This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v3.0.2: STU 3). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
. Page versions: R4B R4 R3 R2
4.2.5 Using the NCI Metathesaurus with FHIR Summary 
Source | NCI Metathesaurus the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT)  |
System | The URI identifies the NCI Metathesaurus |
Version | There is no version or versioning associated with the NCI metathesaurus |
Code | The Concept Unique Identifier (CUI) is used for the code value for a Metathesaurus concept |
Display | The name should be used as the display for English usage (e.g. "Aerosol Dose Form" for CUI C1112870) |
Inactive | Todo: Describe how it is determined which concepts are inactive |
Subsumption | No Subsumption relationships are defined for the NCI Metathesaurus |
Filter Properties | None are described yet | Version Issues 
There are no staged releases of the NCI metathesaurus, so there is no versioning policy. Copyright/License Issues 
The NCI metathesaurus is in the public domain, so there are no copyright notices needed
in value sets that refer to NCI metathesaurus concepts, and there are no licensing
requirements limiting use of NCI metathesaurus concepts in instances or systems. MCI Metathesaurus MySQL Database 
Like RxNorm, the RRF files that are the distributed source of the NCI Metathesaurus can be used
to populate a MySQL database that contains the data. This page provides SQL statements that describe how to implement
the features of the NCI Metathesaurus correctly against this database. They are provided only for implementer convenience, and
do not imply that any particular approach must be used in implementations. (Note: for consistency, the RxNorm table and column names
are used and the CUIs are 1 character longer, so the scripts must be updated).
For example, the correct display name for a CUI is
select STR from rxnconso where RXCUI = :code and SAB = 'RXNORM' and TTY <> 'SY'
. NCI metathesaurus Filter Properties 
This section documents the property filters that can be used with the RxNorm
code system in value set composition statements.
The base SQL statement for returning a list of CUIs that conform to these filters
select RXCUI from RXNCONSO where SAB = 'RXNORM' and TTY <> 'SY' Semantic Type 
Description | Allows for selection of a set of CUIs based on their Semantic Type |
Property Name | STY |
Operations Allowed | = / in |
Values Allowed | [column:]value |
Comments | If a column is not specified, the default is TUI |
SQL | and RXCUI in (select RXCUI from RXNSTY where [:column] = :value) | Source 
Description | Allows for selection of the set of concepts that have mappings to a particular RxNorm source |
Property Name | SAB |
Operations Allowed | = / in |
Values Allowed | Values from the SAB table (e.g. select RSAB from RXNsab) |
SQL | and RXCUI in (select RXCUI from RXNconso where SAB = :value) | Term Type 
Description | Allows for selection of a concept based on its designated type |
Property Name | TTY |
Operations Allowed | = / in |
Values Allowed | TTY values from the RxNorm Concept table (e.g. select distinct TTY from rxnconso) |
SQL | and TTY = :value | Relationship 
Description | Allows for selection of a concept based on its relationships |
Property Name | [REL] |
Operations Allowed | = / in |
Values Allowed | CUI:[RXCUI] or AUI:[RXAUI] must be a valid CUI or AUI. Note that a CUI does not need to have a SAB=RXNORM entry to be used here |
