minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Implementation Guide
3.0.0 - STU3 Release United States of America flag

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU1 (v3.0.0: STU 3) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 4.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Extension: Radiotherapy Modality And Technique Extension

Official URL: Version: 3.0.0
Draft as of 2023-10-25 Maturity Level: 3 Computable Name: RadiotherapyModalityAndTechnique

Extension capturing modality and technique of a given radiotherapy procedure. The allowed combinations of modality and technique are constrained by invariants, one per modality.

Context of Use

This extension may be used on the following element(s):

  • Element ID DomainResource
  • Element ID Extension


Extension capturing modality and technique of a given radiotherapy procedure. For definitions, see the Radiotherapy Glossary page.

Allowed combinations of modality and technique are shown here and enforced by invariants:

Treatment Type Modality Technique
All UNC (.text required) Not constrained
External Beam Radiotherapy Photons IMRT, VMAT, 3D, 2D, IORT, FLASH, UNC (.text required)
External Beam Radiotherapy Electrons 3D, 2D, IORT, FLASH, UNC (.text required)
External Beam Radiotherapy Neutrons 3D, NCT, UNC (.text required)
External Beam Radiotherapy Carbon Ions PPS, PSS, PS, UNC (.text required)
External Beam Radiotherapy Protons PPS, PSS, PS, FLASH, UNC (.text required)
Brachytherapy Internal radiotherapy – permanent seeds Interstitial, UNC (.text required)
Brachytherapy Low Dose Rate using temporary source Intracavitary, Interstitial, Surface, UNC (.text required)
Brachytherapy Pulsed Dose Rate Intracavitary, Interstitial, UNC (.text required)
Brachytherapy High Dose Rate Intracavitary, IMB, Interstitial, Intravascular, Intraluminal, IORT, Surface, UNC (.text required)
Brachytherapy High dose rate electronic Intracavitary, IMB, Interstitial, Intraluminal, IORT, Surface, UNC (.text required)
Brachytherapy Radiopharmaceutical Oral, Intravascular, Intracavitary, Interstitial, UNC (.text required)

It may not be possible to map modalities and techniques to the coded values defined here, since the system may have been configured with a local code system, or the values may have been recorded as text strings. In order to enable systems to produce mCODE-conformant data, an “un-encoded” value (HL7 Codesystem NullFlavor value UNC) is included in the value sets for both modality and technique. UNC means the original text or a local code has not been translated or encoded to the approved value set due to limitations of the sending system. If the UNC value is used, a text literal that specifies the source value SHALL be provided in the .text element of the CodeableConcept. This requirement is enforced by an invariant.

Technique Acronyms:

Acronym Meaning
IMRT Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
VMAT Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy
3D Three Dimensional Planning
2D Two Dimensional Planning
IORT Intraoperative Radiation Therapy
NCT Neutron Capture Therapy
PS Particle Scanning other than PSS
PPS Particle Spot Scanning
PSS Particle Passive Scattering
FLASH Ultra high dose rate radiotherapy
UNC “Un-encoded” value.


Usage info


Formal Views of Extension Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots, and how the XML and JSON presentations work.

This structure is derived from Extension


Complex Extension: Extension capturing modality and technique of a given radiotherapy procedure. The allowed combinations of modality and technique are constrained by invariants, one per modality.

  • modality: CodeableConcept: Extension capturing a modality of external beam or brachytherapy radiation procedures.
  • technique: CodeableConcept: Extension capturing a technique of external beam or brachytherapy radiation procedures.

