Vital Records Common Profiles Library
1.0.0 - STU 1

This page is part of the Vital Records Common Profile Library (v1.0.0: STU 1 on FHIR R4) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.


Patient - Child

The subject patient (newborn/infant/child) for whom clinical data is included in the report.

Patient - Decedent Fetus

A stillborn for whom clinical data is included in the report.

Patient - Mother

This Patient profile represents the woman who gave birth to, or delivered the infant.

Practitioner - Live Birth and Fetal Death

This Practitioner profile represents a practitioner who is involved in vital records (births, fetal death, death, etc.) as a certifier or an attendant. This profile is based on the US Core Practitioner and adds a further constraint to capture the title of the practitioner.

RelatedPerson - Parent

The RelatedPerson profile contains constraints common to the Mother and Father profiles.

RelatedPerson - Father

The father of the subject. Different individuals may play different roles as the father (eg. biological father, adoptive father, etc)

RelatedPerson - Father Natural

The biological (natural) father of the newborn or fetus.

RelatedPerson - Mother

The mother of the report subject. Different individuals may play different roles as the mother (eg. biological mother, adoptive mother, etc)

RelatedPerson - Mother Gestational

The woman who gave birth to, or delivered the infant. The RelatedPerson structure is required in order to link the mother to the newborn or fetus.


Observation - APGAR Score

APGAR score post-birth.

Observation - Autopsy Performed

An indication if an autopsy has been performed on the subject.

Observation - Birth Weight

The weight of the infant/fetus at birth/delivery.

Observation - Gestational Age

The obstetric estimate of the infant’s gestation in completed weeks based on the birth/delivery attendant’s final estimate of gestation which should be determined by all perinatal factors and assessments such as ultrasound, but not the neonatal exam.

Observation - Infant Living

An indication of whether the infant is living at the time the report is being submitted.

Observation - Last Menstrual Period

This profile represents the date of the last menstrual period of the patient. The first day of last menstrual period should be captured. The effectiveTime captures the observation date.

Observation - Mother Delivery Weight

The weight of the mother at the time of birth/delivery.

Observation - Mother Height

The height of the mother.

Observation - Mother Pre-Pregnancy Weight

The weight of the mother before becoming pregnant.

Observation - Number Births Now Dead

The total number of previous live-born infants for the mother now dead.

Observation - Number Births Now Living

The total number of previous live-born infants for the mother now living.

Observation - Number Fetal Deaths This Delivery

The number of fetal deaths in this delivery.

Observation - Number Live Births This Delivery

The number of live births in this delivery.

Observation - Number of Prenatal Visits

The total number of prenatal visits for the mother. The dates of the first and last prenatal visit are indicated by the effective date range. If the mother received no prenatal care, the value should indicate 0 visits.

Observation - Number Other Pregnancy Outcomes

The total number of other pregnancy outcomes for the mother that did not result in a live birth (included pregnancy losses of any gestational age, e.g., spontaneous or induced losses or ectopic pregnancies).

Observation - Number Previous Cesareans

The total number of prior cesarean deliveries for the mother.

Observation - Parent Education Level

The highest degree or level of schooling completed by the parent.

Observation - Plurality

The number of fetuses delivered live or dead at any time in the pregnancy regardless of gestational age, or if the fetuses were delivered at different dates in the pregnancy. (‘Reabsorbed’ fetuses, those which are not ‘delivered’ (expulsed or extracted from the mother) should not be counted.) Include all live births and fetal losses resulting from this pregnancy.

Observation - Pregnancy Risk Factor

Selected medical risk factors of the mother during the pregnancy.

Observation - Race

This profile represents a single race code assigned to the person. If the value is unknown, set dataAbsentReason to “unknown”.

Observation - Tabulated Ethnicity

This profile records a code representing the ethnic affiliation information for the mother or father. The observation will convey, as coded data, information that is provided in text form. If the value is unknown, set dataAbsentReason to “unknown”.


Extension - RelatedPerson Deceased

The deceased indicator for a RelatedPerson. Deceased date/time is preferred.

Extension - RelatedPerson Birth Place

The registered place of birth for the related person. A sytem may use the address.text if they don’t store the birthPlace address in discrete elements.

