FHIR Clinical Guidelines (v1.0.0) (STU1)

This page is part of the Clinical Guidelines (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

7.0.0 Artifacts defined as part of the FHIR Clinical Guidelines Implementation Guide


This page provides indexes of the various artifacts (i.e. profiles, extensions, code systems, and other knowledge artifacts) defined by this implementation guide.


7.1.0 ActivityDefinition Index

  • CPG CommunicationRequest ActivityDefinition CPGCommunicationRequestActivityDefinition
  • CPG CollectInformation ActivityDefinition CPGCollectInformationActivityDefinition
  • CPG Enrollment ActivityDefinition CPGEnrollmentActivityDefinition
  • CPG Generate Report ActivityDefinition CPGGenerateReportActivityDefinition
  • CPG MedicationRequest ActivityDefinition CPGMedicationRequestActivityDefinition
  • CPG Dispense Medication ActivityDefinition CPGDispenseMedicationActivityDefinition
  • CPG Administer Medication ActivityDefinition CPGAdministerMedicationActivityDefinition
  • CPG Document Medication ActivityDefinition CPGDocumentMedicationActivityDefinition
  • CPG ImmunizationRecommendation ActivityDefinition CPGImmunizationRecommendationActivityDefinition
  • CPG ServiceRequest ActivityDefinition CPGServiceRequestActivityDefinition
  • CPG Propose Diagnosis ActivityDefinition CPGProposeDiagnosisTaskActivityDefinition
  • CPG Record DetectedIssue ActivityDefinition CPGRecordDetectedIssueTaskActivityDefinition
  • CPG Record Inference ActivityDefinition CPGRecordInferenceTaskActivityDefinition
  • CPG Report Flag ActivityDefinition CPGReportFlagTaskActivityDefinition

    7.2.0 CapabilityStatement Index

  • CPG Common Patient Registry

    Describes the expected set of functionality required for a patient registry service that supports the common registration process defined in this implementation guide.


    7.3.0 CodeSystem Index

  • CPG Activity Type

    A type of activity that can be performed as part of the delivery of guideline-based care.

  • CPG Case Feature Type

    The type of a case feature, whether asserted (i.e. documented in the patient's record) or inferred (i.e. calculated from the case feature expression)

  • CPG Case Feature Pertinence

    The pertinence of a case feature relative to a case, guideline, pathway, strategy, or recommendation.

  • CPG Indicator

    Indicates the urgency/importance of what this recommendation conveys

  • CPG Common Personas

    Personas are the types of participants in the recommendations of a healthcare guideline, including practitioners, patients, nurses, community health workers, and care partners. The personas identified in this code system are defined based on the WHO recommendation for Classifying health workers. This recommendation uses codes from the International Standard Classification for Occupations but defines several additional categories of health workers. In addition, the codes in that recommendation are focused on health workers, so codes for patient and care partner personas need to be considered as well. Where a code from the ISCO exists, it is used. Where a WHO recommended health worker category is used, a code is constructed beginning with a W. Where a code is introduced by this implementation guide, it is constructed beginning with a C. Note that the content is incomplete, pending a computable representation of the WHO recommendations.

  • CPG Common Process

    Common processes performed in providing guideline-based care, regardless of the specific guideline.

  • CPG Recommendation Direction

    The direction of a recommendation, either for or against a particular action, taking into account the balance between desirable and undersirable outcomes; the confidence in the magnitude of estimates of effect; the confidence in values and preferences and their variability; and resource use.

  • CPG Knowledge Capability

    A capability afforded by a knowledge artifact.

  • CPG Knowledge Representation Level

    A knowledge representation level, narrative, semi-structured, structured, and executable


    7.4.0 Extension Index

  • collectWith

    The URL of the questionnaire to be used to collect the information. If this information is not supplied as part of the activity definition, it is expected to be determined dynamically as part of realizing the activity.

  • enrollIn

    The URL of the PlanDefinition (Strategy or Pathway) in which the patient should be enrolled.

  • isUnenrollment

    Determines whether the activity is to enroll or unenroll the patient in the specified strategy or pathway.

  • reportWith

    The URL of the artifact that describes the report to be sent, a metric or measure, case report, or profile that describes the data to be reported.

  • knowledgeCapability

    Defines a knowledge capability afforded by this knowledge artifact.

  • knowledgeRepresentationLevel

    Defines a knowledge representation level provided by this knowledge artifact.

  • planFor

    Specifies a case (episode of care) which this care plan is managing.

