
A formally or informally recognized grouping of people or organizations formed for the purpose of achieving some form of collective action. Includes companies, institutions, corporations, departments, community groups, healthcare practice groups, payer/insurer, etc.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

identifier1..*List<Identifier>Identifier for the organization that is used to identify the organization across multiple disparate systems.
active1..1BooleanWhether the organization's record is still in active use.
type0..*List<Concept>The kind(s) of organization that this is.
Binding: Used to categorize the organization. (example)
name1..1StringA name associated with the organization.
alias0..*List<String>A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past.
telecom1..*List<ContactPoint>A contact detail for the organization.
address1..*List<Address>An address for the organization.
partOf0..1OrganizationThe organization of which this organization forms a part.
endpoint0..*List<Endpoint>Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization.