This page is part of the Clinical Guidelines (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
library OMTKLogic version '0.0.0'
This is a "stub" version of the OMTKLogic library that has no dependencies
on the OMTK data. It provides a workable version of the logic suitable for
example usage. For the full version of this library, see the CDC Opioid
Prescribing Support Implementation Guide.
codesystem RxNorm: ''
Normalizes the input units to UCUM units
Note guidance for UCUM presentation of medication units from SNOMED here:
The values listed here are the only ones currently present in the OMTK data
Based on the HL7 UCUM subset here:
define function ToUCUM(unit String):
case unit
when 'MG' then 'mg'
when 'MG/ACTUAT' then 'mg/{actuat}'
when 'MG/HR' then 'mg/h'
when 'MG/ML' then 'mg/mL'
else 'Error: unknown{' + unit + '}'
Calculates daily frequency given frequency within a period
define function ToDaily(frequency Integer, period System.Quantity):
case period.unit
when 'h' then frequency * (24.0 / period.value)
when 'min' then frequency * (24.0 / period.value) * 60
when 's' then frequency * (24.0 / period.value) * 60 * 60
when 'd' then frequency * (24.0 / period.value) / 24
when 'wk' then frequency * (24.0 / period.value) / (24 * 7)
when 'mo' then frequency * (24.0 / period.value) / (24 * 30) /* assuming 30 days in month */
when 'a' then frequency * (24.0 / period.value) / (24 * 365) /* assuming 365 days in year */
else null
Returns true if the given dose form is a patch (transdermal system)
define function IsPatch(doseFormCode Code):
ToInteger(doseFormCode.code) = 316987
Returns the conversion factor for the given ingredient
Opioid (strength in mg except where noted) MME Conversion Factor*
Buprenorphine, transdermal patch (MCG/HR) 12.6
Buprenorphine, tablet or film 30
Buprenorphine, film (MCG) 0.03
Butorphanol 7
Codeine 0.15
Dihydrocodeine 0.25
Fentanyl, buccal/SL tabet or lozenge/troche (MCG) 0.13
Fentanyl, film or oral spray (MCG) 0.18
Fentanyl, nasal spray (MCG) 0.16
Fentanyl, transdermal patch (MCG/HR) 2.4
Hydrocodone 1
Hydromorphone 4
Levomethadyl acetate 8
Levorphanol tartrate 11
Meperidine 0.1
Methadone 3
1-20 mg/d 4
21-40 mg/d 8
41-60 mg/d 10
61-80 mg/d 12
Morphine 1
Opium 1 // NOTE: Not present as an ingredient in the RxNorm data
Oxycodone 1.5
Oxymorphone 3
Pentazocine 0.37
Tapentadol 0.4
Tramadol 0.1
define function GetConversionFactor(ingredientCode Code, dailyDose Quantity, doseFormCode Code):
case ToInteger(ingredientCode.code)
when 161 then 0 /* Acetaminophen */
when 1191 then 0 /* Aspirin */
when 1223 then 0 /* Atropine */
when 1767 then 0 /* Brompheniramine */
when 1819 then ( /* Buprenorphine */
when ToInteger(doseFormCode.code) = 316987 then 12.6 /* Transdermal system */
else 30 /* Tablet or Film (or Film in MCG) */
when 1841 then 7 /* Butorphanol */
when 1886 then 0 /* Caffeine */
when 2101 then 0 /* Carisoprodol */
when 2354 then 0 /* chlorcyclizine */
when 2400 then 0 /* Chlorpheniramine */
when 2670 then 0.15 /* Codeine */
when 3423 then 4 /* Hydromorphone */
when 3498 then 0 /* Diphenhydramine */
when 4337 then ( /* Fentanyl */
when ToInteger(doseFormCode.code) in { 970789, 317007, 316992 } then 0.13 /* Buccal Tablet, Sublingual Tablet, Oral Lozenge */
when ToInteger(doseFormCode.code) = 346163 then 0.18 /* Buccal Film */
when ToInteger(doseFormCode.code) in { 126542, 346163 } then 0.16 /* Nasal Spray, Mucosal Spray */
when IsPatch(doseFormCode) then 2.4 /* Transdermal system */
else Message(1000, true, 'Undefined', 'Error', 'The dose form is unexpected')
when 5032 then 0 /* Guaifenesin */
