Publish-box (todo)
Orders and Observations ![]() | Maturity Level: 0 | Draft | Security Category: Business | Compartments: No defined compartments |
Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the InventoryItem resource.
InventoryItem | |
Element Id | InventoryItem |
Definition | A functional description of an inventory item used in inventory and supply-related workflows. |
Short Display | A functional description of an inventory item used in inventory and supply-related workflows |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Type | DomainResource |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.identifier | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.identifier |
Definition | Business identifier for the inventory item. |
Short Display | Business identifier for the inventory item |
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Type | Identifier |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.status | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.status |
Definition | Status of the item entry. |
Short Display | active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Terminology Binding | InventoryItem Status Codes (Required) |
Type | code |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.category | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.category |
Definition | Category or class of the item. |
Short Display | Category or class of the item |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.code | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.code |
Definition | Code designating the specific type of item. |
Short Display | Code designating the specific type of item |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true | | |
Element Id | |
Definition | The item name(s) - the brand name, or common name, functional name, generic name. |
Short Display | The item name(s) - the brand name, or common name, functional name, generic name or others |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Summary | true | | |
Element Id | |
Definition | The type of name e.g. 'brand-name', 'functional-name', 'common-name'. |
Short Display | The type of name e.g. 'brand-name', 'functional-name', 'common-name' |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Terminology Binding | InventoryItem Name Typess (Preferred) |
Type | Coding |
Summary | true | | |
Element Id | |
Definition | The language that the item name is expressed in. |
Short Display | The language used to express the item name |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Terminology Binding | Common Languages (Required) |
Type | code |
Summary | true | | |
Element Id | |
Definition | The name or designation that the item is given. |
Short Display | The name or designation of the item |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Type | string |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.responsibleOrganization | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.responsibleOrganization |
Definition | Organization(s) responsible for the product. |
Short Display | Organization(s) responsible for the product |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.responsibleOrganization.role | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.responsibleOrganization.role |
Definition | The role of the organization e.g. manufacturer, distributor, etc. |
Short Display | The role of the organization e.g. manufacturer, distributor, or other |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.responsibleOrganization.organization | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.responsibleOrganization.organization |
Definition | An organization that has an association with the item, e.g. manufacturer, distributor, responsible, etc. |
Short Display | An organization that is associated with the item |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Type | Reference(Organization) |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.description | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.description |
Definition | The descriptive characteristics of the inventory item. |
Short Display | Descriptive characteristics of the item |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.description.language | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.description.language |
Definition | The language for the item description, when an item must be described in different languages and those languages may be authoritative and not translations of a 'main' language. |
Short Display | The language that is used in the item description |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Terminology Binding | Common Languages (Required) |
Type | code |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.description.description | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.description.description |
Definition | Textual description of the item. |
Short Display | Textual description of the item |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.inventoryStatus | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.inventoryStatus |
Definition | The usage status e.g. recalled, in use, discarded... This can be used to indicate that the items have been taken out of inventory, or are in use, etc. |
Short Display | The usage status like recalled, in use, discarded |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.baseUnit | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.baseUnit |
Definition | The base unit of measure - the unit in which the product is used or counted. |
Short Display | The base unit of measure - the unit in which the product is used or counted |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.netContent | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.netContent |
Definition | Net content or amount present in the item. |
Short Display | Net content or amount present in the item |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | SimpleQuantity |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.association | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.association |
Definition | Association with other items or products. |
Short Display | Association with other items or products |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.association.associationType | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.association.associationType |
Definition | This attribute defined the type of association when establishing associations or relations between items, e.g. 'packaged within' or 'used with' or 'to be mixed with. |
Short Display | The type of association between the device and the other item |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.association.relatedItem | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.association.relatedItem |
Definition | The related item or product. |
Short Display | The related item or product |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Type | Reference(InventoryItem | Medication | MedicationKnowledge | Device | DeviceDefinition | NutritionProduct | BiologicallyDerivedProduct) |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.association.quantity | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.association.quantity |
Definition | The quantity of the related product in this product - Numerator is the quantity of the related product. Denominator is the quantity of the present product. For example a value of 20 means that this product contains 20 units of the related product; a value of 1:20 means the inverse - that the contained product contains 20 units of the present product. |
Short Display | The quantity of the product in this product |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Type | Ratio |
Summary | true |
InventoryItem.characteristic | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.characteristic |
Definition | The descriptive or identifying characteristics of the item. |
Short Display | Characteristic of the item |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.characteristic.characteristicType | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.characteristic.characteristicType |
Definition | The type of characteristic that is being defined. |
Short Display | The characteristic that is being defined |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.characteristic.value[x] | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.characteristic.value[x] |
Definition | The value of the attribute. |
Short Display | The value of the attribute |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Type | string|integer|decimal|boolean|url|dateTime|Quantity|Range|Ratio|Annotation|Address|Duration|CodeableConcept |
[x] Note | See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x] |
Summary | false |
Comments | The string value is used for characteristics that are descriptive and not codeable information. CodeableConcept.text is used when the characteristic is discrete and could otherwise be coded but for which there is no code available. |
InventoryItem.instance | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.instance |
Definition | Instances or occurrences of the product. |
Short Display | Instances or occurrences of the product |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.instance.identifier | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.instance.identifier |
Definition | The identifier for the physical instance, typically a serial number. |
Short Display | The identifier for the physical instance, typically a serial number |
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Type | Identifier |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.instance.lotNumber | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.instance.lotNumber |
Definition | The lot or batch number of the item. |
Short Display | The lot or batch number of the item |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.instance.expiry | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.instance.expiry |
Definition | The expiry date or date and time for the product. |
Short Display | The expiry date or date and time for the product |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | dateTime |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.instance.subject | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.instance.subject |
Definition | The subject that the item is associated with. |
Short Display | The subject that the item is associated with |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Patient | Organization) |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.instance.location | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.instance.location |
Definition | The location that the item is associated with. |
Short Display | The location that the item is associated with |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Location) |
Summary | false |
InventoryItem.productReference | |
Element Id | InventoryItem.productReference |
Definition | Link to a product resource used in clinical workflows. |
Short Display | Link to a product resource used in clinical workflows |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Medication | Device | NutritionProduct | BiologicallyDerivedProduct) |
Summary | false |