Da Vinci Clinical Data Exchange (CDex)
2.1.0 - STU 2.1 United States of America flag

This page is part of the Da Vinci Clinical Documentation Exchange (v2.1.0: STU2) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

CDex Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

Data Consumer Client CapabilityStatement

This CapabilityStatement describes the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci CDex Data Consumer in Client mode when requesting clinical data from the Data Source during clinical data exchange. The capabilities include one or more of the following interactions:

  1. Requesting and Fetching Clinical Data using a FHIR RESTful query
  2. Requesting and Fetching Clinical Data using a Task-based query including:
    • Polling or Subscribing for Task update notifications
  3. Requesting Attachments
    • Requesting Attachments Using Attachments Codes
    • Requesting Attachments Using Questionnaires
Data Consumer Server CapabilityStatement

This CapabilityStatement describes the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci CDex Data Consumer in Server mode when responding to a Data Source or one of its proxies during clinical data exchange. The capabilities include one or more of the following interactions:

  1. Responding to a query for authorization information represented by a CommunicationRequest or ServiceRequest
  2. Responding to the $submit-attachment operation.
Data Source Client CapabilityStatement

This CapabilityStatement describes the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci CDex Data Source in Client mode during clinical data exchange with a Data Consumer. The capabilities include one or more of the following interactions:

  1. Post the $submit-attachment operation to a Data Consumer endpoint.
  2. Launch Da Vinci DTR.
  3. Query for Authorization information represented by a CommunicationRequest or ServiceRequest.
  4. Post a subscription notification to a Data Consumer endpoint updating the status of a task.
Data Source Server CapabilityStatement

This CapabilityStatement describes the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci CDex Data Source in Server mode when responding to a Data Consumer during clinical data exchange. The capabilities include one or more of the following interactions:

  1. Responding to a FHIR RestFul Query for Clinical Data
  2. Responding to a Task-based query request for clinical data including:
    • Polling or Subscription requests for Task update notifications
  3. Responding to
    • Requesting Attachments Using Attachments Codes
    • Requesting Attachments Using Questionnaires

Attachments Profiles

Profiles Associated with CDex Attachments Transactions

CDex Task Attachment Request Profile

Payers use this Task based profile to request additional documentation ("attachments") for claims or prior authorizations. It constrains the Task resource to minimal necessary data elements needed to request attachments and respond in a way that is compatible with existing X12 277 RFAI and 278 response transactions to allow for association and requests for (typically PDF and CCDA) documents using LOINC and X12 standard codes. It also supports requests for more detailed missing data using Questionnaire, CQL, and QuestionnaireResponse, as supported by Da Vinci DTR.

It constrains the following elements to be mandatory (min=1):

  • A contained Patient Resource defined by the CDex Patient Demographics Profile and communicating additional patient demographic data elements.
  • A contained PractitionerRole Resource defined by the CDex PractitionerRole Profile to communicate the provider ID as either a unique organization/location identifier (e.g., Type 2 NPI) or unique provider identifier (e.g., Type 1 NPI) or both.
  • A Task.identifier element representing the payers tracking identifier (referred to as the “re-association tracking control numbers”)
  • A Task.status with a required binding to HRex Task Status ValueSet (this element is a mandatory Task element). For guidance when the provider cannot complete the Task, refer to the When The Task Cannot Be Completed section.
  • A Task.intent element that is fixed to "order" (this element is a mandatory Task element)
  • A Task.code of either "attachment-request-code" or "attachment-request-questionnaire" communicating that the Payer is requesting attachments for a claim or prior authorization using a code or data request questionnaire.
    • If the code is "attachment-request-code", the provider system returns attachment(s) identified by the attachment code(s) in the "AttachmentsNeeded" input parameter.
    • If the code is "attachment-request-questionnaire", the provider system uses Documentation Templates and Rules (DTR) to complete the Questionnaire(s) referenced in the "QuestionnaireContext" input parameter.
    • When either code is present, the provider system uses the $submit-attachment operation to return the information to the endpoint provided in the "PayerUrl" input parameter.
  • A Task.requester.identifier element representing the Payer ID
  • A Task.owner.reference element that is fixed to "#practionerrole" - a reference to the contained PractitionerRole Resource that represents the Provider ID.
  • A Task.for.reference element that is fixed to "#patient" - a reference to the contained Patient Resource that represents patient demographic data.
  • A Task.reasonCode to communicate whether the attachments are for a claim or prior authorization.
  • A Task.reasonReference.reference referencing the claim or prior authorization ID (business Identifier).
  • A "PayerUrl" Task.input element representing the Payer endpoint URL the provider uses when submitting attachments with the [$submit-attachment](OperationDefinition-submit-attachment.html) operation.