Comments | [REL] (:rel) is one of AQ, CHD, PAR, QB, RB, RN, RO, RQ, SIB or SY |
for CUI:
and (RXCUI in (select RXCUI from rxnconso where RXCUI in (select RXCUI1 from rxnrel where REL = :rel and RXCUI2 = :value))
for AUI:
and (RXCUI in (select RXCUI from rxnconso where RXAUI in (select RXAUI1 from rxnrel where REL = :rel and RXAUI2 = :value))
| Relationship Type 
Description | Allows for selection of a concept based on the type of its relationships |
Property Name | [RELA] |
Operations Allowed | = / in |
Values Allowed | CUI:[RXCUI] or AUI:[RXAUI] must be a valid CUI or AUI. Note that a CUI does not need to have a SAB=RXNORM entry to be used here |
Comments | [RELA] (:rela) is one of the relationship types listed in the NCI file "Relationships_Help_Page.txt" - the current list (nearly 1000 types) is at the end of the page |
for CUI:
and (RXCUI in (select RXCUI from rxnconso where RXCUI in (select RXCUI1 from rxnrel where RELA = :rel and RXCUI2 = :value))
for AUI:
and (RXCUI in (select RXCUI from rxnconso where RXAUI in (select RXAUI1 from rxnrel where RELA = :rel and RXAUI2 = :value))
| Implicit Value Sets 
This section needs investigation Current NCI Metathesaurus relationship types 
- 3_UTR_of
- 5_UTR_of
- Abnormal_Cell_Affected_By_Chemical_Or_Drug
- Abnormality_Associated_With_Allele
- Abstract_of
- access_device_used_by
- access_of
- action_of
- active_ingredient_of
- active_metabolites_of
- Activity_Of_Allele
- adheres_to
- adjacent_to
- afferent_to
- agent_in
- alias_of
- Allele_Absent_From_Wild-type_Chromosomal_Location
- Allele_Has_Abnormality
- Allele_Has_Activity
- Allele_In_Chromosomal_Location
- Allele_of
- Allele_Plays_Altered_Role_In_Process
- Allele_Plays_Role_In_Metabolism_Of_Chemical_Or_Drug
- allelic_variant_of
- Amino_Acid_Variant_of
- analyzed_by
- analyzes
- Anatomic_Structure_Has_Location
- Anatomic_Structure_Is_Physical_Part_Of
- anatomical_site
- Anatomy_Originated_From_Biological_Process
- Aneuploidy_Addition_of
- Aneuploidy_Deletion_of
- anterior_to
- application_of
- Arm_Location_of
- Arm_of
- arterial_supply_of
- articulates_with
- associated_disease
- associated_finding_of
- associated_genetic_condition
- associated_morphology_of
- associated_procedure_of
- associated_with
- Associated_With_Malfunction_Of_Gene_Product
- attaches_to
- attributed_constitutional_part_of
- attributed_continuous_with
- attributed_part_of
- attributed_regional_part_of
- Author_of
- Band_Location_of
- Band_of
- bearer_of
- Biological_Process_Has_Associated_Location
- Biological_Process_Has_Initiator_Chemical_Or_Drug
- Biological_Process_Has_Initiator_Process
- Biological_Process_Has_Result_Anatomy
- Biological_Process_Has_Result_Biological_Process
- Biological_Process_Has_Result_Chemical_Or_Drug
- Biological_Process_Involves_Chemical_Or_Drug
- Biological_Process_Involves_Gene_Product
- Biological_Process_Is_Part_Of_Process
- Biological_Process_Results_From_Biological_Process
- Biomarker_Type_Includes_Gene
- Biomarker_Type_Includes_Gene_Product
- blood_supply_of
- bounded_by
- bounds
- branch_of
- branch_part_of
- causative_agent_of
- cause_of
- cell_connecting_part_of
- cell_shape_of
- cell_surface_specialization_of
- Cell_Type_Is_Associated_With_EO_Disease
- Cell_Type_Or_Tissue_Affected_By_Chemical_Or_Drug
- Centromere_of
- CH3_Status_of
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Affects_Abnormal_Cell
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Affects_Cell_Type_Or_Tissue
