Breast Radiology Reporting - 1st STU ballot
0.2.0 - STU 1 Ballot 2020May

Breast Radiology Reporting - 1st STU ballot - Local Development build (v0.2.0). See the Directory of published versions

Recommendations ValueSet


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Title:Recommendations ValueSet

Recommendations value set.

Publisher:Hl7 - Clinical Interoperability Council
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle


Content Logical Definition


  • Include these codes as defined in
    3DImaging3D ImagingAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or
    X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate
    a 3-dimensional picture of the breast.
    Also called breast tomosynthesis.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    3DSpotCC3D spot CCAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or
    X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate
    a 3-dimensional picture of the breast.
    Cranial-Caudal (CC) is a 3D view from above the breast.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    3DSpotLM3D spot LMAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or
    X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate
    a 3-dimensional picture of the breast.
    Lateral-medial (LM) is

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    3DSpotML3D spot MLAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or
    X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate
    a 3-dimensional picture of the breast.
    Mediolateral (ML) is

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    3DSpotMLO3D spot MLOAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or
    X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate
    a 3-dimensional picture of the breast.
    Mediolateral-oblique (MLO) is

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    AdditionalViewsAdditional viewsAdditional views in Mammography, MRI and US, help
    increase the chances of finding
    any possible tumors in the breast.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    AddlitionalViewsWithPossibleUltrasoundAddlitional views with possible ultrasoundAdditional views in a Mammogram, MRI or Ultrasound
    are recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    AxillaViewAxilla viewAn axillary view (also known as a "Cleopatra view")
    is a type of view in mammography. It is
    an exaggerated craniocaudal view for better imaging
    of the lateral portion of the
    breast to the axillary tail.
    This projection is performed whenever we want to
    show a lesion seen only in the axillary
    tail on the MLO view.
    An optimal axillary view require to be clearly displayed
    the most lateral portion
    of the breast including the axillary tail, as well
    the pectoral muscle and the nipple
    in profile.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    AxillaryTailViewAxillary tail viewThe tail of Spence (Spence's tail, axillary process,
    axillary tail) is an extension
    of the tissue of the breast that extends into the
    It is actually an extension of the upper lateral
    quadrant of the breast.
    It passes into the axilla through an opening in the
    deep fascia called foramen of

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    BiopsyBiopsyA biopsy is recommended.
    An examination under a microscope of the specific
    tissue removed from the body.
    The examination is used to check for abnormalities
    or cancer cells.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
    BiopsyBaseOnClinicalBiopsy base on clinicalBased on the clinical exam, a biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    CaudocranialViewCaudocranial viewIt is recommended that a Caudocranial view is captured
    by Ultrasound and/or Mammogram.
    It is useful for the study of breasts in the lower
    The patient will bend forward at the waist to view
    the underside of the breast.
    Also called a reverse CC view.
    The reversed CC view is an additional view.
    It is useful for the study of breasts with surgical
    scars in the lower quadrants.
    The ability to see the scar through the compressor
    paddle offers to the mammographer
    the possibility to flatten it properly, reducing
    the formation of scar folds as well
    artifacts from false parenchymal distortion.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    CCWithCompressionViewCC with compression viewThe recommendation is for a CC with compression view
    to be completed on an Ultrasound and/or Mammogram.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    CCWithMagnificationViewCC with magnification viewThe recommendation is for a CC with magnification
    view to be completed on an Ultrasound and/or Mammogram.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    CleavageViewCleavage viewIt is recommended that a cleavage view is captured
    via Mammogram and/or Ultrasound.
    Also called "valley view" is a mammogram view that
    images the most central portions
    of the breasts.
    To get as much central tissue as possible, the mammogram
    technologist will place
    both breasts on the plate at the same time to image
    the medial half of both breasts.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    ClinicalConsultationClinical consultationA clinical consultation is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    ClinicalCorrelationClinical correlationThe recommendation is for a clinicial correlation
    and/or comparison to be completed.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    ClinicalFollow-upClinical follow-upThe recommendation is for a clinical follow-up to
    be completed.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    CompareToPriorExamsCompare to prior examsThe recommendation is for a compare to prior exams
    to be completed.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    CompressionViewsCompression viewsIt is recommended that a compression view is admininstered
    via Mammogram or Ultrasound.
    All mammograms use compression of the breast.
    By applying compression to only a specific area of
    the breast, the effective pressure
    is increased on that spot.
    This results in better tissue separation and allows
    better visualization of the area
    of the breast needing additional examination.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    ConeCompressionCone compressionA cone compression is recommended to catch a specific
    spot or view during the mammogram
    and/or ultrasound.
    Spot views apply the compression to a smaller area
    of tissue using a small compression
    plate or "cone".

