This page is part of the International Patient Summary Implementation Guide (v1.1.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions 
Terminology artifacts defined as part of the IPS Implementation Guide
Code Systems
These code systems have been defined for this implementation guide:
Value Sets
These value sets have been defined for this implementation guide:
Concept Maps
These concept maps have been defined for this implementation guide:
Many of the terminology artifacts specified by this guide are also published in the Art Decor IPS repository.
IP Statements
This publication includes IP covered under the following statements.
- Copyright HL7. Licensed under creative commons public domain
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- ISO Maintains the copyright on the country codes, and controls it's use carefully. For futher details see the ISO 3166 web page:
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- Produced by HL7 under the terms of HL7® Governance and Operations Manual relating to Intellectual Property (Section 16), specifically its copyright, trademark and patent provisions. This document is licensed under Creative Commons "No Rights Reserved" (CC0).
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- The UCUM codes, UCUM table (regardless of format), and UCUM Specification are copyright 1999-2009, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Unified Codes for Units of Measures (UCUM) Organization. All rights reserved.
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- These codes are excerpted from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Standard, Part 16: Content Mapping Resource, Copyright © 2011 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
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- This material contains content from LOINC. LOINC is copyright © 1995-2020, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc.
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- LOINC: Bundle/IPS-examples-Bundle-01, Bundle/IPS-examples-Bundle-with-immunization... Show 37 more, Bundle/bundle-minimal, Bundle/bundle-no-info-required-sections, Composition/composition-minimal, CompositionUvIps, Condition/eumfh-39-07-1, CurrentSmokingStatusUvIps, DiagnosticReport/hemoglobin, ImagingStudy/TII-ImagingStudy-5-1, ImagingStudyUvIps, Observation/alcohol-use-example, Observation/hemoglobin, Observation/ips-example-imaging-1, Observation/ips-example-imaging-4, Observation/pathology-cancer, Observation/pregnancy-edd-example, Observation/pregnancy-outcome-example, Observation/pregnancy-status-example, Observation/serum-creatinine-adult, Observation/tobacco-use-example, Observation/urine-wbc-range, ObservationAlcoholUseUvIps, ObservationPregnancyEddUvIps, ObservationPregnancyOutcomeUvIps, ObservationPregnancyStatusUvIps, ObservationResultsLaboratoryUvIps, ObservationResultsPathologyUvIps, ObservationResultsRadiologyUvIps, ObservationTobaccoUseUvIps, PregnanciesSummaryUvIps, PregnancyExpectedDeliveryDateMethodUvIps, PregnancyStatusUvIps, ProblemSeverityUvIps, ProblemTypeLoinc, ResultsLaboratoryObservationUvIps, ResultsPathologyObservationUvIps, ResultsRadiologyObservationUvIps and ResultsRadiologyTextualObservationsSnomedDicomLoincUvIps
- This material contains content that is copyright of SNOMED International. Implementers of these specifications must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact or
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- SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®): AllergyIntolerance/allergyintolerance-multiple-codings, AllergyIntolerance/allergyintolerance-with-abatement... Show 52 more, AllergyIntoleranceSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, AllergyIntoleranceSubstanceConditionUvIps, AllergyIntoleranceUvIps, AllergyReactionSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, Best Hospital Laboratory, BodySiteUvIps, Bundle/IPS-examples-Bundle-01, Bundle/IPS-examples-Bundle-with-immunization, Bundle/bundle-minimal, Bundle/bundle-no-info-required-sections, Condition/eumfh-39-07-1, ConditionUvIps, ImagingStudy/TII-ImagingStudy-5-1, Immunization/75680, ImmunizationUvIps, MedicalDevicesSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, MedicalDevicesSnomedCtUvIps, MedicationIPS, MedicationsExampleUvIps, MedicationsSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, MedicationsSnomedCtUvIps, MedicineActiveSubstancesUvIps, Observation/pathology-cancer, Observation/serum-creatinine-adult, ObservationResultsPathologyUvIps, ObservationResultsRadiologyUvIps, ProblemsSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, ProblemsSnomedCtUvIps, Procedure/eumfh-39-07-1, ProcedureUvIps, ProceduresSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, ProceduresSnomedCtUvIps, ResultsBloodGroupSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, ResultsBloodGroupUvIps, ResultsCodedValuesPathologyUvIps, ResultsMicroorganismSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, ResultsMicroorganismUvIps, ResultsPresenceAbsenceSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, ResultsPresenceAbsenceUvIps, ResultsRadiologyMeasurementObservationSnomedDicomUvIps, ResultsRadiologyTextualObservationsSnomedDicomLoincUvIps, ResultsSpecimenCollectionMethodUvIps, ResultsSpecimenTypeSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, ResultsSpecimenTypeUvIps, Specimen/specimen-example-1, SpecimenUvIps, TargetSiteUvIps, VaccineTargetDiseasesSnomedCtIpsFreeSet, VaccineTargetDiseasesUvIps, VaccineTargetDiseasesUvIpsDeprecated, VaccinesSnomedCtIpsFreeSet and VaccinesUvIps
- Using RxNorm codes of type SAB=RXNORM as this specification describes does not require a UMLS license. Access to the full set of RxNorm definitions, and/or additional use of other RxNorm structures and information requires a UMLS license. The use of RxNorm in this specification is pursuant to HL7's status as a licensee of the NLM UMLS. HL7's license does not convey the right to use RxNorm to any users of this specification; implementers must acquire a license to use RxNorm in their own right.
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