Personal Health Device Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - STU 1

This page is part of the Personal Health Device FHIR IG (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

PHD Device Profile

The properties and specifications of the PHD are reported in the Device resource. These are the static fields of the attributes reported in the PHD MDS object or Bluetooth Low Energy Device Information Service. Dynamic and observational attributes such as the battery level, remaining battery time, and power status are reported using the Observation resource.

There are six MDS attributes that are reported. The Mds-Time-Info attribute has fields that are dynamic and static, and it is only the static entries which are required should the attribute be present. The following table summarizes these attributes and the Device elements to which they are mapped:

MDS attribute Device element
System-Id identifier 1
transport address identifier 2
Friendly name deviceName
System-Type-Spec-List specializations
Production-Specification serialNumber
Reg-Cert-Data-List version
MdsTimeInfo property

The transport address and friendly name are not provided by the MDS but come from the transport protocols. They may not be available and are therefore optional. However, if the PHD does not report a System Id, which may happen if one needs to map non-certified and/or proprietary devices, a transport address should be reported. It is still strongly recommended that the transport address is reported as it is often beneficial to the data consumers. Transport addresses of wireless devices are often printed on the device or the device packaging whereas the system id is not. Most PHD transports provide a means of obtaining a transport address or an equivalent identifier such as a USB VID and PID.

There are several CodeableConcept data types in this mapping where the Coding data type has a ‘display’ element. It is recommended to put the MDC reference identifier as part of the display element if known. The coding system element is always set to “urn.iso.std.iso:11073:10101 when an MDC code”.

The structure definition for the PHD Device Profile is given here

Meta Data Profile

The uploader shall populate the Device.meta.profile with indicating this resource is generated following the PHD Implementation Guide.

System Identifier

All 11073 20601 PHDs are required to have a system identifier. It is an EUI-64 consisting of 8 bytes. The system id is mapped to the Device.identifier.value element as a sequence of 8 2-digit bytes as HEX separated by dashes without the ‘0x’ prefix commonly used in programming languages. An example of such a string is FE-ED-AB-EE-DE-AD-77-C3. Though required for Continua compliance, it is not required in the Bluetooth Low Energy health device specifications. When a PHG encounters such a device it shall enter 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 and it is highly recommended to provide a transport address as a means of uniquely identifying the PHD.

In order to discriminate between an identifier that is a system id and that which is a transport address the identifier.type element is used. A Continua-defined CodeSystem Device Identifier Codes has the codes one can use to populate the identifier.type.coding.code element.

The transport addresses are as follows:

transport format example
Bluetooth EUI-48 00-E5-DE-AD-77-C3
ZigBee EUI-64 36-ED-9A-EE-DE-AD-77-C3
USB 0043.F90D

The identifier is encoded as follows:

Source Device Encoding
System-Id.value identifier.value=formatted as above
Bluetooth Address identifier.value=formatted as above
ZigBee Address identifier.value=formatted as above
USB Address identifier.value=formatted as above


The UDI has recently been introduced into the IEEE 11073 20601 standard, however, no PHDs have implemented this feature and it is not yet present in Bluetooth Low Energy. For that reason, the mapping of this element is not specified in this version of the implementation guide. The IEEE 11073 20601 standard supports an issuer, jurisdiction, and the Human Readable interpretation of the barcode. The udiCarrier does have elements for each of these entries. On the other hand, there is no appropriate entryType code for this sourcing of the UDI as it is obtained electronically through protocol.

It is anticipated that all these issues will be resolved and that eventually PHDs will support it via protocol. At that time a mapping from the IEEE UDI to the Device.uidCarrier will be specified.


The Device type is the same for all PHDs and it indicates that the device is a PHD. The details of what the PHD does is found in the Device.specializations element. The MDC code being used is 65573 (reference id MDC_MOC_VMS_MDS_SIMP). In 11073-10201 this code is described as indicating “a single-purpose medical device”. The code is also used in 11073-20601 to identify the MDS object, but there is no particular description as to its interpretation.

The Device.type shall be encoded as follows:

  • Device.type.coding.code=”65573”
  • Device.type.coding.system=”urn.iso.std.iso:11073:10101”
  • Device.type.text=”MDC_MOC_VMS_MDS_SIMP: Continua Personal Health Device”

The display element is optional but highly recommended.