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    CoreBiopsyCore BiopsyIt is recommended that a core biopsy procedure is
    It is a procedure where a needle is passed through
    the skin to take a sample of tissue
    from a mass or lump.
    The tissue is then examined under a microscope for
    any abnormalities.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    CraniocaudalViewCraniocaudal viewCranial-Caudal (CC) is a view from above the breast
    during a mammogram or ultrasound.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    CryoablationCryoablationUses imaging guidance, a needle-like applicator called
    a cryoprobe, and liquid nitrogen
    or argon gas to create intense cold to freeze and
    destroy diseased tissue, including
    cancer cells.
    It may be used to treat a variety of skin conditions
    as well as tumors within the
    liver, kidneys, bones, lungs and breasts.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    CystAspirationCyst aspirationA cyst aspiration is a procedure used to drain fluid
    from a breast cyst.
    The vast majority of cysts are benign (non-cancerous),
    though some are quite tender.
    Aspirating the fluid from a cyst may alleviate symptoms
    or discomfort.
    In some cases, specimens are sent to pathology.
    [ > Cyst_Aspiration]

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    CystAspirationForReliefCyst aspiration for reliefOne way to get relief from the pain of a cyst is
    to remove fluid from
    the cyst, thereby decreasing the pressure.
    This is called aspiration for relief.

    Valid for the following modalities: US.
    DiagnosticAspirationDiagnostic aspirationThis is a fine needle aspiration and is a type of
    biopsy procedure.
    In fine needle aspiration, a thin needle is inserted
    into an area of abnormal-appearing
    tissue or body fluid.
    [ > a-to-z-guides > fine-needle-aspiration]

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    DiagnosticMammogramDiagnostic MammogramWhile screening mammograms are used as a routine
    check-up for breast health, diagnostic
    mammograms are used after suspicious results on a
    screening mammogram or after some
    signs of breast cancer alert the physician to check
    the tissue.These signs may include
    a lump or breast pain.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    DrainageTubeDrainage tubeThe recommendation is for a drainage tube to be attached
    to breast.
    A drainage tube is a tube used to remove pus, blood
    or other fluids from a wound.
    This is a common practice by surgeons or interventional

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    DuctographyDuctographyA ductogram, also called a galactogram, is a special
    type of mammogram used for imaging
    the breast ducts.
    It can aid in diagnosing the cause of abnormal nipple
    Ductography (also called galactography or ductogalactography)
    is a special type of
    contrast enhanced mammography used for imaging the
    breast ducts.
    Ductography can aid in diagnosing the cause of an
    abnormal nipple discharge and is
    valuable in diagnosing intraductal papillomas and
    other conditions.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    ExaggeratedCCViewsExaggerated CC viewsAn XCCL view is a supplementary mammographic view.
    It is a type of exaggerated cranio-caudal view.
    It is particularly good for imaging the lateral aspect
    of the breast. It is often
    done when a lesion is suspected on a MLO view but
    cannot be seen on the CC view. In
    this view, the lateral aspect of the breast is placed
    One rationale of performing this view is that many
    cancers are located in the lateral
    aspect of the breast.
    An XCCM view is a supplementary mammographic view.
    It is a type of exaggerated cranio-caudal view.
    It is particularly good for imaging the medial portion
    of the breast.
    In this view, the medial portion of the breast is
    placed forward.
    A negative 15degrees tube tilt is suggested.
    An optimal XCCM view requires the most medial portion
    of the breast and the nipple
    in profile to be clearly displayed.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    FNABiopsyFNA biopsyFNA stands for Fine needle aspiration and this is
    a type of biopsy procedure.
    In fine needle aspiration, a thin needle is inserted
    into an area of abnormal-appearing
    tissue or body fluid.
    As with other types of biopsies, the sample collected
    during fine needle aspiration
    can help make a diagnosis or rule out conditions
    such as cancer.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    Follow-upFollow-upIt is recommended to make a follow-up appointment.

    Valid for the following modalities: US.
    Followup3MonthsFollowup 3 monthsIt is recommended to make a follow-up appointment
    in 3 months.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    Followup6MonthsFollowup 6 monthsIt is recommended to make a follow-up appointment
    in 6 months.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    IfPreviousShowNoChangeIf previous show no changeThe recommendation is for a if previous show no change
    to be completed.