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Affects_Gene_Product
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Has_Mechanism_Of_Action
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Has_Physiologic_Effect
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Initiates_Biological_Process
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Is_Metabolized_By_Enzyme
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Is_Product_Of_Biological_Process
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Metabolism_Is_Associated_With_Allele
- Chemical_Or_Drug_Plays_Role_In_Biological_Process
- chemical_structure_of
- Chemotherapy_Regimen_Has_Component
- Chromosomal_Location_of
- Chromosomal_Location_Of_Allele
- Chromosomal_Location_of_Wild-type_Gene
- Chromosomal_Structural_Variant
- Chromosome_Involved_In_Cytogenetic_Abnormality
- Chromosome_Mapped_To_Disease
- class_code_classified_by
- classified_as
- classifies
- classifies_class_code
- clinical_course_of
- common_name_of
- Completely_Excised_Anatomy_Has_Procedure
- Completely_Excised_Anatomy_May_Have_Procedure
- Complex_Has_Physical_Part
- component_of
- Concept_In_Subset
- conceptual_part_of
- conjugate_component_of
- consider
- consider_from
- consists_of
- Constituent_Amino_Acid_of
- Constituent_Element_of
- Constituent_Protein_of
- Constituent_Variant_of
- constitutes
- constitutional_part_of
- contained_in
- contains
- context_binding_of
- continuation_branch_of
- continuous_with
- continuous_with_distally
- continuous_with_proximally
- contraindicated_with_disease
- contraindicating_class_of
- contraindicating_mechanism_of_action_of
- contraindicating_physiologic_effect_of
- Cytogenetic_Abnormality_Involves_Chromosome
- Data_Element_Of
- definitional_manifestation_of
- degree_of
- Deleted_Region_End_Band
- Deleted_Region_Start_Band
- denoted_by
- denotes
- dependent_of
- derivatized_to
- derives_from
- determines_parameter_for
- determines_property
- develops_from
- device_used_by
- diagnosed_by
- diagnoses
- direct_device_of
- direct_morphology_of
- direct_procedure_site_of
- direct_substance_of
- Disease_Excludes_Abnormal_Cell
- Disease_Excludes_Cytogenetic_Abnormality
- Disease_Excludes_Finding
- Disease_Excludes_Molecular_Abnormality
- Disease_Excludes_Normal_Cell_Origin
- Disease_Excludes_Normal_Tissue_Origin
- Disease_Excludes_Primary_Anatomic_Site
- Disease_Has_Abnormal_Cell
- Disease_Has_Accepted_Treatment_With_Regimen
- Disease_Has_Associated_Anatomic_Site
- Disease_Has_Associated_Disease
- Disease_Has_Associated_Gene
- Disease_Has_Cytogenetic_Abnormality
- Disease_Has_Finding
- Disease_Has_Metastatic_Anatomic_Site
- Disease_Has_Molecular_Abnormality
- Disease_Has_Normal_Cell_Origin
- Disease_Has_Normal_Tissue_Origin
- Disease_Has_Primary_Anatomic_Site
- Disease_Is_Grade
- Disease_Is_Marked_By_Gene
- Disease_Is_Stage
- Disease_Mapped_To_Chromosome
- Disease_Mapped_To_Gene
- Disease_May_Have_Abnormal_Cell
- Disease_May_Have_Associated_Disease
- Disease_May_Have_Cytogenetic_Abnormality
- Disease_May_Have_Finding
- Disease_May_Have_Molecular_Abnormality
- Disease_May_Have_Normal_Cell_Origin
- Disease_Pathogenesis_Involves_Gene
- disease_with_contraindication
- distal_to
- DOI_of
- dose_form_of
- doseformgroup_of
- drains_into
- drug_contraindicated_for
- due_to
- Duplicated_Region_End_Band
- Duplicated_Region_Start_Band
- effect_may_be_inhibited_by
- Effect_of
- efferent_to