System Type Spec List

The System-Type-Spec-List attribute contains a list of specializations the PHD complies to. The elements in the list indicate not only what the PHD does, but that it does so in a manner specified in the specialization documents. Each element in the list contains the specialization and its version. The specialization is reported as a 16-bit MDC term code with an assumed partition of INFRA (8) and the version is an integer. In most cases there is just one entry in the list.

For each entry in the System-Type-Spec-List a specializations entry is encoded as follows:

System-Type-Spec-List entry Device encoding
System-Type-Spec-List.type specialization.systemType.coding.code=”code”
specialization.systemType.text=”reference-id plus additional text
System-Type-Spec-List.version specialization.version=”version”

where “code” is the 32-bit nomenclature code computed from the partition INFRA and the term code from System-Type-Spec-List.type and “version” is the version from System-Type-Spec-List.version.

The display element is optional but it is highly recommended that it be included and the reference id be in the description. The table below gives a list of some of the most common specializations and their codes:

Specialization MDC Code partition:term code Reference Identifier
Generic 20601 Device 8::4169 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_GENERIC
Electro cardiograph 8::4102 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_MIN_ECG
Blood Pressure Cuff 8::4103 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_BP
Thermometer 8::4104 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_TEMP
Respiration rate 8::4109 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_RESP_RATE
Glucose Monitor 8::4113 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_GLUCOSE
Coagulation meter 8::4114 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_COAG
Body Composition Analyzer 8::4116 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_BCA
Peak Flow meter 8::4117 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_PEAK_FLOW
Sleep Apnea Breathing Equipment 8::4120 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_SABTE
Continuous Glucose Monitor 8::4121 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_CGM
Cardiovascular Device 8::4137 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_HF_CARDIO
Strength Equipment 8::4138 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_HF_STRENGTH
Independent Activity/Living Hub 8::4167 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_AI_ACTIVITY_HUB
Medication Monitor 8::4168 MDC_DEV_SPEC_PROFILE_AI_MED_MINDER

The ‘generic’ device on the PHD side indicates that the device follows 20601 but not any specialization. On the PHG side it indicates that the PHG understands anything following the 20601 standard. That would include all specializations since all specializations are a subset of the 20601 standard.

The table below gives the set of 32-bit MDC codes and reference identifiers used in the subsequent mappings.

11073 Attribute description MDC code MDC reference identifier
System-Model Model number 531969 MDC_ID_MODEL_NUMBER
System-Model Manufacturer name 531970 MDC_ID_MODEL_MANUFACTURER
Production-Specification Unspecified 531971 MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_UNSPECIFIED
Production-Specification Serial number 531972 MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_SERIAL
Production-Specification Part number 531973 MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_PART
Production-Specification Hardware revision 531974 MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_HW
Production-Specification Software revision 531975 MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_SW
Production-Specification Firmware revision 531976 MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_FW
Production-Specification Protocol revision 531977 MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_PROTOCOL
Production-Specification Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) 531978 MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_GMDN
Reg-Cert-Data-List Continua version 532352 MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_VERSION
Reg-Cert-Data-List Continua Certified Device List 532353 MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_CERT_DEV_LIST
Reg-Cert-Data-List Regulation status 532354 MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_REG_STATUS
PHG only Continua Certified H&FS List 532355 MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_AHD_CERT_LIST
Mds-Time-Info Synchronization method 68220 MDC_TIME_SYNC_PROTOCOL
Mds-Time-Info Time capabilities 68219 MDC_TIME_CAP_STATE
Mds-Time-Info High resolution relative time resolution 68224 MDC_TIME_RES_REL_HI_RES
Mds-Time-Info Relative time resolution 68223 MDC_TIME_RES_REL
Mds-Time-Info Absolute Time time resolution 68222 MDC_TIME_RES_ABS
Mds-Time-Info Base offset time resolution 68226 MDC_TIME_RES_BO
Mds-Time-Info Time synchronization accuracy 68221 MDC_TIME_SYNC_ACCURACY

System Model

The System-Model attribute contains two strings, the manufacturer name and the model number. The Device resource has stand-alone primitive elements for these two fields. The mapping is straight forward:

System-Model Device encoding
System-Model.manufacturer manufacturer=”System-Model.manufacturer”
System-Model.model-number modelNumber=”System-Model.model-number”


The Production-Specification attribute values are mapped to three separate elements in the Device, the Device.serialNumber, Device.partNumber, and Device.version. The serialNumber and partNumber elements are string primitives, thus it is not possible to map the PrivateOid of those two values without extensions. The version element, on the other hand, is a Backbone element which will allow such a mapping without the use of extensions.

