2.0.0-ballot - STU 2 Ballot United States of America flag

This page is part of the C-CDA on FHIR Implementation Guide (v2.0.0-ballot: STU 2 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.2.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Mapping General and Structural Guidance

Reading the C-CDA ↔ FHIR Mapping Tables

How to Read Mapping Tables and Transform Steps?

The header row of the mapping table provides links to the respective profiles in FHIR (e.g. US Core AllergyIntolerance) and templates in C-CDA (e.g. Allergy Intolerance observation)and specifies the "base" that each of the rows will build on. All FHIR elements use a simplified dot notation and the CDA elements use simplified slash notation. Always use the underlying standards, provided via header row links, to ensure conformance when building FHIR resources or C-CDA clinical documents.

Rather than repeating cardinality, conformance, and other criteria from FHIR Resources or a C-CDA templates defined outside this implementaiton guide, external references are shown in tables as bold hyperlinks (e.g. US Core Patient or C-CDA US Realm Header). Unbolded links refer to guidance contained within this guide (e.g. CDA ↔ FHIR Name, Address, and Telecom mapping). When criteria for selecting XML elements from C-CDA is required, you will see XPath notation with the respective criteria within brackets (e.g. /entryRelationship[@typeCode="MSFT"]).

The "Transform Steps" column of the table will provide guidance for mapping content between C-CDA and FHIR, those steps will be listed in the following order:

  1. Constraint (labeled in bold): Only perform the action when this constraint is fulfilled
  2. Structural Guidance (Bidirectional guidance shown as ↔): Generalized narrative guidance on structural transform between CDA and FHIR elements. This links to sections on this current page
  3. ConceptMap (Terminology mapping direction shown as →): Link to a computable map between CDA and FHIR vocabularies. This links to conceptMaps developed in this guide
  4. Notes (no label): Other notes specific to this element mapping

What Examples are Included?

Examples for C-CDA to FHIR transforms are provided based on a consensus of various vendors performing mappings. All vendors received the sample input (e.g. C-CDA Document) and generated output (e.g. FHIR Resource) which were then iterated through group discussion to a consensus. For FHIR to C-CDA, a single vendor provided examples which are included.

The highlighted output images were created using an open source tool for C-CDA ↔ FHIR Mapping developed as part of this project.

Missing Maps

If you have data in an input artifact that is defined in the source specification and for which no map is specified here, that means that this team did not find a target for which we could build consensus. In most cases, this means that the data is unusual enough that the target specification did not address it (e.g., treatments for allergy reactions, which would probably be reported in the Problems or Procedures section rather than the Allergies section). In these cases, the team felt that converging on one design from the many solution possible patterns was not an optimal investment of resources. If readers identify elements for which this seems insufficient, they should comment.

CDA id ↔ FHIR identifier

Identifiers in both FHIR and CDA can divide the identifier value from its namespace: FHIR as the identifier.system and CDA as the id.root. In many cases, this correspondence works well.

However, the FHIR system can be any URI, including OIDs & UUIDs as well as URLs. CDA roots must be UIDs, which consist of OIDs and UUIDs only. CDA roots can often be used as FHIR systems, but FHIR systems must often be translated. In some cases, the URI has a registered equivalent OID, for example, an identifier with a FHIR system of http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-ssn can be represented with a CDA root of 2.16.840.1.113883.4.1.

If there is no such OID, and if the FHIR identifier is a URL, we can use the URL specification itself as the system, and that specification - urn:ietf:rfc:3986 - has a registered OID equivalent, 2.16.840.1.113883.4.873. The FHIR identifier.value can be appended to the system for the CDA extension. These ids can be represented as below.

Cases where the FHIR system uses a scheme with no OID present a problem. The UID type is primitive, represented only as an XML attribute, and it cannot have a null flavor. One solution may be to generate a UUID, but expectations around the UUID's persistence and recognizability may vary.

