This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v1.8.0: STU 3 Draft). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
. Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3
11.2.5 Resource MedicationRequest - Examples 
The following examples are MedicationRequest resources for Oral Dosage Forms that reference Medication Resources for generic formulations:
The following examples are MedicationRequest resources for Oral Dosage Forms that reference Medication Resources for manufactured products:
The following examples are MedicationRequest resources for Oral Dosage Forms that include a Medication Code
The following examples of MedicationRequest resources for Injectable Dosage Forms that reference a Medication Resource for a generic formulation
The following examples of MedicationRequest resources for Injectable Dosage Forms that reference a Medication Resource for a manufactured product:
The following examples of MedicationRequest resources for Injectable Dosage Forms that include a Medication Code:
The following examples of MedicationRequest resources for Injectable Dosage Forms for Injectable Dosage Forms where the medication is a compounded (aka extemporaneous or magistral) product:
The following examples of MedicationRequest resources including miscellaneous dosage forms:
The following examples of MedicationRequest resources including miscellaneous dosage instructions:
Example List:
Order for a medication that includes the dosage of a prescription in text | medrx002 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Active Order with link to encounter, reasonCode, note multiple dosage lines, dispenseRequest and substitution - Azithromycin | medrx0302 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order with as needed (PRN) dosage with pre-condition - Oxycodone - active with reasonCode, note, dispenseRequest and substitution | medrx0301 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Tapering Dose - Prednisone - active with note and multiple DosageInstructions with boundsPeriod | medrx0303 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Oral Drops - Nystatin Suspension - completed - with Dispense Request | medrx0304 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order with Dosage with a Pre-Condition - Alprazolam - dosageInstructions includes boundsPeriod with periodMax and asNeededCodeableConcept | medrx0305 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Oral Chemotherapy Order - Myleran - completed - with reasonCode | medrx0306 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order with as needed (PRN) dosage - Percocet - completed with link to encounter, dispenseRequest and substitution | medrx0307 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for as needed (PRN) dosage - Vicodin - completed with dosageInstruction with additionalInstruction (coded) and as needed with reason, dispenseRequest and substitution | medrx0308 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Oral Chemotherapy Order - Capecitabine - active medication with dosing by Body Surface Area (BSA) (mg/m2) | medrx0309 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Over the Counter Medication - Tylenol PM - with dosage range as needed with pre-condition for use | medrx0310 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Fully populated example of a MedicationRequest - Chlorthalidone - active - with link to encounter, reasonReference, note, dispenseRequest, substitution and eventHistory | medrx0311 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Liquid Medication - Phenytoin with link to prior prescription | medrx0312 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order with a single dosage line - Azithromycin - completed - with link to prior prescription and reason code | medrx0313 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order - Levothyroxine - completed with reasonCode, dosageInstructions and dispenseRequest | medrx0314 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for an injectable medication - Lorazepam - active - with link to encounter, reasonCode and dosageInstruction | medrx0315 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Intravenous Chemotherapy (inpatient order) - Brentuximab Vedotin - completed | medrx0316 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Intravenous Chemotherapy (inpatient order) - Alemtuzumab - completed with multiple dosageInstruction lines | medrx0317 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Intravenous Antibiotic - Vancomycin - active - with link to encounter, reasonCode, and note | medrx0318 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Intravenous Antibiotic with a Dosage Rate - Piperacillin - completed with reason code | medrx0319 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Subcutaneous injection - Insulin - Lantus - completed, with reason code and dispense request | medrx0320 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Subcutaneous injection with multiple dosage lines - Insulin - Novolog - active - includes reasonCode and note. DosageInstruction includes additionalInstructions as text | medrx0321 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for Intravenous Admixture - Potassium Chloride in D5W - completed with reason code | medrx0322 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for TPN Solution - completed | medrx0323 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order using Medication Code for Rectal Suppository - Acetaminophen - completed with reasonCode, dispenseRequest and substitution | medrx0324 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order using Medication Code for Topical Ointment - Nystatin - on hold and with dispense request | medrx0325 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order using Medication Code for Inhaler - Proventil - on hold with dispenseRequest and substitution | medrx0326 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order using Medication Code for Patch - Fentanyl - active, with dispense request | medrx0327 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order referencing Medication Resource for Nasal Spray - Nasonex | medrx0328 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order referencing Medication Resource for Compounded Product - HC 1%, Salicylic Acid 5% in Glaxal Base - on hold with dispenseRequest | medrx0329 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order referencing Medication Resource for Eye Drops - Timoptic - active - with link to encounter, dispenseRequest and substitution flag | medrx0330 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for a Dosage that needs to be dispensed as different strength tablets - Warfarin - active | medrx0331 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Order for a medication that is intended to be given as a single, once only dose | medrx0332 | XML | JSON | Turtle | |
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the
examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part
of the specification.