when 5489 then 1 /* Hydrocodone */
when 5640 then 0 /* Ibuprofen */
when 6102 then 0 /* Kaolin */
when 6378 then 11 /* Levorphanol (NOTE: Given as Levorphanol tartrate in the CDC conversion table) */
when 6754 then 0.1 /* Meperidine */
when 6813 then ( /* Methadone */
when dailyDose.value between 1 and 20 then 4
when dailyDose.value between 21 and 40 then 8
when dailyDose.value between 41 and 60 then 10
when dailyDose.value >= 61 then 12
else Message(1000, dailyDose.value < 1, 'Undefined', 'Error', 'The dose range is unexpected')
when 7052 then 1 /* Morphine */
when 7242 then 0 /* Naloxone */
when 7243 then 0 /* Naltrexone */
when 7804 then 1.5 /* Oxycodone */
when 7814 then 3 /* Oxymorphone */
when 8001 then 0.37 /* Pentazocine */
when 8163 then 0 /* Phenylephrine */
when 8175 then 0 /* Phenylpropanolamine */
when 8745 then 0 /* Promethazine */
when 8896 then 0 /* Pseudoephedrine */
when 9009 then 0 /* Pyrilamine */
when 10689 then 0.1 /* Tramadol */
when 10849 then 0 /* Triprolidine */
when 19759 then 0 /* bromodiphenhydramine */
when 19860 then 0 /* butalbital */
when 22696 then 0 /* dexbrompheniramine */
when 22697 then 0 /* dexchlorpheniramine */
when 23088 then 0.25 /* dihydrocodeine */
when 27084 then 0 /* homatropine */
when 35780 then 0 /* ropivacaine */
when 237005 then 8 /* Levomethadyl (NOTE: given as Levomethadyl acetate in the CDC conversion table) */
when 636827 then 0 /* guaiacolsulfonate */
when 787390 then 0.4 /* tapentadol */
else 0
define function EnsureMicrogramQuantity(strength Quantity):
if strength.value < 0.1 and (PositionOf('mg', strength.unit) = 0) then
Quantity {
value: strength.value * 1000,
unit: 'mcg' + Substring(strength.unit, 2)
Returns the non-surgical opioid ingredients and their strengths that
make up the drug identified by the given rxNormCode as a list of tuples:
List<Tuple {
rxNormCode Code,
doseFormCode Code,
doseFormName String,
ingredientCode Code,
ingredientName String,
strength Quantity
define function GetIngredients(rxNormCode Code):
rxNormCode: rxNormCode,
doseFormCode: null as Code,
doseFormName: null as String,
ingredientCode: null as Code,
ingredientName: null as String,
strength: null as Quantity
return {
rxNormCode: rxNormCode,
component: SingletonFrom([MED_SCDC: SCDC_RXCUI in SD.SCDC_RXCUI]),
doseFormCode: SingletonFrom([MED_DRUG_DOSE_FORM: DRUG_RXCUI in SD.DRUG_RXCUI]).DOSE_FORM_RXCUI // Could potentially look this up only once...
) C
ingredient: SingletonFrom([MED_INGREDIENT: INGREDIENT_RXCUI in C.ingredientCode]),
doseForm: SingletonFrom([MED_DOSE_FORM: DOSE_FORM_RXCUI in C.doseFormCode])
where exists (
where IT.INGREDIENT_TYPE = 'NonSurgicalOpioid'
return {
rxNormCode: rxNormCode,
doseFormCode: C.doseFormCode,
doseFormName: doseForm.DOSE_FORM_NAME,
ingredientCode: C.ingredientCode,
ingredientName: ingredient.INGREDIENT_NAME,
Quantity {
value: C.component.STRENGTH_VALUE,
unit: ToUCUM(C.component.STRENGTH_UNIT)
Calculates daily dose for a specific ingredient based on the ingredient strength, dose form, dose quantity, and daily frequency
define function GetDailyDose(ingredientCode Code, strength Quantity, doseFormCode Code, doseQuantity Quantity, dosesPerDay Decimal):
/* if patch --> daily dose = dose value (e.g, number patches with doseQuantity unit = "patch") * per-hour strength */
when IsPatch(doseFormCode) then
/* buprenorphine or fentanyl patch */
if ToInteger(ingredientCode.code) in { 1819, 4337 } then
Quantity { value: doseQuantity.value * strength.value, unit: strength.unit }
