0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Analysis |
  3 Background |
  5 Guidance |
  6 Use Case 1 Medication Request |
  7 Use Case 2 Result Reporting |
  8 Use Case 3 Data Transfer |
  9 Artifacts Summary |
   9.1 IBCM Fetal Record Profile |
   9.2 UC1 D-Transposition of the Great Vessels |
   9.3 UC1 Estimated Fetal Body Weight |
   9.4 UC1 Fetus Patient |
   9.5 UC1 Gestational Age 21 weeks |
   9.6 UC1 Gestational Age 37 weeks |
   9.7 UC1 Medication Prostaglandin E |
   9.8 UC1 MedicationRequest Prostaglandin E Infusion |
   9.9 UC1 Mother Patient |
   9.10 UC1 Practitioner |
   9.11 UC1 Pregnancy |
   9.12 UC1 RelatedPerson |
   9.13 UC1 UltraSound Report 21 weeks |
   9.14 UC1 UltraSound Report 37 weeks |
   9.15 UC2 Amniocentesis Procedure |
   9.16 UC2 Amniocentesis Report |
   9.17 UC2 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Fetus A |
   9.18 UC2 Fetus A Patient |
   9.19 UC2 Fetus B Patient |
   9.20 UC2 Gestationale Age 20 weeks |
   9.21 UC2 Gestationale Age 24.14 weeks |
   9.22 UC2 Hypoplasia of Lung |
   9.23 UC2 Hypospadias Fetus B |
   9.24 UC2 Karyotype Fetus A |
   9.25 UC2 Karyotype Fetus B |
   9.26 UC2 Mother Patient |
   9.27 UC2 Practitioner |
   9.28 UC2 Pregnancy |
   9.29 UC2 RelatedPerson Fetus A |
   9.30 UC2 RelatedPerson Fetus B |
   9.31 UC2 UltraSound Report 24 weeks |
   9.32 UC2 UltraSound Scan 24 weeks |
   9.33 UC2 UltraSound Scan Procedure 20 weeks |
   9.34 UC2 UltraSound Scan Procedure 24 weeks |
   9.35 UC3 Body Height First MOH Visit |
   9.36 UC3 Body Weight First MOH Visit |
   9.37 UC3 Body Weight Follow Up MOH Visit |
   9.38 UC3 FamilyMemberHistory of Fetus |
   9.39 UC3 Femur Length Obstetric Clinic |
   9.40 UC3 First MOH Visit |
   9.41 UC3 Follow Up MOH Visit |
   9.42 UC3 Head Circumference Obstetric Clinic |
   9.43 UC3 Hemoglobin First MOH Visit |
   9.44 UC3 Kandy Hospital |
   9.45 UC3 Local MOH |
   9.46 UC3 Mother Patient |
   9.47 UC3 Obstetric Clinic Encounter |
   9.48 UC3 Practitioner |
   9.49 UC3 Practitioner 2 |
   9.50 UC3 Pregnancy |
   9.51 UC3 Pregnancy Test First MOH Visit |
   9.52 UC3 Reducing Substances First MOH Visit |
   9.53 UC3 RelatedPerson Fetus |
   9.54 UC3 Uterus Fundal Height Follow Up MOH Visit |
   9.55 uc3-careplan |
   9.56 uc3-fetus |