Maturity: 3

This structure is derived from Extension

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Extension C0..*ExtensionRadiotherapy Modality And Technique Extension
TechniquesForNeutronBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Neutron Beam Modality
TechniquesForPhotonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Photon Beam Modality
TechniquesForElectronBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Electron Beam Modality
TechniquesForCarbonIonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Carbon Ion Beam Modality
TechniquesForProtonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Proton Beam Modality
TechniquesForInternalRadiotherapyPermanentSeeds: Allowed Techniques for Internal Radiotherapy - Permanent Seeds
TechniquesForLowDoseRateUsingTempRadSource: Allowed Techniques for Low Dose Rate Using Temp Radiation Source
TechniquesForPulsedDoseRate: Allowed Techniques for Pulsed Dose Rate
TechniquesForHighDoseRate: Allowed Techniques for High Dose Rate
TechniquesForHighDoseRateElectronic: Allowed Techniques for High Dose Rate Electronic
TechniquesForRadioPharmaceutical: Allowed Techniques for Radiopharmaceutical
ModalityTextRequiredForOther: Require a text literal for code other
TechniqueTextRequiredForOther: Require a text literal for code other
... extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
... modality S1..1CodeableConceptRadiotherapy Modality Extension
.... value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Binding: Radiotherapy Modality Value Set (required)
... technique S0..*CodeableConceptRadiotherapy Technique Extension
.... value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Binding: Radiotherapy Technique Value Set (required)
... value[x] 0..0

doco Documentation for this format
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Extension C0..*ExtensionRadiotherapy Modality And Technique Extension
TechniquesForNeutronBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Neutron Beam Modality
TechniquesForPhotonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Photon Beam Modality
TechniquesForElectronBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Electron Beam Modality
TechniquesForCarbonIonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Carbon Ion Beam Modality
TechniquesForProtonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Proton Beam Modality
TechniquesForInternalRadiotherapyPermanentSeeds: Allowed Techniques for Internal Radiotherapy - Permanent Seeds
TechniquesForLowDoseRateUsingTempRadSource: Allowed Techniques for Low Dose Rate Using Temp Radiation Source
TechniquesForPulsedDoseRate: Allowed Techniques for Pulsed Dose Rate
TechniquesForHighDoseRate: Allowed Techniques for High Dose Rate
TechniquesForHighDoseRateElectronic: Allowed Techniques for High Dose Rate Electronic
TechniquesForRadioPharmaceutical: Allowed Techniques for Radiopharmaceutical
ModalityTextRequiredForOther: Require a text literal for code other
TechniqueTextRequiredForOther: Require a text literal for code other
... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... modality S1..1CodeableConceptRadiotherapy Modality Extension
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri""
.... value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Binding: Radiotherapy Modality Value Set (required)
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri""
.... value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Binding: Radiotherapy Technique Value Set (required)
... url 1..1uri""

doco Documentation for this format

This structure is derived from Extension


Complex Extension: Extension capturing modality and technique of a given radiotherapy procedure. The allowed combinations of modality and technique are constrained by invariants, one per modality.

  • modality: CodeableConcept: Extension capturing a modality of external beam or brachytherapy radiation procedures.
  • technique: CodeableConcept: Extension capturing a technique of external beam or brachytherapy radiation procedures.

Maturity: 3

Differential View

This structure is derived from Extension

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Extension C0..*ExtensionRadiotherapy Modality And Technique Extension
TechniquesForNeutronBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Neutron Beam Modality
TechniquesForPhotonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Photon Beam Modality
TechniquesForElectronBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Electron Beam Modality
TechniquesForCarbonIonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Carbon Ion Beam Modality
TechniquesForProtonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Proton Beam Modality
TechniquesForInternalRadiotherapyPermanentSeeds: Allowed Techniques for Internal Radiotherapy - Permanent Seeds
TechniquesForLowDoseRateUsingTempRadSource: Allowed Techniques for Low Dose Rate Using Temp Radiation Source
TechniquesForPulsedDoseRate: Allowed Techniques for Pulsed Dose Rate
TechniquesForHighDoseRate: Allowed Techniques for High Dose Rate
TechniquesForHighDoseRateElectronic: Allowed Techniques for High Dose Rate Electronic
TechniquesForRadioPharmaceutical: Allowed Techniques for Radiopharmaceutical
ModalityTextRequiredForOther: Require a text literal for code other
TechniqueTextRequiredForOther: Require a text literal for code other
... extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
... modality S1..1CodeableConceptRadiotherapy Modality Extension
.... value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Binding: Radiotherapy Modality Value Set (required)
... technique S0..*CodeableConceptRadiotherapy Technique Extension
.... value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Binding: Radiotherapy Technique Value Set (required)
... value[x] 0..0