- encapsulated_component_of
- Encoded_by
- Encodes
- Endogenous_Product_Related_To
- energy_used_by
- entrapment_site_of
- entrapped_component_of
- entry_version_of
- Enzyme_Metabolizes_Chemical_Or_Drug
- EO_Anatomy_Is_Associated_With_EO_Disease
- EO_Disease_Has_Associated_Cell_Type
- EO_Disease_Has_Associated_EO_Anatomy
- EO_Disease_Has_Property_Or_Attribute
- EO_Disease_Maps_To_Human_Disease
- epithelial_cell_shape_of
- evaluation_of
- Excised_Anatomy_Has_Procedure
- Excised_Anatomy_May_Have_Procedure
- exhibited_by
- exhibits
- Exon_of
- expanded_form_of
- external_to
- fascicular_architecture_of
- Feature_of
- finding_context_of
- finding_informer_of
- finding_method_of
- finding_site_of
- focus_of
- form_of
- function_of
- Gene_Associated_With_Disease
- Gene_Encodes_Gene_Product
- Gene_Found_In_Organism
- Gene_Has_Abnormality
- Gene_Has_Physical_Location
- Gene_In_Chromosomal_Location
- Gene_Involved_In_Molecular_Abnormality
- Gene_Involved_In_Pathogenesis_Of_Disease
- Gene_Is_Biomarker_Of
- Gene_Is_Biomarker_Type
- Gene_Is_Element_In_Pathway
- Gene_Location_of
- Gene_Mapped_To_Disease
- Gene_Mutant_Encodes_Gene_Product_Sequence_Variation
- Gene_of
- Gene_Plays_Role_In_Process
- Gene_Product_Affected_By_Chemical_Or_Drug
- Gene_Product_Encoded_By_Gene
- Gene_Product_Expressed_In_Tissue
- Gene_Product_Has_Abnormality
- Gene_Product_Has_Associated_Anatomy
- Gene_Product_Has_Biochemical_Function
- Gene_Product_Has_Chemical_Classification
- Gene_Product_Has_Organism_Source
- Gene_Product_Has_Structural_Domain_Or_Motif
- Gene_Product_Is_Biomarker_Of
- Gene_Product_Is_Biomarker_Type
- Gene_Product_Is_Element_In_Pathway
- Gene_Product_Is_Physical_Part_Of
- Gene_Product_Malfunction_Associated_With_Disease
- Gene_Product_Plays_Role_In_Biological_Process
- Gene_Product_Sequence_Variation_Encoded_By_Gene_Mutant
- Genomic_Mutation_Of
- germ_origin_of
- gives_rise_to
- Has_3_UTR
- Has_5_UTR
- has_Abstract
- has_access
- has_action
- has_active_ingredient
- has_active_metabolites
- has_additive
- has_adherent
- has_affiliation
- has_agent
- has_alias
- Has_Allele
- has_allelic_variant
- Has_Amino_Acid_Variant
- Has_Aneuploidy_Addition
- Has_Aneuploidy_Deletion
- has_application
- Has_Arm
- Has_Arm_Location
- has_arterial_supply
- has_associated_finding
- has_associated_morphology
- has_associated_procedure
- has_atmospheric_component
- has_attributed_constitutional_part
- has_attributed_part
- has_attributed_regional_part
- has_Author
- Has_Band
- Has_Band_Location
- has_been_treated
- has_bioassay_data
- has_bioassays
- has_biomaterial_characteristics
- has_blood_supply
- has_branch
- has_branch_part
- has_cancer_site
- has_category
- has_causative_agent
- Has_CDRH_Parent
- has_cell_connecting_part
- has_cell_shape
- has_cell_surface_specialization
- Has_Centromere
- Has_CH3_Status
- has_chemical_structure
- has_chromosomal_aberration_classification
- Has_Chromosomal_Location
- has_citation
- has_clinical_course
- has_clinical_finding
- has_clinical_record
- has_clinical_treatment
- has_common_name
- has_component
- has_component_part
- has_compound
- has_conceptual_part
- has_conjugated_component_part
- Has_Constituent_Amino_Acid
- Has_Constituent_Element
- Has_Constituent_Protein
- Has_Constituent_Variant
- has_constitutional_part
- has_context_binding
- has_continuation_branch
- has_contraindicated_drug
- has_contraindicating_class
- has_contraindicating_mechanism_of_action
- has_contraindicating_physiologic_effect
