This page is part of the DICOM® SR to FHIR Resource Mapping IG (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
These are profiles on resources or data types that describe patterns used by other profiles, but cannot be instantiated directly. I.e. instances can conform to profiles based on these abstract profiles, but do not declare conformance to the abstract profiles themselves.
Body Structure - DICOM SR Finding Site Mapping |
DICOM® SR Finding Site Mapping to BodyStructure |
Body Structure - DICOM SR Observation Tracking Identifier Mapping |
DICOM® SR Observation Tracking Identifier Mapping to BodyStructure |
Device - DICOM General Equipment |
DICOM® General Equipment to Device |
Device - DICOM SR TID 4019 Algorithm Identification Mapping |
DICOM® SR Algorithm Identification to Device |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR 2D Image Region Mapping |
DICOM® SR Image 2D Region Mapping to ImagingSelection |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Base Imaging Selection |
DICOM® SR Base Imaging Selection. Not used directly. |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Illustration Of ROI Mapping |
DICOM® SR Illustration Of ROI Mapping to ImagingSelection |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Image 3D Region Mapping |
DICOM® SR Image 3D Region Mapping to ImagingSelection |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Image Volume Surface Mapping |
DICOM® SR Image Volume Surface Mapping to ImagingSelection |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Real World Value Map |
DICOM® SR Real World Value Map Mapping to ImagingSelection |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Referenced Segment Mapping |
DICOM® SR Referenced Segment Mapping to ImagingSelection |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Referenced Segmentation Frame Mapping |
DICOM® SR Referenced Segmentation Frame Mapping to ImagingSelection |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Region In Space |
DICOM® SR Region In Space Mapping to ImagingSelection |
Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Visual Explanation Mapping |
DICOM® SR Visual Explanation Mapping to ImagingSelection |
Observation - DICOM SR Derived Imaging Measurement Mapping to Observation |
DICOM® SR Derived Imaging Measurement Mapping to Observation |
Observation - DICOM SR Imaging Measurement Group Mapping |
DICOM® SR TID Imaging Measurement Group Mapping to Observation |
Observation - DICOM SR Imaging Measurement Mapping to Observation |
DICOM® SR Imaging Measurement Mapping to Observation |
Observation - DICOM SR Imaging Observation |
DICOM® SR Base Observation for Imaging Measurement Groups, Imaging Measurements and Qualitative Evaluations. Not used directly. |
Observation - DICOM SR Imaging Qualitative Evaluation Mapping to Observation |
DICOM® SR Imaging Qualitative Evaluation Mapping to Observation |
These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
Identifiers - DICOM Identifier Type |
Identifier types related to DICOM® UIDs |
Value Types -- DICOM SR Content Item Value Types |
DICOM® SR Content Item Value Types |
These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.
ConceptMap - DICOM Derived Imaging Measurement to FHIR Mapping |
Mapping between DICOM® Derived Imaging Measurement and FHIR Resources |
ConceptMap - DICOM Document IE to FHIR Mapping |
Mapping between DICOM® Document IE and FHIR Resources |
ConceptMap - DICOM Imaging Measurement Group to FHIR Mapping |
Mapping between DICOM® Imaging Measurement Group and FHIR Resources |
ConceptMap - DICOM Imaging Measurement to FHIR Mapping |
Mapping between DICOM® Imaging Measurement and FHIR Resources |
ConceptMap - DICOM Imaging Measurements Container to FHIR Mapping |
Mapping between DICOM® Document IE and FHIR Resources |
ConceptMap - DICOM Imaging Qualitative Evaluation to FHIR Mapping |
Mapping between DICOM Imaging Qualitative Evaluation and FHIR Resources |
ConceptMap - DICOM SR Measurement Report to FHIR Mapping |
Mapping between DICOM® SR Measurement Report and FHIR Resources |
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.
Example-BodyStructure-FindingSite |
Example of BodySite representing a DICOM SR Finding Site |
Example-BodyStructure-TrackingIdentifiers |
Example of BodySite representing a DICOM SR Tracking Identifier |
Example-Device-AlgorithmIdentification |
An example of the Device resource corresponding to an Algorithm Identification content item. |
Example-Device-GeneralEquipment |
An example of the Device resource corresponding to the DICOM® General Equipment IE. |
Example-DiagnosticReport-DICOMSRMeasurementReport |
An example of a DICOM® SR measurement report. |
Example-ImagingSelection-IllustrationOfROI |
An example of an Illustration of ROI referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ImagingSelection-ImageRegion2D |
An example of a 2D Image Region referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ImagingSelection-ImageRegion3D |
An example of a 3D Image Region referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ImagingSelection-RealWorldValueMap |
An example of an Real World Value Map SOP Instance referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ImagingSelection-ReferencedSegment |
An example of an Segmentation SOP Instance referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ImagingSelection-ReferencedSegmentationFrame |
An example of an Segmentation Frame referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ImagingSelection-RegionInSpace |
An example of an region in space referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ImagingSelection-VisualExplanation |
An example of an visual explanation referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ImagingSelection-VolumeSurface |
An example of an Volume Surface referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ImagingStudy |
An example of an ImagingStudy referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-Observation-DerivedImagingMeasurement |
Example of Observation representing a DICOM SR Derived Imaging Measurement. |
Example-Observation-ImagingMeasurement-001 |
Example of Observation representing a DICOM® SR Imaging Measurement. |
Example-Observation-ImagingMeasurement-002 |
Example of Observation representing a DICOM® SR Imaging Measurement. |
Example-Observation-ImagingMeasurement-003 |
Example of Observation representing a DICOM® SR Imaging Measurement. |
Example-Observation-ImagingMeasurementGroup |
Example of Observation representing a DICOM SR Measurement Group |
Example-Observation-ImagingObservation |
Example of the base Imaging Observation |
Example-Observation-ImagingQualitativeEvaluation-001 |
Example of Observation representing a DICOM® SR Measurement Qualitative Evaluation. |
Example-Observation-ImagingQualitativeEvaluation-002 |
Example of Observation representing a DICOM® SR Measurement Qualitative Evaluation. |
Example-Patient |
An example of a Patient referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-Practitioner |
An example of an Practitioner referenced from a measurement report. |
Example-ServiceRequest |
An example of a ServiceRequest referenced from a measurement report. |