International Birth And Child Model Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot2 - STU 1 Ballot 2 International flag

This page is part of the International Birth And Child Model Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot2: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

IBCM Fetal Record Profile

Profile to represent a fetal record which will be used to collect data around the unborn child/fetus (e.g. headcircumference, fetal heart rate and position of the fetus)

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

UC1 D-Transposition of the Great Vessels

An example of a fetus disorder Condition

UC1 Estimated Fetal Body Weight

An example of a fetal body weight Observation

UC1 Fetus Patient

An example of a fetus Patient

UC1 Gestational Age 21 weeks

An example of a pregnancy duration Observation (21 weeks)

UC1 Gestational Age 37 weeks

An example of a pregnancy duration Observation (37 weeks)

UC1 Medication Prostaglandin E

An example of a Medication

UC1 MedicationRequest Prostaglandin E Infusion

An example of a MedicationRequest for the fetus

UC1 Mother Patient

An example of a mother Patient

UC1 Practitioner

An example of a Practitioner

UC1 Pregnancy

An example of a pregnancy Condition

UC1 RelatedPerson

An example of a RelatedPerson defining the mother relationship from the perspective of the fetus Patient

UC1 UltraSound Report 21 weeks

An example of an ultrasound scan DiagnosticReport (21 weeks)

UC1 UltraSound Report 37 weeks

An example of an ultrasound scan DiagnosticReport (37 weeks)

UC2 Amniocentesis Procedure

An example of an amniocentesis Procedure

UC2 Amniocentesis Report

An example of an amniocentesis DiagnosticReport

UC2 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Fetus A

An example of a fetus disorder (Congenital diaphragmatic hernia) Condition

UC2 Fetus A Patient

An example of a fetus Patient

UC2 Fetus B Patient

An example of a fetus Patient

UC2 Gestationale Age 20 weeks

An example of a fetal gestational age Observation (20 weeks)

UC2 Gestationale Age 24.14 weeks

An example of a fetal gestational age Observation (24.14 weeks)

UC2 Hypoplasia of Lung

An example of a Hypoplasia of Lung Observation

UC2 Hypospadias Fetus B

An example of a fetus disorder (Hypospadias) Condition

UC2 Karyotype Fetus A

An example of a Karyotype Observation

UC2 Karyotype Fetus B

An example of a Karyotype Observation

UC2 Mother Patient

An example of a mother Patient

UC2 Practitioner

An example of a Practitioner

UC2 Pregnancy

An example of a pregnancy Condition

UC2 RelatedPerson Fetus A

An example of a RelatedPerson defining the mother relationship from the perspective of the fetus Patient

UC2 RelatedPerson Fetus B

An example of a RelatedPerson defining the mother relationship from the perspective of the fetus Patient

UC2 UltraSound Report 24 weeks

An example of an ultrasound scan DiagnosticReport (20 weeks)

UC2 UltraSound Scan 24 weeks

An example of an ultrasound scan DiagnosticReport (24 weeks)

UC2 UltraSound Scan Procedure 20 weeks

An example of an ultrasound scan Procedure (20 weeks)

UC2 UltraSound Scan Procedure 24 weeks

An example of an ultrasound scan Procedure (24 weeks)

UC3 Body Height First MOH Visit

An example of a body height Observation

UC3 Body Weight First MOH Visit

An example of a body weight Observation

UC3 Body Weight Follow Up MOH Visit

An example of a body weight Observation

UC3 FamilyMemberHistory of Fetus

An example of the family member history of the fetus Patient

UC3 Femur Length Obstetric Clinic

An example of a femur length Observation

UC3 First MOH Visit

An example of an Encounter of the mother Patient (first MOH Visit)

UC3 Follow Up MOH Visit

An example of an Encounter of the mother Patient (MOH Visit Follow Up)

UC3 Head Circumference Obstetric Clinic

An example of a head circumference Observation

UC3 Hemoglobin First MOH Visit

An example of a hemoglobin Observation

UC3 Kandy Hospital

An example of a Location (Kandy Hospital)

UC3 Local MOH


UC3 Mother Patient

An example of a mother Patient

UC3 Obstetric Clinic Encounter

An example of an Encounter of the baby Patient (Obs Clinic)

UC3 Practitioner

An example of a Practitioner

UC3 Practitioner 2

An example of a Practitioner

UC3 Pregnancy

An example of a pregnancy Condition

UC3 Pregnancy Test First MOH Visit

An example of a qualitative pregnancy test Observation

UC3 Reducing Substances First MOH Visit

An example of a reducing substances Observation

UC3 RelatedPerson Fetus

An example of a RelatedPerson defining the mother relationship from the perspective of the fetus Patient

UC3 Uterus Fundal Height Follow Up MOH Visit

An example of a uterus fundal height Observation


Management Plan


An example of a fetus Patient