- has_cubic_volume
- Has_Data_Element
- has_database
- has_database_entry_type
- has_datum_value
- has_definitional_manifestation
- has_degree
- has_dependent
- has_diameter
- has_direct_device
- has_direct_morphology
- has_direct_procedure_site
- has_direct_substance
- has_disease_location
- has_disease_staging
- has_disease_state
- has_DOI
- has_donor
- has_dose_form
- has_doseformgroup
- Has_Effect
- has_encapsulated_component_part
- has_endpoint_of_measurement
- has_entrapment_site
- has_entrapped_component_part
- has_entry_version
- has_epithelial_cell_shape
- has_evaluation
- Has_Exon
- has_expanded_form
- has_experiment_design
- has_experiment_design_type
- has_experiment_factors
- has_factor_value
- has_factor_value_ontology_entry
- has_family_member
- has_family_relationship
- has_fascicular_architecture
- Has_Feature
- has_feature_shape
- has_fiducials
- has_finding_context
- has_finding_informer
- has_finding_method
- has_finding_site
- has_focus
- has_form
- Has_Free_Acid_Or_Base_Form
- has_function
- Has_Gene
- Has_Gene_Location
- Has_Gene_Product_Element
- Has_Genomic_Mutation
- has_germ_origin
- has_hardware
- has_height
- has_host
- has_host_part
- has_identification_type
- has_image_format
- has_indicator
- has_indirect_device
- has_indirect_morphology
- has_indirect_procedure_site
- has_individual
- has_individual_genetic_characteristics
- has_ingredient
- has_ingredients
- has_inherent_3d_shape
- has_inheritance_type
- has_initial_time_point
- has_innervation_source
- has_input_participant
- has_insertion
- has_integral_part
- has_intent
- has_interpretation
- Has_Intron
- has_Journal_Name
- has_laterality
- has_length
- has_location
- has_lymphatic_drainage
- has_MAGE_description
- has_manifestation
- has_manufacturer
- has_mapping_qualifier
- has_mass
- Has_Maternal_Uniparental_Disomy
- has_maximum_measurement
- has_measure
- has_measurement
- has_measurement_method
- has_measurement_type
- has_mechanism_of_action
- has_member
- has_method
- Has_Mode_of_Inheritance
- has_multi_level_category
- has_muscle_attachment
- has_muscle_insertion
- has_muscle_origin
- has_nerve_supply
- Has_NICHD_Parent
- has_node_value
- has_node_value_type
- has_nodes
- Has_Nucleotide_Repeat
- Has_Nucleotide_Variant
- has_nutrient_component
- has_occurrence
- has_organism_part
- has_orientation
- has_origin
- has_output_participant
- has_owner
- has_owning_affiliate
- has_owning_section
- has_owning_subsection
- has_parent_organization
- has_part
- has_part_modified
- has_participant
- Has_Paternal_Uniparental_Disomy
- has_pathological_process
- has_performer
- has_permuted_term
- has_pharmacokinetics
- Has_Physical_Part_Of_Anatomic_Structure
- has_physical_state
- has_physiologic_effect
- has_precise_ingredient
- has_primary_segmental_supply
- has_print_name
- has_prior_disease_state
- has_priority
- has_procedure_context
- has_procedure_device
- has_procedure_morphology
- has_procedure_site
- has_product_component
- has_property
- has_property_set
- has_protocol
- has_providers
- has_Publication_Year
- has_PubMedID
- has_quality
- has_quantified_form
- has_reason_for_deprecation
- has_recipient_category
- has_regional_part
- has_result
- has_revision_status
- has_role
- has_route_of_administration
- Has_RT_Product
- Has_Salt_Form
- has_scale
- has_scale_type
- has_secondary_segmental_supply
- has_segment
- has_segmental_composition
- has_segmental_supply
- has_severity