doco Documentation for this format

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Extension C0..*ExtensionRadiotherapy Modality And Technique Extension
TechniquesForNeutronBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Neutron Beam Modality
TechniquesForPhotonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Photon Beam Modality
TechniquesForElectronBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Electron Beam Modality
TechniquesForCarbonIonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Carbon Ion Beam Modality
TechniquesForProtonBeamModality: Allowed Techniques for Proton Beam Modality
TechniquesForInternalRadiotherapyPermanentSeeds: Allowed Techniques for Internal Radiotherapy - Permanent Seeds
TechniquesForLowDoseRateUsingTempRadSource: Allowed Techniques for Low Dose Rate Using Temp Radiation Source
TechniquesForPulsedDoseRate: Allowed Techniques for Pulsed Dose Rate
TechniquesForHighDoseRate: Allowed Techniques for High Dose Rate
TechniquesForHighDoseRateElectronic: Allowed Techniques for High Dose Rate Electronic
TechniquesForRadioPharmaceutical: Allowed Techniques for Radiopharmaceutical
ModalityTextRequiredForOther: Require a text literal for code other
TechniqueTextRequiredForOther: Require a text literal for code other
... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... modality S1..1CodeableConceptRadiotherapy Modality Extension
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri""
.... value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Binding: Radiotherapy Modality Value Set (required)
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..0
.... url 1..1uri""
.... value[x] 1..1CodeableConceptValue of extension
Binding: Radiotherapy Technique Value Set (required)
... url 1..1uri""

doco Documentation for this format


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron

Terminology Bindings



ModalityTextRequiredForOthererrorExtensionRequire a text literal for code other
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = 'UNC') implies extension.where(url = '').value.text.exists()
TechniqueTextRequiredForOthererrorExtensionRequire a text literal for code other
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = 'UNC') implies extension.where(url = '').value.text.exists()
TechniquesForCarbonIonBeamModalityerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for Carbon Ion Beam Modality
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '1156505006') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '1156529004' or code = '1156528007' or code='1204242009')
TechniquesForElectronBeamModalityerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for Electron Beam Modality
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '45643008') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '1162782007' or code = '1156526006' or code = '168524008' or code = '1163157007')
TechniquesForHighDoseRateerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for High Dose Rate
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '394902000') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '394902000')
TechniquesForHighDoseRateElectronicerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for High Dose Rate Electronic
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '438629002') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '384692006' or code = '1156382005' or code = '113120007' or code = '384691004' or code = '168524008' or code = '14473006')
TechniquesForInternalRadiotherapyPermanentSeedserrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for Internal Radiotherapy - Permanent Seeds
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '169359004') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '113120007')
TechniquesForLowDoseRateUsingTempRadSourceerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for Low Dose Rate Using Temp Radiation Source
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '1156708005') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '384692006' or code = '113120007' or code = '14473006')
TechniquesForNeutronBeamModalityerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for Neutron Beam Modality
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '80347004') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '169317000' or code = '1162782007')
TechniquesForPhotonBeamModalityerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for Photon Beam Modality
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '1156506007') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '441799006' or code = '1156530009' or code = '1162782007' or code = '1156526006' or code = '168524008' or code = '1156530009' or code = '1163157007')
TechniquesForProtonBeamModalityerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for Proton Beam Modality
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '10611004') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '1156529004' or code = '1156528007' or code = '1204242009' or code = '1163157007')
TechniquesForPulsedDoseRateerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for Pulsed Dose Rate
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '1156384006') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '1156384006')
TechniquesForRadioPharmaceuticalerrorExtensionAllowed Techniques for Radiopharmaceutical
: extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(system = '' and code = '440252007') implies extension.where(url = '').exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.exists() and extension.where(url = '').value.coding.exists(code = 'UNC' or code = '16560241000119104' or code = '1156383000' or code = '384692006' or code = '113120007')