CDA id → FHIR Identifier with Example Mapping

Case Approach CDA id@root CDA id@extension identifier.system identifier.value
URL exists translate 2.16.840.1.113883.4.1 123-45-6789 http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-ssn 123-45-6789
No URL exists use OID 2.16.840.1.113883.4.500 12345V7890 urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.500 12345V7890
No URL exists and no extension1 use URI system, prepend with urn:oid: 2.16.840.   urn:ietf:rfc:3986 urn:oid:2.16.840.
UUID-only use URI system, prepend with urn:uuid: 67265ED2-35BB-43F8-B9DE-91C5935625E02   urn:ietf:rfc:3986 urn:uuid:67265ed2-35bb-43f8-b9de-91c5935625e02
UUID with extension3 use UUID, prepend value 67265ED2-35BB-43F8-B9DE-91C5935625E0 abcd urn:uuid:67265ed2-35bb-43f8-b9de-91c5935625e0 abcd
Extension-only only set value   Z1124   Z1124
Root = URI OID, Value = URL split value on / 2.16.840.1.113883.4.8734 http://myorg.com/patient/1234 http://myorg.com/patient 1234
Root = URI OID, Value = URN split value on : 2.16.840.1.113883.4.8734 urn:myNID:myOrg:Z3321 urn:myNID:myOrg Z3321
  1. This approach should not be used for known identifier systems like SSN or NPI. Even if there is no nullFlavor, sending the system OID as a value is inappropriate.
  2. UUIDs from CDA are uppercase (per Abstract Datatypes; UUIDs from FHIR are lowercase (per FHIR uri Datatype). Transform case when converting.
  3. UUID's are unique by themselves and rarely have extensions, so this scenario is rare.
  4. This is the URN OID equivalent of urn:ietf:rfc:3598. These examples are the reverse of the concatenation example listed below.

If a CDA id contains a @nullFlavor (or a known coding system such as SSN or NPI with no extension), a FHIR Identifier may be created using a data-absent-reason extension explaining the missing data. If the CDA id has a @root, place the extension on the Identifier.value element (for example, to indicate an unknown NPI); if the CDA id has only a @nullFlavor, the extension may be placed on the Identifier element itself.

FHIR Identifier → CDA id with Example Mapping

Case Approach identifier.system identifier.value CDA id@root CDA id@extension
OID exists translate http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-ssn 123-45-6789 2.16.840.1.113883.4.1 123-45-6789
OID value use OID as root urn:ietf:rfc:3986 urn:oid:2.16.840. 2.16.840.  
UUID value use UUID as root urn:ietf:rfc:3986 urn:uuid:67265ed2-35bb-43f8-b9de-91c5935625e0 67265ED2-35BB-43F8-B9DE-91C5935625E0  
No OID exists concatenate; use URL specification URI for root http://www.myOrg.com/patients 123456789 2.16.840.1.113883.4.873
(OID for urn:ietf:rfc:3986)
No OID exists concatenate; use URL specification URI for root urn:myNID:myOrganization 123456789 2.16.840.1.113883.4.873 urn:myNID:myOrganization:123456789
OID in system remove prefix urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.500 12345V7890 2.16.840.1.113883.4.500 12345V7890
One-value pattern introspect steward organization OID   123456789 2.16.840.1.113883.4.349 123456789

In some cases, a CDA template requires an id, and the source FHIR resource may not have an identifier. In these cases, use of nullFlavor or UUID generation approach may be reasonable options.

FHIR ids

FHIR ids (i.e. resource ids and element ids) are strings: they have no system. We propose not preserving them. They could be used in II.extension but we have no way to identify a root. If someone can ascertain a reliable, repeatable way to do that, we might be able to keep the id.

CDA ↔ FHIR Time/Dates

CDA timestamp values are based on a pattern of YYYYMMDDHHmmss+zzzz and FHIR dateTime values are based on a YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz. Partial expressions (e.g. 202305 for CDA or 2023-05 for FHIR) are allowed in both standards.

To convert between the standards, systems should deploy programming logic that converts formats and preserves the level of precision. For example, "20230531" from CDA would become "2023-05-31" in FHIR (not 2023-05-31T00:00:00+00:00). Additional examples below:

CDA Date Time FHIR Date Time Notes
2023 2023  
202305 2023-05  
20230531 2023-05-31  
202305312205-0500 2023-05-31T22:05-05:00 Timezone offset should be preserved

Note that in C-CDA, timezone offset is a SHOULD, while in FHIR, time zone offset is required when more specific than the day. There may be instances where a CDA date-time value omits a time zone offset and other data from the document may be necessary to populate FHIR dateTime requirements.

The following are possible approaches to map CDA timestamps without offset to a FHIR dateTime or instant datatype. Selecting an approach depends on various factors including the criticality of the data, the age of the document, and the level of information the transformation process has about the location where the particular element was recorded.

  • Omit the time portion of the date entirely, optionally sending the time as an extension or use the Uncertain period extension
    • Note - this only works for FHIR fields with a dateTime datatype; the instant datatype must be precise to the second
  • Use the same offset as a different timestamp within the same entry or section (or ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime)
  • Use contextual knowledge of the source document's location (e.g. if the document came from a health system serving only New England and the date was in December, the offset is likely "-05:00")
  • Default the offset to 00:00

Beware that any approach which manufactures an offset could have clinical implications, but this is likely less critical the older (and thus, more likely to be missing offsets) the document is.

Structured types

Some CDA temporal fields can be either a single point-in-time or an interval range. When mapped to a FHIR dateTime or instant datatype, the value should be taken from either @value or low/@value. If mapped to a FHIR period, effectiveTime/low maps to period.start and effectiveTime/high maps to period.end.

CDA Coding ↔ FHIR CodeableConcept

The structure for coding in CDA and FHIR are fundamentally different. CDA employs a mechanism (xsi:type CD or CE) where the code is included in the element and then originalText and translations elements may be provided as child elements. In FHIR, CodeableConcept places all codes in a coding list with a separate element for the text representation.

Both C-CDA and FHIR stipulate that display/@displayName represents one of the display strings defined for that code by the code system. If a source contains other text, the transforming party may choose to send the system value in display, put that original value in text/<originalText> and put the system value in display, or simply send the source value.

CDA Coding → FHIR CodeableConcept

CDA Property FHIR Target Notes
@code coding.code  
@codeSystem coding.system Requires mapping OID → URI or adding urn:oid: prefix
@displayName coding.display  
originalText text CDA references must be resolved since text is a string in FHIR
translation@code coding.code  
translation@codeSystem coding.system Requires mapping OID → URI or adding urn:oid: prefix
translation@displayName coding.display  

FHIR CodeableConcept → CDA Coding

In addition to the context of the previous section, CDA often requires elements to be present but the usage of a null value (@nullFlavor) is allowed. Generally when a CDA element is required (i.e. SHALL [1..1]), implementers will need to do one of the following when converting data into CDA:

  • If the data fulfills the target valueset, use the code and translate system
  • If the data can be mapped into the target valueset, use a mapping and the translated system
  • When the above is not possible:
    • If you have coded data and CDA nullFlavor is allowed, use "OTH" and put the source data in translation and provide originalText if possible. Note that CD and CE CDA elements generally allow translation and originalText.
    • If you have missing data with data-absent-reason, use a mapped nullFlavor if allowed. If not allowed, find the best match in the permitted valueset.
    • If you have missing data without data-absent-reason, select a nullFlavor if allowed. If not allowed, find the best match in the permitted valueset.
FHIR Property CDA Target Notes
coding.code @code
The criteria for mapping to @code varies by valueset binding within CDA templates. When no coding.code matches the target valueset, the @code should be omitted and @nullFlavor="OTH" used placing all coding as translation elements
coding.display coding.displayName
coding.system @codeSystem
Requires URI → OID mapping or removing urn:oid: prefix
text originalText  

Note that C-CDA sometimes requires a code from a specific system in the root of a CD and permits others in the translation

FHIR Code → CDA Coding

Both CDA and FHIR employ a hierarchy of simpler types and more complex types that re-use the simpler ones. In some cases, a simpler type on one side will map to a more complex one on the other. Where the complexity supports metadata, these maps are essentially the same as the complex-to-complex maps (Coding & CodeableConcept, above). In a few cases, a complex type supports representing a simple source where a simple target would have failed.

