This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v0.06: DSTU 1 Ballot 2). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This table contains a list of all the terminology bindings in FHIR.
Name | Definition | Strength | Reference |
AMedicinesTerminology | A set of codes that identify the allowable medicines in the context in which the administration is performed. This will usually be a sub-set of a national Medicines terminology. | Required | ValueSet: to be completed |
ActCoverageTypeCode | The type of insurance: public health, worker compensation; private accident, auto, private health, etc.) | Unstated | Unbound |
AddressUse | The use of an address | Required | |
AdministrationInstruction | Instructions for administering medication | Preferred | ValueSet: NHG Table 25b |
AdministrationPrecondition | Precondition for administering medication | Preferred | ValueSet: NHG Table 25b |
AdministrationRoute | Route by which a medication is administered | Preferred | ValueSet: G-Standaard sub-table 0007 |
AdministrativeGender | The gender of a person used for administrative purposes | Required | |
AgentRole | The role a person plays representing an organization | Unstated | Unbound |
AgentSpecialty | Specific specialty associated with the agency | Unstated | Unbound |
AnimalBreed | The breed of an animal | Unstated | Unbound |
AnimalGender | The gender of an animal | Unstated | Unbound |
AnimalGenderStatus | The state of the animal's reproductive organs | Unstated | Unbound |
AnimalRelationship | The relationship of an animal to another entity (person, corporation, or other animal) | Unstated | Unbound |
AnimalSpecies | The species of an animal | Unstated | Unbound |
BindingConformance | Must applications comply with this binding? | Required | |
BindingType | How this binding is mapped to a set of codes | Required | |
BooleanYesNo | Either yes or no, true or false | Required | |
CodeSelectionMode | The way in which the code is selected | Required | |
ConformanceEventMode | The mode of a message conformance statement | Required | |
ConstraintSeverity | Must applications comply with this constraint? | Required | |
ContactPersonType | The purpose for which you would contact a contact person | Unstated (Extensible) | Unbound |
ContactSystem | What kind of contact this is | Required | |
ContactUse | How to use this address | Required | |
DataAbsentReason | Used to specify why the normally expected content of the data element is missing | Required | |
DataType | The type of an element - one of the FHIR data types | Required | ??? |
DeviceKind | Defines the nature of the device and the kind of functionality/services/behavior that may be expected from it | Unstated | Unbound |
DocumentAttestationMode | The way in which a person authenticated a document | Required | |
DocumentMode | Whether the application produces or consumes documents | Required | |
DocumentSectionCode | Classification of a clinical document section | Preferred | ValueSet: LOINC Section Types |
DocumentType | Type of a clinical document | Preferred | ValueSet: LOINC Document Types |
EntityNamePartQualifier | A set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type | Required | |
EventReason | The reason for an event occurring | Unstated | Unbound |
EventTiming | A real world event that a schedule is related to | Required | |
ExtensionContext | How an extension context is interpreted | Required | |
FHIRContentType | One of the resource or data types defined as part of FHIR | Required | Resource or Data Type name |
FilterOperator | The kind of operation to perform as part of a property based filter | Required | |
GroupCharacteristicType | List of characteristics used to describe group members. E.g. gender, age, owner, location, etc. | Unstated | Unbound |
GroupCharacteristicValue | Value of descriptive member characteristic | Unstated | Unbound |
GroupCode | Kind of particular resource | Unstated | Unbound |
GroupType | Types of resources that are part of group | Required | |
IdentifierUse | Identifies the use for this identifier, if known | Required | |
IssueSeverity | How the issue affects the success of the action | Required | |
IssueType | A coded expression of the type of issue | Unstated | Unbound |
LabDiagnosisCodes | Codes for laboratory diagnoses | Suggested | ValueSet: SNOMED-CT Diagnoses |
LabReferenceRanges | Code for the meaning of a reference range | Unstated | Unbound |
LabReportNames | codes for report names | Preferred | ValueSet: LOINC Panel Names |
LabReportStatus | The status of a report or result item | Required | |
LabRequests | codes for requestable tests | Unstated | Unbound |
LabResultFlag | codes for result flags | Required | |
LabResultGroupNames | codes for result groups | Preferred | ValueSet: LOINC Panel Names |
LabResultNames | codes for results | Preferred | ValueSet: LOINC Result names |
LabServices | codes for laboratory services | Preferred | ValueSet: HL7 v2 table 0074 |
Language | A human language | Required | ISO 639-3 |
LanguageAbilityMode | A value representing the person's method of expression of this language | Required | |
LanguageAbilityProficiency | A code that describes how well the language is spoken | Required | |
ListCode | What the purpose of a list is | Unstated | Unbound |
ListEmptyReason | If a list is empty, why it is empty | Unstated | Unbound |
ListEntryStatus | Status of an entry in a list. | Required | |
MaritalStatus | The domestic partnership status of a person | Preferred (Extensible) | |
MedicationAdministrationMethod | A set of codes indicating the method by which the medication is introduced into or onto the body. | Required | ValueSet: to be completed |
MedicationAdministrationNegationReason | A set of codes indicating the reason why the MedicationAdministration is negated. | Required | ValueSet: to be completed |
MedicationAdministrationSite | A set of codes indicating the location on the body where the medication is introduced into or onto the body.. | Required | ValueSet: to be completed |
