Quality Improvement Core Framework (v3.3.0: STU 4 Ballot 1). The current version is 3.2.0 based on FHIR R4. See the Directory of published versions
NOTE: The examples throughout this topic have been simplified to illustrate specific usage. Refer to the originating context for complete expressions.
For observations that have established profiles in US-Core, QI-Core uses those profiles:
Profile | Description |
Vital Signs Profile | The FHIR Vital Signs profile sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search and fetch the vital signs associated with a patient that include the primary vital signs plus additional measurements such as height, weight and BMI. |
Smoking Status Profile | This profile sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search and fetch smoking status data associated with a patient. |
Laboratory Result Profile | This profile sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource resource to record, search and fetch laboratory test results associated with a patient. |
Pediatric Bmi For Age Profile | This profile sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search and fetch pediatric body mass index (BMI) per age and gender observations associated with a patient. |
Pediatric Weight For Height Profile | This profile sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search and fetch pediatric weight for height and age observations associated with a patient. |
For all other observations, use the QICore-Observation profile.
Example source: MATGlobalCommonFunctions
define "Inpatient Encounter":
[Encounter: "Encounter Inpatient"] EncounterInpatient
where EncounterInpatient.status = 'finished'
and "LengthInDays"(EncounterInpatient.period) <= 120
and EncounterInpatient.period ends during "Measurement Period"
Example source: EXM105
define "Inpatient Encounter with Principal Diagnosis of Ischemic Stroke":
"Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
let PrincipalDiagnosis:
(singleton from (Encounter.diagnosis D where D.role ~ ToConcept("Billing") and D.rank = 1)) PD
return singleton from ([Condition: id in Last(Split(PD.condition.reference, '/'))])
where PrincipalDiagnosis.code in "Ischemic Stroke"
Note that the FHIRHelpers.ToConcept usage is intended to be implicit and will be unnecessary once QUICK is fully supported.
Example source: VTE-1
define "Inpatient Encounter With Principal Procedure of SCIP VTE Selected Surgery":
"Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
let PrincipalProcedure:
singleton from (
Encounter.extension E
where E.url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/us/qicore/StructureDefinition/qicore-encounter-procedure'
and exists (E.extension I where I.url = 'type' and I.value ~ "Primary procedure")
return singleton from (
E.extension I where I.url = 'procedure' return GetProcedure(I.value)
where PrincipalProcedure.code in "SCIP VTE Selected Surgery"
define function GetProcedure(reference Reference):
singleton from ["Procedure": id in GetId(reference.reference))]
define function GetId(uri String):
Last(Split(uri, '/'))
Example source: EXM72_FHIR-8.1.0_TJC.cql
define "Condition of Intravenous or Intra arterial Thrombolytic (tPA) Therapy Prior to Arrival":
Condition: "Intravenous or Intra arterial Thrombolytic (tPA) Therapy Prior to Arrival"] PriorTPA
where clinicalStatus in { 'active', 'recurrence', 'relapse' }
Note that verificationStatus is not being checked due to feedback received that it may be difficult for implementers to retrieve the element.
Example source: EXM108_FHIR
define "VTE Prophylaxis by Medication Administered":
["MedicationAdministration": medication in "Low Dose Unfractionated Heparin for VTE Prophylaxis"] VTEMedication
where VTEMedication.status = 'completed'
and VTEMedication.dosage.route in "Subcutaneous route"
Example source: EXM104_FHIR-8.1.000_TJC.cql
define "Antithrombotic Therapy at Discharge":
["MedicationRequest": "Antithrombotic Therapy"] Antithrombotic
where exists (Antithrombotic.category C where FHIRHelpers.ToConcept(C) ~ "Discharge")
and Antithrombotic.intent = 'order'
Note that the FHIRHelpers.ToConcept usage is intended to be implicit and will be unnecessary once QUICK is fully supported.
define "Antithrombotic Not Given at Discharge":
["MedicationRequest": "Antithrombotic Therapy"] NoAntithromboticDischarge
// STU3
where exists (
NoAntithromboticDischarge.extension E
where E.url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/us/davinci-deqm/STU3/StructureDefinition/extension-doNotPerform'
and E.value is true
// R4
//where NoAntithromboticDischarge.doNotPerform is true
and (singleton from NoAntithromboticDischarge.reasonCode in "Medical Reason"
or singleton from NoAntithromboticDischarge.reasonCode in "Patient Refusal")
// NOTE: On the assumption that status of not-taken is the closest to what the measure is looking for, this is the expression:
// Ballot-note: Request discussion w/ Pharmacy regarding how medications not prescribed at discharged would be documented
//define "Antithrombotic Not Given at Discharge R4":
// ["MedicationStatement": "Antithrombotic Therapy"] AntithromboticTherapy
// where AntithromboticTherapy.status = 'not-taken'
// and (AntithromboticTherapy.statusReason in "Medical Reason"
// or AntithrombtoicTherapy.statusReason in "Patient Refusal")
Example source: EXM108_FHIR
define "No VTE Prophylaxis Medication Administered":
["MedicationAdministration": medication in "Low Dose Unfractionated Heparin for VTE Prophylaxis"] MedicationAdm
where MedicationAdm.status = 'not-done'
Example source: EXM108_FHIR
define "No VTE Prophylaxis Medication Ordered":
["MedicationRequest": medication in "Low Dose Unfractionated Heparin for VTE Prophylaxis"] MedicationOrder
where MedicationOrder.intent = 'order'
and MedicationOrder.doNotPerform is true
Ballot-note: Note that the MedicationRequest status element is not being checked here. What is the status element expected to be for a MedicationRequest with doNotPerform set to true?
Example source: EXM108_FHIR
define "Intervention Comfort Measures":
(["ServiceRequest": "Comfort Measures"] P
where P.intent = 'order')
(["Procedure": "Comfort Measures"] IntervetionPerformed
where IntervetionPerformed.status = 'completed')
Example source: EXM108_FHIR
define "VTE Prophylaxis by Device Applied":
["DeviceUseStatement": code in "Intermittent pneumatic compression devices (IPC)"]
union ["DeviceUseStatement": code in "Venous foot pumps (VFP)"]
union ["DeviceUseStatement": code in "Graduated compression stockings (GCS)"]
) DeviceApplied
where DeviceApplied.status = 'completed'
Example source: EXM108_FHIR
define "No VTE Prophylaxis Device Applied":
(["DeviceUseStatement": code in "Venous foot pumps (VFP)"]
union ["DeviceUseStatement": code in "Intermittent pneumatic compression devices (IPC)"]
union ["DeviceUseStatement": code in "Graduated compression stockings (GCS)"]
) DeviceApplied
where GetExtension(DeviceApplied.extension, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/us/qicore/StructureDefinition/qicore-deviceusestatement-notDone').value is true
Example source: EXM108_FHIR
define "No VTE Prophylaxis Device Ordered":
["DeviceRequest": code in "Venous foot pumps (VFP)"]
union ["DeviceRequest": code in "Intermittent pneumatic compression devices (IPC)"]
union ["DeviceRequest": code in "Graduated compression stockings (GCS)"]
) DevideOrder
where DevideOrder.intent = 'Order'
and GetExtension(DevideOrder.extension, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/request-doNotPerform').value is true