    Valid for the following modalities: US MRI.
    LateralMagnificationViewLateral magnification viewThe recommendation is for a Lateral magnification
    view to be completed on Mammogram and/or Ultrasound.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    LateralMedialViewLateral medial viewThere are different views of the breast in mammography.
    For the LM view, the tube is lateral and the detector
    is placed medially
    LM view is best for evaluating medial lesions.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    LateralViewLateral viewThere are different views of the breast in mammography.
    The lateral view is a view obtained at virtually
    every diagnostic evaluation.
    A lateral view may be obtained as a mediolateral
    view (ML) or lateromedial view (LM)
    view depending on where the imaging tube and detector
    are located.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    LateralWithCompressionViewLateral with compression viewThe recommendation is for a Lateral with compression
    view to be completed on Mammogram.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    LateromedialObliqueLateromedial obliqueThe recommendation is for a lateromedial oblique
    view to be completed on Mammogram and/or Ultrasound.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    LateromedialViewLateromedial viewThe recommendation is for a lateromedial view to
    be completed on Mammogram and/or Ultrasound.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    LymphNodeAssessmentLymph node assessmentLymph Node Exam.
    Palpation of the lymph nodes provides information
    about the possible presence of
    a malignant or inflammatory process and the localization
    or generalization of that

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    MagnificationViewsMagnification viewsA magnification view in mammography is performed
    to evaluate and count microcalcifications and
    its extension (as well the assessment of the borders
    and the tissue structures of
    a suspicious area or a mass) by using a magnification
    device which brings the breast
    away from the film plate and closer to the x-ray
    This allows the acquisition of magnified images (1.5x
    to 2x magnification) of the
    region of interest. > articles > magnification-view-mammography

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
    MammogramMammogramA mammogram is an X-Ray picture of the breast.
    It is used to look for early signs of breast cancer.

    Valid for the following modalities: MRI.
    Mammogram3MonthFollow-upMammogram 3 month follow-upA three month follow-up is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    Mammogram6MonthFollow-upMammogram 6 month follow-upA six month follow-up is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    MammogramAndUltrasound3MonthFollow-upMammogram and ultrasound 3 month follow-upA three month follow-up with ultrasound is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    MammogramAndUltrasound6MonthFollow-upMammogram and ultrasound 6 month follow-upA six month follow-up with ultrasound is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    MediolateralObliqueViewMediolateral oblique viewA mediolateral oblique view is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    MediolateralViewMediolateral viewA mediolateral view is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    MLOWithCompressionViewMLO with compression viewAn additional MLO with compression view of the breast
    is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    MLOWithMagnificationViewMLO with magnification viewAn additional MLO with magnification view of the
    breast is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    MRIMRIAn MRI is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    MRIBiopsyMRI biopsyAn MRI with biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
    MRIFollow-upMRI follow-upAn MRI follow-up is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MRI NM.
    NeedleLocationAndSurgicalBiopsyNeedle location and surgical biopsyA Needle localization and surgical biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    NippleInProfileViewNipple in profile viewA technically adequate exam has the nipple in profile,
    allows visualization of the
    inframammary fold and includes the pectoralis muscle
    extending down to the posterior
    nipple line (an oblique line drawn straight back
    from the nipple.)

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    OffAngleCCViewOff angle CC viewAn additional off angle CC view of the breast is

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    OffAngleMLOViewOff angle MLO viewAn additional off angle MLO view of the breast is

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    Poss.StereotacticBxPoss. Stereotactic BxStereotactic breast biopsy uses mammography - a specific
    type of breast imaging that
    uses low-dose x-rays - to help locate a breast abnormality
    and remove a tissue sample
    for examination under a microscope.
    It's less invasive than surgical biopsy, leaves little
    to no scarring and can be
    an excellent way to evaluate calcium deposits or
    tiny masses that are not visible
    on ultrasound.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    PossibleCoreBiopsyPossible core biopsyA core needle biopsy (CNB) uses a hollow needle
    to take out pieces of breast tissue from
    a suspicious area in an imaging test.
    The needle may be attached to a spring-loaded tool
    that moves the needle in and out
    of the tissue quickly, or it may be attached to a
    suction device that helps pull
    breast tissue into the needle.
    A small cylinder (core) of tissue is taken out in
    the needle.
    Several cores are often removed.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    PossibleDiagnosticMammogramPossible Diagnostic MammogramA possible diagnostic mammogram is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    PossibleStereotacticVacuumBiopsyPossible stereotactic vacuum biopsyBased on the results of the mammogram, a possible
    stereotactic vacuum biopsy is recommended.
    During this type of biopsy, small samples of tissue
    are removed from the breast using
    a hollow needle, which is precisely guided to the
    correct location using x-rays and
    computer generated coordinates of the concerning
    area of breast tissue.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    PossibleSurgicalConsultPossible surgical consultA possible surgical consultation may be recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: NM.
    PossibleSurgicalEvaluationPossible surgical evaluationA possible surgical evaluation is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: NM.
    PossibleUltrasoundPossible ultrasoundA possible ultrasound is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    PossibleUltrasoundGuidedBiopsyPossible ultrasound guided biopsyA possible ultrasound guided biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    PossibleVacuumBiopsyPossible vacuum biopsyA possible vacuum biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    RepeatCCViewRepeat CC viewAnother CC view of Mammogram is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    RepeatMLOViewRepeat MLO viewAnother MLO view of Mammogram is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    RolledLateralViewRolled lateral viewA rolled CC lateral view is recommended.
    A rolled CC view Is performed to locate a lesion
    only visible in the cranio-caudal
    view, or when overlapped tissues in the standard
    view can simulate or partially conceal
    a lesion: changing of tissues distribution allows
    to determine whether or not its
    When the lesion identified moves medially or laterally
    respect to the standard projection,
    it is possible to determine in which quadrant it
    is localized.
    The breast is positioned on the image receptor as
    for the cranio-caudal view, then
    is rotated medially or laterally around the axis
    of the nipple prior to applying

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    RolledMedialViewRolled medial viewA rolled medial view is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    ScintimammogramGuidedBiopsyScintimammogram Guided BiopsyA Scintimammogram guided biopsy is recommended.
    This is performed by taking samples of an abnormality
    under guidance from the Scintimammogram.
    Scintimammography uses small amounts of radioactive
    material, a special camera and a computer to help
    investigate a breast abnormality.
    This helps to guide the radiologist's biopsy equipment

    to the site of the imaging abnormality.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    ScintimammographyScintimammographyA scintimammogram is recommended.
    Scintimammography is also known as nuclear medicine
    breast imaging, Breast Specific
    Gamma Imaging (BSGI) and Molecular Breast Imaging
    This type of exam is used to investigate a breast
    abnormality found with mammography.
    Scintimammography uses small amounts of radioactive
    material, a special camera and
    a computer to help investigate a breast abnormality.
    Scintimammography can detect cancer even when dense
    breast tissue and breast implants
    are present.
    It can reduce unnecessary procedures by helping determine
    whether a biopsy is needed.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    SpotCompressionSpot compressionA spot compression is recommended.
    A spot view (also known as a spot compression view
    or focal compression view) is
    an additional mammographic view performed by applying
    the compression to a smaller
    area of tissue using a small compression paddle,
    increasing the effective pressure
    on that spot.
    This results in better tissue separation and allows
    better visualization of the breast
    tissue in that area.
    It is used to distinguish between the presence of
    a true lesion and an overlap of
    tissues, as well to better show the borders of an
    abnormality or questionable area
    or a little cluster of faint microcalcifications
    in a dense area.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US NM.
    SpotMagnificationViewsSpot magnification viewsSpot magnification views are recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    StereotacticBxStereotactic bxA stereotactic biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
    SuperolateralIOViewSuperolateral IO viewA superolateral IO view is recommended.
    The view of the upper outer quadrant of the breast.
    This is the quadrant of the breast that is closest
    to the armpit.
    There are 4 quadrants in the anatomy of a breast.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    SurgicalBiopsySurgical biopsyA surgical biopsy is recommended.
    A surgical biopsy is a procedure that involves the
    surgical removal of tissue from
    a lump or mass for examination under a microscope.
    This test may also be called an open biopsy.
    Surgical biopsies can be excisional (removal of an
    entire lump or abnormal area)
    or incisional (removal of a piece of a lump or abnormal

    Valid for the following modalities: NM.
    SurgicalConsultSurgical consultA surgical consult is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
    SurgicalConsultAndBiopsySurgical consult and biopsyA surgical consult and biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
    SurgicalEvaluationSurgical evaluationThe recommendation is for a surgical evaluation.

    Valid for the following modalities: NM.
    SurgicalExcisionSurgical excisionThe recommendation is for a surgical excision.

    Valid for the following modalities: NM.
    SurgicalOncologicEvaluationSurgical oncologic evaluationThe recommendation is for a surgical oncologic evaluation.