  • impressionFor

    Specifies a case (episode of care) which this clinical impression is for.

  • rationale

    A clinician-friendly explanation for the recommendation; patient-friendly if the recommendation is patient-facing.

  • summaryFor

    Specifies a case (episode of care), pathway, strategy, or recommendation which this summary is for.

  • enrolledIn

    Tracks the episode of care for a particular patient enrolled in a particular pathway.

  • goalFor

    The URL of the PlanDefinition (recommendation, strategy, or pathway) that the goal is related to, or defined in support of.

  • identifier

    Provides a business identifier for the artifact.

  • title

    A short, descriptive, user-friendly name for the artifact.

  • copyright

    A copyright statement relating to the artifact and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the artifact.

  • topic

    Descriptive topics related to the content of the artifact. Topics provide a high-level categorization of the artifact that can be useful for filtering and searching.

  • summaryDefinitionFor

    Specifies which clinical practice guideline, pathway, strategy, or recommendation this is a summary definition for.

  • author

    Specifies the author of the content.

  • editor

    Specified the editor of the content.

  • reviewer

    Specifies the reviewer of the content.

  • endorser

    Specifies the endorser of the content.

  • relatedArtifact

    Specifies additional artifacts related to the content.

  • directionOfRecommendation

    Specifies whether the recommendation is "for" or "against" a particular activity. For example, the recommendation to prescribe a particular medication, versus the recommendation not to perform a particular procedure.

  • partOf

    Specifies the canonical URL of a Pathway or Strategy that this definition is part of.

  • enabled

    Determines whether the artifact on which it appears is Enabled, as opposed to just Known.

  • participantCapabilityStatement

    A CapabilityStatement that specifies what capabilities a device must have in order to participant in this action of a PlanDefinition.

  • answerValueSetSource

    The canonical URL for the source value set for the answer options, when those options are provided directly in the questionnaire.

  • itemImage

    An image to display as a visual accompaniment to the question being asked.

  • responseImage

    An image to display as a visual accompaniment to the response.

  • caseFeatureType

    Describes whether the case feature is asserted or inferred.

  • caseFeaturePertinence

    Describes the pertinence of the case feature.

  • instantiatesCaseFeature

    References the definition for this case feature.

  • caseFeatureOf

    Defines which guideline elements this case feature definition is a feature of.

  • inferenceExpression

    Defines formal computational semantics for calculating the case feature if it is not asserted.

  • assertionExpression

    Defines formal computational semantics for the feature if it is asserted. This is typically only required if the case feature is of a different type than the profile (e.g. a boolean feature).

  • featureExpression

    Defines formal computational semantics for the feature, combining the inference and assertion expressions. This is typically only required if the feature is of a different type than the profile (e.g. a boolean feature).

  • pertinent

    The pertinent positive or negative information relevant to the recommendation.

  • usageWarning

    An extra warning about the correct use of the value set.


    7.5.0 OperationDefinition Index

  • CPG PlanDefinition Apply

    The apply operation applies a PlanDefinition to a given context

  • CPG CarePlan Apply

    The apply operation applies any conditional logic within a CarePlan to a given context

  • CPG Library Evaluate

    Evaluates the contents of a library and returns the results as a Parameters resource.


    Evaluates a CQL expression and returns the results as a Parameters resource.

  • CPG Common Patient Summary

    The summary operation generates a patient summary for a patient


    7.6.0 PlanDefinition Index

  • CPG Common Pathway CPG_Common_Pathway
  • PlanDefinition - CPG Common Registration PlanDefinition_CPG_Common_Registration

    7.7.0 Profile Index

  • CPGAdministerMedicationActivity

    Definition of a proposal to administer a medication as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGAdministerMedicationTask

    Recommendation to administer a specific medication as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGArtifactBundle

    Defines the minimum expectations for an artifact bundle used to package and distribute artifact content

  • CPGAssetCollection

    Profile of the Library resource to describe a collection of related knowledge assets. The collection is a general purpose organizational structure for the purposes of distribution and dependency-management

  • CPGCarePlan

    CPG care plan represents the care plan for a specific patient. The care plan may be associated with management of a specific condition, and instantiated based on a particular pathway or strategy, or it may be a combined care plan, focused on the patient, and managing treatment for multiple conditions, instantiated based on multiple pathways and strategies

  • CPGCareTeam

    CPG care team represents a care team for a specific patient

  • CPGCareTeamDefinition

    Defines the minimum expectations for a definitional care team for use with computable guideline content

  • CPGCase

    CPG case represents a specific case of a patient enrolled in a particular pathway. The enrollment may have been automatic, prompted, or manual.

