This page is part of the Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
<Composition xmlns="">
<id value="178426"/>
<versionId value="52"/>
<lastUpdated value="2023-12-06T16:25:43.377Z"/>
<status value="extensions"/>
<div xmlns=""><p><b>Generated Narrative: Composition</b><a name="178426"> </a></p><div style="display: inline-block; background-color: #d9e0e7; padding: 6px; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #8da1b4; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 60%"><p style="margin-bottom: 0px">Resource Composition "178426" Version "52" Updated "2023-12-06 16:25:43+0000" </p><p style="margin-bottom: 0px">Profile: <a href="StructureDefinition-comparative-evidence-report.html">ComparativeEvidenceReport</a></p></div><p><b>Artifact Description</b>: This example of a ComparativeEvidenceReport Profile shows a report from a single observational study with 2 baseline measures, 2 participant flow measures, and 4 outcome measures.</p><p><b>url</b>: <a href=""></a></p><p><b>identifier</b>: FEvIR Object Identifier: 178426</p><p><b>status</b>: final</p><p><b>type</b>: EvidenceReport <span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki"> (<a href="CodeSystem-179423.html">Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide Code System</a>#EvidenceReport)</span></p><p><b>category</b>: Comparative Evidence Report <span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki"> (<a href="CodeSystem-179423.html">Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide Code System</a>#ComparativeEvidenceReport "ComparativeEvidenceReport")</span></p><p><b>date</b>: 2023-12-06 16:25:43+0000</p><p><b>author</b>: </p><ul><li><span>: Brian S. Alper</span></li><li><span>: Khalid Shahin</span></li><li><span>: Joanne Dehnbostel</span></li></ul><p><b>title</b>: ComparativeEvidenceReport: Association of Bariatric Surgery vs Medical Obesity Treatment With Long-term Medical Complications and Obesity-Related Comorbidities (2018 Norwegian Cohort)</p><p><b>custodian</b>: <a href="Organization-118079.html">Organization/118079: Computable Publishing LLC</a> "Computable_Publishing_LLC"</p><h3>RelatesTos</h3><table class="grid"><tr><td style="display: none">-</td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>Citation</b></td><td><b>ResourceReference</b></td></tr><tr><td style="display: none">*</td><td>cite-as</td><td>ComparativeEvidenceReport: Association of Bariatric Surgery vs Medical Obesity Treatment With Long-term Medical Complications and Obesity-Related Comorbidities (2018 Norwegian Cohort) [Composition]. Contributors: Brian S. Alper, Khalid Shahin, Joanne Dehnbostel [Authors/Creators]. In: Fast Evidence Interoperability Resources (FEvIR) Platform, FOI 178426. Revised 2023-12-04. Available at: Computable resource at:</td><td> </td></tr><tr><td style="display: none">*</td><td>derived-from</td><td> </td><td><a href="Citation-104116.html">Citation/104116: JournalArticleCitation: Association of Bariatric Surgery with Complications and Comorbidities JAMA 2018 Norwegian Cohort</a></td></tr></table></div>
value="This example of a ComparativeEvidenceReport Profile shows a report from a single observational study with 2 baseline measures, 2 participant flow measures, and 4 outcome measures."/>
<url value=""/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="ACSN"/>
<display value="Accession ID"/>
<text value="FEvIR Object Identifier"/>
<system value=""/>
<value value="178426"/>
<display value="Computable Publishing LLC"/>
<status value="final"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="EvidenceReport"/>
<display value="EvidenceReport"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="ComparativeEvidenceReport"/>
<display value="ComparativeEvidenceReport"/>
<text value="Comparative Evidence Report"/>
<reference value="Group/179633"/>
<type value="Group"/>
value="ComparativeEvidenceReportSubject: Association of Bariatric Surgery vs Medical Obesity Treatment With Long-term Medical Complications and Obesity-Related Comorbidities (2018 Norwegian Cohort)"/>
<date value="2023-12-06T16:25:43.377Z"/>
<display value="Brian S. Alper"/>
<display value="Khalid Shahin"/>
<display value="Joanne Dehnbostel"/>
value="ComparativeEvidenceReport: Association of Bariatric Surgery vs Medical Obesity Treatment With Long-term Medical Complications and Obesity-Related Comorbidities (2018 Norwegian Cohort)"/>
<reference value="Organization/118079"/>
<type value="Organization"/>
<display value="Computable Publishing LLC"/>
<type value="cite-as"/>
value="ComparativeEvidenceReport: Association of Bariatric Surgery vs Medical Obesity Treatment With Long-term Medical Complications and Obesity-Related Comorbidities (2018 Norwegian Cohort) [Composition]. Contributors: Brian S. Alper, Khalid Shahin, Joanne Dehnbostel [Authors/Creators]. In: Fast Evidence Interoperability Resources (FEvIR) Platform, FOI 178426. Revised 2023-12-04. Available at: Computable resource at:"/>
<type value="derived-from"/>
<reference value="Citation/104116"/>
<type value="Citation"/>
value="JournalArticleCitation: Association of Bariatric Surgery with Complications and Comorbidities JAMA 2018 Norwegian Cohort"/>
<title value="Population"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="population"/>
<display value="Population"/>
<text value="Population"/>
<status value="generated"/>
<div xmlns =""><b>Severely Obese Adults 2018 Norwegian Cohort</b><br/>Cohort study with baseline data of exposures from November 2005 through July 2010 and follow-up data from 2006 until death or through December 2015 at a tertiary care outpatient center, Vestfold Hospital Trust, Norway. Consecutive treatment-seeking adult patients (n = 2109) with severe obesity assessed (221 patients excluded and 1888 patients included).</div>
<reference value="Group/178427"/>
<type value="Group"/>
value="StudyGroup: Severely Obese Adults 2018 Norwegian Cohort"/>
<title value="Intervention"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="intervention"/>
<display value="Intervention"/>
<text value="Intervention"/>
<title value="Intervention Description"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="intervention-description"/>
<display value="Intervention Description"/>
<text value="Intervention Description"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Bariatric surgery, mostly gastric bypass (92%) or sleeve gastrectomy (7%)</div>
<reference value="Group/172423"/>
<type value="Group"/>
value="ExposureDefinition: Bariatric Surgery (RYGB, VSG, LAGB, BPD)"/>
<title value="Intervention Group"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="intervention-group"/>
<display value="Intervention Group"/>
<text value="Intervention Group"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">932 patients opted for bariatric surgery</div>
<reference value="Group/172934"/>
<type value="Group"/>
value="InterventionGroup: JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study Surgery cohort"/>
<title value="Comparator Section"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="comparator"/>
<display value="Comparator"/>
<text value="Comparator"/>
<title value="Comparator Description"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="comparator-description"/>
<display value="Comparator Description"/>
<text value="Comparator Description"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">medical treatment</div>
<reference value="Group/172424"/>
<type value="Group"/>
value="ComparatorDefinition: NOT Bariatric Surgery (RYGB, VSG, LAGB, BPD)"/>
<title value="Comparator Group"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="comparator-group"/>
<display value="Comparator Group"/>
<text value="Comparator Group"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">956 opted for medical management without surgery</div>
<reference value="Group/172939"/>
<type value="Group"/>
value="ComparatorGroup: JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study Control cohort"/>
<title value="Study Design"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="study-design"/>
<display value="Study Design"/>
<text value="Study Design"/>
<status value="generated"/>
<div xmlns ="">Observational research; Parallel cohort design; Longitudinal data collection</div>
<reference value="ArtifactAssessment/179448"/>
<type value="ArtifactAssessment"/>
value="Classification: Study Design for Association of Bariatric Surgery with Complications and Comorbidities JAMA 2018 Norwegian Cohort"/>
<title value="Baseline Measures"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="baseline-measures"/>
<display value="Baseline Measures"/>
<text value="Baseline Measures"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">As compared with medical patients, surgically treated patients were significantly younger with a higher BMI.</div>
<title value="Age"/>
<reference value="EvidenceVariable/179449"/>
<type value="EvidenceVariable"/>
<display value="ExposureVariable: Age (as continuous variable)"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Mean age 41.2 in Surgical Group vs. 45.7 in Medical Group (p < 0.001)</div>
<title value="Baseline Measure with comparator alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-comparator-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with comparator alone"/>
<text value="Baseline Measure with comparator alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Age in Medical Group (n = 956) mean 45.7 years, SD 13.5 years</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179451"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="BaselineMeasureEvidence: Age in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Medical Group"/>
<title value="Baseline Measure with intervention alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention alone"/>
<text value="Baseline Measure with intervention alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Age in Surgical Group (n = 932) mean 41.2 years, SD 10.5 years</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179452"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="BaselineMeasureEvidence: Age in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group"/>
<title value="Baseline Measure with total group"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-total-group"/>
<display value="Evidence with total group"/>
<text value="Baseline Measure with total group"/>
<code value="notasked"/>
<display value="Not Asked"/>
<title value="Baseline Measure with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-vs-comparator"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<text value="Baseline Measure with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">p < 0.001</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179455"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparativeBaselineMeasureEvidence: Age in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group vs. Medical Group"/>
<title value="BMI"/>
<reference value="EvidenceVariable/179450"/>
<type value="EvidenceVariable"/>
value="ExposureVariable: Body Mass Index (as continuous variable)"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Mean BMI 45.4 in Surgical Group vs. 42.9 in Medical Group (p < 0.001)</div>
<title value="Baseline Measure with comparator alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-comparator-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with comparator alone"/>
<text value="Baseline Measure with comparator alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">BMI in Medical Group (n = 956) mean 42.9 kg/m2, SD 5.7 kg/m2</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179458"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="BaselineMeasureEvidence: BMI in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Medical Group"/>
<title value="Baseline Measure with intervention alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention alone"/>
<text value="Baseline Measure with intervention alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">BMI in Surgical Group (n = 932) mean 45.4 kg/m2, SD 6.2 kg/m2</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179457"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="BaselineMeasureEvidence: BMI in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group"/>
<title value="Baseline Measure with total group"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-total-group"/>
<display value="Evidence with total group"/>
<text value="Baseline Measure with total group"/>
<code value="notasked"/>
<display value="Not Asked"/>