FHIR Property CDA Target Notes
code originalText If the CDA element is mapped to a value set that has no translation for the FHIR value, the FHIR value can be placed in orginalText. This does not satisfy CDA terminology bindings, should they exist.

Mapping OID ↔ URI

FHIR requires that certain terminologies use a specific uniform resource identifier (URI) while CDA always uses object identifiers (OIDs) for codeSystems. This means:

  • For CDA → FHIR mapping
    • Translation to URIs is required where possible. One source of translations is available in FHIR terminologies which also includes information about other sources of translation.
    • For OIDs that have no URI equivalent is known, add the urn:oid: prefix to OID
  • For FHIR → CDA mapping
    • Translation of URIs to OIDs is always required for FHIR → CDA mapping
    • Remove urn:oid: prefix for OIDs

Two example are shown in the table below. Since LOINC is a terminology with a defined URI in FHIR, it is not allowed to add urn:oid: when mapping from CDA (urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.1). This is allowed, however, for other terminologies where no URI is known.

CDA @codeSystem FHIR coding.system
2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 http://loinc.org
2.16.840.1.113883.4.123456789 urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.123456789

Additional guidance on FHIR terminologies available here.


The <originalText> element in CDA can contain mixed XML content or a reference to a portion of the narrative. When converting to a FHIR data type that contains a text field, like CodeableConcept, this is a direct map. For other cases, the originalText extension may be used to convey this information. In either instance, the CDA narrative must be de-referenced, any markup removed, and stored as plain text into CodeableConcept.text or the originalText's .valueString.

FHIR also includes a narrativeLink extension which functions similarly to the <reference value="#..."> attribute underneath originalText. If the section or resource narrative has been converted to FHIR (see Narrative Text), this extension can be added to indicate the portion of narrative corresponding to the extended FHIR field.

CDA ↔ FHIR Quantity

CDA and FHIR have similar quantity data types. Both contain a numeric value, but CDA contains a single unit attribute which must be a UCUM (Unified Code for Units of Measure) code, while FHIR contains a free-text unit field and a pair of fields, code and system, which together can store a UCUM value.

When mapping from CDA to FHIR, the unit is already UCUM, so it can be represented in both the code and value fields:

CDA Physical Quantity (PQ)      FHIR Quantity
@value .value
@unit .code
.system = http://unitsofmeasure.org
(and optionally .unit)

When mapping from FHIR to CDA, if the system is http://unitsofmeasure.org, the code can map directly to CDA's @value. But if there is no code or system, or the system is something besides UCUM, the unit can only be placed in CDA's @unit after ensuring it is a valid UCUM unit. If the unit cannot be converted to UCUM, then the <translation> element available on CDA's PQ data type can be used, as demonstrated in the C-CDA Example Task Force's Results Unit Non-UCUM example. The FHIR unit value can be placed in translation/originalText, and the code and system can be placed in the translation's @code and @codeSystem attributes (if the URI can be mapped to an OID).

Example of Non-UCUM FHIR QuantityCDA Physical Quantity with Translation
"quantity": {
  "value": 30,
  "unit": "each",
  "code": "EA",
  "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/standardBillingUnit"
<!-- This could also be used in other places like substanceAdministration/doseQuantity -->
<value xsi:type="PQ" nullFlavor="OTH">
  <translation value="30" code="EA" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.2.13">

(Realistically, this could also just map to the standard UCUM value of "1")

"quantity": {
  "value": 25,
  "unit": "customUnits"
<value xsi:type="PQ" nullFlavor="OTH">
  <translation value="25" nullFlavor="OTH">

UCUM also provides the ability to include arbitrary units within a set of curly brackets (e.g. {INR}). No specific guidance on the use of curly brackets in unit translation is provided in this publication, however additional guidance on UCUM arbitrary units is available here.

Ranges of Physical Quantities

CDA conveys ranges of values using the IVL_PQ data type. The <low> and <high> elements are normal Physical Quantity (PQ) elements with an additional @inclusive attribute. When this is present and set to "false", the value of the boundary is not included in the range. The default value of this attribute is "true", so regardless of whether it is absent or set to "true", the value of the boundary IS included in the range.

