Personal Health Device Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - STU 1

This page is part of the Personal Health Device FHIR IG (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

..0 Table of Contents
...1 Personal Health Device Implementation Guide Home Page
....1.1 Overview
.....1.1.1 Organization
.....1.1.2 Purpose
.....1.1.3 Audience
.....1.1.4 Scope
.....1.1.5 Use Cases
....1.2 Consuming the PHD Profile FHIR Resources
....1.3 PHG Implementation Guidance
.....1.3.1 Remote Patient Monitoring Considerations
.....1.3.2 Generic and Extensible Model
.....1.3.3 DIM to FHIR Mapping: Basics
.....1.3.4 General Notes to Consumers of FHIR Data
.....1.3.5 DIM to FHIR Mapping: Details
...... Definition of a Metric Measurement
...... Metric Protocol-Only Attributes
...... Mder FLOATs and SFLOATs
...... Nomenclature codes
...... Codeable Concepts
...... Obtaining the Observation Code
...... Obtaining the Unit Code
...... ASN1 BITs Code System
....... ASN1 BITs Codes
...... The Observation Identifier
...... Generating the PHD Reported Time Stamp Identifier
.....1.3.6 Coincident Time Stamp
.....1.3.7 Non 11073 20601 Devices
....1.4 Profiles
.....1.4.1 Profiles Overview
...... Bundled upload of Patient, Device, and Observation resources
.....1.4.2 Base Observation Profile
.....1.4.3 PHD Numeric Observation Profile
...... Simple numeric with supplemental types
...... NaN Example
.....1.4.4 PHD Compound Numeric Observation Profile
...... Compound Measurement
.....1.4.5 PHD Coded Enumeration Observation Profile
...... Coded Enumeration
.....1.4.6 PHD BITs Coded Enumeration Observation Profile
...... BITs measurement; Device-Sensor status
.....1.4.7 PHD Real Time Sample Array Observation Profile
...... Real Time Sample Array; Pleth wave
.....1.4.8 PHD String Enumeration Observation Profile
...... A measurement that is a human readable string (Enumeration String)
.....1.4.9 PHD Coincident Time Stamp Observation Profile
...... Coincident Time Stamp: PHG best synchronized
...... Coincident Time Stamp with a time fault
.....1.4.10 PHD Device Profile
...... Generating the PHD codes
...... Device Identifier codes
...... Device example from a Blood Pressure PHD
.....1.4.11 PHG (Personal Health Gateway) Device Profile
...... Android Gateway example
.....1.4.12 PHD Patient Profile
...... Patient example containing optional patient name
....1.5 Terminology
...2 Artifact List
....2.1 PhdBaseObservation
....2.2 PhdNumericObservation
....2.3 PhdCompoundNumericObservation
....2.4 PhdCodedEnumerationObservation
....2.5 PhdBitsEnumerationObservation
....2.6 PhdRtsaObservation
....2.7 PhdStringEnumerationObservation
....2.8 PhdCoincidentTimeStampObservation
....2.9 PhdDevice
....2.10 PhgDevice
....2.11 PhdPatient
....2.12 CodeableConcept11073MDC
....2.13 Quantity11073MDC
....2.14 Range11073MDC
....2.15 String11073MDC
....2.16 MDCnotObject
....2.17 ASN1attribute
....2.18 ASN1measurement
....2.19 ContinuaDeviceIdentifiers
....2.20 ASN1ToHL7
....2.21 ContinuaHFS
....2.22 ContinuaPHD
....2.23 PhdServerCapabilityStatement
....2.24 Example of a first time Bundle upload
....2.25 Example of PHD Device
....2.26 Example Bundled upload
....2.27 Example of a numeric.
....2.28 Example of an Rtsa.
....2.29 Example of a NaN case
....2.30 Example of coded enumeration
....2.31 Example of a ASN1 BITs measurement
....2.32 Example of Compound measurement
....2.33 Example of String measurement
....2.34 Example of a Coincident Time Stamp PHG better synchronized
....2.35 Example of a Coincident Time Stamp with a Time Fault
....2.36 Example of a Blood Pressure PHD
....2.37 Example of a Glucose Monitor PHD
....2.38 Example of a Coincident Time Stamp referenced from BP observation
....2.39 Example of a Coincident Time Stamp referenced by the Glucose Meal Context Observation
....2.40 Example of a Gateway
....2.41 Example of a Patient
....2.42 Measurement status codes