This page is part of the Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency Implementation Guide (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
There were many changes to all the profiles, value sets, etc. since the last ballot. The details are listed in the section below. High level changes since the ballot are:
Key | Resolution | Summary |
FHIR-35228 | Persuasive | PCT GFE Institutional .item, remove .item estimated DOS extension |
FHIR-34692 | Persuasive | Institutional profile - modify mapping of charge amount |
FHIR-34816 | Persuasive | Professional profile - modify mapping of charge amount |
FHIR-34928 | Persuasive with Modification | US Core Reference |
FHIR-34934 | Persuasive with Modification | Terms and concepts - Charge Master Description |
FHIR-34935 | Persuasive with Modification | Terms and concepts - Collection of Services |
FHIR-34938 | Persuasive | Systems Update |
FHIR-35207 | Persuasive with Modification | Disclaimer wording is awkward in MRI scenario |
FHIR-35234 | Persuasive | Remove section 4.4 Testing requirements |
FHIR-34925 | Persuasive | In the Coverage profile, remove Must Support from costToBeneficiary |
FHIR-34919 | Persuasive | Modify AEOB profile to add Practitioner |
FHIR-34915 | Persuasive with Modification | Require pattern for AEOB profile claim.use; add MS to claim.status |
FHIR-34904 | Persuasive | AEOB profile - remove expirationDate |
FHIR-34661 | Persuasive | Remove Must Support from Institutional.facility |
FHIR-34505 | Persuasive | Clarify wording for Claim Resource in GFE Bundle Resource |
FHIR-35236 | Persuasive | Remove inherited invariants from profile pages |
FHIR-34969 | Persuasive with Modification | stronger language in P&S section |
FHIR-34936 | Persuasive | Terms and concepts - De-identified Minimum Negotiated Rate |
FHIR-36025 | Persuasive | PCT AEOB Profile - Add PractitionerRole to provider |
FHIR-34933 | Persuasive | Terms and concepts updates - Consolidated Appropriations Act |
FHIR-34976 | Persuasive with Modification | change SHOULD to SHALL |
FHIR-34931 | Persuasive with Modification | Terms and concepts updates - Advanced EOB |
FHIR-34939 | Persuasive | Downloads |
FHIR-35230 | Persuasive | PCT GFE Professional - remove procedure:other slice |
FHIR-35274 | Persuasive | Security and Privacy section mentioning X12 |
FHIR-34791 | Persuasive with Modification | Require pattern for professional profile claim.use; add MS to claim.status |
FHIR-35357 | Persuasive | Move downloads to its own page with a menu link |
FHIR-35344 | Persuasive | Add link to GFE Submit operation in referenced Overview text |
FHIR-35340 | Persuasive | Include link to HRex IG in overview |
FHIR-35264 | Persuasive | Add link to GFE Submit operation |
FHIR-35266 | Persuasive | Define AEOB on first use on page |
FHIR-34927 | Persuasive with Modification | Update Example |
FHIR-35200 | Persuasive | All diagrams should have an identifier to make it easy to reference. |
FHIR-35170 | Persuasive with Modification | Add definition of GFE |
FHIR-34691 | Persuasive with Modification | Institutional profile - remove location extension |
FHIR-34995 | Persuasive | Clarify a single PCT GFE Bundle SHALL only contain gfe for a single patient |
FHIR-34942 | Persuasive | GFE Professional Claim .accident, constrain to locationAddress, add binding to country code |
FHIR-34941 | Persuasive | PCT GFE Institutional - .accident, constrain to locationAddress and add binding for country code |
FHIR-35102 | Persuasive with Modification | edit definition of Changemaster |
FHIR-34650 | Persuasive with Modification | Require pattern for institutional profile claim.use; add MS to claim.status |
FHIR-34980 | Persuasive | Patient Profile - remove employeeID |
FHIR-34794 | Persuasive with Modification | Define Servicing Facility reference resource as an organization, not a location |
FHIR-34984 | Persuasive with Modification | Remove PractitionerRole Profile |
FHIR-34906 | Persuasive with Modification | PCT GFE Institutional supportingInfo:typeOfBill .code |
FHIR-34983 | Persuasive | Remove the Location Profile |
FHIR-35147 | Persuasive | Remove Code Systems defined for testing purposes |
FHIR-36640 | Persuasive | Define Institutional Servicing Facility reference resource as an organization, not a location |
