Womens Health Technology Coordinated Registry Network Implementation Guide For Comment Ballot

This page is part of the Womens Health Technology Coordinated Registry Network FHIR IG (v0.1.0: STU 1 Draft) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v3.5.0. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Profiles defined as part of this Guide


US Core Profiles Reuse: The WHT CRN IG re-uses the following profiles from US-Core.

Note: Since the data elements are not finalized yet, we are starting with US Core profiles as needed for the specific data elements that overlap with US Core profiles. As new data elements get finalized and are required for WHT CRN project in addition to data elements already present in US Core, then new profiles for CRN project will be created. The table below lists example data elements that are being considered for each US Core profile that is relevant to WHT CRN project. For a comprehensive list of date elements being considered in addition to US Core data elements please refer to the data element spreadsheets documented as part of the CRN Overview.

These US Core profiles will only be reused to either auto populate the CRN Instrument or convert captured data from CRN Instruments into FHIR Resources.

US-Core profile Example Data Elements that are in addition to US-Core being considered
US Core Allergy Intolerance Profile None
US Core Condition (a.k.a Problem) Profile Bodysite, Manifestation, symptoms, Age
US Core Diagnostic Report Profile Based on, Specimen
US Core Immunization Profile None
US Core Location Profile None
US Core Medication Profile None
US Core MedicationRequest Profile None
US Core MedicationStatement Profile None
US Core Practitioner Profile None
US Core Results Profile Age of patient when observation was recorded, device information
US Core Smoking Status Profile Age of patient
US Core Organization Profile None
US Core Patient Profile Address, Marital Status, Contact Information
Vital Signs from FHIR Core None

SDC profiles Reuse

The WHT CRN IG re-uses the following profiles from SDC. SDC profiles are used for collecting observational data related to procedures, conditions and other aspects.

SDC profile Specific Usage for SDC profile
SDC Questionnaire Collect observational data
SDC QuestionnaireResponse Collect observational data
SDC Populatable Questionnaire Questionnaire with information required for auto or pre population
SDC Extractable Questionnaire Questionnaire with information that can be used to transform answers to FHIR Resources

PRO profiles Reuse

The WHT CRN IG re-uses the following profiles from PRO. The PRO profiles will be used to administer questionnaires such as QOL, AMSS, FSFI etc.

PRO profile Specific Usage for PRO profile
SDC Adaptive Questionnaire Collect PRO data (e.g QOL) and score data from patients
SDC Adaptive QuestionnaireResponse Collect PRO (e.g) data and score data from patients.

CRN Specific Profiles

The following are profiles that will be created specifically by CRN to collect Device and Procedure data.

  • Device-crn Device-crn
  • DeviceDefinition-crn DeviceDefinition-crn
  • Procedure-crn Procedure-crn

  • Feedback Required

    Please provide feedback and comments on the usage of the above listed profiles and their purpose through pilot and challenge implementations.


    There are currently no extensions defined for this implementaiton guide since the data elements list is still being finalized.