It constrains the following elements to be must support (min=0):

  • A Task.Restriction.period element representing the due date for submitting the attachments
  • A Task.statusReason.text to communicate the reason for the status (for example, if the Task is rejected or failed)
  • A "AttachmentsNeeded" Task.input element to communicate to the provider what attachments are needed using LOINC or X12 attachment codes.*
  • A "AttachmentsNeeded" or "QuestionnaireContext" Task.input element extension that communicates claim or prior authorization line item numbers associated with the attachment or questionnaire.
  • A "signature" Task.input element. This is a flag to indicate whether the requested data requires a signature. For more information about requiring and requesting signatures, refer to the Signatures section.
  • A "service-date" Task.input element representing the date of service or starting date of the service for the claim or prior authorization. It SHALL be present if the attachment is for a claim.

It defines the following optional elements:

* Either a "AttachmentsNeeded" or a "QuestionnaireContext" Task.input element is required

CDex PractitionerRole Profile

This Profile is defined as a contained resource within the CDex Task Attachment Request Profile. It is referenced by Task.owner to communicate the provider ID as a unique organization/location identifier (e.g., Type 2 NPI), or unique provider identifier (e.g., Type 1 NPI), or both. It constrains the following elements to be must support (min=0).:

  • A default resource ID of "practitionerrole"
  • A practitioner.identifier
  • An organization.identifier

At least a practitioner identifier or organization identifier SHALL be present.

CDex Patient Demographics Profile

This Profile is defined as a contained resource within the CDex Task Attachment Request Profile or CDex Task Data Request Profile. It is referenced when additional patient demographic data is communicated for a clinical data request (such as verifying patient identity for HIPAA compliance regulations). It constrains the following elements to be mandatory (min=1):

  • A default resource ID of "patient"
  • A member ID identifier slice
  • A patient's name

and the following element to be must support (min=0):

  • A patient account number identifier slice
  • A date of birth
CDex Parameters Submit Attachment Profile

The Parameters profile for Da Vinci Submit Attachment Operation

Attachments Operations

Operations Associated with CDex Attachments Transactions

Submit Attachment Operation

Providers use this operation to submit solicited and unsolicited attachments or additional information for claims or prior authorization. The $submit-attachment operation accepts the clinical/administrative attachments and the information required to associate them with the claim or prior authorization and returns an HTTP response. For unsolicited attachments, the Provider invokes this operation before, concurrently, or after the claim or pre-authorization transaction. For solicited attachments, the Provider invokes it when responding to a Payer request for attachments or additional information. Any HTTP endpoint can use $submit-attachment, not just FHIR RESTful server endpoints. Implementers of CDex's Unsolicited Attachments SHOULD support the Endpoint Discovery Strategy defined in the Da Vinci HRex specification to allow discovery of the endpoint for this operation. For Solicited Attachments, the $submit-attachment endpoint is supplied in the CDex Task Attachment Request Profile

The input parameters are:

  1. One or more attachments as FHIR Resources
    • Optionally, one or more unique line item numbers associated with the attachment
    • Optionally, the attachment code used to request the information
  2. Data elements for the association to the claim/prior authorization
    • A unique identifier that ties the attachment(s) back to the claim or prior authorization. (referred to as the "re-association tracking control numbers")
    • What are the attachments for:
      • Claims
      • Prior Authorizations
    • Optionally, a unique payer identifier
    • A unique organization/location identifier (e.g., Type 2 NPI) or unique provider identifier (e.g., Type 1 NPI)
    • A unique Patient member identifier
    • A Date of Service
    • A Flag indicating whether the operation is the last attachment submission for the claim or prior authorization.

There are no output parameters.

Attachments Terminology

ValueSets Associated with CDex Attachments Transactions

CDex Claim Use Value Set

The purpose of a Claim resource and the reason for attachments. It includes the codes "preauthorization" and "claim".

CDex LOINC Attachment Codes Value Set

This value set includes LOINC terms that can be sent by a payer as part of an HL7 attachment request for additional information. It has been curated by the HL7 Payer/Provider Information Exchange (PIE) Work Group. More information about using LOINC in HIPAA attachments and the source of this value set can be found at LOINC Attahments.

