This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v0.06: DSTU 1 Ballot 2). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Terminology Bindings 1.4.8

This table contains a list of all the terminology bindings in FHIR.

AMedicinesTerminologyA set of codes that identify the allowable medicines in the context in which the administration is performed. This will usually be a sub-set of a national Medicines terminology.RequiredValueSet: to be completed
ActCoverageTypeCodeThe type of insurance: public health, worker compensation; private accident, auto, private health, etc.)UnstatedUnbound
AddressUseThe use of an addressRequired
AdministrationInstructionInstructions for administering medicationPreferredValueSet: NHG Table 25b
AdministrationPreconditionPrecondition for administering medicationPreferredValueSet: NHG Table 25b
AdministrationRouteRoute by which a medication is administeredPreferredValueSet: G-Standaard sub-table 0007
AdministrativeGenderThe gender of a person used for administrative purposes Required
AgentRoleThe role a person plays representing an organizationUnstatedUnbound
AgentSpecialtySpecific specialty associated with the agencyUnstatedUnbound
AnimalBreedThe breed of an animalUnstatedUnbound
AnimalGenderThe gender of an animalUnstatedUnbound
AnimalGenderStatusThe state of the animal's reproductive organsUnstatedUnbound
AnimalRelationshipThe relationship of an animal to another entity (person, corporation, or other animal)UnstatedUnbound
AnimalSpeciesThe species of an animalUnstatedUnbound
BindingConformanceMust applications comply with this binding?Required
BindingTypeHow this binding is mapped to a set of codesRequired
BooleanYesNoEither yes or no, true or falseRequired
CodeSelectionModeThe way in which the code is selectedRequired
ConformanceEventModeThe mode of a message conformance statementRequired
ConstraintSeverityMust applications comply with this constraint?Required
ContactPersonTypeThe purpose for which you would contact a contact personUnstated (Extensible)Unbound
ContactSystemWhat kind of contact this isRequired
ContactUseHow to use this addressRequired
DataAbsentReasonUsed to specify why the normally expected content of the data element is missingRequired
DataTypeThe type of an element - one of the FHIR data typesRequired???
DeviceKindDefines the nature of the device and the kind of functionality/services/behavior that may be expected from itUnstatedUnbound
DocumentAttestationModeThe way in which a person authenticated a documentRequired
DocumentModeWhether the application produces or consumes documentsRequired
DocumentSectionCodeClassification of a clinical document sectionPreferredValueSet: LOINC Section Types
DocumentTypeType of a clinical documentPreferredValueSet: LOINC Document Types
EntityNamePartQualifierA set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part typeRequired
EventReasonThe reason for an event occurringUnstatedUnbound
EventTimingA real world event that a schedule is related toRequired
ExtensionContextHow an extension context is interpretedRequired
FHIRContentTypeOne of the resource or data types defined as part of FHIRRequiredResource or Data Type name
FilterOperatorThe kind of operation to perform as part of a property based filterRequired
GroupCharacteristicTypeList of characteristics used to describe group members. E.g. gender, age, owner, location, etc.UnstatedUnbound
GroupCharacteristicValueValue of descriptive member characteristicUnstatedUnbound
GroupCodeKind of particular resourceUnstatedUnbound
GroupTypeTypes of resources that are part of groupRequired
IdentifierUseIdentifies the use for this identifier, if known Required
IssueSeverityHow the issue affects the success of the actionRequired
IssueTypeA coded expression of the type of issueUnstatedUnbound
LabDiagnosisCodesCodes for laboratory diagnosesSuggestedValueSet: SNOMED-CT Diagnoses
LabReferenceRangesCode for the meaning of a reference rangeUnstatedUnbound
LabReportNamescodes for report namesPreferredValueSet: LOINC Panel Names
LabReportStatusThe status of a report or result itemRequired
LabRequestscodes for requestable testsUnstatedUnbound
LabResultFlagcodes for result flagsRequired
LabResultGroupNamescodes for result groupsPreferredValueSet: LOINC Panel Names
LabResultNamescodes for resultsPreferredValueSet: LOINC Result names
LabServicescodes for laboratory servicesPreferredValueSet: HL7 v2 table 0074
LanguageA human languageRequiredISO 639-3
LanguageAbilityModeA value representing the person's method of expression of this languageRequired
LanguageAbilityProficiencyA code that describes how well the language is spokenRequired
ListCodeWhat the purpose of a list isUnstatedUnbound
ListEmptyReasonIf a list is empty, why it is emptyUnstatedUnbound
ListEntryStatusStatus of an entry in a list. Required
MaritalStatusThe domestic partnership status of a personPreferred (Extensible)
MedicationAdministrationMethodA set of codes indicating the method by which the medication is introduced into or onto the body. RequiredValueSet: to be completed
MedicationAdministrationNegationReasonA set of codes indicating the reason why the MedicationAdministration is negated.RequiredValueSet: to be completed
MedicationAdministrationSiteA set of codes indicating the location on the body where the medication is introduced into or onto the body..RequiredValueSet: to be completed
