Release 5

This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0: R5 - STU). This is the current published version in it's permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3 R2

FHIR Management Group icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: Informative

The FHIR community meets as part of the wider HL7 community icon and draws on its extensive human resources, institutional memory, previous standards, and corporate support. HL7 itself owns FHIR and makes it freely available and the community relies on HL7-provided infrastructure. The community has a Code of Conduct icon that all participants are expected to adhere to.

The FHIR community gathers, meets, or communicates using the following infrastructure, provided by HL7 directly, or by the HL7 FHIR Foundation icon:

In addition, the community holds regular connectathons icon and meetings as part of the HL7 Working Group meetings icon. The formal governance arrangements that manage FHIR development are documented on HL7's Confluence site icon.

FHIR is a specification produced by the HL7 Community. Many individuals and organizations (1000s) contribute to the FHIR specification through many roles:

  • Balloters / QA reviewers
  • Testers / Implementers who give feedback or help others
  • Editors / Committee Co-chairs / Minute keepers
  • Secretariat: Process support / ANSI compliance
  • Regulators / Advocates (e.g. Social Media) / Question answerers

Of particular note as contributors:

  • Contributors and Editors:
    • James Agnew (Smile; formerly University Health Network)
    • David Booth (DBooth)
    • Jess Bota (Apelon)
    • Gino Canessa (Microsoft)
    • Reuben Daniels (Saludax)
    • Michael Donnelly (Epic)
    • Jean-Henri Duteau (Dogwood Health)
    • Marc Duteau (Duteau Design)
    • Reinhard Egelkraut (ComuGroup Medical)
    • Richard Ettema (AEGIS)
    • Benjamin Flessner (Redox)
    • Rick Geimer (Lantana)
    • Hugh Glover (Blue Wave)
    • Grahame Grieve (Health Intersections)
    • Eric Haas (Health eData)
    • Rob Hausam (Hausam Consulting)
    • Bret Heale (Elimu)
    • Simone Heckmann (Gefyra)
    • Alexander Henket (NICTIZ)
    • Bas van den Heuvel (Phillips)
    • Rosemary Hofstede (Duteau Design)
    • Mark Iantorno (Smile)
    • Mohammad Jafari (U.S. Dept. Veterans Affairs)
    • Tony Julian (Mayo Clinic)
    • Aly Khalifa (University of Utah)
    • Paul Knapp (Knapp Consulting)
    • Michael Lawley (Csiro)
    • Lloyd McKenzie (Dogwood Health; formerly Gevity Consulting)
    • Josh Mandel (Microsoft; formerly Verily)
    • Sean McIlvenna (Lantana)
    • John Moehrke (By Light)
    • Michelle M Miller (Optum; formerly Cerner)
    • Craig Newman (Northrop Grumman)
    • John David Nolen (Children's Mercy)
    • David Otasek (Smile)
    • Vadim Peretokin (Philips)
    • Melva Peters (Jenaker Consulting; formerly Gevity Consulting)
    • Vassil Peytchev (Epic)
    • Brian Postlethwaite (Microsoft; formerly Telstra Health)
    • Kevin Power (Children's Mercy; formerly Cerner)
    • David Pyke (PointClickCare)
    • Abdullah Rafiqi (ICF)
    • Bryn Rhodes (Smile; formerly Database Consulting Group)
    • Khalid Shahin (Computable Publishing)
    • Elliot Silver (Argentix Informatics)
    • Rik Smithies (NProgram)
    • Cooper Thompson (Epic)
    • Jose Costa Teixeira (Path-Digital Square / Zeora)
    • Gaurav Vaidya
    • Marti Velezis (Sonrisa Consulting)
    • Yunwei Wang (Mitre)
    • Ward Weistra (Firely)
    • Patrick Werner (MOLIT Institute)
    • Alexander Zautke (Firely)
  • In addition, the editors and contributors thank the following individuals for key past contributions: Yishen Chen, Lorraine Constable, Chris Courville, Bo Dagnall, Julie Evans, David Hay, Ewout Kramer, Patrick Loyd, Joginder Madra, Brett Marquard, Claude Nanjo, Viet Nguyen, Chris Nickerson, Chris Schuler, Harold Solbrig, Andy Stechishin, Jason Walonoski
  • The Management group icon is Hans Buitendijk, Grahame Grieve, David Hay, Paul Knapp, Josh Mandel, Lloyd McKenzie, John Moehrke, Brian Pech, Brian Postlethwaite and Daniel Vreeman. (Former members: Wayne Kubick, Woody Beeler, Lorraine Constable, Jean Duteau, Hugh Glover, Ron Parker and John Quinn)
  • The FHIR specification includes content developed by or reviewed by the following HL7 Work Groups icon:
    Application Implementation and Design icon, Biomedical Research and Regulation icon, Community Based Collaborative Care icon, Clinical Decision Support icon, Clinical Genomics icon, Clinical Quality Information icon, Health Care Devices icon, Electronic Health Records icon, FHIR Infrastructure icon, Financial Management icon, Health Standards Integration icon, Imaging Integration icon, Infrastructure And Messaging icon, Implementable Technology Specifications icon, Modeling and Methodology icon, Orders and Observations icon, Patient Administration icon, Patient Care icon, Patient Empowerment icon, Public Health and Emergency Response icon, Pharmacy icon, Structured Documents icon, Security icon, US Realm Taskforce icon, Terminology Infrastructure icon
  • In addition, some resources were developed in coordination with the following organizations: DICOM icon, IHE icon, LOINC icon, SNOMED Intl icon,
  • Innumerable others have assisted through participation in formal QA, submission of ballot comments, discussions on the old Implementer's Skype chat,, the FHIR list server, participation at HL7 Working Group Meetings and through submission of change requests
  • The basic HTML design done by icon - thanks
  • THANK YOU ALL! - without the support and effort of this community, FHIR would not exist.