Patient Cost Transparency Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - STU 1 United States of America flag

This page is part of the Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency Implementation Guide (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: PCT Adjudication Value Set

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2023-03-30 Computable Name: PCTAdjudication

Copyright/Legal: This Valueset is not copyrighted.

Describes the various amount fields used when payers receive and adjudicate a claim. It includes the values defined in, as well as those defined in the C4BB Adjudication CodeSystem.


Logical Definition (CLD)

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include these codes as defined in
    submittedSubmitted AmountThe total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item.
    copayCoPayPatient Co-Payment
    eligibleEligible AmountAmount of the change which is considered for adjudication.
    deductibleDeductibleAmount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication.
    benefitBenefit AmountAmount payable under the coverage
  • Include these codes as defined in
    coinsuranceCoinsuranceThe amount the insured individual pays, as a set percentage of the cost of covered medical services, as an out-of-pocket payment to the provider. Example: Insured pays 20% and the insurer pays 80%.
    noncoveredNoncoveredThe portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract.
    memberliabilityMember liabilityThe amount of the member's liability.
    discountDiscountThe amount of the discount



This value set contains 9 concepts

  submitted Amount

The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item.


Patient Co-Payment

  eligible Amount

Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication.


Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication.

  benefit Amount

Amount payable under the coverage


The amount the insured individual pays, as a set percentage of the cost of covered medical services, as an out-of-pocket payment to the provider. Example: Insured pays 20% and the insurer pays 80%.


The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract.

  memberliability liability

The amount of the member's liability.


The amount of the discount

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code