
Describes a comparison of an immunization event against published recommendations to determine if the administration is "valid" in relation to those recommendations.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

identifier0..*List<Identifier>A unique identifier assigned to this immunization evaluation record.
status1..1StringIndicates the current status of the evaluation of the vaccination administration event.
Binding: The status of the evaluation being done. (required)
patient1..1PatientThe individual for whom the evaluation is being done.
date1..1DateTimeThe date the evaluation of the vaccine administration event was performed.
authority0..1OrganizationIndicates the authority who published the protocol (e.g. ACIP).
targetDisease1..1ConceptThe vaccine preventable disease the dose is being evaluated against.
Binding: The vaccine preventable disease the dose is being evaluated against. (example)
immunizationEvent1..1ImmunizationThe vaccine administration event being evaluated.
doseStatus1..1ConceptIndicates if the dose is valid or not valid with respect to the published recommendations.
Binding: The status of the administered dose relative to the published recommendations for the target disease. (example)
doseStatusReason0..*List<Concept>Provides an explanation as to why the vaccine administration event is valid or not relative to the published recommendations.
Binding: The reason the dose status was assigned. (example)