FHIR-35256 | Persuasive with Modification | More guidance is required for the AEOB Out of network provider info |
FHIR-35208 | Persuasive | Provide link to the CAA No Surprises legislation |
FHIR-35219 | Persuasive | PCT GFE Institutional - .careTeam:attending - PCT Practitioner only |
FHIR-34953 | Persuasive | Payer Intermediary and FHIR-X12 Translators |
FHIR-34787 | Persuasive | Move Security section to own page as a Menu item |
FHIR-34810 | Persuasive with Modification | Professional Profile: Difference between the Provider Event Methodology and the Provider GFE Grouper Methodology |
FHIR-34809 | Persuasive with Modification | Professional Profile - remove location extension |
FHIR-37632 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Make AEOB .benefitPeriod cardinality 1..1 |
FHIR-37636 | Persuasive | Add markdown datatype to disclaimer extension |
FHIR-36200 | Persuasive with Modification | AEOB - Add a String Element to contain the Description of the Provided Service |
FHIR-37625 | Persuasive with Modification | Change AEOB element short description and comments on ExplanationOfBenefit.created |
FHIR-34811 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Change GFE Billing Provider Line Item Control Number to item.sequence |
FHIR-34946 | Persuasive with Modification | use of the term "near real time" |
FHIR-35097 | Persuasive with Modification | Could payers reasonably produce an AEOB in 5 minutes? |
FHIR-34892 | Persuasive with Modification | Change terminology for 'Submitting Provider' to 'Convening Provider' |
FHIR-35233 | Persuasive | Fixed display values should not generally be required |
FHIR-35145 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Practitioner Profile - add NUCC Value Set to .qualification |
FHIR-34943 | Persuasive with Modification | Remove the Taxonomy extension from Organization |
FHIR-35262 | Persuasive | Change the use of payor to payer |
FHIR-35265 | Persuasive | Add EOB.use to explanation of predetermination |
FHIR-35268 | Persuasive | Correct wording on example regarding occurence of resource |
FHIR-36647 | Persuasive | Add missing '$' to FSH alias reference. |
FHIR-34956 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Out of Network Info |
FHIR-34792 | Persuasive | Modify .provider Reference Resource |
FHIR-34900 | Persuasive with Modification | PCT Practitioner - Add explicit identifier slice for Tax ID |
FHIR-35103 | Persuasive | rewrite in third person |
FHIR-35263 | Persuasive | Update the the finally published version of HRex |
FHIR-36198 | Persuasive | PCT Coverage - check to ensure is based on HRex - Missing Group Slice in IG |
FHIR-37653 | Persuasive | Align PCT Coverage with HRex 1.0.0 Coverage |
FHIR-35326 | Persuasive with Modification | Update Overview to better reflect the workflow |
FHIR-34951 | Persuasive with Modification | Stronger language as to why Provider SHOULD also receive AEOB |
FHIR-34954 | Persuasive with Modification | Overview Flow |
FHIR-34947 | Persuasive with Modification | should state the close relationship between GFEs/AEOBs and X12 claims/ERAs |
FHIR-35328 | Persuasive | Change overview language regarding X12 |
FHIR-35322 | Persuasive with Modification | Institutional profile - supportingInfo:typeOfBill update |
FHIR-35240 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Remove Organization.identfier ccn as MS element |
FHIR-34944 | Not Persuasive with Modification | In the Organization profile, update the ccn identifier description |
FHIR-34979 | Persuasive with Modification | Organization Profile - add payer id and NAIC identifiers |
FHIR-34937 | Persuasive | References to CAA |
FHIR-34924 | Persuasive with Modification | Reference to X12 |
FHIR-35104 | Persuasive with Modification | Advanced EOB Response to Provider(s) Must Be Optional |
FHIR-35056 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Revise PCT Organization Type Code System |
FHIR-34982 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Practitioner Profile - update the ccn identifier description |
FHIR-34922 | Persuasive | In the Coverage profile, define slices for .class |
FHIR-35014 | Persuasive with Modification | GFE Submitter Must be Uniform Across All GFEs within a Bundle |
FHIR-35379 | Persuasive | Add invariant requiring only a single GFE submitter |
FHIR-34687 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Institutional Profile - add estimated admission period |