<title value="Baseline Measure with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-vs-comparator"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<text value="Baseline Measure with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">p < 0.001</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179456"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparativeBaselineMeasureEvidence: BMI in 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group vs. Medical Group"/>
<title value="Participant Flow"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="participant-flow"/>
<display value="Participant Flow"/>
<text value="Participant Flow"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">2109 patients included in baseline registry, 221 patients excluded, 1888 patients included in analysis (932 had opted for bariatric surgery, 956 had opted for medical treatment)</div>
<title value="Excluded from analysis"/>
<reference value="EvidenceVariable/179459"/>
<type value="EvidenceVariable"/>
<display value="ParticipantFlowMeasure: Exclusion from analysis"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">221 patients excluded from analysis</div>
<title value="Participant flow with comparator alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-comparator-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with comparator alone"/>
<text value="Participant flow with comparator alone"/>
<code value="unavailable"/>
<display value="Unavailable"/>
<title value="Participant flow with intervention alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention alone"/>
<text value="Participant flow with intervention alone"/>
<code value="unavailable"/>
<display value="Unavailable"/>
<title value="Participant flow with total group"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-total-group"/>
<display value="Evidence with total group"/>
<text value="Participant flow with total group"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">221 excluded from analysis</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179460"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ParticipantFlow: 2018 Norwegian Cohort Excluded from Analysis"/>
<title value="Participant flow with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-vs-comparator"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<text value="Participant flow with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<code value="unavailable"/>
<display value="Unavailable"/>
<title value="Included in analysis"/>
<reference value="EvidenceVariable/179461"/>
<type value="EvidenceVariable"/>
<display value="ParticipantFlowMeasure: Inclusion in analysis"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">1888 patients included in analysis (932 had opted for bariatric surgery, 956 had opted for medical treatment)</div>
<title value="Participant flow with comparator alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-comparator-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with comparator alone"/>
<text value="Participant flow with comparator alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">956 included in analysis</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179464"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ParticipantFlow: 2018 Norwegian Cohort Medical Group Included in Analysis"/>
<title value="Participant flow with intervention alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention alone"/>
<text value="Participant flow with intervention alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">932 included in analysis</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179463"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ParticipantFlow: 2018 Norwegian Cohort Surgical Group Included in Analysis"/>
<title value="Participant flow with total group"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-total-group"/>
<display value="Evidence with total group"/>
<text value="Participant flow with total group"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">1888 patients included in analysis</div>
<reference value="Evidence/179462"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ParticipantFlow: 2018 Norwegian Cohort Included in Analysis"/>
<title value="Participant flow with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-vs-comparator"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<text value="Participant flow with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<code value="notasked"/>
<display value="Not Asked"/>
<title value="Outcomes"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="outcome-measures"/>
<display value="Outcome Measures"/>
<text value="Outcomes"/>
<title value="Remission of diabetes"/>
<reference value="EvidenceVariable/104117"/>
<type value="EvidenceVariable"/>
<display value="OutcomeVariable: Remission of diabetes"/>
<title value="Outcome with comparator alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-comparator-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with comparator alone"/>
<text value="Outcome with comparator alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Risk of Remission of diabetes in control group was 14.8%.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104396"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparatorOnlyEvidence: Remission of diabetes without bariatric surgery (Control Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Outcome with intervention alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention alone"/>
<text value="Outcome with intervention alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Risk of Remission of diabetes in intervention group was 57.5%.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104401"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="InterventionOnlyEvidence: Remission of diabetes with bariatric surgery (Intervention Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Outcome with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-vs-comparator"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<text value="Outcome with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">greater likelihood of diabetes remission: AR, 57.5% vs 14.8%; RD, 42.7% [95% CI, 35.8%-49.7%], RR, 3.9 [95% CI, 2.8-5.4]
