Patient Cost Transparency Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - STU 1 United States of America flag

This page is part of the Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency Implementation Guide (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

: PCT Diagnosis Type - XML Representation

Active as of 2023-03-30

Raw xml | Download

<CodeSystem xmlns="">
  <id value="PCTDiagnosisType"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns=""><p>This code system <code></code> defines the following codes:</p><table class="codes"><tr><td style="white-space:nowrap"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Definition</b></td></tr><tr><td style="white-space:nowrap">patientReasonForVisit<a name="PCTDiagnosisType-patientReasonForVisit"> </a></td><td>Patient's Reason for Visit</td><td>Identifies the patient's reason for the outpatient institutional visit</td></tr><tr><td style="white-space:nowrap">other<a name="PCTDiagnosisType-other"> </a></td><td>Other</td><td>Required when other conditions coexist or develop subsequently during the treatment</td></tr><tr><td style="white-space:nowrap">externalCauseOfInjury<a name="PCTDiagnosisType-externalCauseOfInjury"> </a></td><td>External Cause of Injury</td><td>Required when an external cause of injury is needed to describe the injury</td></tr></table></div>
  <version value="1.0.0"/>
  <name value="PCTDiagnosisType"/>
  <title value="PCT Diagnosis Type"/>
  <status value="active"/>
  <experimental value="false"/>
  <date value="2023-03-30T13:34:22+00:00"/>
  <publisher value="HL7 International - Financial Management Work Group"/>
    <name value="HL7 International - Financial Management Work Group"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value=""/>
      <system value="email"/>
      <value value=""/>
               value="Defining codes for the classification of diagnosis types"/>
      <system value="urn:iso:std:iso:3166"/>
      <code value="US"/>
  <copyright value="This CodeSystem is not copyrighted."/>
  <caseSensitive value="true"/>
  <content value="complete"/>
  <count value="3"/>
    <code value="patientReasonForVisit"/>
    <display value="Patient's Reason for Visit"/>
                value="Identifies the patient's reason for the outpatient institutional visit"/>
    <code value="other"/>
    <display value="Other"/>
                value="Required when other conditions coexist or develop subsequently during the treatment"/>
    <code value="externalCauseOfInjury"/>
    <display value="External Cause of Injury"/>
                value="Required when an external cause of injury is needed to describe the injury"/>