- has_shape
- has_single_level_category
- has_software
- has_sort_version
- has_species
- has_specimen
- has_specimen_procedure
- has_specimen_source_identity
- has_specimen_source_morphology
- has_specimen_source_topography
- has_specimen_substance
- has_subject_relationship_context
- Has_Subset
- has_supported_concept_property
- has_supported_concept_relationship
- has_surgical_approach
- has_systemic_part
- Has_Target
- Has_Telomere
- has_temperature_condition
- has_temporal_context
- has_test_result
- has_test_type
- has_therapeutic_class
- has_time_period
- has_tradename
- Has_Transcript
- has_treatment
- has_tributary
- has_type
- has_unit
- has_unit_of_measure
- has_units
- has_URI
- has_venous_drainage
- has_version
- Human_Disease_Maps_To_EO_Disease
- Human_Sex_Determinant
- icd_dagger
- identification_type_of
- Imaged_Anatomy_Has_Procedure
- included_in
- includes
- indicator_of
- indirect_device_of
- indirect_morphology_of
- indirect_procedure_site_of
- induced_by
- induces
- inferior_to
- ingredient_of
- ingredients_of
- inherence_for
- inherent_3d_shape_of
- inheres_in
- inheritance_type_of
- innervates
- insertion_of
- instrument_used_by
- intent_of
- internal_to
- interpretation_of
- interprets
- Intron_of
- INV_Chromosomal_Structural_Variant
- INV_Deleted_Region_End_Band
- INV_Deleted_Region_Start_Band
- INV_Duplicated_Region_End_Band
- INV_Duplicated_Region_Start_Band
- INV_Human_Sex_Determinant
- INV_Inverted_Region_End_Band
- INV_Inverted_Region_End_Exon
- INV_Inverted_Region_End_Gene
- INV_Inverted_Region_End_UTR
- INV_Inverted_Region_Start_Band
- INV_Inverted_Region_Start_Exon
- INV_Inverted_Region_Start_Gene
- INV_Inverted_Region_Start_Intron
- INV_Involves
- INV_Isochromosome_Origin
- INV_Karyotype_Class
- INV_Source_Band
- INV_Source_Exon
- INV_Source_Gene
- INV_Source_Intron
- INV_Target_Band
- INV_Target_Exon
- INV_Target_Gene
- INV_Target_Intron
- inverse_has_additive
- inverse_has_affiliation
- inverse_has_atmospheric_component
- inverse_has_been_treated
- inverse_has_bioassay_data
- inverse_has_bioassays
- inverse_has_biomaterial_characteristics
- inverse_has_cancer_site
- inverse_has_category
- inverse_has_chromosomal_aberration_classification
- inverse_has_citation
- inverse_has_clinical_finding
- inverse_has_clinical_record
- inverse_has_clinical_treatment
- inverse_has_compound
- inverse_has_cubic_volume
- inverse_has_database
- inverse_has_database_entry_type
- inverse_has_diameter
- inverse_has_disease_location
- inverse_has_disease_staging
- inverse_has_disease_state
- inverse_has_donor
- inverse_has_experiment_design
- inverse_has_experiment_design_type
- inverse_has_experiment_factors
- inverse_has_factor_value
- inverse_has_factor_value_ontology_entry
- inverse_has_family_member
- inverse_has_family_relationship
- inverse_has_feature_shape
- inverse_has_fiducials
- inverse_has_hardware
- inverse_has_height
- inverse_has_host
- inverse_has_host_part
- inverse_has_image_format
- inverse_has_individual
- inverse_has_individual_genetic_characteristics
- inverse_has_initial_time_point
- inverse_has_length
- inverse_has_MAGE_description
- inverse_has_manufacturer
- inverse_has_mass
- inverse_has_maximum_measurement
- inverse_has_measurement_type
- inverse_has_node_value
- inverse_has_node_value_type
- inverse_has_nodes
- inverse_has_nutrient_component
- inverse_has_organism_part
- inverse_has_owner
- inverse_has_parent_organization
- inverse_has_part_modified