CDex PWK01 Attachment Report Type Code Value Set

In addition to using LOINC attachment codes, a payer may request for additional information from the provider to support a prior authorization request using X12's PWK01 Attachment Report Type Code.

Note that the PWK01 codes will not be published in due to X12 IP restrictions.

Attachments Examples

Examples Associated with CDex Attachments Transactions

CDex Task Example 19

Claim Attachment Request Example: Claim Attachment Request sent by payer to a provider requesting a signed Progress note (H&P) note

CDex Task Example 20

Prior-Auth Attachment Request Example: Prior Authorization Attachment Request with a POU of "coverage authorization" sent by payer to a provider requesting a signed History and physical (H&P) note.

CDex Task Example 22

Request Additional Data using a Questionnaire: Prior Authorization Attachment Request with a POU of "coverage authorization" sent by payer to a provider requesting a data request questionnaire be completed.

CDex Task Example 23

Request Additional Data using an Adaptive Questionnaire: Prior Authorization Attachment Request with a POU of "coverage authorization" sent by payer to a provider requesting an adaptive questionnaire be completed.

CDex Task Example 24

Completed Request for Additional Data using a Questionnaire: Completed Task for CDex Task Example 22. This example has a status of "completed" and a "lastModified" date of 6/17/2022. The "reasonCode" is "request additional data" and the "output" is a QuestionnaireResponse.

CDex Task Example 25

Completed Request for Additional Data Using an Adaptive Questionnaire: Completed Task for CDex Task Example 23. This example has a status of "completed" and a "lastModified" date of 6/17/2022. The "reasonCode" is "request additional data" and the "output" is a QuestionnaireResponse.

CDex Task Example 28

Request Additional Data Requiring a Verification Signature Using a Questionnaire: Prior Authorization Attachment Request with a POU of "coverage authorization" and Signature required sent by payer to a provider requesting a data request questionnaire be completed and signed.

CDex Task Example 29

Completed Request for Additional Data Requiring a Verification Signature Using a Questionnaire: Completed Prior Authorization Attachment Request (CDex Task Example 28) with a status of "completed" and output referencing the digitally signed QuestionnaireResponse.

CDex Parameters Example 1

CCDA Attachment Example: Parameters Resource example showing how it is used to submit attachments using the $submit-attachment operation. It contains a CCDA attachment and the necessary information needed to associate them to the claim.

CDex Parameters Example 2

Signed FHIR Document Attachment Example: Parameters Resource example showing how it is used to submit attachments using the $submit-attachment operation. It contains a Signed FHIR Document attachment and the necessary information needed to associate it to a claim.

CDex Parameters Example 3

PDF Attachment Example: Parameters Resource example showing how it is used to submit attachments using the $submit-attachment operation. It contains a PDF attachment and the necessary information needed to associate them to the claim.

CDex Parameters Example 4

Laboratory Results Attachment Example: Parameters Resource example showing how it is used to submit multiple attachments using the $submit-attachment operation. It contains 3 Hemoglobin A1c results as attachments and the necessary information needed to associate them to the claim.

CDex Parameters Example 5

Completed QuestionnaireResponse Attachment Example: Parameters Resource example showing how it is used to submit a solicited attachment using the $submit-attachment operation. The attachment parameter payload is a QuestionnaireResponse completed using DTR in response to a Questionnaire sent in the Attachments request.

Task Based Approach Profiles

Profiles Associated with CDex Task Based Approach Transactions

CDex Task Data Request Profile

This Task profile is used to solicit information from a system. The Data Consumer uses it when direct query transactions are not an option, and the transaction may require human intervention. It represents both the data request and the returned "data request". Data requests are supplied as codes, free-text, or FHIR Restful queries. It can also support requests for more detailed missing data using Questionnaire, CQL, and QuestionnaireResponse as supported by Da Vinci DTR.