Compared with specialized medical treatment, bariatric surgery appears to induce remission of diabetes.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104121"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on Remission of diabetes in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="New onset depression"/>
<reference value="EvidenceVariable/104118"/>
<type value="EvidenceVariable"/>
<display value="OutcomeVariable: New onset depression"/>
<title value="Outcome with comparator alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-comparator-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with comparator alone"/>
<text value="Outcome with comparator alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Risk of New onset depression in control group was 6.5%.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104395"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparatorOnlyEvidence: New onset depression without bariatric surgery (Control Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Outcome with intervention alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention alone"/>
<text value="Outcome with intervention alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Risk of New onset depression in intervention group was 8.9%.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104400"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="InterventionOnlyEvidence: New onset depression with bariatric surgery (Intervention Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Outcome with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-vs-comparator"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<text value="Outcome with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">greater risk of new-onset depression: AR, 8.9% vs 6.5%; RD, 2.4% [95% CI, 1.3%-3.5%], RR, 1.5 [95% CI, 1.4-1.7]
Compared with specialized medical treatment, bariatric surgery may slightly increase the incidence of depression.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104155"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on New onset depression in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Treatment with opioids"/>
<reference value="EvidenceVariable/104119"/>
<type value="EvidenceVariable"/>
<display value="OutcomeVariable: Treatment with opioids"/>
<title value="Outcome with comparator alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-comparator-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with comparator alone"/>
<text value="Outcome with comparator alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Risk of Treatment with opioids in control group was 15.8%.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104394"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparatorOnlyEvidence: Treatment with opioids without bariatric surgery (Control Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Outcome with intervention alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention alone"/>
<text value="Outcome with intervention alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Risk of Treatment with opioids in intervention group was 19.4%.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104402"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="InterventionOnlyEvidence: Treatment with opioids with bariatric surgery (Intervention Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Outcome with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-vs-comparator"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<text value="Outcome with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">greater risk of treatment with opioids: AR, 19.4% vs 15.8%, RD, 3.6% [95% CI, 2.3%-4.9%], RR, 1.3 [95% CI, 1.2-1.4]
Compared with specialized medical treatment, bariatric surgery may slightly increase the use of opioids.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104156"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on Treatment with opioids in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Additional GI surgical procedure"/>
<reference value="EvidenceVariable/104120"/>
<type value="EvidenceVariable"/>
<display value="OutcomeVariable: Additional GI surgical procedure"/>
<title value="Outcome with comparator alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-comparator-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with comparator alone"/>
<text value="Outcome with comparator alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Risk of additional GI surgical procedure in control group was 15.5%.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104385"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparatorOnlyEvidence: Additional GI surgical procedure without bariatric surgery (Control Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Outcome with intervention alone"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-alone"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention alone"/>
<text value="Outcome with intervention alone"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Risk of additional GI surgical procedure in intervention group was 31.3%. 292 out of 932 observed with percentage of: 31.3%</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104398"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="InterventionOnlyEvidence: Additional GI surgical procedure with bariatric surgery (Intervention Group) in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
<title value="Outcome with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="evidence-with-intervention-vs-comparator"/>
<display value="Evidence with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<text value="Outcome with intervention vs. comparator"/>
<status value="additional"/>
<div xmlns ="">Surgical patients had a greater risk for undergoing at least 1 additional gastrointestinal surgical procedure (AR, 31.3% vs 15.5%; RD, 15.8% [95% CI, 13.1%-18.5%]; RR, 2.0 [95% CI, 1.7-2.4]).
Compared with specialized medical treatment, bariatric surgery appears to increase the rate of additional gastrointestinal surgical procedures.</div>
<reference value="Evidence/104157"/>
<type value="Evidence"/>
value="ComparativeEvidence: Bypass surgery effects on Additional GI surgical procedure in JAMA 2018 Norwegian cohort study"/>
IG © 2022+ HL7 International / Clinical Decision Support. Package hl7.fhir.uv.ebm#1.0.0-ballot based on FHIR 5.0.0. Generated 2023-12-17
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