FHIR-34666 | Persuasive with Modification | Define DRG as .supportingInfo on Institutional Profile |
FHIR-35330 | Persuasive | Correct overview wording using IG name |
FHIR-35202 | Persuasive | "Must Support" is not defined in this IG and it has to be since it is applied to several of the Resources |
FHIR-34945 | Persuasive with Modification | Organization Profile - delete tin identifier |
FHIR-38766 | Persuasive | Remove MS from AEOB.item.revenue |
FHIR-35237 | Persuasive | FHIR US Core 3.1 is required for providers/payers to support adjacent ONC/CMS regulation |
FHIR-38125 | Persuasive | Remove Must Support from PreAuthRef |
FHIR-35294 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Coverage Profile - modify .subscriber Reference resource |
FHIR-34990 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Define RelatedPerson Profile |
FHIR-35216 | Persuasive with Modification | AEOB Item links to GFE |
FHIR-34920 | Persuasive | On the AEOB profile, remove requirement for net; add requirement for adjudication |
FHIR-37934 | Persuasive | Make type of bill on institutional supportinginfo cardinality 1..1 |
FHIR-35108 | Persuasive with Modification | which x12 specifications? |
FHIR-36761 | Persuasive | Institutional GFE - Chg procedure:primary to procedure:principal, modify definition |
FHIR-35243 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Add relatedPerson to Subscriber reference types |
FHIR-35217 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Updating / Cancelling AEOB Request |
FHIR-37516 | Persuasive with Modification | Change careTeam:rendering slice on Institutional GFE to only be a Human (not Organization) |
FHIR-35095 | Persuasive | Utilize Distinct FHIR Profiles for Professional and Institutional Claims |
FHIR-38126 | Persuasive | Add Disclaimer extension to GFEs |
FHIR-34948 | Persuasive | Make a stronger case as to why FHIR is the best |
FHIR-35254 | Not Persuasive with Modification | compoundDrugLinkingNum needs more guidance |
FHIR-34905 | Persuasive with Modification | PCT GFE Professional - Create identifier slices rather than extensions |
FHIR-35246 | Persuasive with Modification | Create slices on identifier instead of creating extensions |
FHIR-35258 | Persuasive with Modification | Require type and subtype in AEOB |
FHIR-34903 | Persuasive with Modification | PCT GFE Institutional - Identifiers. Add slices to .identifier rather than creating extensions |
FHIR-35319 | Persuasive with Modification | Institutional Profile - define Point of Origin, Admission Type and Discharge Status |
FHIR-37720 | Persuasive with Modification | Add the extension gfeProviderAssignedIdentifier to the AEOB Profile. (at the header level) |
FHIR-34897 | Not Persuasive with Modification | PCT Practitioner - remove endpoint extension add slice on contact |
FHIR-36193 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Plan or Coverage Entity Name and GFE Plan or Coverage Payer Name appear to be the same |
FHIR-34901 | Persuasive with Modification | Institutional profile - define careTeamSequence |
FHIR-34955 | Persuasive with Modification | Network status in advanced EOB profile |
FHIR-35069 | Persuasive with Modification | Professional profile - update careTeam |
FHIR-35057 | Persuasive with Modification | Institutional profile - add diagnosis slice, add invariants |
FHIR-35249 | Persuasive with Modification | More clearly define the purpose and constraints of ProviderEventMethodology |
FHIR-35273 | Persuasive | Provide means to declare an in or out of network/coverage status for AEOB |
FHIR-35272 | Persuasive with Modification | Provide a means to specify a denial reason in AEOB |
FHIR-35222 | Persuasive with Modification | PCT GFE Institutional - Claim.CareTeam:operating - PCT Practitioner, fix NUCC |
FHIR-35261 | Persuasive | Make Conformance statement verbs in bold format |
FHIR-38644 | Persuasive with Modification | Add provider descriptions for patients to both encounter and claim level |
FHIR-37581 | Persuasive with Modification | Add clarifying comment to processNote with best practice for patient information |
FHIR-38840 | Persuasive with Modification | Allow GFE Submitter to be Practitioner in Institutional GFE |
FHIR-35088 | Persuasive with Modification | Institutional and Professional profiles - NDC mapping and Value Set |