MedicationAdministrationStatus | A set of codes indicating the current status of a MedicationAdministration | Required | |
MedicationKind | The kind of medication, vaccine or therapeutic material | Preferred | ValueSet: G-Standaard (Netherlands), AMT (Australia) |
MessageEvent | One of the message types defined in FHIR messaging | Required | Message Event List |
MessageTransport | How messages are delivered | Required | |
MimeType | The mime type of an attachment | Required | BCP 13 (RFCs 2045, 2046, 2047, 4288, 4289 and 2049) |
NameUse | The use of a human name | Required | |
NarrativeMapSource | Which is the source in a Narrative <-> Data mapping | Required | |
NarrativeStatus | The status of a resource narrative | Required | |
ObservationBodySite | Codes for human and animal body sites | Suggested | ValueSet: SNOMED-CT body sites |
OrganizationAccreditation | Accreditations an organization may be granted | Unstated (Extensible) | Unbound |
OrganizationRelationship | The nature of the relationship between the organization and the related organization. | Preferred (Extensible) | |
OrganizationType | The type of an organization | Suggested (Extensible) | ValueSet: SNOMED-CT Organization codes and the HL7 v3 Entity Code table |
PaperRecordLocation | A physical location for a record. (Usually site specific) | Unstated | Unbound |
PatientConfidentiality | The confidentiality of the records associated with this patient | Unstated | Unbound |
PatientDiet | casual dietary restrictions associated with this patient | Unstated | Unbound |
PrescriptionReason | Medical reason for prescribing a medicine | Preferred | ValueSet: ICD-10 or ICPC-1 |
PrescriptionStatus | The status of a prescription | Required | |
ProblemCategory | A category assigned to the problem/diagnosis. E.g. finding | problem | diagnosis | concern | condition | Unstated | Unbound |
ProblemCertainty | The degree of confidence that this problem/diagnosis is correct | Unstated | Unbound |
ProblemDiaganosisCode | Identification of the problem or diagnosis. | Unstated | Unbound |
ProblemRelationshipType | The type of relationship between a problem/diagnosis and it's related item | Required | |
ProblemSeverity | A subjective assessment of the severity of the Problem/Diagnosis as evaluated by the clinician. | Unstated | Unbound |
ProblemStatus | The clinical status of the problem or diagnosis | Unstated | Unbound |
ProvenanceLocationType | The type of location - a classification of the kind of location at which the activity took place | Unstated | Unbound |
ProvenanceParticipantRole | The role that a provenance participant played | Preferred | |
ProvenanceParticipantType | The type of a provenance participant | Preferred | |
QuantityRange | how the Quantity should be understood and represented | Required | |
RecordStatus | The status of the record of this organization | Required | |
ResourceProfileStatus | The lifecycle status of a Resource Profile | Required | |
ResourceType | One of the resource types defined as part of FHIR | Required | Resource Type names |
ResponseCode | The kind of response to a message | Required | |
RestfulConformanceMode | The mode of a restful conformance statement | Required | |
RestfulOperation | Operations supported by REST | Required | |
RouteOfAdministration | A set of codes indicating the path in or on the body by which the medication is introduced into or onto the body. | Required | ValueSet: to be completed |
SearchParamType | Data types allowed to be used for search parameters | Required | |
SearchRepeatBehavior | How repeating parameters are handled for the parameter type | Required | |
SecurityEventEventAction | Indicator for type of action performed during the event that generated the audit. | Required | |
SecurityEventEventOutcome | Indicates whether the event succeeded or failed | Required | |
SecurityEventObjectIdType | Describes the identifier that is contained in Participant Object ID | Preferred | |
SecurityEventObjectLifecycle | Identifier for the data life-cycle stage for the participant object | Required | |
SecurityEventObjectRole | Code representing the functional application role of Participant Object being audited | Required | |
SecurityEventObjectType | Code for the participant object type being audited | Required | |
SecurityEventParticipantNetworkType | the type of network access point that originated the audit event | Required | |
SecurityEventSeverity | The severity of the audit entry | Required | |
SecurityEventSourceType | Code specifying the type of source where event originated | Preferred | |
SimpleObservationInterpretation | Codes identifying interpretations of observations | Required | |
SimpleObservationMethod | Methods for simple observations | Unstated | Unbound |
SimpleObservationResult | Codes providing results of simple observations | Suggested | ValueSet: SNOMED-CT observation value codes |
SimpleObservationType | Codes identifying types of simple observations | Suggested | ValueSet: LOINC codes filtered to exclude lab, document,imaging and other complex codes |
SimpleSubObservationResult | Codes providing results of simple sub-observations | Suggested | ValueSet: SNOMED-CT observation value codes |
SimpleSubObservationType | Codes identifying types of simple sub-observations | Suggested | ValueSet: LOINC codes filtered to exclude lab, document,imaging and other complex codes |
UnitsOfTime | A unit of time (units from UCUM) | Required | |
ValueSetStatus | The lifecycle status of a Value Set | Required | |
XdsEntryAvailability | The availability status of document | Required | |
This is an old version of FHIR retained for archive purposes. Do not use for anything else
Implementers are welcome to experiment with the content defined here, but should note that the contents are subject to change without prior notice.
© 2011 - 2012. FHIR v0.06 generated on Tue, Dec 4, 2012 00:04+1100. License