This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0-snapshot3: R5 Snapshot #3, to support Connectathon 32). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3 R2
Patient Care ![]() | Maturity Level: 2 | Trial Use | Security Category: Patient | Compartments: Patient |
Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the FamilyMemberHistory resource.
FamilyMemberHistory | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Significant health conditions for a person related to the patient relevant in the context of care for the patient. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Information about patient's relatives, relevant for patient | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Type | DomainResource | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
Invariants |
| ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.identifier | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.identifier | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Business identifiers assigned to this family member history by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | External Id(s) for this record | ||||||||||||||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Identifier | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements | Allows identification of the family member history as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers. | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Comments | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number. | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesCanonical | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesCanonical | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this FamilyMemberHistory. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Type | canonical(PlanDefinition | Questionnaire | ActivityDefinition | Measure | OperationDefinition) | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesUri | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesUri | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this FamilyMemberHistory. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Instantiates external protocol or definition | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Type | uri | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Comments | This might be an HTML page, PDF, etc. or could just be a non-resolvable URI identifier. | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.status | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.status | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | A code specifying the status of the record of the family history of a specific family member. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | FamilyHistoryStatus (Required) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | code | ||||||||||||||||
Is Modifier | true (Reason: This element is labelled as a modifier because it is a status element that contains status entered-in-error which means that the resource should not be treated as valid) | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Comments | This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid. | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.dataAbsentReason | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.dataAbsentReason | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Describes why the family member's history is not available. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | FamilyHistoryAbsentReason (Example) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements | This is a separate element to allow it to have a distinct binding from reasonCode. | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.patient | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.patient | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The person who this history concerns. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Patient history is about | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Reference(Patient) | ||||||||||||||||
Alternate Names | Proband | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Comments | This is not the family member. | |||||||||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The date (and possibly time) when the family member history was recorded or last updated. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | When history was recorded or last updated | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | dateTime | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements | Allows determination of how current the summary is. | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Comments | This should be captured even if the same as the date on the List aggregating the full family history. | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.participant | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.participant | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Indicates who or what participated in the activities related to the family member history and how they were involved. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Who or what participated in the activities related to the family member history and how they were involved | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.participant.function | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.participant.function | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Distinguishes the type of involvement of the actor in the activities related to the family member history. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Type of involvement | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | ParticipationRoleType (Extensible) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | |||||||||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Indicates who or what participated in the activities related to the family member history. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Who or what participated in the activities related to the family member history | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Patient | RelatedPerson | Device | Organization | CareTeam) | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | |||||||||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | This will either be a name or a description; e.g. "Aunt Susan", "my cousin with the red hair". | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | The family member described | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | string | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements | Allows greater ease in ensuring the same person is being talked about. | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.relationship | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.relationship | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The type of relationship this person has to the patient (father, mother, brother etc.). | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Relationship to the subject | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | FamilyMember ![]() | ||||||||||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | |||||||||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The birth sex of the family member. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | male | female | other | unknown | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | AdministrativeGender (Extensible) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements | Not all relationship codes imply sex and the relative's sex can be relevant for risk assessments. | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Comments | This element should ideally reflect whether the individual is genetically male or female. However, as reported information based on the knowledge of the patient or reporting friend/relative, there may be situations where the reported sex might not be totally accurate. E.g. 'Aunt Sue' might be XY rather than XX. Questions soliciting this information should be phrased to encourage capture of genetic sex where known. However, systems performing analysis should also allow for the possibility of imprecision with this element. | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.born[x] | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.born[x] | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The actual or approximate date of birth of the relative. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | (approximate) date of birth | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Period|date|string | ||||||||||||||||
[x] Note | See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x] | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements | Allows calculation of the relative's age. | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
Invariants |
| ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.age[x] | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.age[x] | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The age of the relative at the time the family member history is recorded. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | (approximate) age | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Age|Range|string | ||||||||||||||||
