This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU1 (v3.0.0: STU 3) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 4.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Most mCODE profiles are based on US Core profiles defined in the US Core Implementation Guide (v4.0.1). For example, CancerPatient is based on the US Core Patient profile. Because of the way profiles work in FHIR, any resource that validates against an mCODE profile that is based a US Core profile will automatically be in compliance with the US Core profile.
Where US Core does not provide an appropriate base profile, mCODE profiles FHIR resources. An example is CancerDiseaseStatus, based on Observation because US Core does not provide a profile for non-laboratory observations.
Profile | Based on US Core? | Immediate Parent Profile |
Body Structure Identifier | no | Identifier |
Cancer Disease Status | no | Observation |
Cancer Patient | yes | US Core Patient |
Cancer-Related Medication Administration | no | Medication Administration |
Cancer-Related Medication Request | yes | US Core Medication Request |
Cancer-Related Surgical Procedure | yes | US Core Procedure |
Cancer Stage | no | Observation |
Comorbidities | no | Observation |
ECOG Performance Status | yes | US Core Observation Clinical Test Result |
Genomic Region Studied | no | Genomics Reporting IG RegionStudied |
Genomics Report | no | Genomics Reporting IG GenomicsReport |
Genomic Variant | no | Genomics Reporting IG Variant |
Karnofsky Performance Status | yes | US Core Observation Clinical Test Result |
mCODE Patient Bundle | no | Bundle |
mCODE Patient Group | no | Group |
Human Specimen | no | Specimen |
Primary Cancer Condition | yes | US Core Condition Problems Health Concerns |
Radiotherapy Course Summary | yes | US Core Procedure |
Radiotherapy Volume | no | BodyStructure |
Secondary Cancer Condition | yes | US Core Condition Problems Health Concerns |
TNM Distant Metastases Category | no | Observation |
TNM Primary Tumor Category | no | Observation |
TNM Regional Nodes Category | no | Observation |
TNM Stage Group TNM | no | CancerStage |
Tumor | no | BodyStructure |
Tumor Marker Test | yes | US Core Laboratory Result Observation |
Tumor Size | no | Observation |
mCODE expresses requirements and expectations for implementers on the level of entire profiles and individual data elements within those profiles. The conformance rules concerning profiles are as follows:
Regarding #7, there are several ways the Receiver can identify the correct profile to use for validation:
. Every Data Sender SHOULD populate this element.Implementing an mCODE data element means:
An implementer SHALL implement certain data elements. These are not necessarily the ones labeled “Must-Support” in the specification. Must-Support elements (marked with the S flag in IG profile pages) do not necessarily need to be implemented, and certain elements that lack MS flags may have to be implemented.
To see which elements have MS flags, consult the “Snapshot Table” or “Snapshot Table (Must-Support)” views of a profile. The “Snapshot Table” view shows all elements, with flags (S) identifying the subset of these elements that are MS. The “Snapshot Table (Must-Support)” view shows only MS elements and therefore does not display MS flags. Note that the “Differential Table” profile view hides MS flags inherited from the parent profile, and is therefore not appropriate for identifying MS elements in a profile.
Outside of data elements that must be implemented, additional data elements MAY be implemented. If a data element is implemented, the profile must be interpreted as if an MS flag were present on that element.
The following rules determine which data elements must be implemented:
More complex cases involving references, sliced arrays, and choice types are outlined in the Must-Implement Summary.
An mCODE data element is required if any of the following criteria are met:
In terms of instances, if profile P has an optional element A whose child element B has minimum cardinality > 0, then any instance where element A is present will only conform to P if element B is present.
The following table summarizes how Must-Implement (MI) requirements derive from Must-Support (MS) flags. For the sake of completeness, this table covers certain cases not seen in mCODE.
# | MS-Flagged Element | Data Sender (Server) Must Implement? | Data Receiver (Client) Must Implement? | Example |
1 | Top level element, or nested element whose parents are all MS | Yes | Yes | CancerDiseaseStatus.focus or CancerRelatedMedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.text |
2 | Element is a nested (child) element and there is no MS flag on its parent element | MI only if the Sender elects to implement the parent element | MI only if the Receiver elects to implement the parent element | US Core Patient version 3.2 Patient.telecom.system |
3 | Element is a complex data type (such as CodeableConcept) with no MS flag on any immediate sub-element | MI at least one sub-element, and SHOULD implement every sub-element for which the server might possess data | MI every sub-element (since the Receiver cannot anticipate which sub-elements might be populated) | PrimaryCancerCondition.code |
4 | Element is a complex data type with an MS flag on one or more immediate sub-elements | MI only the sub-elements that are explicitly flagged | same | |
5 | Element is a choice [x] type with no MS flag on any choice | MI at least one datatype choice, and SHOULD implement every datatype for which the server might possess data | MI all datatype choices (since the Receiver cannot anticipate which sub-elements might be populated) | CancerPatient.deceased[x] |
6 | Element is a choice [x] type with an MS flag on one or more choice | MI only on the datatype choice(s) that are explicitly flagged | same | US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile version 3.2 Observation.value[x] |
7 | Element is a Reference() data type with no MS flag on any referenced resource or profile | MI all resources or profiles in the reference that are in Sender’s capability statement | MI all resources or profiles in the reference unless they are outside the scope of the Receiver’s capability statement | Tumor.extension[mcode-related-condition].value[x] |
8 | Element is a Reference() data type with an MS flag on one or more of the referenced types | MI only on the resources or profiles in the reference that are explicitly MS-flagged, and only if they are in the Sender’s capability statement | MI only on the resources or profiles in the reference that are explicitly MS-flagged, and only if they are in the Receiver’s capability statement | US Core DocumentReference Profile version 3.2 |
9 | Element is a backbone data type | No implementation requirement on sub-elements unless they are explicitly MS-flagged | same | SDC QuestionnaireResponse.item (subelement QuestionResponse.item.definition is not MS) |
10 | Element is an array that is sliced, with no MS flag on any slice | SHALL be able to populate the array, but no implementation requirement any particular slice | MI array and its contents, including any or all defined slices. | |
11 | Element is an array that is sliced, with MS flags on one or more slices | MI only on the slices that have MS flags | same | TNMStageGroup.hasMember |
12 | Element that has MS flag is a slice and the containing array does not have an MS flag | No implementation requirement on the slice | same | US Core Patient Profile version 3.1.1 Patient.extension:us-core-race (because Patient.extension is not MS) |
Although not common practice, profiles can have MS flags at the very top level (see CancerPatient for example). ↩
Typically, data would reasonably be expected to conform to an mCODE profile SHOULD conform to that profile. This rule is intended to discourage an mCODE Data Sender from creating different representation for data that should fall into the scope of mCODE. Compliance to this kind of condition is difficult to enforce, so it is expressed as a SHOULD. ↩
However, in FHIR, when exchanging ANY resources, systems SHOULD retain unknown extensions when they are capable of doing so, and they they SHOULD retain core elements when they are capable of doing so (see ↩
When inheriting from another profile, it is possible to set the upper cardinality to zero on an element that was MS in the parent profile. For example, you could inherit from US Core Patient, but forbid the patient’s name for privacy reasons. In this case, neither Sender nor Receiver are expected to populate or support the element – in fact, it would be an error if the element were present. ↩
An example is a Receiver that does not meaningfully process a required element even though it was populated by the Sender. ↩