FHIR Specification Core |
11179-de-administrative-status | Status of internal processing | CodeableConcept | DataElement |
11179-de-change-description | What's changed since the last "business" version? | string | DataElement |
11179-de-classification-or-context | context | classification | code | DataElement.useContext |
11179-de-contact-address | How to mail contact | Address | DataElement.contact |
11179-de-document-reference | Pointer to document related to data element | Reference | DataElement |
11179-de-effective-period | When data element is "valid" | Period | DataElement |
11179-de-is-data-element-concept | Is code the DEC for the data element? | boolean | DataElement.element.code |
11179-de-registry-org | Organization responsible for registry | Reference | DataElement |
11179-de-submitter-org | Who submitted data element to registry | Reference | DataElement |
11179-objectClass | Object Class | Coding | ElementDefinition.mapping |
11179-objectClassProperty | Object Class Property | Coding | ElementDefinition.mapping |
11179-permitted-value-conceptmap | Mapping from permitted to transmitted | Reference | StructureDefinition.snapshot.element.binding.valueSetReference, StructureDefinition.differential.element.binding.valueSetReference, DataElement.element.binding.valueSetReference, Questionnaire.group.question.options |
11179-permitted-value-valueset | Permitted values | Reference | StructureDefinition.snapshot.element.binding.valueSetReference, StructureDefinition.differential.element.binding.valueSetReference, DataElement.element.binding.valueSetReference, Questionnaire.group.question.options |
allergyintolerance-duration | How long Manifestations persisted | Quantity | AllergyIntolerance.reaction |
allergyintolerance-reasonRefuted | Explanation associated with refuted status | CodeableConcept | AllergyIntolerance |
allergyintolerance-resolutionAge | Age that the allergy or intolerance resolved | Quantity | AllergyIntolerance |
birthPlace | Place of Birth for patient | Address | Patient |
body-site-instance | Target anatomic location or structure | Reference | * |
careplan-activity-title | Label for activity | string | CarePlan.activity |
communication-media | Attached media | Attachment | Communication |
communication-reasonNotPerformed | Why the communication was not or could not be carried out | CodeableConcept | Communication |
communicationrequest-orderedBy | Agent that ordered the communication. | Reference | CommunicationRequest |
communicationrequest-reasonRejected | Why the recipient could not be act upon the request | CodeableConcept | CommunicationRequest |
composition-clindoc-otherConfidentiality | Additional confidentiality codes | Coding | Composition |
condition-criticality | Potential impact of the condition | CodeableConcept | Condition |
condition-dueTo | Causes for this Condition | (complex) | Condition |
condition-occurredFollowing | Precedent for this Condition | (complex) | Condition |
condition-outcome | A consequence of the Condition | CodeableConcept | Condition |
condition-targetBodySite | targetBodySite | Reference | Condition |
conformance-expectation | Conformance expectation | code | Conformance.rest.resource.interaction, Conformance.rest.resource.searchParam, Conformance.rest.operation, Conformance.messaging.event, Conformance.document, Conformance.rest.interaction |
conformance-prohibited | Functionality not allowed | boolean | Conformance.rest.resource.interaction, Conformance.rest.resource.searchParam, Conformance.rest.operation, Conformance.messaging.event, Conformance.document, Conformance.rest.interaction |
conformance-search-parameter-combination | An allowable parameter combination | (complex) | Conformance.rest.resource |
conformance-supported-system | Code system not defined in a value set | uri | Conformance |
data-absent-reason | Data Absent Reason | code | * |
datadictionary | Associates the structure definition with a collection of Data Elements | string | StructureDefinition |
deviceuserequest-reasonRejected | If request was rejected, why? | CodeableConcept | DeviceUseRequest |
diagnosticReport-locationPerformed | Location Performed | Reference | DiagnosticReport |
diagnosticorder-precondition | The condition or state of the patient for this test | CodeableConcept | DiagnosticOrder.item |
diagnosticorder-reason | Reason for this order | CodeableConcept | DiagnosticOrder |
diagnosticorder-reasonRejected | The reason the order was rejected | CodeableConcept | DiagnosticOrder |
elementdefinition-allowedUnits | Units to use for measured value | (Choice) | ElementDefinition |
elementdefinition-equivalence | equivalent | equal | wider | subsumes | narrower | specializes | inexact | unmatched | disjoint | code | ElementDefinition.mapping |
elementdefinition-identifier | External Identifier associated with this element | Identifier | ElementDefinition |
elementdefinition-maxValueSet | Maximum Value Set (when strength = extensible) | Reference | ElementDefinition.binding |
elementdefinition-minValueSet | Minimum Value Set (what system must support) | Reference | ElementDefinition.binding |
elementdefinition-question | Prompt for element phrased as question | string | ElementDefinition |
encounter-associatedEncounter | Associated Encounter | Reference | |
encounter-condition | A condition related to this encounter | Reference | Encounter |
encounter-conditionRole | The role of the condition | CodeableConcept | Encounter |
encounter-primaryDiagnosis | Primary Diagnosis of this encounter (priority order - 1 = highest) | positiveInt | Encounter.reason, Encounter.indication, Encounter.hospitalization.admittingDiagnosis |
encounter-reasonCancelled | Explanation for cancellation | CodeableConcept | Encounter |
encounter-relatedCondition | Other associated conditions | Reference | Encounter |
entryFormat | User prompt for format | string | ElementDefinition, Questionnaire.group.question |
family-member-history-genetics-observation | Genetic markers, ethnicity, etc. | Reference | FamilyMemberHistory |
family-member-history-genetics-parent | Mother(s) & Father(s) - genetic & other | (complex) | FamilyMemberHistory |
familymemberhistory-abatement | When (or if) the family member's condition resolved | (Choice) | FamilyMemberHistory.condition |
familymemberhistory-patient-record | Link to patient record | Reference | FamilyMemberHistory |
familymemberhistory-severity | The seriousness of the family member condition | CodeableConcept | FamilyMemberHistory.condition |
flag-detail | Resource with details for flag | Reference | Flag |
flag-priority | An alarm code | CodeableConcept | Flag |
geneticsAlleleName | AlleleName | string | Observation |
geneticsAllelicFrequency | AllelicFrequency | decimal | Observation |
geneticsAllelicState | AllelicState | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsAminoAcidChange | HGVSproteinChange | string | Observation |
geneticsAminoAcidChangeType | ProteinChangeType | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsAssessedCondition | AssessedCondition | Reference | Observation |
geneticsCIGAR | CIGAR | string | Observation |
geneticsChromosome | Chr | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsCopyNumberEvent | CopyNumberEvent | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsDNARegionName | RegionName | string | Observation |
geneticsDNASequenceVariation | HGVSdnaVariant | string | Observation |
geneticsDNASequenceVariationType | DNAvariantType | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsGene | Gene | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsGenomeBuild | Genome Build | string | Observation |
geneticsGenomicSourceClass | GenomicSource | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsGenomicStart | GenomicStart | integer | Observation |
geneticsGenomicStop | GenomicStop | integer | Observation |
geneticsObservedAllele | ObsAllele | string | Observation |
geneticsProteinReferenceSequenceId | ProteinReferenceSeq | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsReadCoverage | ReadCoverage | integer | Observation |
geneticsReferenceAllele | RefAllele | string | Observation |
geneticsResult | Result | Reference | Observation |
geneticsSpecies | Species | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsTranscriptReferenceSequenceId | TransReferenceSeqID | CodeableConcept | Observation |
geneticsVariationId | VariantId | CodeableConcept | Observation |
goal-acceptance | Individual acceptance of goal | (complex) | Goal |
goal-pertainsToGoal | Pertains to goal | Reference | Resource |
goal-reasonRejected | The reason the goal was not accepted | CodeableConcept | Goal |
goal-relationship | Goals related to this one | (complex) | Goal |
goal-target | Target for goal | (complex) | Goal |
http-response-header | Http header returned by the interaction | string | Bundle.entry.response |
imagingstudy-radiationDose | The amount of radiation, as a range | Range | ImagingStudy |
imagingstudy-radiationDuration | The length of time for radiation exposure | Quantity | ImagingStudy |
iso21090-AD-use | BAD | CONF | HP | HV | DIR | PUB | PHYS | PST | code | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-additionalLocator | additionalLocator | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-buildingNumberSuffix | buildingNumberSuffix | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-careOf | careOf | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-censusTract | censusTract | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-county | county | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-delimiter | delimiter | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryAddressLine | deliveryAddressLine | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryInstallationArea | deliveryInstallationArea | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryInstallationQualifier | deliveryInstallationQualifier | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryInstallationType | deliveryInstallationType | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryMode | deliveryMode | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryModeIdentifier | deliveryModeIdentifier | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-direction | direction | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-houseNumber | houseNumber | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-houseNumberNumeric | houseNumberNumeric | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-postBox | postBox | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-precinct | precinct | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-streetAddressLine | streetAddressLine | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-streetName | streetName | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-streetNameBase | streetNameBase | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-streetNameType | streetNameType | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-unitID | unitID | string | Address |
iso21090-ADXP-unitType | unitType | string | Address |
iso21090-CO-value | Numerical value associated with the code | decimal | Coding |
iso21090-EN-qualifier | LS | AC | NB | PR | HON | BR | AD | SP | MID | CL | IN | code | HumanName.family, HumanName.given, HumanName.prefix, HumanName.suffix |
iso21090-SC-coding | code for string | Coding | string |
iso21090-ST-language | language | code | string |
iso21090-ST-translation | translation | string | string |
iso21090-TEL-address | RFC 3966 compliant telephone of fax number | uri | ContactPoint |
iso21090-nullFlavor | NI | OTH | NINF | PINF | UNK | ASKU | NAV | NASK | TRC | MSK | NA | QS | code | Any |
iso21090-preferred | preferred | boolean | Any |
iso21090-uncertainty | Standard Deviation (same units as the quantity) | decimal | Quantity |
iso21090-uncertaintyType | Probability Distribution Type for uncertainty | code | Quantity |
iso21090-verification | verification | CodeableConcept | Any |
lipid-report-ldl-chol-calculated | LDL is Calculated | boolean | Observation |
location-alias | Alias | string | Location |
mapSourcePublisher | Who published the mapping source | string | DataElement.mapping |
markup | String equivalent with html markup | string | string |
maxDecimalPlaces | Maximum digits after decimal | integer | ElementDefinition, Questionnaire.group.question |
maxSize | Max size in MB | decimal | ElementDefinition, Questionnaire.group.question |
maxValue | Must be <= this value | (Choice) | Questionnaire.group.question |
medication-isActiveIngredient | Active ingredient indicator | boolean | Medication.product.ingredient |
medication-usualRoute | Typical application route | CodeableConcept | Medication.product |
medicationdispense-validityPeriod | Time interval for medication administration | Period | MedicationDispense |
mimeType | Type of attachment | code | ElementDefinition, Questionnaire.group.question |
minLength | At least this many characters | integer | ElementDefinition, Questionnaire.group.question |
minValue | Must be >= this value | (Choice) | Questionnaire.group.question |
observation-bodyPosition | The body position during the observation | CodeableConcept | Observation |
observation-delta | Qualitative change or trend in the measurement | CodeableConcept | Observation |
observation-focal-subject | Focal Subject | CodeableConcept | Observation |
operationoutcome-authority | Reference to where the rule is defined | uri | OperationOutcome.issue |
operationoutcome-detectedIssue | Reference to a contra-indication that is the basis for this error | Reference | OperationOutcome.issue |
operationoutcome-issue-source | Source of a validation message | string | OperationOutcome.issue |
organization-alias | Alias | string | Organization |
organization-period | Period | Period | Organization |
organization-preferredContact | Preferred Contact | boolean | Organization.contact |
patient-adoptionInfo | The adoption status of the patient | CodeableConcept | Patient |
patient-birthTime | Time of day of birth | dateTime | Patient.birthDate |
patient-cadavericDonor | Post-mortem donor status | boolean | Patient |
patient-citizenship | Nation(s) where the patient claims citizenship | (complex) | Patient |
patient-clinicalTrial | The patient's participation in clinical trials | (complex) | Patient |
patient-congregation | A group of place of religious practice | string | Patient |
patient-disability | Condition(s) limiting movement, senses, or activities | CodeableConcept | Patient |
patient-importance | Special status given the patient | CodeableConcept | Patient |
patient-interpreterRequired | Whether the patient needs an interpreter | boolean | Patient |
patient-mothersMaidenName | Mother's Maiden name | string | Patient |
patient-mpi-match | MPI assessment of patient match outcome | code | Bundle.entry.search |
patient-nationality | Nationality | (complex) | Patient |
pharmacy-core-doseType | The type of dose, e.g., loading. | CodeableConcept | MedicationOrder.dosageInstruction, MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction |
pharmacy-core-infuseOver | The length of the infusion | Quantity | MedicationOrder.dosageInstruction, MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction |
pharmacy-core-maxDeliveryRate | The maximum rate of substance administration | Ratio | MedicationOrder.dosageInstruction, MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction |
pharmacy-core-maxDeliveryVolume | The maximum amount of fluid to infuse | Quantity | MedicationOrder.dosageInstruction, MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction |
pharmacy-core-minDosePerPeriod | The minimum quantity of substance per period | Ratio | MedicationOrder.dosageInstruction, MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction |
pharmacy-core-rateGoal | The target rate for the infusion | Ratio | MedicationOrder.dosageInstruction, MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction |
pharmacy-core-rateIncrement | Change in dosing rate per interval | Ratio | MedicationOrder.dosageInstruction, MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction |
pharmacy-core-rateIncrementInterval | The period of time between rate increments | Quantity | MedicationOrder.dosageInstruction, MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction |
pharmacy-core-refillsRemaining | Number of refills allowed | integer | MedicationDispense, MedicationOrder.dispenseRequest |
practitioner-animalSpecies | The Species of the Service Animal | CodeableConcept | Practitioner, RelatedPerson |
practitioner-classification | Classification of the provider | CodeableConcept | Practitioner |
practitioner-primaryInd | Indicator of primary specialty | boolean | Practitioner.practitionerRole.specialty |
procedure-approachBodySite | The access point or points used for this procedure | Reference | Procedure |
procedure-causedBy | The related item - e.g. a procedure | Reference | Procedure |
procedure-incisionDateTime | The first incision time | dateTime | Procedure |
procedure-method | The method used to perform the procedure | CodeableConcept | Procedure |
procedure-progressStatus | A details procedure progress | CodeableConcept | Procedure |
procedure-targetBodySite | The target point for this procedure | Reference | Procedure |
procedurerequest-approachBodySite | The requested access point or points used for this procedure | Reference | ProcedureRequest |
procedurerequest-authorizedBy | Authorizer of the request | Reference | ProcedureRequest |
procedurerequest-reasonRefused | Reason for refusal | CodeableConcept | ProcedureRequest |
procedurerequest-targetBodySite | The requested target point for this procedure | Reference | ProcedureRequest |
questionnaire-allowedResource | Allowed resource for reference | code | Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-category | What kind of questionnaire? | CodeableConcept | Questionnaire |
questionnaire-choiceOrientation | horizontal | vertical | code | Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-deMap | Map linking questions to DataElements | Reference | Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-deReference | Implemented CDE | Reference | Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-defaultValue | Initial presumed answer for question | (Choice) | Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-enableWhen | Only allow data when: | (complex) | Questionnaire.group, Questionnaire.group.group, Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-help | Text to display if help incoked on group/question | string | @Questionnaire.group, @Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-hidden | Don't display to user | boolean | Questionnaire.group, Questionnaire.group.group, Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-highRangeLabel | Label for high end of slider | string | @Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-instruction | How to populate group or question | string | @Questionnaire.group, @Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-label | E.g. "1(a)", "2.5.3" | string | Questionnaire.group, Questionnaire.group.group, Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-lowRangeLabel | Label for low end of slider | string | @Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-maxLength | No more than this many characters | integer | @Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-maxOccurs | Maximum repetitions | integer | Questionnaire.group, Questionnaire.group.group, Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-minOccurs | Minimum repetitions | integer | Questionnaire.group, Questionnaire.group.group, Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-questionControl | E.g. Checkbox, Combo-box, Lookup, etc. | CodeableConcept | Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-readOnly | Don't allow human editing | boolean | Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-security | Security/privacy rules governing group/question | string | @Questionnaire.group, @Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-tooltip | Fly-over or equivalent text | string | @Questionnaire.group, @Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-trailing | Text to display after group/question content | string | @Questionnaire.group, @Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaire-units | Unit of measure for question | string | @Questionnaire.group.question |