It constrains the following elements to be mandatory (min=1):

  • A Task.status with a required binding to HRex Task Status ValueSet (this element is a mandatory Task element). For guidance when the provider is not able to complete the Task, refer to the When The Task Cannot Be Completed section.
  • A Task.intent fixed to "order" (this element is a mandatory Task element)
  • A Task.code of "data-request-query", "data-request-code", or "data-request-questionnaire" communicating that the Data Consumer is requesting data using a FHIR RESTful query, a code (or free text), or a data request questionnaire.
    • If the code is "data-request-query", the provider system returns data(s) identified by the FHIR RESTful query in the "query" input parameter.
    • If the code is "data-request-code", the provider system returns data(s) identified by the LOINC code in the "code" input parameter.
    • If the code is "data-request-questionnaire", the provider system uses Documentation Templates and Rules (DTR) to complete the Questionnaire referenced in the "questionnaire" input parameter.
  • A Task.for element representing the member (i.e.,patient) for whom the data is being requested
  • A Task.authoredOn to communicate the date and time this task was created
  • A Task.requester element communicating who is requesting the data
  • A Task.owner element representing the Provider who is being asked to provide the data

It constrains following elements to be must support (min=0):

  • A Task.identifier element representing the unique data request identifier
  • A Task.basedOn element to communicate the order (ServiceRequest, CommunicationRequest, etc.) that authorizes the data request
  • A Task.statusReason.text to communicate the reason for the status (for example, if the Task is rejected or failed)
  • A Task.businessStatus.text element representing the progress in retrieving the data (for example, "waiting on internal review").
  • A Task.for.reference.identifier element representing a patient business identifier like a Member ID
  • A Task.requester.reference.identifier element representing the Data Consumer business identifier
  • A Task.owner.reference.identifier element representing the Provider business identifier
  • A Task.reasonCode.text to communicate why the data is being requested
  • A Task.reasonReference.reference.identifier for the claim, pre-auth or coverage business identifier*
  • A "query" Task.input element to communicate to the provider what information is needed using a FHIR RESTful query.*
  • A "code" Task.input element to communicate to the provider what information is needed using a LOINC code.*
    • For the "code" Task.input element, an extensible LOINC® Document types value set to communicate the specific information being requested
  • A Task.input element representing a flag to indicate whether the requested data requires a signature
  • A "data" Task.output element referring to FHIR resource(s) representing the result(s) of the data request.

It defines the following elements to be optional:

It prohibits the following elements (max=0):

  • Task.focus

* Either a "query", "code", or "questionnaire" Task.input element is required

Task Based Approach Terminology

ValueSets Associated with CDex Task Based Approach Transactions

CDex Work Queue Value Set

The set work queue tags that the provider may use in their workflow to process requests. This code set is composed of codes defined by this Guide.

CDex Data Request Task Code Value Set

Codes used to identify the type of data request. It includes the codes “data-request-query”, “data-request-code”, and “data-request-questionnaire”.

Task Based Approach Examples

Examples Associated with CDex Task Based Approach Transactions

CDex Task Example 1

Query String Request for Condition: Task to seek a patient's active conditions using the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 2

Completed Query String Request for Condition: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 3

Completed Query String Request for Condition with Contained Output: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input and using a contained resource for the output data. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 4

Free Text Request for Condition: Task to seek a patient active conditions using free text in the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 5

Completed Free Text Request for Condition: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions using free text for the input in the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 6

Coded Request for Progress note: Task to seek a patient's latest Progress notes using the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors.

CDex Task Example 7

Completed Coded Request for Progress note - PDF: Completed Task to seek a patient''''s latest Progress notes using the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors. The output data is a contained DocumentReference with an inline base64 encoded PDF document.

CDex Task Example 8

Completed Coded RequestOperative note -CCDA: Completed Task to seek a patient's Operative notes using the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors. The output data is a contained DocumentReference with an inline base64 encoded CCDA document.

CDex Task Example 9

Failed Coded Request for A1C Results: Task to seek a patient's HbA1c test results using the CDex Profile query input with a failed status. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors.

CDex Task Example 10

Coded Request for A1C Results: Task to seek a patient's HbA1c test results using the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors.

CDex Task Example 11

Query String Request for Condition with Authorization: In this provider to provider request, a Task is used to request a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input. A reference to a formal authorization is provided. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 12

Completed Query String Request for Condition with Authorization: In this completed provider to provider request, a Task is used to request a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input. A reference to a formal authorization is provided. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 13

Free Text Request for Condition with Provenance: Task to seek a patient active conditions and its provenance using free text in the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 14

Completed Free Text Request for Condition with Provenance: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions and its provenance using free text in the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 15

Query String Request for Condition with Provenance: Task to seek a patient active conditions and its provenance using query string in the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 16

Completed Query String Request for Condition with Provenance: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions their provenance using the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 17

Query String Request for Signed Condition Data: Task to seek a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input and using the signature input to indicate a signature is required. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 18

Completed Query String Request for Signed Condition Data: Completed Task to seek a signed patient active conditions. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors.