  • CPGCaseFeatureDefinition

    Profile of StructureDefinition to represent a case feature of a clinical practice guideline, optionally specifying formal computational semantics, as well as relationships to other case features and specific aspects of the guideline

  • CPGCasePlanProgressingNote

    CPG Case Plan Progressing Note combines relevant case features and feature groups with proposals, plans, and clinical impressions to provide a means to document patient progression with respect to a pathway in the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGCasePlanSummary

    CPG Case Plan Summary addresses information from the plan portion of the CPG, including patient-specific recommendations (i.e., proposals) along with their respective pertinent patient information and guideline recommendations that are either not applicable or not yet applicable to a specific patient

  • CPGCasePlanSummaryDefinition

    CPG Case Plan Summary Definition provides a computable definition for the case features and feature groups relevant to a particular pathway, strategy, or recommendation of a clinical practice guideline

  • CPGCaseSummary

    CPG Case Summary is the set of case features and feature groups that completely represent the case data scoped by the clinical practice guideline. This expresses the complete patient state at any given point in time.

  • CPGCaseSummaryDefinition

    CPG Case Summary Definition provides a computable definition for all the case features and feature groups relevant to a clinical practice guideline

  • CPGClinicalImpression

    CPG Clinical Impression captures clinician judgement at any particular point, and related to the case features and pathway, strategies, and recommendations.

  • CPGCollectInformationActivity

    Definition of a recommendation to collect information using a specific questionnaire as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGCommunication

    Documents a communication with a patient or other participant as an activity within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGCommunicationActivity

    Definition of a recommendation for a specific communication with the patient or other participant as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGCommunicationRequest

    Recommendation for a specific communication with the patient or other participant as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGComputableActivityDefinition

    Defines the minimum expectations and behavior for a computable activity definition for use with content conforming to the CPG implementation guide

  • CPGComputableGraphDefinition

    Profile of GraphDefinition to establish computable expectations for the use of the GraphDefinition resource

  • CPGComputableGuideline

    Profile of ImplementationGuide to describe a computable Clinical Practice Guideline

  • CPGComputableLibrary

    The computable library profile sets the minimum expectations for a computable CQL library

  • CPGComputableMetric

    Defines the minimum expectations and behavior for a computable metric for use with content conforming to the CPG implementation guide

  • CPGComputablePlanDefinition

    Defines the minimum expectations and behavior for a computable plan definition

  • CPGComputableValueSet

    Defines a computable value set as one that SHALL have an expression-based definition (i.e. a value set defined intensionally using expressions of the code systems involved) and MAY have an expansion included. The expression-based definition SHALL be represented in only one of three ways; using the compose element, using the expression extension, or using the rules-text extension to provide a step-by-step process for expanding the value set definition

  • CPGCondition

    CPG condition represents the minimum expectations for communicating condition/problem information as part of a CPG case

  • CPGDetectedIssue

    Documents a detected issue within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGDispenseMedicationActivity

    Definition of an activity to dispense a specific medication as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGDispenseMedicationTask

    Recommendation to dispense a specific medication as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGDocumentMedicationActivity

    Definition of an activity to document a specific medication as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGDocumentMedicationTask

    Recommendation to document the use of a specific medication as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGEncounter

    CPG encounter represents the minimum expectations for communicating encounter information as part of a CPG case

  • CPGEnrollmentActivity

    Definition of an activity to enroll or unenroll a patient in a strategy or pathway as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGEnrollmentTask

    Proposal to enroll the patient in a strategy or pathway as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGExecutableLibrary

    This profile sets the minimum expectations for an executable CQL library. Specifically, the profile requires that the library contain one of ELM XML or JSON content, the compiled representation of the CQL logic.

  • CPGExecutableValueSet

    Defines an executable value set as one that SHALL have an expansion included, as well as a usage warning indicating the expansion is a point-in-time snapshot and must be maintained over time for production usage.

