffcardiology.html">Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital cardiac services. Generated Summary: id: ffcardiology; Business ID = service001 (SECONDARY); active; <span title="Codes: { 35}">Hospital</span>; <span title="Codes: { 165}">Cardiology</span>; <span title="Codes: { 394579002}">Cardiology</span>; name: Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital Heart and Vascular Services; comment: Cardiac surgery, heart failure, cardiac electrophysiology, vascular surgery, and cardiovascular research; fax: 555 12345; <span title="Codes: { cost}">Fees apply</span>; <span title="Codes: ">None</span>; eligibilityNote: No specific eligibility requirements; <span title="Codes: { phone}">phone</span>, <span title="Codes: { fax}">Fax</span>; appointmentRequired; availabilityExceptions: No interventional cardiac procedures are scheduled on Wednesdays</a></p><p><b>telecom</b>: ph: 202-101-0123</p><h3>AvailableTimes</h3><table class="grid"><tr><td>-</td><td><b>DaysOfWeek</b></td><td><b>AvailableStartTime</b></td><td><b>AvailableEndTime</b></td></tr><tr><td>*</td><td>MON</td><td/><td/></tr></table><p><b>endpoint</b>: <a href="Endpoint-direct321.html">Direct address for the Founding Fathers Heart and Vascular Institute. Generated Summary: id: direct321; Direct Address = (USUAL); status: active; <span title="{ direct-project}">Direct Project</span>; name: Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital Heart and Vascular Institute Direct address; ph: 202-101-0123(WORK); period: 19/11/2014 --> (ongoing); <span title="Codes: {urn:oid: urn:ihe:pcc:xphr:2007}">HL7 CCD Document</span>; payloadMimeType: application/hl7-v3+xml; address:</a></p></div>" }, "extension" : [ { "url" : "", "valueReference" : { "reference" : "Organization/patriotppo", "display" : "Patriot Preferred Provider Network" } }, { "extension" : [ { "url" : "type", "valueCoding" : { "system" : "", "code" : "ind", "display" : "Individual" } }, { "url" : "use", "valueCoding" : { "system" : "", "code" : "signing", "display" : "Signing" } }, { "url" : "certificateStandard", "valueCoding" : { "system" : "", "code" : "x.509v3", "display" : "x.509v3" } }, { "url" : "certificate", "valueString" : "TXkgbmFtZSBpcyBHZW9yZ2UgV2FzaGluZ3Rvbi4gVGhpcyBpcyBteSBjZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZS4gDQoNCi0tLS0tQkVHSU4gUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tDQpNSUdlTUEwR0NTcUdTSWIzRFFFQkFRVUFBNEdNQURDQmlBS0JnRkZLcjVGazJla2dYSjdwUXpKVzBWdm9NZzQ4DQpldk1DTUFTbk95M09rS1VyZlIwSGZHTmRUS216L3VpcWVjOGR3U1E5NFpKR3Njd3FzczVScmtYNkEzUHZsZmM3DQpkdlJNQlBxYzdsKzRrOHN5b2t4bzh4SW8vN0hLOE1kWW45dlhId1k5VWxGZDduRjZsbWN0Nzd3THMxNWdrZjN1DQpHVXErZ1RDV3hnZlYzbm05QWdNQkFBRT0NCi0tLS0tRU5EIFBVQkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLQ==" }, { "url" : "expirationDate", "valueDate" : "1970-09-03" }, { "url" : "trustFramework", "valueCodeableConcept" : { "coding" : [ { "system" : "", "code" : "direct", "display" : "DirectTrust", "userSelected" : true } ] } } ], "url" : "" }, { "extension" : [ { "url" : "acceptingPatients", "valueBoolean" : true }, { "url" : "network", "valueReference" : { "reference" : "Organization/patriotppo", "display" : "Patriot Preferred Provider Network" } } ], "url" : "" }, { "url" : "", "valueString" : "New patients are accepted via referral from providers participating in Patriot PPO" }, { "extension" : [ { "url" : "identifier", "valueIdentifier" : { "use" : "official", "type" : { "coding" : [ { "system" : "", "code" : "PRN", "display" : "Provider number" } ], "text" : "DEA Registration Number" }, "system" : "", "value" : "CW1234563", "period" : { "start" : "2016-02-26", "end" : "2019-02-26" }, "assigner" : { "identifier" : { "value" : "US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)" }, "display" : "US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)" } } }, { "url" : "code", "valueCodeableConcept" : { "text" : "DEA Registration Number" } }, { "url" : "issuer", "valueReference" : { "identifier" : { "value" : "US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)" }, "display" : "US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)" } }, { "url" : "status", "valueCoding" : { "system" : "", "code" : "active", "display" : "active" } }, { "url" : "period", "valuePeriod" : { "start" : "2016-02-26", "end" : "2019-02-26" } } ], "url" : "" } ], "identifier" : [ { "extension" : [ { "url" : "", "valueCode" : "active" } ], "use" : "secondary", "type" : { "coding" : [ { "system" : "", "code" : "PRN", "display" : "Provider number" } ], "text" : "Hospital ID" }, "system" : "", "value" : "provider276", "period" : { "start" : "2016-02-22" }, "assigner" : { "reference" : "Organization/foundingfathers", "display" : "Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital" } } ], "active" : true, "period" : { "start" : "2016-02-22" }, "practitioner" : { "reference" : "Practitioner/practitioner1", "display" : "Geroge Washington" }, "organization" : { "reference" : "Organization/foundingfathers", "display" : "Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital" }, "code" : [ { "coding" : [ { "system" : "", "code" : "doctor", "display" : "Doctor" } ] } ], "specialty" : [ { "coding" : [ { "system" : "", "code" : "394579002", "display" : "Cardiology" } ] } ], "location" : [ { "reference" : "Location/loc-ffmh-hvi", "display" : "Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital, Heart and Vascular Institute" } ], "healthcareService" : [ { "reference" : "HealthcareService/ffcardiology", "display" : "Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital cardiac services" } ], "telecom" : [ { "extension" : [ { "url" : "", "valueReference" : { "reference" : "Location/loc-ffmh-hvi", "display" : "Founding Fathers Memorial Hospital, Heart and Vascular Institute" } } ], "system" : "phone", "value" : "202-101-0123" } ], "availableTime" : [ { "daysOfWeek" : [ "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu" ], "availableStartTime" : "09:00:00", "availableEndTime" : "12:00:00" } ], "endpoint" : [ { "reference" : "Endpoint/direct321", "display" : "Direct address for the Founding Fathers Heart and Vascular Institute" } ] }