/* if dose unit in actual mass units (mg or mcg -- when it's a single med) --> daily dose = numTimesPerDay * dose */
when doseQuantity.unit in { 'mg', 'mcg' } then
Quantity { value: dosesPerDay * doseQuantity.value, unit: doseQuantity.unit }
/* if doseQuantity is in actual volume units (mL) --> daily dose = numTimesPerDay * dose * strength */
when doseQuantity.unit = 'mL' and (PositionOf('/mL', strength.unit) = Length(strength.unit) - 3) then
Quantity { value: dosesPerDay * doseQuantity.value * strength.value, unit: Substring(strength.unit, 0, PositionOf('/', strength.unit)) }
/* if doseQuantity is not in actual units (e.g., 1 tab, 1 spray -- when it's a combo med with a unit of tablet, or it's mg/actuat) --> daily dose = numTimesPerDay * dose value * strength value */
Quantity { value: dosesPerDay * doseQuantity.value * strength.value, unit: Substring(strength.unit, 0, PositionOf('/', strength.unit)) }
define function GetMedicationName(rxNormCode Code):
SingletonFrom([MED_DRUG: DRUG_RXCUI in rxNormCode]).DRUG_NAME
Builds a description for the daily dose for an ingredient
define function GetDailyDoseDescription(ingredientCode Code, ingredientName String, strength Quantity, doseFormCode Code, doseFormName String, doseQuantity Quantity, dosesPerDay Decimal, dailyDose Quantity):
/* if patch */
when IsPatch(doseFormCode) then
/* buprenorphine or fentanyl patch */
if ToInteger(ingredientCode.code) in { 1819, 4337 } then
ingredientName + ' patch: ' + ToString(doseQuantity.value) + ' * ' + ToString(strength) + ' = ' + ToString(dailyDose)
/* if dose unit in actual mass units (mg or mcg -- when it's a single med) */
when doseQuantity.unit in { 'mg', 'mcg' } then
ingredientName + ' ' + doseFormName + ': ' + ToString(dosesPerDay) + '/d * ' + ToString(doseQuantity) + ' = ' + ToString(dailyDose)
/* if doseQuantity in actual volume units (mL) or not in actual units (e.g. 1 tab, 1 spray) */
ingredientName + ' ' + doseFormName + ': ' + ToString(dosesPerDay) + '/d * ' + ToString(doseQuantity) + ' * ' + ToString(strength) + ' = ' + ToString(dailyDose)
Calculates MMEs for the given input prescription information and returns it
as a list of tuples:
List<Tuple {
rxNormCode Code,
doseFormCode Code,
doseQuantity Quantity,
dosesPerDay Decimal,
ingredientCode Code,
ingredientName String,
strength Quantity,
dailyDose Quantity,
dailyDoseDescription String,
conversionFactor Decimal,
mme Quantity
define function CalculateMMEs(medications List<Tuple { rxNormCode Code, doseQuantity Quantity, dosesPerDay Decimal }>):
medications M
let Ingredients: GetIngredients(M.rxNormCode)
Ingredients I
adjustedDoseQuantity: EnsureMicrogramQuantity(M.doseQuantity),
dailyDose: GetDailyDose(I.ingredientCode, I.strength, I.doseFormCode, adjustedDoseQuantity, M.dosesPerDay),
factor: GetConversionFactor(I.ingredientCode, dailyDose, I.doseFormCode)
return {
rxNormCode: M.rxNormCode,
doseFormCode: I.doseFormCode,
doseQuantity: adjustedDoseQuantity,
dosesPerDay: M.dosesPerDay,
ingredientCode: I.ingredientCode,
ingredientName: I.ingredientName,
strength: I.strength,
dailyDose: dailyDose,
dailyDoseDescription: GetDailyDoseDescription(I.ingredientCode, I.ingredientName, I.strength, I.doseFormCode, I.doseFormName, adjustedDoseQuantity, M.dosesPerDay, dailyDose),
conversionFactor: factor,
mme: Quantity {
value: dailyDose.value * factor,
unit: dailyDose.unit + '/d'
//define TestCalculateMMEs:
// CalculateMMEs({ { rxNormCode: Code '388508' from RxNorm, doseQuantity: Quantity { value: 1, unit: 'patch' }, dosesPerDay: 0.33 } })
(Note that the above content is an example and is not necessarily fit for immediate use).