The mapping is as follows:

Production-Specification entry Device encoding
Production-Specification.spec-type = 1 (serial number)
Production-Specification.spec-type = 2 (part number)
Production-Specification.spec-type = 3 (hardware version)
version.type.text=”MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_HW + optional text”**
version.component.system=”system id formatted as above”*
Production-Specification.spec-type = 4 (software version)
version.type.text=”MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_SW + optional text”**
version.component.system=”system id formatted as above”*
Production-Specification.spec-type = 5 (firmware version)
version.type.text=”MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_FW + optional text”**
version.component.system=”system id formatted as above”*
Production-Specification.spec-type = 6 (protocol version)
version.type.text=”MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_PROTOCOL + optional text”**
version.component.system=”system id formatted as above”*

*The PrivateOid is only a 16-bit unsigned number. To give it some meaning, the system-id of the device is placed in the Identifier ‘system’ value to link the PrivateOid to this physical device in the presence of some other possible identifiers.

**The text elements are optional but it is encouraged to include them and populate them with at least the reference identifier.


The Reg-Cert-Data-List contains the Continua version, list of certified PHD interfaces, and the regulation status. The Continua version is mapped to an additional Device.version element and the other two fields are mapped to a element.

Reg-Cert-Data-List Continua version

The Continua version has a major and minor component which are 8-bit unsigned integers. The code reported in the Device.versions element is obtained by concatenating the major-version, a dot (.), and the minor version. For example, “6.1” where “6” is the major version and “1” is the minor version.

The Continua version code is mapped to a Device.version element.

Reg-Cert-Data-List Continua Certified PHD interfaces

The Reg-Cert-Data-List attribute reports the list of Continua certified PHD (Personal Area Network) interfaces as a list of Continua-specified ‘PHD’ codes. Note there is a difference between certified PHD interfaces and supported PHD interfaces. The Continua-specified certification codes obtained from the Reg-Cert-Data-List are a combination of a transport code, Tcode, and a specialization code which is based on the 16-bit term code of the MDC code for the specialization. See generating the PHDCodes

The PHDCodes are mapped to a list of property.valueCode elements. The property.type element, which identifies the property, is given by the MDC 32-bit code 532353. Its reference id is MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_CERT_DEV_LIST.

Reg-Cert-Data-List Regulation Status

The regulation status element is a 16-bit ASN1 BITs ‘state’ value (see ASN1 Coding Description). At the current time only Mder bit 0 is defined. Being a state value, both set and cleared states are reported. In fact, it is the cleared state which represents that the device is regulated.

The regulation status is mapped to an additional element. The element, which identifies the property, is given by 532354.0 following the ASN1 BITs mapping where the code 532354 is the MDC code for the regulation status. Its reference identifier is MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_REG_STATUS. The ‘0’ appended to the regulation status code indicates Mder bit 0. The will indicate either “Y” (set) or “N” (cleared).

The following table summarizes the mapping of the Reg-Cert-Data-List information to FHIR:

Reg-Cert-Data-List Device Mapping
Reg-Cert-Data-List: continuaVersion version.type.coding.code=”532352”
version.type.text=”MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_VERSION + text”
version.value=”Continua version code”

Reg-Cert-Data-List: certified PHD interfaces property.type.coding.code=”532353”
property.type.text=”MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_CERT_DEV_LIST + text”

Reg-Cert-Data-List: regulation status property.type.coding.code=”532354.0”
property.valueCode.coding.system=” “
property.valueCode.text=”Y=unregulated N=regulated”

Text elements are recommended but optional.