    Valid for the following modalities: NM.
    SurgicalOncologicalConsultSurgical oncological consultThe recommendation is for a surgical oncologic consult.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
    TangentialViewTangential viewA tangential view is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    TangentialViewsTangential viewsTangential views are recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    UltrasoundUltrasoundAn ultrasound is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG MRI NM.
    Ultrasound2ndLookUltrasound 2nd LookAn additional ultrasound is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
    Ultrasound3MonthFollow-upUltrasound 3 month follow-upAn additional ultrasound is recommended in a 3 month

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    Ultrasound6MonthFollow-upUltrasound 6 month follow-upAn additional ultrasound is recommended in a 3 month

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    UltrasoundGuidedBxUltrasound guided bxAn ultrasound guided biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
    UltrasoundLocationAndSurgicalBiopsyUltrasound location and surgical biopsyAn ultrasound localized and surgical biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
    UltrasoundWithPossibleAddlitonalViewsUltrasound with possible addlitonal viewsAn ultrasound with possible additional views are

    Valid for the following modalities: MG.
    Unspecified/OtherUnspecified / otherUnspecified / other

    Valid for the following modalities: US MRI.
    VacuumBxVacuum BxA vacuum biopsy is recommended.

    Valid for the following modalities: MG US.



This value set contains 97 concepts

Expansion based on version 0.2.0

All codes from system

3DImaging3D ImagingAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. Also called breast tomosynthesis. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
3DSpotCC3D spot CCAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. Cranial-Caudal (CC) is a 3D view from above the breast. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
3DSpotLM3D spot LMAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. Lateral-medial (LM) is Valid for the following modalities: MG.
3DSpotML3D spot MLAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. Mediolateral (ML) is Valid for the following modalities: MG.
3DSpotMLO3D spot MLOAdvanced Technology that takes multiple images, or X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. Mediolateral-oblique (MLO) is Valid for the following modalities: MG.
AdditionalViewsAdditional viewsAdditional views in Mammography, MRI and US, help increase the chances of finding any possible tumors in the breast. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
AddlitionalViewsWithPossibleUltrasoundAddlitional views with possible ultrasoundAdditional views in a Mammogram, MRI or Ultrasound are recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
AxillaViewAxilla viewAn axillary view (also known as a "Cleopatra view") is a type of view in mammography. It is an exaggerated craniocaudal view for better imaging of the lateral portion of the breast to the axillary tail. This projection is performed whenever we want to show a lesion seen only in the axillary tail on the MLO view. An optimal axillary view require to be clearly displayed the most lateral portion of the breast including the axillary tail, as well the pectoral muscle and the nipple in profile. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
AxillaryTailViewAxillary tail viewThe tail of Spence (Spence's tail, axillary process, axillary tail) is an extension of the tissue of the breast that extends into the axilla. It is actually an extension of the upper lateral quadrant of the breast. It passes into the axilla through an opening in the deep fascia called foramen of Langer. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
BiopsyBiopsyA biopsy is recommended. An examination under a microscope of the specific tissue removed from the body. The examination is used to check for abnormalities or cancer cells. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
BiopsyBaseOnClinicalBiopsy base on clinicalBased on the clinical exam, a biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
CaudocranialViewCaudocranial viewIt is recommended that a Caudocranial view is captured by Ultrasound and/or Mammogram. It is useful for the study of breasts in the lower quadrants. The patient will bend forward at the waist to view the underside of the breast. Also called a reverse CC view. The reversed CC view is an additional view. It is useful for the study of breasts with surgical scars in the lower quadrants. The ability to see the scar through the compressor paddle offers to the mammographer the possibility to flatten it properly, reducing the formation of scar folds as well artifacts from false parenchymal distortion. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
CCWithCompressionViewCC with compression viewThe recommendation is for a CC with compression view to be completed on an Ultrasound and/or Mammogram. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
CCWithMagnificationViewCC with magnification viewThe recommendation is for a CC with magnification view to be completed on an Ultrasound and/or Mammogram. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
CleavageViewCleavage viewIt is recommended that a cleavage view is captured via Mammogram and/or Ultrasound. Also called "valley view" is a mammogram view that images the most central portions of the breasts. To get as much central tissue as possible, the mammogram technologist will place both breasts on the plate at the same time to image the medial half of both breasts. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
ClinicalConsultationClinical consultationA clinical consultation is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
ClinicalCorrelationClinical correlationThe recommendation is for a clinicial correlation and/or comparison to be completed. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
ClinicalFollow-upClinical follow-upThe recommendation is for a clinical follow-up to be completed. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
