This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v0.06: DSTU 1 Ballot 2). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Resource XdsEntry2 - Content 3.19

Status: XDS resource under consideration by IHE and the FHIR project team. Draft for Comment

An entry in an XDS registry.

The resource name as it appears in a RESTful URL is /xdsentry2/

See the description on the XdsEntry resource

Resource Content 3.19.1

UML Image

<XdsEntry2 xmlns="">
 <id><!-- 1..1 Identifier Version Specific Document Identifier (uri or urn) --></id>
 <information>  <!-- 0..1 Searchable Document metadata -->
  <id><!-- 0..1 Identifier logical identifier for document (version-independent) --></id>
  <versionId><!-- 0..1 Identifier version-specific identifier for document --></versionId>
  <instant><!-- 1..1 instant Document Creation Time --></instant>
  <class><!-- 0..1 Coding particular kind of document --></class>
  <type><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Kind of Document (LOINC if possible) --></type>
  <title><!-- 0..1 string Document Title --></title>
  <confidentialityCode><!-- 1..1 Coding as defined by Affinity Domain --></confidentialityCode>
  <subject><!-- 1..1 Resource(Person|Patient|Group|Device) Who/what the document is about --></subject>
  <author><!-- 1..* Resource(Person|Agent) Who/what authored the final document --></author>
  <attester>  <!-- 0..* Attests to accuracy of document -->
   <mode><!-- 1..1 code Personal | professional | legal | official --></mode>
   <time><!-- 0..1 dateTime When document attested --></time>
   <party><!-- 0..1 Resource(Person|Agent|Organization) Who attested the document --></party>
  <custodian><!-- 0..1 Resource(Organization) Org which maintains the document --></custodian>
  <event>  <!-- 0..1 The clinical event/act/item being documented -->
   <code><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept code(s) that apply to the event being documented --></code>
   <period><!-- 0..1 Period The period covered by the document --></period>
   <detail><!-- 0..* Resource(Any) Full details for the event(s) the document concents --></detail>
  <encounter><!-- 0..1 Resource(Admission|InterestOfCare) Context of the document --></encounter>
  <facilityType><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept type of organizational setting --></facilityType>
  <practiceSetting><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept clinical speciality of the act --></practiceSetting>
 <format><!-- 1..1 Coding format (urn:.. Following rules) --></format>
 <availability><!-- 1..1 code Approved | Deprecated --></availability>
 <folder><!-- 0..* Resource(XdsFolder) folders this document is in --></folder>
 <subject><!-- 0..1 Resource(Person|Patient|Group|Device) current subject of care --></subject>
 <content><!-- 0..1 Attachment reference to the content --></content>
 <extension><!-- 0..* Extension  See Extensions  --></extension>
 <text><!-- 1..1 Narrative Text summary of resource (for human interpretation) --></text>

Alternate definitions: Schema/Schematron, RDF (to do), XML, XMI (to do), Resource Profile

Terminology Bindings

XdsEntry2.information.type LOINC Document Typescomplete/preferred
XdsEntry2.information.attester.mode The way in which a person authenticated a document (see for values)complete/required
XdsEntry2.availability The availability status of document (see for values)complete/required

Notes 3.19.2

Open Issues 3.19.3

For further information, see the XdsEntry resource

Search Parameters 3.19.4

Search Parameters for RESTful searches. The standard parameters also apply. See Searching for more information.

$page : integerStarting offset of the first record to return in the search setsingle
$count : integerNumber of return records requested. The server is not bound to conformsingle
$id : tokenThe logical resource id associated with the resource (must be supported by all servers)single
repositoryId : stringrepository - logical or literal urlunion
mimeType : stringmime type of documentunion
format : qtokenformat (urn:.. Following rules)union
class : qtokenparticular kind of documentunion
type : qtokenprecise kind of documentunion
documentId : stringdocument id - logical or literal urlunion
availability : stringApproved | Deprecatedunion
confidentialityCode : qtokenas defined by Affinty Domainunion
created : datedate equal to time author created documentsingle
created-before : datedate before or equal to time author created documentsingle
created-after : datedate after or equal to time author created documentsingle
event : qtokenmain clinical act(s)union
language : stringhuman language (RFC 3066)union
folderId : qtokenfolders this document is inunion
patientId : qtokensubject of care of the documentunion
patientInfo : qtokendemographic detailsunion
authorName : stringname of human/machineunion
authorId : qtokenid of human/machineunion
facilityType : qtokentype of organizational settingunion
practiceSetting : qtokenclinical speciality of the actunion
homeCommunity : stringglobally unique community idunion
serviceStart : datedate equal to Start timesingle
serviceStart-before : datedate before or equal to Start timesingle
serviceStart-after : datedate after or equal to Start timesingle
serviceStop : datedate equal to Stop timesingle
serviceStop-before : datedate before or equal to Stop timesingle
serviceStop-after : datedate after or equal to Stop timesingle
comments : stringcomments as specified by affinity domainunion

(See Searching).

This is an old version of FHIR retained for archive purposes. Do not use for anything else
Implementers are welcome to experiment with the content defined here, but should note that the contents are subject to change without prior notice.
© 2011 - 2012. FHIR v0.06 generated on Tue, Dec 4, 2012 00:04+1100. License