In FHIR, ranges with both a low and high are represented in the Range data type, while ranges with only a low or a high are represented in the Quantity data type using a comparator.

Since a physical quantity is something that can be measured, a missing <low> value or a low value of 0 can be represented as < or <= the high value (based on the @inclusive property on <high>). If the <high> value is missing, it generally means the value was too large to measure, and the FHIR representation is > or >=.

Note that in FHIR, Observation.referenceRange only contains .low and .high values, so this guidance is targeted to the actual values of observations.

CDA IVL_PQ Value - High-onlyFHIR Quantity
<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <high value="200" unit="mg/dL"/>


<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <low value="0" unit="mg/dL"/>
  <high value="200" unit="mg/dL"/>


<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <low nullFlavor="NINF"/>
  <high value="200" unit="mg/dL"/>
"quantity": {
  "value": 200,
  "comparator": "<=",
  "unit": "mg/dL",
  "code": "mg/dL",
  "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org"

(<= because inclusive is true by default)

When @inclusive="false":

<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <high value="200" unit="mg/dL" inclusive="false"/>
"quantity": {
  "value": 200,
  "comparator": "<",
  "unit": "mg/dL",
  "code": "mg/dL",
  "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org"
CDA IVL_PQ Value - Low-onlyFHIR Quantity
<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <low value="500" unit="mg/dL" inclusive="true"/>
  <high nullFlavor="PINF">


<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <low value="500" unit="mg/dL"/>
"quantity": {
  "value": 500,
  "comparator": ">=",
  "unit": "mg/dL",
  "code": "mg/dL",
  "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org"

(>= because inclusive is true by default)

When @inclusive="false":

<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <low value="500" unit="mg/dL" inclusive="false"/>
  <high nullFlavor="PINF"/>


<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <low value="500" unit="mg/dL" inclusive="false"/>
"quantity": {
  "value": 500,
  "comparator": ">",
  "unit": "mg/dL",
  "code": "mg/dL",
  "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org"
CDA IVL_PQ Value - Low and High with Numeric ValuesFHIR Range
<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <low value="200" unit="mg/dL"/>
  <high value="1000" unit="mg/dL"/>
"range": {
  "low": {
    "value": 200,
    "unit": "mg/dL",
    "code": "mg/dL",
    "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org"
  "high": {
    "value": 1000,
    "unit": "mg/dL",
    "code": "mg/dL",
    "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org"

Units can be different, as long as they are equivalent:

<value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
  <low value="200" unit="mg/dL"/>
  <high value="1" unit="g/dL"/>
"range": {
  "low": {
    "value": 200,
    "unit": "mg/dL",
    "code": "mg/dL",
    "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org"
  "high": {
    "value": 1,
    "unit": "g/dL",
    "code": "g/dL",
    "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org"

CDA ↔ FHIR Provenance

CDA provides a repeated set of elements within each activity which may be used in populating data to/from FHIR Provenance.Agent

  • author: Represents the humans and/or machines that authored the [document/section/entry/act].
  • performer: A person who actually and principally carries out an action.
  • informant: An informant (or source of information) is a person that provides relevant information, such as the parent of a comatose patient who describes the patient's behavior prior to the onset of coma.
  • participant Used to represent other participants not explicitly mentioned by other classes, that were somehow involved in the documented activities

FHIR, however, provides different elements within resources (e.g. Condition.recorder) that convey some information on provenance and a dedicated Provenance resource which references a target resource. In addition, FHIR documents do not provide context conduction, so all FHIR resources in a FHIR document should have explicit Provenance. See Context conduction under v3 Similarities and Differences for more information.

Provenance Mapping

This publication does not provide definitive CDA ↔ FHIR guidance on when resource attributes (e.g. AllergyIntolerance.recorder) vs. dedicated Provenance resources (e.g. Provenance targeting an AllergyIntolerance resource) should be used for documenting data provenance.

In addition, this guide does not address how author and other provenance context conduction should work from C-CDA to FHIR. We welcome feedback on the topic of provenance from implementers.