  • CPGFlag

    Represents a flag on a patient record within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGGenerateReportActivity

    Definition of an activity to generate a metric, measure, or case report as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGGenerateReportTask

    Proposal to generate a metric, measure, or case report as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGGoal

    Defines the expectations for the representation of goals used in computable guidelines

  • CPGGroup

    Defines an actual group of subjects, suitable for use in various contexts, such as a enrollment in a pathway or participant in a study

  • CPGGroupDefinition

    Represents the definition of a group of subjects, suitable for use in various contexts, such as a cohort definition, a recommendation inclusion or exclusion criteria, the members of a study, or a population criteria

  • CPGImmunization

    Documents a particular immunization as an activity within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGImmunizationActivity

    Definition of a recommendation for a particular immunization as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGImmunizationRecommendation

    Recommendation for a particular immunization as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGLocation

    CPG location represents the minimum expectations for communicating location information as part of a CPG case

  • CPGLocationDefinition

    CPG location represents the minimum expectations for communicating a definitional location as part of computable guideline content

  • CPGMedicationAdministration

    Documents the administration of a particular medication as an activity within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGMedicationDispense

    Documents the dispensing of a particular medication as an activity within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGMedicationRequest

    Recommendation for a specific medication as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGMedicationRequestActivity

    Definition of a recommendation for a specific medication as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGMedicationStatement

    Documentation of the use of a particular medication as an activity within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGMetricReport

    Records a contextualized metric as calculated within the context of the implementation of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGObservation

    Documents a specific observation as an activity within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGOrderSetDefinition

    Profile of PlanDefinition as a Order Set for use with CPG Implementation Guide

  • CPGOrganization

    CPG organization represents the minimum expectations for communicating organization information as part of a CPG case

  • CPGPathwayDefinition

    Profile of PlanDefinition as a Clinical Pathway for use with CPG Implementation Guide. A pathway provides groupings of strategies to provide a longitudinal view of the guideline

  • CPGPatient

    Profile of Patient for use with CPG Implementation Guide

  • CPGPractitioner

    Profile of Practitioner for use with CPG Implementation Guide

  • CPGPractitionerRole

    Profile of PractitionerRole for use with CPG Implementation Guide

  • CPGPractitionerRoleDefinition

    Profile of PractitionerRole to establish definitional practitioner roles with the CPG Implementation Guide

  • CPGProcedure

    Documents a procedure as an activity within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGProposeDiagnosisActivity

    The definition of a recommendation to propose a specific diagnosis as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGProposeDiagnosisTask

    Recommendation to propose a specific diagnosis as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGPublishableActivityDefinition

    Defines the minimum expectations for a publishable activity definition

  • CPGPublishableCaseFeatureDefinition

    Profile of StructureDefinition to represent the minimum expectations for a publishable case feature of a clinical practice guideline

  • CPGPublishableCodeSystem

    Defines the expectations for publishable code systems used in computable content

  • CPGPublishableGraphDefinition

    Profile of GraphDefinition to describe the minimum expectations for a publishable Graph Definition

  • CPGPublishableGuideline

    Profile of ImplementationGuide to describe the minimum expectations for a publishable Clinical Practice Guideline

  • CPGPublishableLibrary

    The publishable library defines the must support elements that are important for implementers to use and understand a library

  • CPGPublishableMetric

    Defines the minimum expectations for a publishable metric for use with computable content

  • CPGPublishablePlanDefinition

    Profile of PlanDefinition that defines the minimum expectations for a publishable plan definition

  • CPGPublishableQuestionnaire

    Profile of Questionnaire to represent the minimum expectations for a publishable questionnaire used in a clinical practice guideline

  • CPGPublishableValueSet

    Defines the expectations for publishable value sets used in computable content.

  • CPGQuestionnaireResponse

    The response to a particular questionnaire as an activity within the context of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGQuestionnaireTask

    Recommendation to collect specific information using a particular questionnaire as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGRecommendationDefinition

    Profile of PlanDefinition as a Recommendation Definition for use with CPG Implementation Guide

  • CPGRecordDetectedIssueActivity

    Definition of a recommendation to record a specific detected issue as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGRecordDetectedIssueTask

    Recommendation to record a specific detected issue as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGRecordInferenceActivity

    Definition of a recommendation to record a specific inference as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGRecordInferenceTask

    Recommendation to record a particular inference as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGRelatedPerson

    CPG related person defines the minimum expectations for a person related to a patient in a CPG case, such as a care partner, spouse, or other related person

  • CPGReportFlagActivity

    Definition of a recommendation to report a particular flag as part of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGReportFlagTask

    Recommendation to report a flag as part of the delivery of a computable clinical practice guideline

  • CPGServiceRequest

    Recommendation for a particular procedure or referral to a specialist or instructions for self-care such as smoking cessation counseling or exercise

  • CPGServiceRequestActivity

    The definition of a recommendation for a particular procedure or referral to a specialist or instructions for self-care such as smoking cessation counseling or exercise

  • CPGShareableActivityDefinition

    Defines the minimum expectations for a shareable activity definition for use with computable guideline content. This profile derives from the ShareableActivityDefinition profile defined in the base FHIR specification, and adds support for declaring knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities.