The Mds-Time-Info attribute is required on PHDs that support a real time clock of some type and report time stamps in their measurements. In Bluetooth Low Energy devices these properties must be inferred from other information like the Current Time Service. If the PHD does NOT report a time stamp in any of its measurements, there is no need to report the static time information EXCEPT that there is no time synchronization.

Time Capabilities

The Mds-Time-Info attribute has a 16-bit ASN1 BITs field for the time capabilities. They are mapped as follows:

Mder Bit position IEEE.ASN1 Code ASN.1 name static Device.
0 68219.0 mds-time-capab-real-time-clock yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.0”
1 68219.1 mds-time-capab-set-clock yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.1”
2 68219.2 mds-time-capab-relative-time yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.2”
3 68219.3 mds-time-capab-high-res-relative-time yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.3”
4 68219.4 mds-time-capab-sync-abs-time yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.4”
5 68219.5 mds-time-capab-sync-rel-time yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.5”
6 68219.6 mds-time-capab-sync-hi-res-relative-time yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.6”
7 68219.7 mds-time-capab-bo-time yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.7”
8 68219.8 mds-time-state-abs-time-synced no  
9 68219.9 mds-time-state-rel-time-synced no  
10 68219.10 mds-time-state-hi-res-relative-time-synced no  
11 68219.11 mds-time-mgr-set-time no  
12 68219.12 mds-time-capab-sync-bo-time yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.12”
13 68219.13 mds-time-state-bo-time-synced no  
14 68219.14 mds-time-state-bo-time-UTC-aligned yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.14”
15 68219.15 mds-time-dst-rules-enabled yes property.type.coding.code=”68219.15”

The required remaining property elements in each reported case are as follows:

  • property.type.coding.system=””
  • property.valueCode.coding.code=”Y/N”
  • property.valueCode.coding.system=” “

An optional text element containing at least the ASN.1 name from the above table is encouraged:

  • property.type.text=”ASN.1 name + any additional text”

Only the static fields shall be reported and all the static fields are treated as events thus they only need to be reported if set. Reporting cleared static states is optional.

Time Synchronization

The Mds-Time-Info.time-sync-protocol indicates the method of time synchronization which has one of the term code values in the following table:

32-bit code Reference identifier description partition:term code
532224 MDC_TIME_SYNC_NONE An uncalibrated and unsynchronized local clock source 8::7936
532234 MDC_TIME_SYNC_EBWW A manually set time, by ‘eyeball and wristwatch’ 8::7946
532225 MDC_TIME_SYNC_NTPV3 Network Time Protocol Version 3.0 (RFC 1305) 8::7937
532226 MDC_TIME_SYNC_NTPV4 Network Time Protocol Version 4.0 (under dev) 8::7938
532227 MDC_TIME_SYNC_SNTPV4 Simple Network Time Protocol v4 (RFC 2030) 8::7939
532228 MDC_TIME_SYNC_SNTPV4330 Simple Network Time Protocol v4 (RFC 4330) 8::7940
532229 MDC_TIME_SYNC_BTV1 Bluetooth Medical Device Profile 8::7941
532235 MDC_TIME_SYNC_USB_SOF Synced to the 1kHz USB “start-of-frame” clock 8::7947
532230 MDC_TIME_SYNC_RADIO Atomic Clock synchronization through RF 8::7942
532231 MDC_TIME_SYNC_HL7_NCK Synchronized via Health Level 7 NCK (network clock) 8::7943
532232 MDC_TIME_SYNC_CDMA CDMA mobile telecommunications synchronization 8::7944
532233 MDC_TIME_SYNC_GSM GSM - Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ) 8::7945
532236 MDC_TIME_SYNC_OTHER A time sync method that is out of scope for IEEE 11073 8::7948
532237 MDC_TIME_SYNC_OTHER_MOBILE A time sync method based on other mobile network technology that is not listed above 8::7949
532238 MDC_TIME_SYNC_GPS A time sync method based on GPS information 8::7950

If the Mds-Time-Info.time-sync-protocol indicates some other value besides 7936 (no time synchronization) the uploader must look at the time capabilities bits 8, 9, 10, or 13 to see if the PHD actually is synchronized. If the time capabilities bits indicate that the PHD is synchronized, then the time synchronization method in Mds-Time-Info.time-sync-protocol is reported in the element. Otherwise the uploader reports that the PHD is unsynchronized.