CompareToPriorExamsCompare to prior examsThe recommendation is for a compare to prior exams to be completed. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
CompressionViewsCompression viewsIt is recommended that a compression view is admininstered via Mammogram or Ultrasound. All mammograms use compression of the breast. By applying compression to only a specific area of the breast, the effective pressure is increased on that spot. This results in better tissue separation and allows better visualization of the area of the breast needing additional examination. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
ConeCompressionCone compressionA cone compression is recommended to catch a specific spot or view during the mammogram and/or ultrasound. Spot views apply the compression to a smaller area of tissue using a small compression plate or "cone". Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
CoreBiopsyCore BiopsyIt is recommended that a core biopsy procedure is administered. It is a procedure where a needle is passed through the skin to take a sample of tissue from a mass or lump. The tissue is then examined under a microscope for any abnormalities. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
CraniocaudalViewCraniocaudal viewCranial-Caudal (CC) is a view from above the breast during a mammogram or ultrasound. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
CryoablationCryoablationUses imaging guidance, a needle-like applicator called a cryoprobe, and liquid nitrogen or argon gas to create intense cold to freeze and destroy diseased tissue, including cancer cells. It may be used to treat a variety of skin conditions as well as tumors within the liver, kidneys, bones, lungs and breasts. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
CystAspirationCyst aspirationA cyst aspiration is a procedure used to drain fluid from a breast cyst. The vast majority of cysts are benign (non-cancerous), though some are quite tender. Aspirating the fluid from a cyst may alleviate symptoms or discomfort. In some cases, specimens are sent to pathology. [ > Cyst_Aspiration] Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
CystAspirationForReliefCyst aspiration for reliefOne way to get relief from the pain of a cyst is to remove fluid from the cyst, thereby decreasing the pressure. This is called aspiration for relief. Valid for the following modalities: US.
DiagnosticAspirationDiagnostic aspirationThis is a fine needle aspiration and is a type of biopsy procedure. In fine needle aspiration, a thin needle is inserted into an area of abnormal-appearing tissue or body fluid. [ > a-to-z-guides > fine-needle-aspiration] Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
DiagnosticMammogramDiagnostic MammogramWhile screening mammograms are used as a routine check-up for breast health, diagnostic mammograms are used after suspicious results on a screening mammogram or after some signs of breast cancer alert the physician to check the tissue.These signs may include a lump or breast pain. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG.
DrainageTubeDrainage tubeThe recommendation is for a drainage tube to be attached to breast. A drainage tube is a tube used to remove pus, blood or other fluids from a wound. This is a common practice by surgeons or interventional radiologists. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
DuctographyDuctographyA ductogram, also called a galactogram, is a special type of mammogram used for imaging the breast ducts. It can aid in diagnosing the cause of abnormal nipple discharges. Ductography (also called galactography or ductogalactography) is a special type of contrast enhanced mammography used for imaging the breast ducts. Ductography can aid in diagnosing the cause of an abnormal nipple discharge and is valuable in diagnosing intraductal papillomas and other conditions. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
ExaggeratedCCViewsExaggerated CC viewsAn XCCL view is a supplementary mammographic view. It is a type of exaggerated cranio-caudal view. It is particularly good for imaging the lateral aspect of the breast. It is often done when a lesion is suspected on a MLO view but cannot be seen on the CC view. In this view, the lateral aspect of the breast is placed forward. One rationale of performing this view is that many cancers are located in the lateral aspect of the breast. An XCCM view is a supplementary mammographic view. It is a type of exaggerated cranio-caudal view. It is particularly good for imaging the medial portion of the breast. In this view, the medial portion of the breast is placed forward. A negative 15degrees tube tilt is suggested. An optimal XCCM view requires the most medial portion of the breast and the nipple in profile to be clearly displayed. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
FNABiopsyFNA biopsyFNA stands for Fine needle aspiration and this is a type of biopsy procedure. In fine needle aspiration, a thin needle is inserted into an area of abnormal-appearing tissue or body fluid. As with other types of biopsies, the sample collected during fine needle aspiration can help make a diagnosis or rule out conditions such as cancer. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
Follow-upFollow-upIt is recommended to make a follow-up appointment. Valid for the following modalities: US.
Followup3MonthsFollowup 3 monthsIt is recommended to make a follow-up appointment in 3 months. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
Followup6MonthsFollowup 6 monthsIt is recommended to make a follow-up appointment in 6 months. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
IfPreviousShowNoChangeIf previous show no changeThe recommendation is for a if previous show no change to be completed. Valid for the following modalities: US MRI.
LateralMagnificationViewLateral magnification viewThe recommendation is for a Lateral magnification view to be completed on Mammogram and/or Ultrasound. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
LateralMedialViewLateral medial viewThere are different views of the breast in mammography. For the LM view, the tube is lateral and the detector is placed medially LM view is best for evaluating medial lesions. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