- inverse_has_performer
- inverse_has_prior_disease_state
- inverse_has_property_set
- inverse_has_protocol
- inverse_has_providers
- inverse_has_reason_for_deprecation
- inverse_has_software
- inverse_has_species
- inverse_has_test_result
- inverse_has_test_type
- inverse_has_treatment
- inverse_has_type
- inverse_has_units
- inverse_has_URI
- inverse_isa
- inverse_was_tested_for
- Inverted_Region_End_Band
- Inverted_Region_End_Exon
- Inverted_Region_End_Gene
- Inverted_Region_End_UTR
- Inverted_Region_Start_Band
- Inverted_Region_Start_Exon
- Inverted_Region_Start_Gene
- Inverted_Region_Start_Intron
- Involves
- Is_Abnormal_Cell_Of_Disease
- Is_Abnormality_Of_Gene
- Is_Abnormality_Of_Gene_Product
- is_anatomical_site_of
- Is_Associated_Anatomic_Site_Of
- Is_Associated_Anatomy_Of_Gene_Product
- Is_Associated_Disease_Of
- Is_Biochemical_Function_Of_Gene_Product
- is_borne_by
- Is_Chemical_Classification_Of_Gene_Product
- Is_Chromosomal_Location_Of_Gene
- Is_Component_Of_Chemotherapy_Regimen
- Is_Cytogenetic_Abnormality_Of_Disease
- is_datum_of
- Is_Finding_Of_Disease
- Is_Grade_Of_Disease
- is_integral_part_of
- is_interpreted_by
- Is_Location_Of
- Is_Location_Of_Anatomic_Structure
- Is_Location_Of_Biological_Process
- Is_Marked_By_Gene_Product
- is_measurement_endpoint_of
- Is_Mechanism_Of_Action_Of_Chemical_Or_Drug
- Is_Metastatic_Anatomic_Site_Of_Disease
- Is_Molecular_Abnormality_Of_Disease
- Is_Normal_Cell_Origin_Of_Disease
- Is_Normal_Tissue_Origin_Of_Disease
- Is_Not_Abnormal_Cell_Of_Disease
- Is_Not_Cytogenetic_Abnormality_Of_Disease
- Is_Not_Finding_Of_Disease
- Is_Not_Molecular_Abnormality_Of_Disease
- Is_Not_Normal_Cell_Origin_Of_Disease
- Is_Not_Normal_Tissue_Origin_Of_Disease
- Is_Not_Primary_Anatomic_Site_Of_Disease
- Is_Organism_Source_Of_Gene_Product
- Is_Physical_Location_Of_Gene
- Is_Physiologic_Effect_Of_Chemical_Or_Drug
- Is_Primary_Anatomic_Site_Of_Disease
- Is_Property_Or_Attribute_Of_EO_Disease
- Is_Qualified_By
- is_realized_in
- Is_Related_To_Endogenous_Product
- Is_Stage_Of_Disease
- Is_Structural_Domain_Or_Motif_Of_Gene_Product
- Is_Target_Of_Agent
- is_temperature_of
- is_time_period_of
- isa
- Isochromosome_Origin
- Journal_Name_of
- Karyotype_Class
- Kind_Is_Domain_Of
- Kind_Is_Range_Of
- larger_than
- laterality_of
- location_of
- lymphatic_drainage_of
- manifestation_of
- mapped_from
- mapped_to
- mapping_qualifier_of
- Maternal_Uniparental_Disomy_of
- May_Be_Abnormal_Cell_Of_Disease
- May_Be_Associated_Disease_Of_Disease
- may_be_caused_by
- May_Be_Cytogenetic_Abnormality_Of_Disease
- may_be_diagnosed_by
- May_Be_Finding_Of_Disease
- May_Be_Molecular_Abnormality_Of_Disease
- May_Be_Normal_Cell_Origin_Of_Disease
- may_be_prevented_by
- may_be_qualified_by
- may_be_treated_by
- may_cause
- may_diagnose
- may_inhibit_effect_of
- may_prevent
- may_qualify
- may_treat
- measure_of
- measured_by
- measurement_method_of
- measurement_of
- measures
- mechanism_of_action_of
- member_of
- metabolic_site_of
- method_of
- modality_is_related_to
- Mode_of_Inheritance
- Molecular_Abnormality_Involves_Gene
- mth_british_form_of
- mth_expanded_form_of
- mth_has_british_form
- mth_has_expanded_form
- mth_has_plain_text_form
- mth_has_xml_form
- mth_plain_text_form_of
- mth_xml_form_of
- muscle_attachment_of
- muscle_insertion_of
- muscle_origin_of
- Negative_Protein_Expression
- Negatively_Expressed_By
- negatively_regulated_by
- negatively_regulates
- nerve_supply_of