The uploader maps the state of synchronization to the as follows:

  •”MDC_TIME_SYNC_PROTOCOL” (optional)
  •”32-bit code for sync method
  •”the ref id(optional)

To date there are no PHDs that support an external time synchronization. However, many PHDs have the PHG set its time and PHGs are required to support an external time synchronization. The IEEE PHD WG is working on providing some means to indicate synchronization by the PHG. In lieu of that, a consumer can only infer that the PHG probably set the time on the PHG if

  • the PHD indicates that set time is supported
  • the current time clock differences between the PHG and PHD are about 0.

Time Synchronization Accuracy

The time synchronization accuracy is given by the Mds-Time-Info.time-sync-accuracy field. This value shall not be reported if the PHD reports a value of 0xFFFFFFFF which indicates unknown. Otherwise the value reported is in units of 1/8th millisecond. When reported in the element it is scaled to microseconds. The mapping is as follows:

  •”MDC_TIME_SYNC_ACCURACY” (optional)
  •”125 x Mds-Time-Info.time-sync-accuracy
  •”us” (UCUM code for microseconds)

Time Resolution

The Mds-Time-Info attribute has three fields that report the resolution of its time clocks.

The Mds-Time-Info.time-resolution-abs-time represents the resolution of the absolute-time clock when the sensor supports an absolute time clock. If the sensor supports a base-offset time clock it represents the resolution of the base-offset time clock. The sensor is not allowed to support both time clocks simultaneously during an association. Which time clock is supported is indicated by the settings of the Mder 0 and 7 bits of the time capabilities (Mds-Time-Info.mds-time-caps-state).

The sensor may additionally support both relative time clocks or just one or both of the relative time clocks without any ‘wall time’ clock. In practice, support of more than one real time clock at the same time is rare.

If the respective time resolution has a value of 0, it indicates that the resolution is unknown and it shall not be reported. In all other cases, the resolutions are reported.

All time resolution values shall be scaled to units of microseconds. When supporting absolute time, the Mds-Time-Info.time-resolution-abs-time is in units of 1/100th of a second. When supporting base-offset time, the Mds-Time-Info.time-resolution-abs-time is in units of 1/65536th of a second. In the base-offset case, the special value of 0xFFFF means one second. The Mds-Time-Info.time-resolution-rel-time is in units of 1/8th millisecond and the Mds-Time-Info.time-resolution-hi-res-relative-time is in units of microseconds.

Though not a part of the MdsTimeInfo attribute the Tick resolution attribute used for RR-intervals in the ECG specialization is also encoded as a property in this group. However its units are in cycles per second, such that a value as 1024 indicates 1024 cycles per second. element value “68229” (Tick Resolution) “urn.iso.std.iso:11073:10101” (optional) “MDC_ATTR_TICK_RES” Tick-Resolution.value “” “Hz” (UCUM code for Hertz)

The encoding for the resolution values is as follows: element value “68222” (absolute time)
“68226” (base-offset time)
“68223” (relative time)
“68224” (hi-res relative time) “urn.iso.std.iso:11073:10101” (optional) “MDC_TIME_RES_ABS”
“MDC_TIME_RES_REL_HI_RES” “10000 x Mds-Time-Info.time-resolution-abs-time
“1000000 x Mds-Time-Info.time-resolution-abs-time/65536”
“125 x Mds-Time-Info.time-resolution-rel-time
“Mds-Time-Info.time-resolution-hi-res-relative-time “” “us” (UCUM code for microseconds)


An example of a PHD Blood Pressure cuff Device mapping is given here

Consumer of the PHD Device Profile

For the Consumer of this profile the following table gives a quick guide to the main features

item Location in Device resource
Type of Device specializations.systemType.coding.code=”MDC 32-bit code for device specialization
Manufacturer name manufacturer
Model number modelNumber
serial number serialNumber
system identifier identifier.system=”urn:oid:1.2.840.10004.”
identifier.value=”system id as 8 2-digit HEX values separated by dashes
time synchronization property.type.coding.code=”68220”
property.valueCode.coding.code=”code for time synchronization

The Other Profiles