At a minimum, it is recommended that when Provenance resources are present in a FHIR document, that they should be mapped to provenance as defined in the C-CDA Companion Guide and Basic Provenance in US Core.

Preliminary guidelines for documents may include:

  1. Assembler generated documents
  2. Device generated document templates
    • entity.what reference either a DocumentReference or DiagnosticReport
    • agent.type.coding.code = assembler
    • agent.onBehalfOf reference the Organization that the document was assembled under the auspices of
    • A role of Informant is not permitted in Device Generated Document template.
  3. Patient Generated Document
    • entity.what reference either a DocumentReference or DiagnosticReport
    • agent.type of author
    • agent.who reference to the Patient. Optionally, it may include a participating device composer when created from a patient portal, and/or a participating assembeler; or a participating informant.
    • onBehalfOf valued to the authorizing provider's organization
  4. Provider Generated Document

Name, Address, Telecom

The mappings of name, address and telecom information are useful in many part of C-CDA ↔ FHIR mapping. These are a combination of string, code and date mappings as shown below and may be re-used across many templates/resources. For examples of these transformations, please see the CDA → FHIR Patient mapping and FHIR → CDA Patient mapping pages.

CDA name → FHIR name

CDA name FHIR name Transform Steps
@use .use Name use (CDA) → Name use (FHIR)
prefix .prefix  
given .given  
family .family  
suffix .suffix  
validTime/low@value .period.start CDA ↔ FHIR Time/Dates
validTime/high@value .period.end CDA ↔ FHIR Time/Dates

CDA addr → FHIR address

CDA addr FHIR address Transform Steps
@use .use Addr use (CDA) → Address use (FHIR)
streetAddressLine .line  
city .city  
state .state  
postalCode .postalCode  
country .country  
useablePeriod/low@value .period.start  
useablePeriod/high@value .period.end  

CDA telecom → FHIR telecom

CDA telecom FHIR telecom Transform Steps
@use .use CDA telecom use → FHIR contact point use
Note that CDA's @use='PG' is equivalent to FHIR's .system='pager'
@value .system
CDA telecom value → FHIR contact point system
Only include information in FHIR value which comes after the CDA system prefix; other formatting may be preserved. E.g. CDA tel:+1(555)867-5309 becomes +1(555)867-5309 in FHIR.

FHIR name → CDA name

FHIR name CDA name Transform Steps
.use @use Name use (FHIR) → Name use (CDA)
.family family  
.given given  
.prefix prefix  
.suffix suffix  
.period.start validTime/low@value CDA ↔ FHIR Time/Dates
.period.end validTime/high@value CDA ↔ FHIR Time/Dates

FHIR address → CDA addr

FHIR address CDA addr Transform Steps
.use @use Address use (FHIR) → Addr use (CDA)
.line streetAddressLine  
.city city  
.state state  
.postalCode postalCode  
.country country  
.period.start useablePeriod/low@value CDA ↔ FHIR Time/Dates
.period.end useablePeriod/high@value CDA ↔ FHIR Time/Dates

FHIR telecom → CDA telecom

FHIR telecom CDA telecom Comments
.use @use FHIR contact point use → CDA use
@value FHIR contact point system → CDA telecom value
Insert FHIR value after the CDA system prefix mapped from FHIR system
Note that FHIR's .system='pager' is equivalent to CDA's @use='PG'

Missing Data in C-CDA vs. FHIR

CDA and FHIR address missing data and null usage in different ways:

In this publication, we include a mapping between missing data concepts. Importantly, it should be noted that several mappings include non-equivalence (wider or narrower or unsupported) and that each standard may allow data elements to be omitted while the other requires. Feedback to improve implementer guidance is welcome on the handling of missing data between C-CDA and FHIR:

Comment → Annotation

The CDA Comment Activity template is used for text notes accompanied by their author. The FHIR Annotation datatype can capture text and an author as well.

Comment Activity
text text See C-CDA Entry/Text → FHIR Resource.text
author/time time  
author/assignedAuthor authorReference Ideally this is a PractitionerRole, which can then support both Pracitioner (name) and Organization, if necessary.