questionnaireresponse-author | Who answered question/group | Reference | QuestionnaireResponse.group, QuestionnaireResponse.group.question, QuestionnaireResponse.group.question.answer |
questionnaireresponse-reviewer | Who verified completion of form? | Reference | QuestionnaireResponse |
referralrequest-reasonRefused | Reason referral was refused | CodeableConcept | ReferralRequest |
regex | Regular expression pattern | string | ElementDefinition, Questionnaire.group.question |
specimen-collectionPriority | Urgency for collection | CodeableConcept | Specimen.collection |
specimen-isDryWeight | Whether quantity is a dry weight | boolean | Specimen.collection.quantity |
specimen-sequenceNumber | The sequence number of the sample | integer | Specimen.container |
specimen-specialHandling | Special handling of the specimen | CodeableConcept | Specimen.collection |
specimen-treatmentTime | Time of treatment | (Choice) | Specimen.treatment |
structuredefinition-display-hint | Hinting information for the narrative generator | string | ElementDefinition |
structuredefinition-explicit-type-name | Advisory - name of Type for implementations | string | ElementDefinition |
structuredefinition-fmm | FMM Level | integer | StructureDefinition |
structuredefinition-fmm-no-warnings | FMM Level (if no warnings) | integer | StructureDefinition |
structuredefinition-template-status | Template Status Code (more authoring statuses) | code | StructureDefinition |
style | Html style value | string | * |
styleSensitive | Are styles important for processing? | boolean | * |
us-core-concernStatus | The status of a Concern associated with a condition | CodeableConcept | Condition |
us-core-county | Name of county | string | Address |
us-core-direct | Email is a "direct" email | boolean | ContactPoint |
us-core-ethnicity | A category of human sharing heritage | CodeableConcept | Patient |
us-core-race | A category of humans sharing history, origin or nationality | CodeableConcept | Patient |
us-core-religion | Patient's professed religious affiliation | CodeableConcept | Patient |
valueset-author | User or Org actually involved in creating the value set content | string | ValueSet |
valueset-caseSensitive | If code is case sensitive | boolean | ValueSet.expansion.contains |
valueset-comment | Human-specified notes and other documentation | (complex) | ValueSet |
valueset-comments | Comment about the use of this code in this context | string | ValueSet.compose.include.concept, ValueSet.codeSystem.concept |
valueset-conceptOrder | Appearance order for user selection | integer | ValueSet.compose.include.concept, ValueSet.codeSystem.concept, ValueSet.expansion.contains |
valueset-definition | A definition for this code | string | ValueSet.compose.include.concept, ValueSet.expansion.contains |
valueset-deprecated | Whether the concept has been deprecated | boolean | ValueSet.codeSystem.concept, ValueSet.codeSystem.concept.concept |
valueset-effectiveDate | When the value set version becomes Active and is available for use | date | ValueSet |
valueset-expansionSource | ValueSet definition used to generate this expansion (logical URL) | uri | ValueSet.expansion |
valueset-expirationDate | When the value set version should no longer be used | date | ValueSet |
valueset-history | What has happened over time | (complex) | ValueSet |
valueset-keyWord | Descriptors and key terms for search | string | ValueSet |
valueset-label | E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc. | string | ValueSet.compose.include.concept, ValueSet.codeSystem.concept, ValueSet.expansion.contains |
valueset-map | A concept map relevant to interpret this value set | Reference | ValueSet |
valueset-oid | OID assigned to the value set or code system | uri | ValueSet, ValueSet.codeSystem |
valueset-ordinalValue | Comparison value for ordinal codes | decimal | ValueSet.compose.include.concept, ValueSet.codeSystem.concept, ValueSet.expansion.contains |
valueset-otherName | Alternative names | (complex) | ValueSet |
valueset-reference | Url of Value set the code was chosen from | uri | Coding |
valueset-replacedby | A code that replaces this | Coding | ValueSet.codeSystem.concept |
valueset-sourceReference | Where did this content come from | uri | ValueSet |
valueset-subsumes | Codes that this concept subsumes that have already been declared elsewhere | code | ValueSet.codeSystem.concept |
valueset-systemName | Code system name | string | ValueSet.compose.include |
valueset-systemRef | Where to find code system | uri | ValueSet.compose.include |
valueset-trusted-expansion | Reference to a trusted expansion | uri | ValueSet |
valueset-unclosed | The expansion is incomplete | boolean | ValueSet.expansion |
valueset-usage | Who has used and how? | (complex) | ValueSet |
valueset-warning | Extra warning about the correct use of the value set | markdown | ValueSet |
valueset-workflowStatus | Indicates the state of development of the value set | string | ValueSet |