- Nucleotide_Repeat_of
- Nucleotide_Variant_of
- occurs_after
- occurs_before
- occurs_in
- Organism_Has_Gene
- orientation_of
- origin_of
- owning_affiliate_of
- owning_section_of
- owning_subsection_of
- parameter_determined_from
- Parent_Is_CDRH
- Parent_Is_NICHD
- part_component_of
- part_of
- Partially_Excised_Anatomy_Has_Procedure
- Partially_Excised_Anatomy_May_Have_Procedure
- participates_in
- Paternal_Uniparental_Disomy_of
- pathological_process_of
- Pathway_Has_Gene_Element
- permuted_term_of
- pharmacokinetics_of
- physical_state_of
- physiologic_effect_of
- Positive_Protein_Expression
- Positively_Expressed_By
- positively_regulated_by
- positively_regulates
- posterior_to
- precise_ingredient_of
- primary_segmental_supply_of
- print_name_of
- priority_of
- procedure_context_of
- procedure_device_of
- Procedure_Has_Completely_Excised_Anatomy
- Procedure_Has_Excised_Anatomy
- Procedure_Has_Imaged_Anatomy
- Procedure_Has_Partially_Excised_Anatomy
- Procedure_Has_Target_Anatomy
- Procedure_May_Have_Completely_Excised_Anatomy
- Procedure_May_Have_Excised_Anatomy
- Procedure_May_Have_Partially_Excised_Anatomy
- procedure_morphology_of
- procedure_site_of
- Process_Altered_By_Allele
- Process_Includes_Biological_Process
- Process_Initiates_Biological_Process
- Process_Involves_Gene
- product_component_of
- projects_from
- projects_to
- projects_towards
- property_determined_from
- property_of
- proximal_to
- Publication_Year_of
- PubMedID_of
- Qualifier_Applies_To
- quality_of
- quantified_form_of
- reagent_used_in
- realizes
- receives_attachment
- receives_drainage_from
- receives_input_from
- receives_projection_from
- recipient_category_of
- reformulated_to
- reformulation_of
- Regimen_Has_Accepted_Use_For_Disease
- regional_part_of
- regulated_by
- regulates
- related_modality
- related_to
- replaced_by
- replaces
- responsive_to_stimulus
- result_of
- result_of_regulation
- results_in
- revision_status_of
- Role_Has_Domain
- Role_Has_Parent
- Role_Has_Range
- Role_Is_Parent_Of
- role_of
- route_of_administration_of
- RT_Product_of
- scale_of
- scale_type_of
- secondary_segmental_supply_of
- see
- see_from
- Segment_of
- segmental_composition_of
- segmental_supply_of
- sends_output_to
- severity_of
- shape_of
- sib_in_branch_of
- sib_in_isa
- sib_in_part_of
- sib_in_tributary_of
- site_of_metabolism
- smaller_than
- sort_version_of
- Source_Band
- Source_Exon
- Source_Gene
- Source_Intron
- specifies_value
- specimen_of
- specimen_procedure_of
- specimen_source_identity_of
- specimen_source_morphology_of
- specimen_source_topography_of
- specimen_substance_of
- stimulus_causes_response
- subject_relationship_context_of
- Subset_Includes_Concept
- Subset_of
- substance_used_by
- Subsumed_By
- Subsumes
- superior_to
- supported_concept_property_in
- supported_concept_relationship_in
- surgical_approach_of
- surrounded_by
- surrounds
- systemic_part_of
- Target_Anatomy_Has_Procedure
- Target_Band
- Target_Exon
- Target_Gene
- Target_Intron
- technique_used_for
- Telomere_of
- temporal_context_of
- therapeutic_class_of
- Tissue_Is_Expression_Site_Of_Gene_Product
- tradename_of
- Transcript_of
- treated_by
- treats
- tributary_of
- unit_of
- unit_of_measurement_of
- use
- used_by
- used_for
- uses
- uses_access_device
- uses_device
- uses_energy
- uses_instrument
- uses_reagent
- uses_substance
- uses_technique
- value_specified_at
- venous_drainage_of
- version_of
- was_tested_for