FHIR-39416 | Persuasive with Modification | Remove disclaimer extension from AEOB and update processNote description and cardinality |
FHIR-35453 | Persuasive | Harmonize Profiles with the CARIN BB IG |
FHIR-34913 | Persuasive | Harmonize CARIN BB and PCT FHIR data element mapping and Value Sets |
FHIR-35238 | Persuasive | Include a CapabilityStatement |
FHIR-38842 | Persuasive with Modification | Patient should be able to search EOBs, not get Bundles |
FHIR-35063 | Persuasive with Modification | polling mechanism in question |
FHIR-34974 | Persuasive with Modification | need to better explain the need for all the workflow steps |
FHIR-35271 | Persuasive with Modification | AEOB Query should take a different approach |
FHIR-34789 | Persuasive | Rewrite to make easier to understand the API |
FHIR-34997 | Persuasive with Modification | Change who gets authentication done in AEOB request from payer |
FHIR-34914 | Persuasive with Modification | Response to gfe-submit is unclear |
FHIR-34952 | Persuasive with Modification | Process Flow Revisions |
FHIR-34940 | Persuasive with Modification | Process for Sharing Advanced EOBs with Providers |
FHIR-34533 | Persuasive with Modification | Is return type form GFE Submit Appropriate? |
FHIR-35124 | Persuasive with Modification | Use of the FHIR API for Advanced AOBs to Member Must Be Optional |
FHIR-35199 | Persuasive with Modification | Diagram in Overview seems to imply that the Patient could only get a response from an Intermediary |
FHIR-39463 | Persuasive | Remove MS from AEOB.priority |
FHIR-39465 | Persuasive | Make MS |
FHIR-35143 | Persuasive with Modification | Professional profile - modify requirement for careTeam.qualification |
FHIR-35140 | Persuasive with Modification | Institutional profile - modify requirement for careTeam.qualification |
FHIR-38771 | Persuasive with Modification | Add note in overview that this IG does not address eligibility, prior authorization, or coordination of benefits |
FHIR-34964 | Persuasive with Modification | provider web portal? |
FHIR-38127 | Persuasive | GFE profiles need to require |
FHIR-35250 | Not Persuasive with Modification | Use Claim.billablePeriod instead of creating a new extension |
FHIR-34785 | Persuasive with Modification | simplify menu navigation |
FHIR-37963 | Persuasive | Redesign subjectToMedicalMgmt extension to support CodeableConcept and string |
FHIR-34786 | Persuasive with Modification | Simplify or Replace figures with tables |
FHIR-35051 | Persuasive with Modification | Modify GFE and AEOB Bundle Graphics |
FHIR-39415 | Persuasive with Modification | Add service description to AEOB header |
FHIR-34532 | Persuasive | Need example of return from gfe-submit |
FHIR-34963 | Persuasive with Modification | GFE and AEOB Bundle Graphics |
FHIR-39397 | Persuasive | Add clarity for the operation outcome when server doesn't include AEOB |
FHIR-34962 | Persuasive | GFE and AEOB Bundle Graphics |
FHIR-39346 | Persuasive | Add a slice on AEOB.identifier for unique claim id to align with CARIN, but clarify in the description that it is the payer's claim id. |
FHIR-34961 | Persuasive with Modification | Detailed Requirements Summary |
FHIR-35269 | Persuasive with Modification | Specify OperationOutcome requirements for common outcomes |
FHIR-39379 | Persuasive with Modification | Make date of service required and add search parameter |
FHIR-38770 | Persuasive | Add Operational requirement that the GFE linked in the AEOB is an exact copy of the provider submitted GFE Bundle |
FHIR-38120 | Persuasive | Add an Operational requirement about GFE stored as is as originally received and not updated. |
FHIR-38738 | Persuasive with Modification | Define assumptions about what payers must verify in the GFE |
FHIR-39380 | Persuasive | Guiding principle for repeating items in GFE in AEOB |
FHIR-38122 | Persuasive | Specify more details on the scope of the IG regarding coordination of benefits and other use cases |
FHIR-35260 | Persuasive with Modification | Add slice requirements for AEOB adjudication categories |
FHIR-38835 | Persuasive | Consider GFE Value to Indicate if Member Has Agreed to Balance Billing |
FHIR-35378 | Persuasive with Modification | Add entry slices on Bundles for expected and required resource types |
FHIR-34930 | Persuasive | Add Relationshiop Diagram |