  • CPGShareableCodeSystem

    Defines the minimum expectations for a shareable code systems described for use with computable content. This profile derives from the ShareableCodeSystem profile defined in the base FHIR specification, and adds support declaring knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities.

  • CPGShareableGraphDefinition

    Profile of GraphDefinition to establish minimum expectations for sharing an GraphDefinition resource, including URL, version, and name. This profile also provides the ability to declare knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities.

  • CPGShareableImplementationGuide

    Profile of ImplementationGuide to establish minimum expectations for sharing an ImplementationGuide resource in support of computable content, including URL, version, and name. The profile also provides the ability to declare knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities.

  • CPGShareableLibrary

    Defines the minimum expectations for a shareable library for use with computable content. This profile derives from the ShareableLibrary profile defined in the base FHIR specification, and adds support for declaring knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities.

  • CPGShareableMetric

    Defines the minimum expectations for a shareable metric definition described for use with computable content. This profile derives from the ShareableMeasure profile defined in the base FHIR specification, and adds support declaring knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities.

  • CPGShareablePlanDefinition

    Defines the minimum expectations for a shareable plan definition for use with computable guideline content. This profile derives from the ShareablePlanDefinition profile defined in the base FHIR specification, and adds support for declaring knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities.

  • CPGShareableQuestionnaire

    Profile of Questionnaire to establish minimum expectations for sharing a Questionnaire, including URL, version, and name. This profile also provides the ability to declare knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities

  • CPGShareableStructureDefinition

    Profile of StructureDefinition to establish minimum expectations for sharing a StructureDefinition including URL, name, and version. This profile also provides the ability to declare knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities.

  • CPGShareableValueSet

    Defines the minimum expectations for shareable value sets described in support of computable content. This profile derives from the ShareableValueSet profile defined in the base FHIR specification, and adds support for declaring knowledge representation level and knowledge artifact capabilities.

  • CPGStrategy

    Profile of RequestGroup as a Strategy for use with the CPG Implementation Guide. Strategies are patient-specific realiziations of strategy definitions and are used to represent aspects of a care plan that still contain optionality among related patient-specific recommendations, typically focused on a particular condition or state within the overall guideline or pathway

  • CPGStrategyDefinition

    Profile of PlanDefinition as a Strategy Definition for use with CPG Implementation Guide. Strategies are used to group recommendations together, typically focused on a particular condition or state within the overall guideline or pathway

  • CPGTask

    Defines the expectations common to tasks that represent activities used in computable guidelines

  • CPGTestCaseBundle

    The CPG Test Case Bundle Profile describes a shareable, published test case for a specific artifact

  • CPGWorkflowDefinition

    Profile of PlanDefinition as a Workflow Definition for use with CPG Implementation Guide


    7.8.0 Questionnaire Index

  • CPG Common Questionnaire - Identifying information CPG_Common_Questionnaire_Identity
  • CPG Common Questionnaire - Patient information CPG_Common_Questionnaire_Patient_Profile
  • CPG Common Questionnaire - Resolve Patient Match CPG_Common_Questionnaire_Resolve_Patient_Match

    7.9.0 ValueSet Index

  • CPG Activity Type

    A type of activity that can be performed as part of the delivery of guideline-based care

  • CPG Case Feature Type

    A type of activity that can be performed as part of the delivery of guideline-based care

  • CPG Case Feature Pertinence

    A type of activity that can be performed as part of the delivery of guideline-based care

  • CPG Recommendation Direction

    The direction of a recommendation, either for or against a particular action, taking into account the balance between desirable and undersirable outcomes; the confidence in the magnitude of estimates of effect; the confidence in values and preferences and their variability; and resource use.

  • CPG Knowledge Capability

    A capability afforded by a knowledge artifact, e.g. shareable, computable, publishable, executable

  • CPG Knowledge Representation Level

    A knowledge representation level, narrative, semi-structured, structured, and executable

  • CPG Indicator

    Indicates the urgency/importance of what this recommendation conveys

  • CPG Common Persona

    Common personas used to describe roles and participants in computable content

  • CPG Common Process

    Common processes used to describe the high-level, conceptual activities that occur as part of the delivery of guideline-based care