CDex Task Example 21

Coded Request for Surgical Operation Note: Task to seek a patient's latest operative notes using the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors.

CDex Task Example 26

Data Request Using a Questionnaire: Task to seek reason for home oxygen therapy using the CDex Profile questionnaire input. This example illustrates the use of Questionnaire to request data from a data source

CDex Task Example 27

Completed Data Request Using a Questionnaire: Completed Task for CDex Task Example 26. This example has a status of "completed" and a "lastModified" date of 6/19/2022. The "output" is a QuestionnaireResponse.Task to seek reason for home oxygen therapy.

CDex Task Example 30

Data Request Requiring a Verification Signature Using Questionnaire: Task to seek reason for home oxygen therapy using the CDex Profile questionnaire input. This example illustrates the use of Questionnaire to request data from a data source and requires a digitally signed QuestionnaireResponse.

CDex Task Example 31

Completed Data Request Requiring a Verification Signature Using Questionnaire: Completed Task (CDex Task Example 30) with a status of "completed" and output referencing the digitally signed QuestionnaireResponse.

Direct Query Examples

Examples Associated with CDex Direct Query (FHIR RESTful search) Approach Transactions

Direct Query for Patient's Active Conditions

Bundle example used in direct query transactions scenario 1 and in task based transactions - for example, scenario 1a.

Direct Query Response Including Provenance

Bundle example used in the direct query scenario that includes the corresponding Provenance records. Payer Seeks Insured Person/Patient Active Conditions from Provider to support a claims audit.

Direct Query for Patient's Progress Notes

Bundle example used in direct query scenario 3. Payer Seeks Insured Person/Patient Progress Notes from Provider to support a claim submission.

Direct Query for Patient's HbA1c Test Results

Bundle example used in direct query scenario 2. Payer Seeks Insured Person/Patient HbA1c Test Results from Provider

Questionnaire Profiles

Questionnaire profiles used in both CDex Attachments and Task Based Approach Transactions

CDex SDC QuestionnaireResponse Profile

This profile is derived from the US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile profile and enforces the various elements of signature documented in the CDex guide to represent an enveloped signature. It adds the following constraints:

  • The signature extensions use the CDex Signature Profile

Questionnaire Examples

Questionnaire examples used in both CDex Attachments and Task Based Approach Transactions

CDex Questionnaire Example1

This example is a simple data request Questionnaire used in the Task Based and Attachments transactions. It is adapted from the Da Vinci DTR IG.

CDex QuestionnaireResponse Example1

This Questionnaire Response example demonstrates the response to a CDEX Data Query or Attachments that uses a Questionnaire to request the data. It is adapted from the Da Vinci DTR IG.

CDex QuestionnaireResponse Example2

This Questionnaire Response example demonstrates the response to a CDEX Data Query or Attachments that uses a Questionnaire to request the data. The Questionnaire is an adaptive questionnaire and the resulting QuestionnaireResponse contains the generated Questionnaire instance. This example is adapted from the Da Vinci DTR IG. For more information about adaptive questionnaires in FHIR see the SDC Implementation Guide.

Signature Profiles

Profiles Associated with CDex Signatures

CDex Signature Profile

This Signature DataType profile enforces the various elements of signature documented in the CDex guide. It adds the following mandatory (min=1) constraints:

  • A Signature.type fixed to ASTM Standard, E1762-95(2013) code = “1.2.840.10065.” (Verification Signature)
  • A Signature.who for the organization or practitioner who signed the Bundle which is either:
    1. a reference to US-Core Practitioner, US-Core PractitionerRole, or US-Core Organization or
    2. an NPI or Tax ID and name of the organization or practitioner
  • A Signature.data representing the base64 encoded Signature (JWS, image, etc)

In addition, the following mandatory (min=1) element is inherited from the base standard:

  • Signature.when - a system timestamp when the signature was created
CDex Signature Bundle Profile

This Bundle profile enforces the various elements of signature documented in the CDex guide to represent an enveloped signature. It adds the following mandatory (min=1) constraint:

Signature Terminology

ValueSets Associated with CDex Signatures

CDex Identifier Types Value Set

Identifier types for providers and organizations. It includes the codes “TAX” and “NPI”.

Signature Examples

Examples Associated with CDex Signatures (Several examples are in Task Based and Attachments Examples groupings as well)

CDEX SearchSet Bundle with Digital Signature Example

Digital signature example showing how it is used to sign a search set Bundle. The CDEX use case would be a response to a Direct Query where a digital signature was required.

