This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v1.6.0: STU 3 Ballot 4). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R4B R4 R3 R2
This is a value set defined by the FHIR project.
Defining URL: | |
Name: | DocumentReference Format Code Set |
Definition: | The value set is defined to be the set of format codes defined by the IHE Technical Framework, and also including additional format codes defined by the HL7. The value set is listed in HITSP C80 Table 2-153 Format Code Value Set Definition, with additions published later by IHE as published at and with additions published later by HL7 as published at This is the code specifying the technical format of the document. Along with the typeCode, it should provide sufficient information to allow any potential document consumer to know if it will be able to process the document. The code shall be sufficiently specific to ensure processing/display by identifying a document encoding, structure and template. The actual list of codes here is incomplete |
Committee: | Structured Documents ![]() |
OID: | (for OID based terminology systems) |
Copyright: | Some content from IHE® Copyright © 2015 IHE International, Inc. This content is from the IHE Technical Frameworks and Supplements, available for free download and use at |
Source Resource | XML / JSON |
This value set is used in the following places:
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
Code | Display | |
urn:ihe:pcc:handp:2008 | History and Physical Specification | |
urn:ihe:pcc:xphr:2007 | HL7 CCD Document | |
urn:ihe:pcc:aps:2007 | IHE Antepartum Summary | |
urn:ihe:pcc:xds-ms:2007 | XDS Medical Summaries | |
urn:ihe:pcc:xphr:2007 | Personal Health Records | |
urn:ihe:pcc:edr:2007 | Emergency Department Referral (EDR) | |
urn:ihe:pcc:edes:2007 | Emergency Department Encounter Summary (EDES) | |
urn:ihe:pcc:apr:handp:2008 | Antepartum Record (APR) - History and Physical | |
urn:ihe:pcc:apr:lab:2008 | Antepartum Record (APR) - Laboratory | |
urn:ihe:pcc:apr:edu:2008 | Antepartum Record (APR) - Education | |
urn:ihe:pcc:irc:2008 | Immunization Registry Content (IRC) | |
urn:ihe:pcc:crc:2008 | Cancer Registry Content (CRC) | |
urn:ihe:pcc:cm:2008 | Care Management (CM) | |
urn:ihe:pcc:ic:2009 | Immunization Content (IC) | |
urn:ihe:pcc:tn:2007 | PCC TN | |
urn:ihe:pcc:nn:2007 | PCC NN | |
urn:ihe:pcc:ctn:2007 | PCC CTN | |
urn:ihe:pcc:edpn:2007 | PCC EDPN | |
urn:ihe:pcc:hp:2008 | PCC HP | |
urn:ihe:pcc:ldhp:2009 | PCC LDHP | |
urn:ihe:pcc:lds:2009 | PCC LDS | |
urn:ihe:pcc:mds:2009 | PCC MDS | |
urn:ihe:pcc:nds:2010 | PCC NDS | |
urn:ihe:pcc:ppvs:2010 | PCC PPVS | |
urn:ihe:pcc:trs:2011 | PCC TRS | |
urn:ihe:pcc:ets:2011 | PCC ETS | |
urn:ihe:pcc:its:2011 | PCC ITS | |
urn:ihe:iti:bppc:2007 | Basic Patient Privacy Consents | |
urn:ihe:iti:bppc-sd:2007 | Basic Patient Privacy Consents with Scanned Document | |
urn:ihe:iti:xdw:2011:workflowDoc | XDW Workflow Document | |
urn:ihe:iti:dsg:detached:2014 | DSG Detached Document | |
urn:ihe:iti:dsg:enveloping:2014 | DSG Enveloping Document | |
urn:ihe:iti:xds-sd:pdf:2008 | PDF embedded in CDA per XDS-SD profile | |
urn:ihe:iti:xds-sd:text:2008 | Text embedded in CDA per XDS-SD profile | |
urn:ihe:lab:xd-lab:2008 | CDA Laboratory Report | |
urn:ihe:rad:TEXT | Radiology XDS-I Text | |
urn:ihe:rad:PDF | Radiology XDS-I PDF | |
urn:ihe:rad:CDA:ImagingReportStructuredHeadings:2013 | Radiology XDS-I Structured CDA | |
urn:ihe:card:imaging:2011 | Cardiac Imaging Report | |
urn:ihe:card:CRC:2012 | Cardiology CRC | |
urn:ihe:card:EPRC-IE:2014 | Cardiology EPRC-IE | |
urn:ihe:dent:TEXT | Dental Text | |
urn:ihe:dent:PDF | Dental PDF | |
urn:ihe:dent:CDA:ImagingReportStructuredHeadings:2013 | Dental CDA | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:all:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report All | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:all:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer All | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:breast:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Breast | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:colon:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Colon | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:prostate:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Prostate | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:thyroid:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Thyroid | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:lung:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Lung | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:skin:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Skin | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:kidney:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Kidney | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:cervix:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Cervix | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:endometrium:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Endometrium | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:ovary:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Ovary | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:esophagus: 2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Esophagus | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:stomach: 2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Stomach | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:liver:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Liver | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:pancreas: 2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Pancreas | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:testis:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Testis | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:urinary_bladder:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Urinary Bladder | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:lip_oral_cavity:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Lip Oral Cavity | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:pharynx:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Pharynx | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:salivary_gland:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Salivary Gland | |
urn:ihe:pat:apsr:cancer:larynx:2010 | Anatomic Pathology Structured Report Cancer Larynx | |
urn:ihe:pharm:pre:2010 | Pharmacy Pre | |
urn:ihe:pharm:padv:2010 | Pharmacy PADV | |
urn:ihe:pharm:dis:2010 | Pharmacy DIS | |
urn:ihe:pharm:pml:2013 | Pharmacy PML | |
urn:hl7-org:sdwg:ccda-structuredBody:1.1 | For documents following C-CDA constraints using a structured body. | |
urn:hl7-org:sdwg:ccda-nonXMLBody:1.1 | For documents following C-CDA constraints using a non structured body. |
See the full registry of value sets defined as part of FHIR.
Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:
Level | A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies |
Source | The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere) |
Code | The code (used as the code in the resource instance) |
Display | The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application |
Definition | An explanation of the meaning of the concept |
Comments | Additional notes about how to use the code |