MedicationAdministrationStatusA set of codes indicating the current status of a MedicationAdministrationRequired
MedicationKindThe kind of medication, vaccine or therapeutic materialPreferredValueSet: G-Standaard (Netherlands), AMT (Australia)
MessageEventOne of the message types defined in FHIR messagingRequiredMessage Event List
MessageTransportHow messages are deliveredRequired
MimeTypeThe mime type of an attachmentRequiredBCP 13 (RFCs 2045, 2046, 2047, 4288, 4289 and 2049)
NameUseThe use of a human nameRequired
NarrativeMapSourceWhich is the source in a Narrative <-> Data mappingRequired
NarrativeStatusThe status of a resource narrativeRequired
ObservationBodySiteCodes for human and animal body sitesSuggestedValueSet: SNOMED-CT body sites
OrganizationAccreditationAccreditations an organization may be grantedUnstated (Extensible)Unbound
OrganizationRelationshipThe nature of the relationship between the organization and the related organization.Preferred (Extensible)
OrganizationTypeThe type of an organizationSuggested (Extensible)ValueSet: SNOMED-CT Organization codes and the HL7 v3 Entity Code table
PaperRecordLocationA physical location for a record. (Usually site specific)UnstatedUnbound
PatientConfidentialityThe confidentiality of the records associated with this patientUnstatedUnbound
PatientDietcasual dietary restrictions associated with this patientUnstatedUnbound
PrescriptionReasonMedical reason for prescribing a medicinePreferredValueSet: ICD-10 or ICPC-1
PrescriptionStatusThe status of a prescriptionRequired
ProblemCategoryA category assigned to the problem/diagnosis. E.g. finding | problem | diagnosis | concern | conditionUnstatedUnbound
ProblemCertaintyThe degree of confidence that this problem/diagnosis is correctUnstatedUnbound
ProblemDiaganosisCodeIdentification of the problem or diagnosis. UnstatedUnbound
ProblemRelationshipTypeThe type of relationship between a problem/diagnosis and it's related itemRequired
ProblemSeverityA subjective assessment of the severity of the Problem/Diagnosis as evaluated by the clinician.UnstatedUnbound
ProblemStatusThe clinical status of the problem or diagnosisUnstatedUnbound
ProvenanceLocationTypeThe type of location - a classification of the kind of location at which the activity took placeUnstatedUnbound
ProvenanceParticipantRoleThe role that a provenance participant playedPreferred
ProvenanceParticipantTypeThe type of a provenance participantPreferred
QuantityRangehow the Quantity should be understood and representedRequired
RecordStatusThe status of the record of this organizationRequired
ResourceProfileStatusThe lifecycle status of a Resource ProfileRequired
ResourceTypeOne of the resource types defined as part of FHIRRequiredResource Type names
ResponseCodeThe kind of response to a messageRequired
RestfulConformanceModeThe mode of a restful conformance statementRequired
RestfulOperationOperations supported by RESTRequired
RouteOfAdministrationA set of codes indicating the path in or on the body by which the medication is introduced into or onto the body. RequiredValueSet: to be completed
SearchParamTypeData types allowed to be used for search parametersRequired
SearchRepeatBehaviorHow repeating parameters are handled for the parameter typeRequired
SecurityEventEventActionIndicator for type of action performed during the event that generated the audit.Required
SecurityEventEventOutcomeIndicates whether the event succeeded or failedRequired
SecurityEventObjectIdTypeDescribes the identifier that is contained in Participant Object IDPreferred
SecurityEventObjectLifecycleIdentifier for the data life-cycle stage for the participant objectRequired
SecurityEventObjectRoleCode representing the functional application role of Participant Object being auditedRequired
SecurityEventObjectTypeCode for the participant object type being auditedRequired
SecurityEventParticipantNetworkTypethe type of network access point that originated the audit eventRequired
SecurityEventSeverityThe severity of the audit entryRequired
SecurityEventSourceTypeCode specifying the type of source where event originatedPreferred
SimpleObservationInterpretationCodes identifying interpretations of observationsRequired
SimpleObservationMethodMethods for simple observationsUnstatedUnbound
SimpleObservationResultCodes providing results of simple observationsSuggestedValueSet: SNOMED-CT observation value codes
SimpleObservationTypeCodes identifying types of simple observationsSuggestedValueSet: LOINC codes filtered to exclude lab, document,imaging and other complex codes
SimpleSubObservationResultCodes providing results of simple sub-observationsSuggestedValueSet: SNOMED-CT observation value codes
SimpleSubObservationTypeCodes identifying types of simple sub-observationsSuggestedValueSet: LOINC codes filtered to exclude lab, document,imaging and other complex codes
UnitsOfTimeA unit of time (units from UCUM)Required
ValueSetStatusThe lifecycle status of a Value SetRequired
XdsEntryAvailabilityThe availability status of documentRequired

This is an old version of FHIR retained for archive purposes. Do not use for anything else
Implementers are welcome to experiment with the content defined here, but should note that the contents are subject to change without prior notice.
© 2011 - 2012. FHIR v0.06 generated on Tue, Dec 4, 2012 00:04+1100. License