CDEX Document with Digital Signature Example

Digital signature example showing how it is used to sign a FHIR Document. The CDEX use case would be the target resource in response to a Task-based request where a digital signature was required. If no signature was required, the response would typically be in the form of an individual resource.

CDEX Document with Electronic Signature Example

Electronic signature example showing how an image file can be used to sign a document Bundle. The CDEX use case would be the target resource in response to a Task-based request where an electronic signature was required. If no signature was required, the response would typically be in the form of an individual resource.

CDex Questionnaire Example2

This example is a simple data request Questionnaire used in the Task Based and Attachments transactions. It indicates that a verification signature is needed when completing the QuestionnaireResponse. It is adapted from the Da Vinci DTR IG.

CDex QuestionnaireResponse Example3

This Questionnaire Response example demonstrates the response to a CDEX Data Query or Attachments that uses a Questionnaire to request the data when an electronic verification signature is required. It is adapted from the Da Vinci DTR IG. The electronic signature is an image file in the QuestionnaireResponse signature extension. This example is adapted from the Da Vinci DTR IG.

CDex QuestionnaireResponse Example4

This Questionnaire Response example demonstrates the response to a CDEX Data Query or Attachments that uses a Questionnaire to request the data and an electronic digital Verification signature is required. It is adapted from the Da Vinci DTR IG. The digital signature is a JSON FHIR Signature in the QuestionnaireResponse signature extension. This example is adapted from the Da Vinci DTR IG.

Common Terminology

ValueSets and CodeSystems used in both CDex Attachments and Task Based Approach Transactions

CDex Purpose of Use Value Set

The set of purpose of use (POU) codes for requesting data. This code set is composed of FHIR core Purpose of Use security labels and additional codes defined by this Guide.

CDex Temporary Code System

Codes temporarily defined as part of the CDex implementation guide. These will eventually migrate into an officially maintained terminology (likely HL7's UTG code systems).

Inline Examples

These examples are used in the inline example scenarios throughout the guide. They are listed here so the implementation guide's publication tooling can validate them against the CDex profile definitions. Since they are used to illustrate "over-the-wire" transactions, the rendered narrative and id elements are often absent.

CDex Inline Task Example 1

Task example used to create inline scenarios for example tasked-based transactions based in scenarios 1a, 1c and 4.

CDex Inline Task Example 4

Task example used to create example task based transactions using free text inputs

CDex Task Inline Example 6

Task example used to create inline task based scenario for progress note exam notes as PDF

CDex Inline Task Example 21

Task example used to create inline task based scenarios for surgical notes as ccda documents

CDex Inline Task Example 10

Task example used to create inline task based scenarios for and example unsuccessful task based transaction

CDex Inline Task Example 11

Task example used to create inline scenarios for task based transaction with a formal authorization.

CDex Inline Task Example 13

Task example used to create inline requests for provenance using task based transaction

CDex Inline Task Example 15

Task example used to create inline requests for provenance using task based transaction

CDex Inline Task Example 17

Task example used to create inline scenarios for a signed task based transaction

CDex Inline Task Example 19

Task example used to create inline scenarios for the requesting attachments using codes transaction

CDex Inline Task Example 22

Task example used to create inline requesting attachments using questionnaire transaction

CDex Inline Task Example 26

Task example used to create inline task based scenarios using questionnaire as task input

Inline Subscription Task Scenario1 Subscription Requested

Subscription example used to create inline scenarios for the example task based transaction using subscription

Inline Subscription Task Scenario1 Subscription Active

Subscription example used to create inline scenarios for the example task based transaction using subscription

Inline Subscription Task Scenario1 Subscription Notification

Notification Bundle example used to create inline scenarios for the example task based transaction using subscription

CDex Bundle Inline Example 858p

Bundle example used to create inline requests for provenance using task based transaction

CDex Condition Inline Example 858

Condition example used to create inline scenarios for this guide

CDex Provenance Inline Example 858

Provenance example used to create inline scenarios for this guide

Inline CDex Task Inline Communicationrequest Example 1

CommunicationRequest example used to create inline scenarios for this guide.

CDex Questionnaireresponse Inline Example 1

QuestionnaireResponse example example used to create inline task based scenarios using questionnaire as task input

CDex Inline OperationOutcome Example 1

OperationOutcome example used to create inline scenarios for this guide


R4 example of a CapabilityStatement advertising support for CDex Task Update topic-based subscription