Extension - Within City Limits Indicator

Used to indicate whether or not an address is within city limits. The content of the component shall be a value from the value set Yes No Unknown.

Extension - Date Part Absent Reason

Provides a reason why an expected date part is missing.

Participant Examples

Patient - Child example [Baby G Quinn]

Example of Patient-child profile (Baby G Quinn)

Patient - Decedent Fetus example [Fetus Not Named]

Example of patient-decedent-fetus (Fetus Not Named)

Practitioner - Vital Records example [Janet Seito]

Example of Practitioner-vital-records profile (Janet Seito)

RelatedPerson - Mother Gestaional example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of Relatedperson-gestational profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

RelatedPerson - Father Natural example [Tom Yan Lee]

Example of relatedperson-father-natural (Tom Yan Lee)

RelatedPerson - Father example [Tom Yan Lee]

Example of relatedperson-father (Tom Yan Lee)

Patient - Mother example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of patient-mother profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Patient - Mother Jada Ann Quinn

Example of Patient-mother profile (Jada Ann Quinn)

RelatedPerson - Stepmother

Example of RelatedPerson-parent profile (stepmother)

RelatedPerson - Adoptive Mother

Example of RelatedPerson-mother profile (adoptive mother)

Patient - Mother Date Part Absent

Example of Patient-mother profile (Date Part Absent)

RelatedPerson - Adoptive Father

Example of RelatedPerson-father profile (adoptive father)

Observation Examples

Observation - Pregnancy Risk Factor example [Carmen Teresa Lee: Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial]

Example of Observation-pregnancy-risk-factor profile (Carmen Teresa Lee: Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial)

Observation - APGAR Score example [BabyG Quinn: 5 min]

Example of Observation-apgar-score profile (Babyg Quinn: 5 min)

Observation - Autopsy Performed example [Fetus Not Named]

Example of Observation-autopsy-performed profile (Fetus Not Named)

Observation - Birth Weight example [Baby G Quinn]

Example of observation-birth-weight profile (Baby G Quinn)

Observation - Birth Weight example [Fetus Not Named]

Example of Observation-birth-weight (Fetus Not Named)

Observation - Gestational Age at Delivery example [Baby G Quinn]

Example of Gestational Age at Delivery profile (Baby G Quinn)

Observation - Gestational Age at Delivery example [Fetus Not Named]

Example of Observation-gestational-age-at-delivery profile (Fetus Not Named)

Observation - Infant Living example [Baby G Quinn]

Example of observation-infant-living profile (Baby G Quinn)

Observation - Last Menstrual Period example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of Observation-last-menstrual-period profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Mother Delivery Weight example [Jada Ann Quinn]

Example of observation-mother-delivery-weight profile (Jada Ann Quinn)

Observation - Mother Height example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of Observation-mother-height profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Mother Prepregnancy Weight example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of Observation-mother-prepregnancy-weight profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Number Births Now Dead example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of Observation-number-births-now-dead (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Number of Births Now Living example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of observation-number-births-now-living profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Number of Fetal Deaths This Delivery example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of Observation-number-fetal-deaths-this-delivery profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Number Prenatal Visits example [Jada Ann Quinn]

Example of Observation-number-prenatal-visits profile (BabyG Quinn/Jada Ann Quinn)

Observation - Parent Education Level example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of observation-parent-education-level profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Plurality example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of Observation-plurality profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Number Previous Cesareans example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of Observation-number-previous-cesareans profile (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Number Live Births This Delivery example [Carmen Teresa Lee]

Example of Observation-number-live-births-this-delivery (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Observation - Number Other Pregnancy Outcomes example [Jada Ann Quinn]

Example of Observation-number-other-pregnancy-outcomes (Jada Ann Quinn)

Observation - Race example [Jada Ann Quinn]

Observation - Race example [Jada Ann Quinn]

Observation - Tabulated Ethnicity example [Jada Ann Quinn]

Observation - Tabulated Ethnicity example [Jada Ann Quinn]

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

APGAR Score Timing

Standard timings for APGAR assessments.

Education Level Person

Persons for whom education level can be reported.

Father Relationship

Relationships describing the father’s role relative to the subject

Mother Relationship

Relationships describing the mother’s role relative to the subject

Date Part

This value set contains codes to identify the parts of a date