
Prospective warnings of potential issues when providing care to the patient.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

status1..1StringSupports basic workflow.
Binding: Indicates whether this flag is active and needs to be displayed to a user, or whether it is no longer needed or was entered in error. (required)
category0..*List<Concept>Allows a flag to be divided into different categories like clinical, administrative etc. Intended to be used as a means of filtering which flags are displayed to particular user or in a given context.
Binding: A general category for flags for filtering/display purposes. (example)
code1..1ConceptThe coded value or textual component of the flag to display to the user.
Binding: Detail codes identifying specific flagged issues. (example)
subject1..1Patient | Location | Group | Organization | PractitionerThe patient, location, group, organization, or practitioner etc. this is about record this flag is associated with.
period0..1Interval<DateTime>The period of time from the activation of the flag to inactivation of the flag. If the flag is active, the end of the period should be unspecified.