LateralViewLateral viewThere are different views of the breast in mammography. The lateral view is a view obtained at virtually every diagnostic evaluation. A lateral view may be obtained as a mediolateral view (ML) or lateromedial view (LM) view depending on where the imaging tube and detector are located. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
LateralWithCompressionViewLateral with compression viewThe recommendation is for a Lateral with compression view to be completed on Mammogram. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
LateromedialObliqueLateromedial obliqueThe recommendation is for a lateromedial oblique view to be completed on Mammogram and/or Ultrasound. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
LateromedialViewLateromedial viewThe recommendation is for a lateromedial view to be completed on Mammogram and/or Ultrasound. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
LymphNodeAssessmentLymph node assessmentLymph Node Exam. Palpation of the lymph nodes provides information about the possible presence of a malignant or inflammatory process and the localization or generalization of that process. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG.
MagnificationViewsMagnification viewsA magnification view in mammography is performed to evaluate and count microcalcifications and its extension (as well the assessment of the borders and the tissue structures of a suspicious area or a mass) by using a magnification device which brings the breast away from the film plate and closer to the x-ray source. This allows the acquisition of magnified images (1.5x to 2x magnification) of the region of interest. > articles > magnification-view-mammography Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
MammogramMammogramA mammogram is an X-Ray picture of the breast. It is used to look for early signs of breast cancer. Valid for the following modalities: MRI.
Mammogram3MonthFollow-upMammogram 3 month follow-upA three month follow-up is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
Mammogram6MonthFollow-upMammogram 6 month follow-upA six month follow-up is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
MammogramAndUltrasound3MonthFollow-upMammogram and ultrasound 3 month follow-upA three month follow-up with ultrasound is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
MammogramAndUltrasound6MonthFollow-upMammogram and ultrasound 6 month follow-upA six month follow-up with ultrasound is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
MediolateralObliqueViewMediolateral oblique viewA mediolateral oblique view is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
MediolateralViewMediolateral viewA mediolateral view is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
MLOWithCompressionViewMLO with compression viewAn additional MLO with compression view of the breast is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
MLOWithMagnificationViewMLO with magnification viewAn additional MLO with magnification view of the breast is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
MRIMRIAn MRI is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
MRIBiopsyMRI biopsyAn MRI with biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
MRIFollow-upMRI follow-upAn MRI follow-up is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MRI NM.
NeedleLocationAndSurgicalBiopsyNeedle location and surgical biopsyA Needle localization and surgical biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
NippleInProfileViewNipple in profile viewA technically adequate exam has the nipple in profile, allows visualization of the inframammary fold and includes the pectoralis muscle extending down to the posterior nipple line (an oblique line drawn straight back from the nipple.) [] Valid for the following modalities: MG.
OffAngleCCViewOff angle CC viewAn additional off angle CC view of the breast is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
OffAngleMLOViewOff angle MLO viewAn additional off angle MLO view of the breast is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
Poss.StereotacticBxPoss. Stereotactic BxStereotactic breast biopsy uses mammography - a specific type of breast imaging that uses low-dose x-rays - to help locate a breast abnormality and remove a tissue sample for examination under a microscope. It's less invasive than surgical biopsy, leaves little to no scarring and can be an excellent way to evaluate calcium deposits or tiny masses that are not visible on ultrasound. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG.
PossibleCoreBiopsyPossible core biopsyA core needle biopsy (CNB) uses a hollow needle to take out pieces of breast tissue from a suspicious area in an imaging test. The needle may be attached to a spring-loaded tool that moves the needle in and out of the tissue quickly, or it may be attached to a suction device that helps pull breast tissue into the needle. A small cylinder (core) of tissue is taken out in the needle. Several cores are often removed. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
PossibleDiagnosticMammogramPossible Diagnostic MammogramA possible diagnostic mammogram is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
PossibleStereotacticVacuumBiopsyPossible stereotactic vacuum biopsyBased on the results of the mammogram, a possible stereotactic vacuum biopsy is recommended. During this type of biopsy, small samples of tissue are removed from the breast using a hollow needle, which is precisely guided to the correct location using x-rays and computer generated coordinates of the concerning area of breast tissue. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG.
PossibleSurgicalConsultPossible surgical consultA possible surgical consultation may be recommended. Valid for the following modalities: NM.
PossibleSurgicalEvaluationPossible surgical evaluationA possible surgical evaluation is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: NM.
PossibleUltrasoundPossible ultrasoundA possible ultrasound is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
PossibleUltrasoundGuidedBiopsyPossible ultrasound guided biopsyA possible ultrasound guided biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
PossibleVacuumBiopsyPossible vacuum biopsyA possible vacuum biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
RepeatCCViewRepeat CC viewAnother CC view of Mammogram is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
RepeatMLOViewRepeat MLO viewAnother MLO view of Mammogram is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
RolledLateralViewRolled lateral viewA rolled CC lateral view is recommended. A rolled CC view Is performed to locate a lesion only visible in the cranio-caudal view, or when overlapped tissues in the standard view can simulate or partially conceal a lesion: changing of tissues distribution allows to determine whether or not its presence. When the lesion identified moves medially or laterally respect to the standard projection, it is possible to determine in which quadrant it is localized. The breast is positioned on the image receptor as for the cranio-caudal view, then is rotated medially or laterally around the axis of the nipple prior to applying compression. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
RolledMedialViewRolled medial viewA rolled medial view is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
ScintimammogramGuidedBiopsyScintimammogram Guided BiopsyA Scintimammogram guided biopsy is recommended. This is performed by taking samples of an abnormality under guidance from the Scintimammogram. Scintimammography uses small amounts of radioactive material, a special camera and a computer to help investigate a breast abnormality. This helps to guide the radiologist's biopsy equipment to the site of the imaging abnormality. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG.
ScintimammographyScintimammographyA scintimammogram is recommended. Scintimammography is also known as nuclear medicine breast imaging, Breast Specific Gamma Imaging (BSGI) and Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI). This type of exam is used to investigate a breast abnormality found with mammography. Scintimammography uses small amounts of radioactive material, a special camera and a computer to help investigate a breast abnormality. Scintimammography can detect cancer even when dense breast tissue and breast implants are present. It can reduce unnecessary procedures by helping determine whether a biopsy is needed. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
SpotCompressionSpot compressionA spot compression is recommended. A spot view (also known as a spot compression view or focal compression view) is an additional mammographic view performed by applying the compression to a smaller area of tissue using a small compression paddle, increasing the effective pressure on that spot. This results in better tissue separation and allows better visualization of the breast tissue in that area. It is used to distinguish between the presence of a true lesion and an overlap of tissues, as well to better show the borders of an abnormality or questionable area or a little cluster of faint microcalcifications in a dense area. [] Valid for the following modalities: MG US NM.
SpotMagnificationViewsSpot magnification viewsSpot magnification views are recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
StereotacticBxStereotactic bxA stereotactic biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
SuperolateralIOViewSuperolateral IO viewA superolateral IO view is recommended. The view of the upper outer quadrant of the breast. This is the quadrant of the breast that is closest to the armpit. There are 4 quadrants in the anatomy of a breast. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
SurgicalBiopsySurgical biopsyA surgical biopsy is recommended. A surgical biopsy is a procedure that involves the surgical removal of tissue from a lump or mass for examination under a microscope. This test may also be called an open biopsy. Surgical biopsies can be excisional (removal of an entire lump or abnormal area) or incisional (removal of a piece of a lump or abnormal area). [] Valid for the following modalities: NM.
SurgicalConsultSurgical consultA surgical consult is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
SurgicalConsultAndBiopsySurgical consult and biopsyA surgical consult and biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI.
SurgicalEvaluationSurgical evaluationThe recommendation is for a surgical evaluation. Valid for the following modalities: NM.
SurgicalExcisionSurgical excisionThe recommendation is for a surgical excision. Valid for the following modalities: NM.
SurgicalOncologicEvaluationSurgical oncologic evaluationThe recommendation is for a surgical oncologic evaluation. Valid for the following modalities: NM.
SurgicalOncologicalConsultSurgical oncological consultThe recommendation is for a surgical oncologic consult. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
TangentialViewTangential viewA tangential view is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
TangentialViewsTangential viewsTangential views are recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
UltrasoundUltrasoundAn ultrasound is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG MRI NM.
Ultrasound2ndLookUltrasound 2nd LookAn additional ultrasound is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
Ultrasound3MonthFollow-upUltrasound 3 month follow-upAn additional ultrasound is recommended in a 3 month follow-up. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
Ultrasound6MonthFollow-upUltrasound 6 month follow-upAn additional ultrasound is recommended in a 3 month follow-up. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
UltrasoundGuidedBxUltrasound guided bxAn ultrasound guided biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US MRI NM.
UltrasoundLocationAndSurgicalBiopsyUltrasound location and surgical biopsyAn ultrasound localized and surgical biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.
UltrasoundWithPossibleAddlitonalViewsUltrasound with possible addlitonal viewsAn ultrasound with possible additional views are recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG.
Unspecified/OtherUnspecified / otherUnspecified / other Valid for the following modalities: US MRI.
VacuumBxVacuum BxA vacuum biopsy is recommended. Valid for the following modalities: MG US.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
Source The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code