[x] Note | See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x] | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements | While age can be calculated from date of birth, sometimes recording age directly is more natural for clinicians. | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Comments | use estimatedAge to indicate whether the age is actual or not. | ||||||||||||||||
Invariants |
| ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.estimatedAge | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.estimatedAge | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | If true, indicates that the age value specified is an estimated value. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Age is estimated? | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | boolean | ||||||||||||||||
Meaning if Missing | It is unknown whether the age is an estimate or not | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements | Clinicians often prefer to specify an estimaged age rather than an age range. | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Comments | This element is labeled as a modifier because the fact that age is estimated can/should change the results of any algorithm that calculates based on the specified age. | ||||||||||||||||
Invariants |
| ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.deceased[x] | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.deceased[x] | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Deceased flag or the actual or approximate age of the relative at the time of death for the family member history record. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Dead? How old/when? | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | boolean|Age|Range|date|string | ||||||||||||||||
[x] Note | See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x] | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Invariants |
| ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.reason | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.reason | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Describes why the family member history occurred in coded or textual form, or Indicates a Condition, Observation, AllergyIntolerance, or QuestionnaireResponse that justifies this family member history event. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Why was family member history performed? | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | SNOMED CT Clinical Findings (Example) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | CodeableReference(Condition | Observation | AllergyIntolerance | QuestionnaireResponse | DiagnosticReport | DocumentReference) | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||||||||||
Comments | Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text. | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.note | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.note | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | This property allows a non condition-specific note to the made about the related person. Ideally, the note would be in the condition property, but this is not always possible. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | General note about related person | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Annotation | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.condition | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.condition | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The significant Conditions (or condition) that the family member had. This is a repeating section to allow a system to represent more than one condition per resource, though there is nothing stopping multiple resources - one per condition. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Condition that the related person had | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The actual condition specified. Could be a coded condition (like MI or Diabetes) or a less specific string like 'cancer' depending on how much is known about the condition and the capabilities of the creating system. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Condition suffered by relation | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | Condition/Problem/Diagnosis Codes (Example) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.condition.outcome | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.condition.outcome | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Indicates what happened following the condition. If the condition resulted in death, deceased date is captured on the relation. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | deceased | permanent disability | etc. | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | Condition Outcome Codes (Example) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.condition.contributedToDeath | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.condition.contributedToDeath | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | This condition contributed to the cause of death of the related person. If contributedToDeath is not populated, then it is unknown. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | boolean | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onset[x] | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onset[x] | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Either the age of onset, range of approximate age or descriptive string can be recorded. For conditions with multiple occurrences, this describes the first known occurrence. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | When condition first manifested | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Age|Range|Period|string | ||||||||||||||||
[x] Note | See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x] | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements | Age of onset of a condition in relatives is predictive of risk for the patient. | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.condition.note | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.condition.note | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | An area where general notes can be placed about this specific condition. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Extra information about condition | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Annotation | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.procedure | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The significant Procedures (or procedure) that the family member had. This is a repeating section to allow a system to represent more than one procedure per resource, though there is nothing stopping multiple resources - one per procedure. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Procedures that the related person had | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.code | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.code | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | The actual procedure specified. Could be a coded procedure or a less specific string depending on how much is known about the procedure and the capabilities of the creating system. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Procedures performed on the related person | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | Procedure Codes (SNOMED CT) (Example) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.outcome | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.outcome | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Indicates what happened following the procedure. If the procedure resulted in death, deceased date is captured on the relation. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | What happened following the procedure | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Terminology Binding | SNOMED CT Clinical Findings (Example) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.contributedToDeath | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.contributedToDeath | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | This procedure contributed to the cause of death of the related person. If contributedToDeath is not populated, then it is unknown. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Whether the procedure contributed to the cause of death | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | boolean | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performed[x] | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performed[x] | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | Estimated or actual date, date-time, period, or age when the procedure was performed. Allows a period to support complex procedures that span more than one date, and also allows for the length of the procedure to be captured. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | When the procedure was performed | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Age|Range|Period|string|dateTime | ||||||||||||||||
[x] Note | See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x] | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||||||||||
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.note | |||||||||||||||||
Element Id | FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.note | ||||||||||||||||
Definition | An area where general notes can be placed about this specific procedure. | ||||||||||||||||
Short Display | Extra information about the procedure | ||||||||||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Annotation | ||||||||||||||||
Summary | false |