Narrative Text

The CDA section narrative text is an authoritative portion of the document and must be preserved when transforming to FHIR. When creating a FHIR Composition resource (or converting a FHIR Composition back into CDA), this is a straightforward mapping between CDA's section/text and the FHIR Composition section.text field. There is a slight difference in allowed elements - CDA defines a limited set of elements in its NarrativeBlock schema, and FHIR limits narratives to a subset of XHTML - but these two fields can generally be mapped 1:1. These differences are described below.

C-CDA Entry/Text → FHIR Resource.text

When mapping C-CDA entires to individual FHIR resources, the entry text should also be converted to a FHIR narrative. Every CDA ClinicalStatement (e.g. <act>, <observation>, <encounter>, etc) contains a <text> field, and C-CDA Volume 1 contains the following constraint which is applied to all of these ClinicalStatements:

SHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] text
   a. The text, if present, SHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] reference/@value
     i. This reference/@value SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative (using the approach defined in CDA R2.0, section

When this element is present on a C-CDA entry, the FHIR resource SHOULD be created with a narrative (.text) corresponding to the portion of the section narrative referenced by the reference/@value attribute. This attribute will match an @ID attribute on an element in the section narrative. That element and all of its children should be used as the basis for the FHIR resource's narrative. Additionally, the <text> node may contain mixed content alongside the <reference> element. In this case, the FHIR resource should also include the mixed content in its narrative.

NOTE: Sometimes the @ID element will appear on a portion of a table, such as a <tr> or a <td>, or some other narrative element like <item> which may not stand well on its own when converted to XHTML. When a situation like this occurs, include appropriate context from other elements outside the primary element containing @ID. For example, if the @ID appears on a <tr>, create a table for the FHIR resource narrative and repeat the header row(s) before including the <tr>.

Example mappings - assume CDA narrative contains an element with ID="id1" that contains "tagged text".

CDA StructureFHIR Narrative Div
    <reference value="#id1">
<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  tagged text
  <text>Mixed content</text>
<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  Mixed content
  <text>Mixed with reference!
    <reference value="#id1">
<!-- Surrounding either part with an extra <div> is
     one possible suggestion to improve readability -->
<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  Mixed with reference!
  <div>tagged text</div>

FHIR Resource.text → C-CDA Section Narratives

If a FHIR Composition is being converted to CDA, its section.text can be converted to CDA section/text directly. If FHIR resources are being assembled into a new document, the narrative from each resource included in a section should be included as that section's text, as well as referenced from the specific C-CDA entry created from the conversion.

Difference between CDA Narrative and FHIR Narrative

The following is general guidance for mapping CDA Narrative elements and attributes to XHTML used by FHIR. For a specific example, see the informative CDA R2 Stylesheet. Table elements (<table>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, <colgroup>, <col>, <tr>, <td>, <th>) are not included in the table because they are generally the same between CDA Narrative and XHTML.

The reverse conversion (from FHIR HTML to CDA Narrative) is also possible, but only the elements allowed by the CDA Narrative may be used.

CDA Narrative HTML Notes
content span Inline content
paragraph div (or p) Block content
list ul / ol Choice depends on list/@listType attribute which can be ordered or unordered
item li  
br br No child content, @styleCode attribute, or @ID attribute allowed
sub/sup sub/sup  
caption caption XHTML only allows caption after <table> or <ol>. Other occurrences may need to be converted to div or other elements
linkHtml a  
footnote/footnoteRef stylized div/span Represents footnotes which could be rendered at the bottom of the text
renderMultiMedia img The @referencedObject attribute matches an ID on an <observationMedia> entry in the section. The value of this entry represents the binary content of the image.
@styleCode @style or @class Standard CDA styleCode values like Bold, Underline, Italics can be rendered as style attributes. Others are equivalent to @class and may not have a specific interpretation outside of local exchanges.
@ID @id Note the difference in capitalization

Though included in NarrativeBlock.xsd, the Title, TitleContent, and TitleFootnote elements are not actually used in CDA Narrative text.

Terminology Mapping

Access terminology mappings between C-CDA and FHIR